Quest Around the Multiverse

Chapter 25

|Water Rune| |Level: 100 (MAX)| |Need Flowing Rune to be upgraded|

{Passive: Control water around you. The higher the level, the more water you can control.}

{Active: Every spell does not use mana and is more powerful the higher the level.}


{Kindness Drops: Fully heal yourself or one ally (and cure status abnormalities) (Cannot generate lost limbs.} {Can be used seven times per day cycle}

{Ice Spike: Generate five ice spikes and throw them at the enemy. {Can be used five times per day cycle}

{Kindness Rain: Make a rain that heals you and your ally in a three-hundred radius. (Can be used three times per day cycle)}

{Silent Lake: Block all magic attacks for one hour} {Can be used once per day cycle}

|Lightning Rune| |Level: 100 (MAX)| |Need Thunder rune to be upgraded|

{Passive: Generate lightning at will. The higher the level, the more powerful the lightning you generate}

{Active: Every spell does not use mana and is more powerful the higher the level.}


{Thunder Runner: Summon a beam made of lightning from the tip of your finger} {Can be used seven times per day cycle}

{Berserk Blow: A powerful lightning bolt appeared from above and struck your enemy} {Can be used five times per day cycle}

{Soaring Blow: Fire a ball of lightning that attacks all of your enemies within fifty meters radius.} {Can be used three times per day cycle}

{Furious Blow: Call a bolt of natural lightning and strike your enemy with the power of heaven.} {Can be used once per day cycle}

|Cyclone Rune| |Level: 37|

|The child to the True Wind Rune and the stronger version of Wind Rune|

{Passive: Generate wind at will and control the wind around you. The higher the level, the more powerful the wind you generate and the more wind you can control.}

{Active: Every spell does not use mana and is more powerful the higher the level}


{Healing Wind: Fully restore HP and cure status of self or one ally} {Can be used four times per day cycle}

|Swordsmanship (Intermediate)| |Passive| |Level: 7| (AN* Beginner -> Novice -> Intermediate -> Advanced -> Master -> Grandmaster -> Legendary)

|Poison Resistance| |Passive| |Level: 15|

|Trap Dismantler| |Passive| |Level: 41|

|Pain Resistance| |Passive| |Level: 31|

|Star Rune| |Level: 12|

{Passive: Can use the light of the star to heal or enchant your body. You can even use it to create a destructive attack}

{Active: Every spell does not use mana and is more powerful the higher the level.}


{Twinkling Star: Call the power of the stars and shower your enemy with its destruction power}{Can be used twice per day cycle}

I wipe the sweat out of my forehead and nod my head in satisfaction. I can feel I'm growing, and my skill level shows it. Other than that, my wizarding skill also grows stronger.

|Charm| |Active| |Level: 76|

|Transfiguration| |Active| |Level: 56|

|Curse| |Active| |Level: 37|

|Counter-Spell| |Active| |Level: 25|

|Healing| |Active| |Level: 42|

My charm grows the fastest, and the next one is transfiguration. After that, a cleaning spell is something that I use every hour while I'm in the dungeon. The next charm I frequently use is the Water-Making Charm to summon drinkable water and then cast a campfire spell to heat them.

There are a LOT of household charm spells that are very useful, and because of them, I always use them when I'm not fighting. Other than household spells, I also use charms to fight the werewolves.

They are incredibly weak against fire, and conjuring fire is a combination of Transfiguration and Charm. That is the reason why both skills level up very quickly. Other than that, I am reading all the books I need to teach the DADA students and am confident I can teach them something.

Tomorrow will be the day I start teaching the students, and I will be ready.


I snap from my thoughts when I see the world start to crumble, and I'm back in my room.


A second later, a small creature appeared in front of me. This is Pipi, and she is my personal House Elf for my stay at Hogwarts.

"Pipi, could I get a full breakfast? I have a couple of hours before the meeting. I'm hungry."

"Yes, Gilderoy, sir!"

It did not take her long before suddenly a table appeared in front of me, and a full English breakfast appeared on the table.

Now, time to eat before the meeting.

~The next day~

I take a deep breath and walk toward my classroom. I did not have any morning class, thank god, but I had an afternoon class with the first-year Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.

When I arrive in front of my class, I open it and see all of my students have already arrived. When I get inside the class, I can see them lit up at the sight of me. What? Oh! Right, I'm Gilderoy. I flash them a smile before saying.

"Good afternoon, class." I snap my finger, and the chalk starts to write on its own. "My name is Gilderoy Lockhart. You can call me Professor or Professor Lockhart. I will be your DADA professor for this year."

After the introduction, I look at them for a few seconds before saying.

"For our first study, I will teach you how to cast your magic. The fundamental of our magic is divided into three! Imagination, Will and Fuel. Can anyone tell me about them all? Only one of them is fine."


"Yeah, you. Please introduce yourself."

"Arianna Cooke, sir. I'm from Ravenclaw."

"Very well Arianna, please tell me which one you want to explain."

"The imagination."

"Good, go ahead."

"Imagination is an important basis for all magic because, without it, we will not know what kind of spell we will get. Even when we say the word of the spell but do not know the effect, the spell will not work."

"Bravo! Ten points to Ravenclaw. Imagination is our greatest weapon and tool. Even without the spell name and gesture, we can cast the spell we want as long as we have the imagination. That is how many children do their accidental magic. They think really hard, and create an image of their desire inside their mind and magic will take care of the rest of it. Anyone want to explain will and fuel?"

I wait for a few seconds before a rather familiar face raises her hand.

"Yes, and you are?"

"Luna Lovegood, sir. I'm from Ravenclaw."

"Luna! Which one do you want to explain?"

"Hmmm, can I do both?"

"Of course! Go ahead."

"You need the will to make your spell work because you need to believe your spell will work. Many wizards and witches around the world that were raised by the magic-hating family have thought that magic is not real and that each time they cast their magic they will not respond. Their will is already shattered by their surroundings and they cannot allow their magic to appear in reality."

"Good explanation, Luna. Sadly, that case is something that we encounter every day, and usually, it was not from a muggle-born family but rather a Squib family. They did not want their son or any family member to have the magic that they did not have and started to teach their family member that magic did not exist. This kind of teaching is dangerous because wizards and witches who have that kind of teaching will usually die at a young age. Their gift becomes a poison that makes them live a short life. Good. Now, the fuel."

Luna nodded her head and continued.

"Our magic is coming from our body called Magic core and each time we cast a spell, it takes a chunk of magic from our magic core."

"Bingo! Ten for each answer. Magic is all about equivalent exchange. You feed your spell your mana, the spell will work, and the more you feed it, the more powerful it becomes. Equivalent exchange."

I nod my head and snap my finger once again to order the chalk to write what I just said on the chalkboard.

"Now to achieve all of these, you only need one thing. This simple trick is what makes a great wizard and witch. Meditation. Meditation can clear your mind so you can imagine the spell you want to cast and it can increase your will as well. Lastly, it can quickly refill your reserve by absorbing the magic in the air."

I wave my hand and use my wind's mana from one of my rings to change the mood of the room. I make the room more relaxing, warm, and comfortable. With a flick of my wand, all the tables and chairs disappear, and now all of my students are sitting on a small pillow.

"The first lesson will be meditation. Come on, let me show you."

By the end of the lesson, all of my students now know how to enter their meditative state with a few tries.

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