Quest Around the Multiverse

Chapter 26

I take a deep breath and feel the power of the star start to move around me. The power of the Star Rune is like… I don't know how to explain it. The power is gentle yet at the same time destructive. It can heal, and it can destroy.

They are most effective at night and when many stars are in the sky. Unfortunately, at the moment, I did not see that many stars in the sky, but I could still feel the power of the Star Rune thumping in power.

I point my finger to the sky, gather the star energy on the tip of my finger and watch it shine a little. I spread the energy around me and let it dance around me. I guide them around me and see it light up.

Each time I guide them, the trail of energy leaves a glitter of light like a star around the universe. It is beautiful.

I continue to train my Star rune and continue to dance around.


|Dumbledore - Headmaster of Hogwarts|

"It is beautiful."

I nod in agreement at Filius' words. All of the professors watch as Gilderoy Lockhart moves around dancing outside the castle. We can see him moving around, and the light follows him. What makes it beautiful is not his dance but rather the light around him.

It was not a simple light. It was some form of magic.

The ground underneath him becomes green. Flowers sprouting out of the land, and even the creature around him looks content. I can even see Fawkes bobbing his head and singing a beautiful song.

"What kind of magic is that? Some kind of ritual? However, I have never seen any ritual that needs someone to dance."

"There is one kind of ritual that requires the caster to dance around at a specific time."


I look at Bathsheda and say,

"There are a few rituals I can think of but the closest thing I can think of is the Shaman and Druid ritual. However, I think it was the latter rather than the first. Most Druid rituals need the moonlight to power up their magic and do a lot of dancing to guide the magic."

"D-Does it considered dark magic?"

I look at my trusted professor and say,

"Don't worry, dear Minerva. This kind of ritual is not Dark Magic and in fact, it is the opposite of it. As you can see underneath Gilderoy, his ritual makes the land more fertile and lets the plant grow faster and healthier."

I can see Gilderoy twirl once more, and the light intensifies. I can feel it. His magic feeds Hogwarts and makes it even more bright. As a result, the magic around the castle is even more vibrant, and I can feel how happy the castle is.

Is he really a fraud? So far, he is knowledgeable and powerful. I can feel it. His magic core is big, not as big as mine, but it is bigger than Minerva, and she is the second oldest person in Hogwarts.

Other than that, Fawkes likes him.

Many people did not know it, but Fawkes is a good character reader. He can see who is a good person; by the look of it, Fawkes thinks that Gilderoy is a good person, and I am starting to agree with him.

However, if he is not a fraud, how can my friend get Obliviated and his deed stolen by Gilderoy? I really need to investigate it even further.

"Ohhh! Look at that! What kind of symbol is that?"

I snap from my thoughts and look at Gilderoy, who has three symbols above his head. I don't know what kind of symbol it was. It is blue and looks like a cross but is different. The lights dancing around Gilderoy gather around the symbol and shine even brighter than before.

The symbol floats there for a few seconds before it explodes and releases a really bright light. I shield my eyes, and after a few seconds, the light disappears, leaving Gilderoy standing in the middle of the field surrounded by flowers and even a tree.

After his little act, I can see him panting. I guess the ritual takes a lot of him and sees him get back inside the castle.

"Gilderoy is even more interesting than before! I cannot wait to talk to him again in our free time!"

I chuckle a little and say,

"We truly have an interesting professor, huh?"


|Harry Potter - Boy-Who-Lived|

"And that is how you handle a Troll. Just remember the three weaknesses of Trolls, their weight, smell, and stupidity. They are heavy and move very slowly, make sure you do not get ambushed by them and you should be good. Trolls are so smelly that their nose is mutated so they cannot smell their own odor. They use this to ambush the troll. Lastly, they are so stupid and easily get distracted, create a distraction and use that to either retreat or to attack."

I write it down and nod my head. This would be helpful last year.

"However, while you know about their weaknesses, I do not recommend you fight them head-on. Even a veteran wizard and witch falls under Troll's attack. There is no shame in running away from danger. It was smart thinking. Anyway, that is all for today's lesson. Please read about Ghoul and practice the Disarming Charm because we will have some practice the next time we meet."

I look at him in excitement. Professor Lockhart has the best practical lesson. He will conjure a target we can attack using the spell he teaches. However, what made it exciting was that it was not a stationary target but rather a moving target that would slowly get faster and harder to hit every time we were successful in hitting the target.

Professor Lockhart stopped us when Hermione, Ron, and I were about to get out of the class.

"Ah, Harry, can we walk to the Headmaster office for a moment?"

"Can I ask why, sir?"

"It is related to your scar on your forehead."

I touch the scar on my forehead and nod my head. Then, after promising Hermione and Ron to meet up in the common room, professor Lockhart and I walk to the Headmaster's office.

"Acid Pops"

Another sweet, huh? I always wonder how Headmaster Dumbledore has great teeth with all the sweets he eats. When we get inside, I can see the Headmaster and Professor McGonagall waiting inside the room.

"Ah, Gilderoy and Harry! What kind of business do you need to ask me?"

"I'm sorry to bother you, professor, but I'm getting bothered by something. Can I ask you something? It is related to Harry."

"Of course! Ask away."

"Do you know that there is a piece of soul clinging on his forehead?"

After professor Lockhart said that, the entire room became cold and heavy.

"How do you know?"

"Well, it is reek. It smells like a corpse that only comes from an undead being or something similar. I know that mister potter over here is not an undead as I already checked it multiple times and after a closer look, the smell is coming from his scar."

Smell? I took a sniff and did not smell anything.

"Ah, before you say something, I'm a bloodhound. It was my family gift. I can smell magic and other things. Headmaster Dumbledore smells like Sweet, Fire, and Books. Professor McGonagall smells like Cat, Wind, and Catnip. Huh? That is new."

For the first time, I could see Professor McGonagall blushing like that.

"Anyway, Harry over here smells just like a corpse and after even more scanning, I notice there is a soul leeching on Harry."

"There is another soul in me?!"

"Yes, and it is leeching on you."

"Can you get it out?!"

I can see Headmaster Dumbledore sighing and looking at me with sadness.

"It looks like I cannot hide it any longer. I want you to have a great childhood but it looks like the cat is out of the bag. I'm sorry, my boy. We cannot remove the soul without killing you. I'm sorry."

"What?! How?! Whose soul is on my scar? You are a powerful wizard, you must have something to help me."

"It was Voldemort's soul and I already spent my entire life searching for an alternative but it came up with a dead end. I'm sorry."

Ah, that means I'm destined to die, huh? What a bad joke. I never once had a great childhood, and now my only future is to die. Hah! What a great joke.

"Well, I can remove it if you want."

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