Quest Around the Multiverse

Chapter 27

I can see them look at me with a shocked expression. What? Is it really that surprising? While this body is a fraud, he is still a well-known 'Dark Creature Hunter,' you know?

"Please don't joke around, mister Lockhart."

Uh Oh. Mister Lockhart? The only time Dumbledore uses your last name is when he is serious.

"I'm not joking around in this situation. I have the thing that can help Harry."

I can see Dumbledore looking at me, searching for lies and deceit. Then, seeing there is none, he slowly says.


"With this."

I put the Elixir I got from the Kobold Dungeon.


|Perfectly heal anyone who drinks the potion. Will regrow any organ in the human body, from hands to even the heart, that gets destroyed. This potion can heal them completely as long as their entire body does not stop working. This item can even heal diseases and dispel curses. *NOTE* This potion cannot revive the dead.|

This potion can help Harry and let me tick off one of the missions I got. I want to save this potion for later use but looking at the reward. I will get another two elixirs for later use.

"This is an Elixir… Panacea you might say. It is not the REAL Panacea but it was half of it. This Elixir can cure any diseases and curses while the other half the Elixir of Life can prolong your life."

I can see Dumbledore take out his wand and check it for a few minutes, and seeing there is nothing dangerous inside the potion, he nods his head.

"I never heard of this potion before."

"Of course, you don't. This is only one of a kind potions. My family only has three of them and as the oldest child of the Lockhart family, I can only access one of them. If this is being sold to the market, you will get at least four million Galleons."

I can hear Harry gasp a little at the number of money I can earn from these potions. Well, I don't know how much money I can get from this, but four million is the right number I can think of.

"No… It is more than that… Maybe seven and maybe even ten million if what you said is correct, and I have a feeling what you said is true. My scanning spell indicates the same effect the Elixir of Life produces with a little bit of difference."

I can see Harry look at the potion with a hopeful expression before his expression changes into anxiety when he looks at me.

"Ermmm, Professor Lockhart… I don't think I can pay you back, sir. Ten million Galleon is…. Too much."

"What are you talking about? I give the potion to you for free. So go ahead and drink it. This is my duty as your teacher to solve any problem my students have."

Harry looks at me with a new light and looks at both the headmaster and the deputy. Seeing them nodding their heads, Harry takes the potion and drinks it.

"Huh! It takes like a grape. Urgh!"

We all jumped out of the chair when Harry grunted in pain but stopped when we saw a cloud of black smoke from his forehead. The black smoke changes into an ugly creature with a human face and a snake body.

I can hear it shrieking in pain and thrashing around because of a blue light surrounding it. After a minute of screaming and thrashing around, the shade disappears, getting eaten by the blue light.

"T-That thing is inside my head?"

I look at Harry lying on the ground with a pale face while looking at the ceiling. I quickly helped him and said,

"Are you okay?"

"Y-Yes. I can feel my body is lighter and…."

He takes out his glasses and blinks a few times.

"And my eyes can see without the glasses."

"Good. Then the potion is working as intended."

I take out my wand and cast a basic scanning spell. There is nothing wrong with him, and if what my scanning spell tells me is correct, Harry is in great health. Hmm, too healthy, in fact. Meh, I will leave that problem for Harry.

"You are good, Harry. However, just to make sure you are doing fine, go to Madam Poppy."


|Albus Dumbledore - Headmaster of Hogwarts|

"How is it, Poppy?"

"Mister Potter is doing fine. He is healthy, too healthy in fact that it will be a little bit of a problem in the future."

"Problem? What kind of problem?"

"He will experience puberty a year or two earlier than his peers."

"Ah, that kind of problem. Is there anything else?"

"No. There is nothing else. The taint on his forehead is completely gone. It looks like I did not need to ask my fellow healer in the other country for this problem."

Oh yeah, Poppy is asking her fellow healer if they know how to remove Horcrux from humans without killing them.

"There is truly nothing else?"

"Yes. His famous scar is even healed. That is fascinating. He said that this is Panacea?"

"Half of it. Panacea will cure any disease, injury and curse and then prolong your life but this potion only cures any disease, curse and injury."

"That is still something many people want. Cure ANY disease? Some say that old age is a disease that cannot be cured."

"However, I have a feeling it did not do that."

"I see. I need to do some experimentation on the potion wherever left behind in the vial."

"Go ahead. Tell me what you find."

I nod my head and walk toward my office. When I get inside, I sit down on my chair and hear Fawkes singing a cheerful song. I can feel my body get lighter as I hear the song.

"Thank you, old friend."

*Tweet!* *Tweet!*

"Hahahahaha, I'm sorry. I understand that you are not that old for a phoenix but to me you are my old friend. You have been with me since I was seven years old."

*Tweet!* *Tweet~*

"Thank you but I know that I'm already old. Some say that my time is already over. At least one of my main concerns has now already been taken care of. There is only one more concern before I can finally pass on to a different adventure."

*Tweet~* *Tweet~*

"Thank you, old friend."



I look out of the window and smile a little. The invisible weight on my shoulder is slowly disappearing, all thanks to one person I never thought was doing the right thing. Gilderoy Lockhart.

He is a fraud, a liar and a coward. Never in my life did I admit that he is a competent teacher, a kind person and someone who is willing to give away something that is valuable. However, he proved me the other way around.

"Fawkes, is Gilderoy a good person? Can I trust him? Is he really a fraud? I don't know anymore."

*Tweet!* *Tweet~* *Tweet!*

"I see. You don't know if he is a fraud or not but he is a good person, huh?"

I release a sigh and say.

"I hope you are right, Fawkes."

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