Quest Around the Multiverse

Chapter 29

"I"m so stupid! How can I forget about the snake!"

I walk through the corridor of the castle. I walk toward the Gryffindor common room. I need to talk to Ginerva, and if I cannot find her, I need to borrow the Marauder's Map from the twin. When I arrive in front of the Fat Lady portrait, I say.

"Oh, hello there, Professor~ What can I do for you?"

"Can you open the door? There is something I need to ask the student. This is related to the petrification incident."

"Oh my! Please go ahead."

"Thank you."

When I get inside the room, I can see all the students inside looking at me with widened eyes. I look around for a few seconds before noticing Ginerva standing in the corner of the room holding a black leathery book in her hand. I can feel foul magic coming out from the books.

Good. It is still the same as the canon timeline.

I walk toward Ginerva and say.

"Ginerva, can I look at that book for a minute?"

She quickly put the book closer to her chest and frowned at me. I point my wand at the book and switch it with another book lying on the ground near me.

"No! Give it back!"

I point my wand and stop Ginerva dead on track before saying.

"Someone! Call Headmaster Dumbledore! We have a case of possession!"

I keep her in one place and watch her struggling with my spell. Then, after a few minutes, I can see Minerva, Dumbledore, and Filius run inside the room.

"Gilderoy! What is happening?!"

I look at Filius and say.

"Ginerva over here is possessed and the culprit is the book on the ground next to me. This is the same case as Harry but worse. She is not strong enough to block the possession."

When I say that, I can see Harry's eyes widen up, and he looks at Ginny with worried eyes.

"We need to take her to Poppy."

I nod my head and make the little girl unconscious before saying.

"I will leave her to you. Headmaster, I will leave the book in your care. Please destroy it as fast as you can."

"Where are you going?"

"I need to take care of the petrification problem we have."

"You know who or what is doing this to the student?"

"No, but I know which creature can do this and they are all bad news. Cockatrice is a chicken-shaped Dark Creature that can turn its victim into stone when they ingest its saliva. Gorgon, a humanoid snake-like creature who can turn anyone who looks at it right in the eyes, and lastly Basilisk, a massive snake that has the same ability as Gorgon but with the strongest venom inside its fang."

When I said that, the entire room got colder, and the people inside were paler than before.

"I need to take care of this problem. Please make sure the student did not get out of their room for today and tomorrow."

I quickly get out of the room and walk toward my office. I have a plan. However, I need some preparation.

|Emergency Quest!|

|Rogue Snake!|

|A massive snake has gone rogue and threatens the students of Hogwarts. Because the Chamber of Secrets is opened up, the snake can get inside and out of the chamber as it pleases. You need to defeat the snake before it can kill anyone.|

{Reward: Mythical Weapon (You can choose the type), and +10 to all stats}

{Failed Condition: A student die}

Wait! Will students die if I take this problem too long? Dammit! I quickly run toward the library, and when I arrive, I look at Madam Irma Pince.

"I'm sorry for barging in, Madam Pince. However, this is an emergency situation. Can you gather all the books related to Basilisk and how to lure them to a certain place?"

Without even asking what it was for, she flicked her hand, and twenty or so books were floating to the nearby table. I nod my head and say.

"Thank you."

I take one of the books and start to read.


|3rd POV|

The next day, Jacob finally got the right spell and planned for the basilisk problem. With a plan in mind, he walks toward the Headmaster's office and sees a group of Aurors standing inside the room.

Among them is Amelia Bones, the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

"I'm sorry for interrupting your meeting, Headmaster."

"Ah, Gilderoy! What is it? We just finished our talk."

"I know which creature we are facing and I know how to take care of it."

"Oh? Please tell us your plan."

Jacob tells them his plan, and the more he tells them about it, the more they look at him as if he is crazy. Finally, when he is done talking, Amelia looks at him and says.

"Are you crazy? Basilisk is a dangerous creature that takes at least a dozen wizards to defeat it and you want to do it alone?"

"Yes. I know you need a professional hunter to hunt a basilisk, and I know you need time to call them. You will trap me with the basilisk and I will fight it one on one. If I die, you will have time to call the right people and the snake is weakened enough for them to have an easier job. If I win, you guys will have an easier time."

"You cannot expect us to accept that, right?!"

Jacob looked at Amelia for a few seconds before suddenly taking out a card from his pocket.

"Then you leave me with no choice. As a certified Dark Creature Hunter, I need your cooperation. I need you to create a barrier in the field near the Lake while I lure the Dark Creature into the barrier. I need you to make sure not a single student is on the way."

"Are you really that willing to die?"

"Don't worry, I'm not going to die."

Jacob gives her a smile before walking out of the office. When he arrives at his office, he gets inside his dungeon. He needs to prepare.

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