Quest Around the Multiverse

Chapter 30

|3rd POV|

The curse breaker that the minister hires looks at Jacob working in erecting the cage for the battle between him and the snake. It was the strongest barrier he had ever seen in his life, and he is an old man in his eighties.

"If he can make this kind of wards, why not trap the Basilisk inside rather than fighting it inside the wards?"

"I also don't know. It looks like his narcissistic tendency resurfaces once more. What I'm afraid of is that if he dies the wards will be down."

"No. It will not. Look at the crystal he planted on the ground. It was the anchor for the wards and made sure it would not fall if he died."

"Ah, just like a ward for a mansion, not the wards that can be taken down after a few hours of use."


Amelia Bones looks at Jacob, who is working on the wards to trap the Basilisk. The other might think that fighting the giant snake inside a strong ward is stupid, but Jacob knows that if he does not kill the snake, the Basilisk will somehow kill a student and maybe more.

He cannot let himself fail in this mission.

After seeing the last Ward Crystal light up, Jacob nods his head and walks toward Amelia Bones.

"The preparation is complete. Please take your men away from this area. I will lure the Basilisk."

Amelia nods his head and orders his men to go to a safe distance. They take out their wand in case something bad is happening. Standing at a safe distance is the reporter with their broadcast equipment.

It looks like someone leaked this situation to the reporter, and they are coming here to watch the famous Gilderoy Lockhart fight against an infamous dark creature. The cameramen hold an orb that lets them broadcast and records the fight.

Among them is the infamous Rita Skeeter, the woman who destroyed many people's lives with her writing and commentary.

Jacob takes a deep breath and checks if he is ready or not.

"Sword, check. Rune, full power, and ready to use. The lure, check. A second layer on my eyes to nullify the Petrification effect? Check. I'm ready."

After checking all of his preparation, Jacob touches the ground and feeds it his mana. A magic circle appears on the ground, and it releases a pleasant smell that spreads across Hogwarts.

This is the runic formation he learns in the restricted section of the Hogwarts Library. This runic formation will release a pleasant scent for humans but stinks in a Basilisk's nose. It will hurt their nose and overload their sensory system.

The main use of this runic formation is to lure and trap the basilisk as it will come and destroy the thing that makes it hurt.

After waiting for a few seconds, a massive snake appeared from the lake behind him. Jacob smirks and lets the basilisk arrive inside his wards before activating it. Then, after he slams his hand on the ground, a semi-transparent barrier appears around them.

In a second, Jacob equips his armor and takes out his sword. He widens his eyes when he sees the basilisk dash forward. Jacob quickly jumps away from the snake, but to his surprise, the massive snake manages to follow his movement.

For a massive snake, it was fast.

"Thunder Runner!"

Massive lighting appears from Jacob's finger's tip and flies toward the incoming snake. However, to his surprise, the snake managed to dodge and let the lightning pass its head and hit its tail.

He then raises his sword to block the snake, who opens its mouth, trying to swallow Jacob alive. His sword hit the fang of the basilisk before it could swallow him.

Jacob points his finger at the gaping mouth and says.

"Thunder Runner!"

Another lightning arc came out of Jacob's finger and hit the basilisk inside its mouth.


The basilisk thrashed around in pain from the previous attack. Jacob, seeing his chance, jumps high and activates his Water Rune.

"Ice Spike!"

Five massive ice spikes appear above the snake and quickly fall. Five giant ice spikes hit its target, but it was not enough to pierce through the basilisk's scale. I damaged the scale, but it did not manage to create a crack.

Basilisk's scale can be compared to a dragon's scale. It was tough and had anti-magic properties on it. However, it needs more than that to pierce or dent it.

Jacob jumps to the air with his sword in hand, which is already coated with lightning and wind, before thrusting it at the area where the scale got damaged by his previous attack. However, the Basilisk spits venom from its mouth before he can hit the snake.


Jacob screams in pain as the venom starts to eat his body from the outside. While gritting his teeth because of the pain, he activated his Water Rune.

"K-Kindness D-Drop"

A blob of water appeared above Jacob, fell on him, washed away all the venom on his body, and fully healed his body.

"That is dangerous. It looks like I need to bring the big guns."

Jacob takes a deep breath and feels the power of the star appear inside his body. Its power is warm but destructive, it can heal, but it can also destroy. However, he cannot instantly cast the spell for his Star Rune because it was not at night.

He needs to chant to release the full power of the Star Rune when the sun is up.

"I call the power of ancient power."

"The power who from the Primordial Darkness"

The basilisk sensing the increasing amount of mana around Jacob, decides to attack. Enchanting his body with a lightning element, Jacob can now move two times his original speed. Usually, lightning will backfire on the user and hurt them, but because of his armor, the lightning around his body only did small damage to his body.

"I, the holder of the rune, call on your power!"

"Come! Come and Destroy my enemy!"

Jacob lands on the ground, points his finger at the basilisk and says.

"Twinkling Star!"

A thousand of energy appear around Jacob and start bombarding the Basilisk. The people who watch the fight can only watch in awe at the destruction Jacob just made.

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