Rapeworld Isekai

Chapter 27 – Just A Big Pile Of Slutty Bitches, Redux

When Chloe and I arrived upstairs, it was a flurry of activity. My new slaves were scurrying around, scrambling to get everything clean before bedtime. The sun had fully set by now, but there was light thanks to a series of dimly glowing oil lamps mounted on the walls.

Lothelea stood in the hall like a traffic director, somehow keeping track and micromanaging the activities of all my slaves.

“Hey Lothelea,” I said. “Paintoy said you guys were done with the bedrooms?”

“Yes Mistress,” my slave replied. “There is one master bedroom in either wing. You mentioned you and Mistress Chloe wanted to claim one? They’re both ready for your inspection.”


“Mistress, if I might be so impertinent as to ask, where is Paintoy?” Lothelea asked.

“She coaxed Lysander into spanking her,” I said.

“I see…” Lothelea sighed with barely hidden frustration. “There’s still more to do, I hope she’ll still be able to walk after.”

“It was fifty spanks with a paddle, I think?” I said.

Lothelea nodded thoughtfully. “I guess it’ll depend on her Endurance stat… but she’s quite durable, as I recall,” she mumbled.

I left Lothelea to continue overseeing my minions, and took a quick look at each master bedroom. I mentally named them the Red Room, and the Purple Room. They were both quite spacious, but the Red Room was larger. It had panelled walls of a rich dark wood. They were a deep brown, almost black. The carpet and linens were a crimson red, hence the room’s name.

The bed was truly massive, a ten foot by ten foot square. If it wasn’t for the way the pillows and blankets were set up, I could lie across it in either direction. The room was quite spacious, with an armoire instead of a closet, and a small sitting area complete with a couch, chair, and cozy fireplace. The windows were small pieces fit into diagonal diamond pattern within lead solder frames. The individual panes were likely limited in size by this world’s glass production technology. Still, they provided a decent view of the messy rear gardens and the neighbour’s much nicer yards.

The Purple room was similar. It had the same deep brown, almost black, panelled walls. This time, the carpet, drapes, and linens were a deep royal purple colour. The massive orgy bed in this room was the same size as the Red Room’s bed. I suspected that the Red Room was intended for the man of the house, while this room was meant for the lady of the house. Like the other room, there was an armoire, though this one was considerably more spacious. There was also a vanity table with a mirror and a stool to sit on while me or my slave does my makeup.

The room was a bit smaller, so while there was a fireplace hearth, there was no sitting area around it, but that was okay with me since I’d rather hang out in the living room anyway.

I suddenly spotted something. “Oh hey! Check out the bed. You see these rings?”

The bed’s frame was solidly built, at each corner was a large bronze ring bolted to the wood. It was perfect for looping a rope through.

“Bondage anchors!” I cheered happily.

A quick inspection of the bed frame revealed a hidden drawer beneath the foot of the bed. Inside was a set of leather bondage cuffs, with a cinching leather strap designed to connect one’s limbs firmly to the bed’s anchors and then tighten down to eliminate all wiggle room.

“Wow…” Chloe said, blushing slightly.

“I think we’re going to go with the Purple Room, this is unanimous?” I asked.

“Yes, Mistress, definitely,” Chloe said.

“Lysander’s gonna be jealous.” I said, grinning.

“Maybe… I didn’t check, do all the beds have these?” Chloe said.

“Actually, I hope so. I don’t want anyone else stealing our bed for their bondage play,” I said.

I took a quick sneaky glance at all the other rooms again. The two smaller rooms were just as richly furnished, one done in blue, and the other a pale violet, but both were equipped with a bed that was clearly meant for sleeping first, and orgies second. The two smaller beds didn’t have anchor rings on their bed frames, but the Red Room’s mega-bed had them as well.

“Eh… I still like the Purple Room better,” I commented. Chloe agreed.

We returned to our new bedroom. There wasn’t anything to unpack. I had no cosmetics to put in the vanity, and precisely one dress in the entire world, currently being worn. I hopped up and landed flat on top of my giant bed. It was like an ocean of softness. Even sprawled out, I couldn’t reach the edges.

Chloe leapt and landed next to me.

“Fuck this is comfy…” I moaned.

“Yes, absolutely, Mistress…” Chloe agreed.

“Better than dungeon floor and moldy straw, right?” I chuckled.

“What? You got straw?” Chloe whined. “Lucky… I just got cold bare stone to lay on.”

I relaxed and let myself melt into the soft mattress for a minute or two.

“That that creepy old dude make you rim him too?” I asked.

“The… healer?” Chloe asked.


“You rimmed him?” she asked, surprised.

“Well uhm…” I stammered awkwardly. “He just sorta sat on my face, so I might have… sorta… licked his butt a little? It was maybe a little bit turned on already… and it just kinda… there, you know?”

There was a bit of awkward silence. “Okay, I might have sucked his toes a little bit when he visited me… but that was it,” Chloe admitted.

“I wonder if he survived the tentacles…” I muttered.

“Don’t know, Mistress. I didn’t notice him with the survivors… but I also wasn’t really looking. I was a bit distracted at the time, I guess.”

“Yeah, me too.” I replied.

There was another moment of calm silence.

“I’m horny…” I grumbled.

“Me too…” Chloe said.

“Should we sixty-nine, or recruit some slaves?” I asked.

“This is a very big bed…” Chloe said, thoughtfully.

“The kittens?” I asked.

“Both of them at once?” Chloe asked.

“One’s bi, one’s lezzy, I’m pretty sure. Both told us they were down with sex slave duty, that’s about as consensual as we can hope for,” I said.

There was another thoughtful pause.

“I wonder if their tails are soft…” Chloe said.

“I wonder if their tongues are prickly…” I said.

“Oh! You’re right!” Chloe gasped. “That would feel weird.”

“Might be a good kind of weird,” I countered.

“Indeed, Mistress.”

I groaned, and rolled off the bed. “Kay, I’m gonna say goodnight to everyone, and grab some catgirls.”

“If you don’t need me Mistress… I think I’ll stay right here. It’s super comfy.” Chloe mumbled.

“Okay, I’ll be back in a little bit with some pussy.” I grinned and left the room.



When I arrived downstairs, Lysander was apparently done with Paintoy. She’d left to rejoin the cleaning efforts. Maddie was still on the couch, cuddling with the silent mousegirl. Aeothe, the terrified blonde high elf was still cowering in the corner. Nephaline hadn’t moved. Dottie the insane halfling was no longer shoving her feet in pink haired Isarelle’s face, instead she was kneeling on her lap, making out with her. Ass Licker was crouched behind her, happily rimming the halfling who barely seemed to notice the tongue in her butt.

Lysander had moved to the arm chair. She now had an awake and silently struggling dwarf laid across her lap. Rylia held the squirming dwarf’s wrists firmly, her tier four grip was solid, like steel.


The paddle came down on the dwarf’s firm, toned, and very red buttocks. The dwarf looked like she was screaming in outrage and anger, yet there was no sound produced at all.

“How are you guys doing that?” I asked.

“Well first you take the paddle… and then you swing it at her ass,” Maddie chuckled.

“I meant the silence… is Rylia doing that?” I asked.

“No, Mistress, I can only silence my own movements, not others,” Rylia replied.

“It’s a first tier Air affinity spell: Silence. Stops all sound vibration in the air. It’s quite good for stealth.” Lysander explained.

“Oh, I’ll have to get that one, once I level my Air magic Skill a bit more.” I said.


The paddle came down again, and the dwarf roared silently.

“Indeed, it’s useful. There’s also one that filters air and lets you safely breathe in a toxic environment. I’m sure it’ll be rarely used, but invaluable to have if we need it.” Lysander explained.

“How many spanks are you giving her?” I asked, looking at the dwarf.

“However many I need to fully replace her anger with regret,” Lysander said calmly. “We’re at fifty-five now. Many more will likely be needed. She’s a tough girl, must have some sort of combat class.”


The dwarf thrashed ineffectually, her face was red with exertion and outrage. “That… doesn’t exactly look consensual,” I noted.

“It’s not,” Lysander said, pausing her spanking for a bit. She gently patted the dwarf girl on the butt, and sighed.

“Playing with Paintoy, and maybe Sana is one thing… I don’t feel right about ‘punishing’ slaves that aren’t actually masochistic,” I said.

Lysander gave me a tired look, “I understand your concerns Tyler, but… I deem this to be the least worst option.”

“Okay?” I said, waiting for her to elaborate.

Lysander gently stroked along the squirming dwarf’s spine, collecting her words. “Option one: release her. This is obviously what the slave herself would prefer, but deliberate manumission on our part would put us in severe legal peril. That would, in turn, compromise the safety and wellbeing of our remaining twenty-three slaves as they would likely be confiscated as part of our punishment. Considering the quality of our slave collars, accidental escape is nearly impossible, so that would not be an effective excuse. Letting any of our slaves go free is simply… not feasible for the moment. Not unless the kingdom’s culture changes significantly.”

Lysander glanced around at the other slaves, who nodded sadly.

“Option two: sell her. The advantage of that would be that she’s no longer our problem. The disadvantage would be that she would likely go to a less merciful master or mistress. With the attitude she has, she would face considerable suffering, and likely death. Option three is exactly that, we skip to the end and just kill her quick and easy now. I suspect this would be the standard course of action for anyone with a stubborn and defiant slave who is more trouble than she’s worth. I… have obvious ethical reservations about taking that approach.”

Thwack! Lysander slapped the dwarf on the bum with the paddle again.

“So if we agree that we must keep her alive and well and in our possession… the question comes down to punishing versus not punishing. It is my opinion that, in order to manage her and keep her from causing us problems, we must correct her behaviour. That requires firm boundaries and sufficiently humiliating consequences for defiance. In the absence of a slave’s loyalty, we must demand respect and establish that we are the Mistresses here.”

“We gave her a chance to apologize first, after we woke her up,” Maddie added, shrugging. “She knew the consequences, and she still chose to call us bitches and shout. I agree with Lysander, I’m not gonna just lie down and take that shit from her.”

I sighed, “You’re probably right… but I still don’t like it.”


“Then let us hope that our dwarven friend learns to keep her suicidal impulses in check in the future,” Lysander said. “I’m getting very little pleasure from this as well. Paintoy is far more fun to abuse.”

“Right…” I said, trying to push the guilty thoughts away. There was probably no right answer to this fucked up situation. Sure, the dwarf claimed she’d rather die than be a slave, but I didn’t for one moment actually believe that. She wanted to be free, not dead, but freedom wasn’t an option unless society changed. That wouldn’t happen overnight. Rylia’s gambit was the correct one, in my opinion: Lay low and endure until the world unfucked itself. Dwarves had pretty long lifespans too, if I recalled my D&D lore correctly.

I shook my head clear, “Anyway, I came down here to tell you Chloe and I claimed the purple master bedroom. We’re going to steal the catgirls and turn in for the night.”

“Kay, goodnight, enjoy the pussies,” Maddie said smirking. “I’m claiming the mice.”

“Indeed, rest well. Not sure who I’ll have join me for the evening yet,” Lysander said.


“Goodnight,” I replied.

I left the living room behind and went back upstairs, searching for my kitties. Ginny was wiping down the walls in the hallway, Shade was polishing the huge marble bathtub in the bathroom.

“Hey Lothelea, Chloe and me are gonna steal the kittens and screw their brains out. I hope that doesn’t mess up your plans too much.” I said.

“A good slave is always ready to adapt to her Mistress’ whims. Please do not concern yourself with me and enjoy your slaves, Mistress,” Lothelea replied loyally.

“Shade! Ginny! Get your pert little butts over here,” I called out playfully.

Both catgirls immediately stopped what they were doing, and scampered up to me. They both kneeled at my feet.

“Y-yes Mistress?” Ginny stammered nervously.

Shade said nothing, and just bowed her head submissively.

“How do you both feel about doing some very gay things with me and Chloe in my bedroom right now?” I asked.

Ginny went wide eyed, and gulped, looking down at my clothed figure nervously.

“Yes please, Mistress… Sounds way more fun than scrubbing a bathtub…” Shade said, giving me a pervy grin.

“Uhm… yes… I’d… like to serve you too,” Ginny squeaked.

“Cool. We’ll play in the purple bedroom. Follow.” I commanded.

The two kitties obeyed, and followed me to my bedroom.



“Ta da! Kittens acquired,” I said, ushering the two nervous catgirls into my bedroom and closing the door behind us.

Chloe hadn’t moved at all while I was gone, she was still clad in her grey dress and sprawled out on the mattress. She groaned, and sat up, inspecting the new arrivals. She smiled and waved them over.

“Come here, don’t be shy,” she said, with a disarming smile.

Ginny the nervous tabby cat hesitated. Shade, the black cat was a little more courageous. Her tail swished nervously as she walked up to edge of the bed, obeying her Mistress’ command.

“So um… how do you want me?” she asked nervously.

Chloe leaned over, grabbed her fuzzy wrist, and pulled her forward onto the bed. Shade squeaked nervously, and tumbled forward, landing on top of Chloe, face to face.

“Oh… okay then,” Shade said, smiling nervously.

Chloe patted her on the head, “Oh wow! You’re so soft!” she said excitedly.

Ginny now stood next to the bed, watching the scene, not quite sure what to do or how to join in. I crept up and hugged her from behind. She twitched in surprise, but relaxed in my arms. I patted her head too.

“Oh, you’re right…” I said.

It didn’t feel like human hair. It was like fluffy cat fur, incredibly soft. No wonder the kitties and puppies all had short haircuts, they literally couldn’t grow longer hair.

“Do you guys shed?” I wondered.

Ginny tensed up, and nervously looked over her shoulder… “A-a little bit maybe…” she mumbled.

I felt her tail twitch in nervous agitation against my lower leg. Clearly, she wasn’t happy to admit that out loud. I pet her again. She really was soft. I gently traced a fingertip down her arm, until I reached her furry forearms and paws.

“Um… M-Mistress? What are you…” Ginny nervously mumbled, clearly not entirely sure what I was doing.

“What? You have a neat body… I haven’t played with a catgirl before. You’re mine, right? Can’t I inspect you?” I asked.

“Oh uhm… no, sorry… g-go ahead…” Ginny stammered nervously, she turned a little and surrendered her paw for me to examine.

It was a strange hybrid between big cat paw, and human hand. It was completely covered in fur. The palm and fingertips had dark, catlike paw pads. Yet the fingers were far longer than a normal cat’s paw, and were segmented so that she could still curl them into a fist and grasp things. She also had a thumb, rather than… whatever that stubby thing was that cats had next to their wrists. Dewclaw? I think it was called a dewclaw, wasn’t it?

“Do you have claws?” I asked.

“Umm…” Ginny’s ears flatted in fear.

I poked at her unusually thick and fat fingertip. There was nothing on the bottom, but as I traced up and around to the back of the fingertip, where a human fingernail would be, I felt something hard and pokey, just barely peeking out of the skin folds.

“There they are,” I grinned.

“Y-yes… I have claws… but… p-please don’t-” Ginny clenched her mouth shut and stopped talking. She gave me a nervous stare.

“Oh, does this hurt or something?” I asked, quickly letting go of the paw.

“Umm… no but… when the tentacles touched me… and healed me… they umm… grew back and uuh… I won’t scratch you…” she stammered nervously.

“Oh!” I said, finally getting it. “You’re not supposed to have them?”

“Umm… n-no?” Ginny answered uncertainty. “We’re usually declawed when we’re enslaved.”

I looked down at the bed, to where Shade was now on top of Chloe, taking the lead, and making out with her. She was doing that weird massaging thing that cats do, while groping Chloe’s tits.

“Shade, you have your claws too?” I asked.

Shade stopping kissing Chloe, and hunched down guiltily, flattening her ears. She nervously tucked her front paws beneath her, hiding them from view. She didn’t admit to anything, but her body language pretty much answered my question.

“Isn’t declawing a cat like… removing their fingertips? That’s kinda fucked up.” I said.

“Yeah… um… it’s kind of like… you know that small bone at the end of a human finger? Right before the nail? It’s like having that removed.” Ginny said. “It’s not pleasant.”

“Well I don’t see why you can’t keep your claws. Just don’t get me in trouble by mauling any strangers.” I said.

Ginny seemed a bit taken aback, “You’re um… letting me keep them? T-thank you Mistress, seriously, thank you!”

“Only if I get to see them though,” I said, grinning eagerly. “Pop out your claws, I’m curious.”

Ginny extended a paw, and with the flex of a tendon in her wrist, five sharp claws curled forward out of her fingertips. Compared to a domestic cat, they were huge, proportional to Ginny’s body size. It was more of a tiger’s claw, than a cat’s claw. It was a long, sharp hook, about an inch long, a proper weapon, designed to catch and shred a victim’s flesh. I could see why many would want their slaves declawed, they were legitimately dangerous.

“Ooh… scary,” I said, grinning.

Ginny laughed nervously. I poked one of the claw points with my fingertip. It was crazy sharp.

“No shredding the drapes,” I warned.

“Mistress… I’m a catkin, not a cat,” Ginny grumbled. “Before you ask, no, I don’t shit in a sand box or pee to mark my territory either.”

“What about purring?” I asked, with a smirk.

Ginny blushed, “Purring… happens sometimes…” she murmured shyly.

“Tyler, stop poking at her and asking invasive questions. Just kiss her already! You’re making me feel bad for her,” Chloe scolded me.

I saw that she was already undoing the string holding Shade’s clothes together, while the dark furred kitty-girl gently nuzzled against her neck. Chloe had a good point. Catgirl anatomy was fascinating, but I was too focused on the cat part, and not focused enough on the girl part.

I wrapped an arm around Ginny’s waist, and stepped forward while pulling her into me. Our lips met, and I started kissing her. Her big cat’s eyes closed, and she relaxed into the kiss. I felt her tongue brush against mine. Yes, it was rough and textured, though it didn’t seem to be quite as prickly as a normal cat’s tongue. It was like a hybrid of both, the perfect blend of familiar and exotic. I was eagerly looking forward to feeling that on my clit.

I felt something fuzzy on my leg, as Ginny’s paw reached for the hem of my dress and pulled it up. I raised my arms and squirmed to assist her in pulling off my dress. My boots and socks came next, and then I was completely naked. My fingers quickly went to the cord tying Ginny’s slave garb closed. After a bit of fumbling, she was naked too.

I kissed down, and licked her nipple. My fingers traced down her neck, and I grabbed a handful of butt. I took a moment to feel her tail. It was connected to her tailbone, right at the very top of her buttocks. She moaned faintly when I stroked the very base, just beneath where it attached to her skin.

“S-sensitive,” Ginny whimpered.

“Oh?” I ginned fiercely. “Did I find a weak spot?”

“It’s the same for almost everybody…” Ginny murmured, averting her eyes shyly. “Anybody with a tail at least… Right at the base, and just beneath.”

“Here?” I asked, rubbing the spot again.

“Mmm…” she moaned and nodded.

I pulled my hand away, gently swatted Ginny on the butt, and climbed onto the bed next to Chloe and Shade. I lay down right next to Chloe, entwining my leg with hers. Shade was still on top, making out and massaging her breasts with her paws.

Ginny stood awkwardly by the side of the bed.

“Sit on my face Ginny, and get your tongue on my pussy.” I ordered.

Ginny went wide eyed, surprised at being given such a lewd order right away. I supposed she was expecting to be asked to do what Shade was doing. Maybe most ladies would want to take it slow, kiss for a while, build anticipation, get the juices flowing before moving on to oral sex, but… I wasn’t like most ladies. I supposed being a dude most of my life made my sexuality a bit different. I needed no warming up. I was wet, horny, and pent up, and I wanted a slutty catgirl’s ass in my face and a tongue on my bits pronto!

Ginny nervously crawled along the bed and straddled my face, seemingly uncomfortable with being the one on top. She kept herself just out of my mouth’s reach, probably scared to upset her mistress by receiving oral instead of giving it. She tiled forward, and lowered her head, gently kissing my inner thigh.

I received a tantalizing view of catgirl pussy, which turned out to be more or less identical to human pussy. Ginny had a bush when she’d first been brought to the brothel, but it had all been burnt off her during that first night. Fire based hair removal didn’t sound like a pleasant experience to me, but the results were pornstar-perfect, similar to a good waxing. Despite being skittish about receiving pleasure, I could see a faint glimmer of wetness between her nether lips, and I could smell her arousal. I felt her gently kiss my outer lips, slowly working her way closer.

“No more teasing! Your Mistress is horny!” I groaned.

I brought my knees up to give her better access, and pressed her head down directly onto me. She squirmed a little in surprise, but I kept my hand there, holding her head firmly against my pussy. I grinded my hips, slathering her face in wetness until she got the message and started licking me properly.

“No more hovering! Get your cunt on my face, you filthy cocktease!” I commanded.

With my other hand, I forced her nervously hovering crotch down onto my mouth, and started eating her out too. She was playing coy, but I could tell she was wet, and getting wetter by the second. As I licked and sucked her clit, she let out of a muffled moan against my pussy.

“You’re a barbarian Tyler,” Chloe accused.

Sensing the commotion, she and Shade had paused their makeout, and were watching Ginny writhe on my face, face in my cunt, pinned against me. Her tail swished in the air. I petted the back of her soft head while holding her face against my pussy.

My response to Chloe’s complaint was to release Ginny’s butt, which was now staying in position on its own, and move that free hand over to Chloe beside me. Chloe moaned submissively as I dug a finger inside her, lubing it up with her juices, getting it nice and slippery. I pulled my finger away, and brought it up to Ginny’s asshole, and pressed it in gently.

“Mm-fff!” Ginny whined into my cunt as I forced myself inside her tiny little hole.

The catgirl squirmed and rolled her hips, whimpering. Her ass clenched around my finger in panic, yet there would be no mercy granted. My finger remained inside her. Eventually, she got used to the invasion. She finally relaxed, unclenching her butt enough for me to gently thrust the finger in and out. Her moans of distress soon turned into moans of pleasure, as I continued licking at her clit and holding her face against me.

“Just sticking a finger in there without warning is not very nice, you know…” Chloe teased, with a smirk.

My response to that comment was to use Ginny’s own pussy wetness to lube up my second finger, and work it into the asshole, stretching the catgirl wider. She moaned and whimpered, but adjusted to the wider intrusion without issue.

Shade regarded the scene thoughtfully, then took a moment to looked down at Chloe beneath her. She nodded to herself silently, making up her mind. Without warning, she hopped off the elf, spun around, and mirrored the position of Ginny and me. She straddled Chloe’s face in sixty-nine. Unlike the timid Ginny, Shade had no problem pressing herself against Chloe’s face. The catgirl rolled her hips, taking a moment to appreciate Chloe’s submissive tongue, then brought her face down between Chloe’s legs to return the favor.

I returned to the task at hand. Ginny’s tongue on my pussy felt amazing. Not only did the girl have an unmatched level of oral dexterity, but her bristly tongue made every lick against my sensitive bud send a tingle up my spine.

I came first. I kept a firm grip on the catgirl’s hair, squeezing hard, and pressing her against me as I shivered in orgasm. She kept licking my hyper-sensitive clit. It was way too intense to be completely pleasurable, but the overstimulation gave my masochist side a thrill.

Less than a minute later, I had my second orgasm at the same time as Ginny had her first. Unlike me, she couldn’t handle the overstimulation so well. She squirmed to escape my mouth, but I kept her in position thanks to the fingers I had hooked in her butt. Pulling away meant stretching herself wide open. She whimpered and submitted to my abuse. I kept the cruel simulation going for another thirty seconds before finally releasing her. I relinquished my grip on her hair, and pulled my fingers out of her bum.

Ginny gasped and rolled away, flopping onto her back next to me. She caught her breath, basking in the afterglow of her orgasm.

Meanwhile, Chloe and Shade were still going at it next to me. Shade was a far more enthusiastic face rider. Where Ginny was eager to please, but a little reluctant to receive pleasure herself, Shade was utterly shameless. The dark furred catgirl rolled her hips, stimulating herself on Chloe’s willing face while licking and lapping at the elf’s pussy hungrily. Chloe gently stroked her hands along Shade’s back, having no need to keep her pinned.

I watched the show, admiring Shade’s booty as she grinded on Chloe’s face. I reached over and started massaging the base of Shade’s tail, using the secret lewd knowledge I’d gained from Ginny. Shade moaned and gave her hips an extra twist in response. Chloe gave me a curious look, wondering what I was going to do. I had an idea.

I conjured a [Hardlight Construct] in the shape of a penis. It was my lovingly crafted Cockinator, Version 0.16, out on his maiden voyage. I went for a nice gentle six inches length and average girth, with an extended handle I could grip. This model did not feature balls, I still couldn’t get those to feel right. Weapon in hand, I snuck over behind the unsuspecting catgirl.

Chloe gave me a devious grin, and shifted her oral affections lower, aiming for Shade’s clit, and subtly guiding her rider’s hips back a bit, lining her pussy up with the dildo. I quickly shoved it inside the slick hole.

“Ah!” Shade moaned loudly.

“Surprise!” I called out cheerfully.

Shade was too overwhelmed by the sudden penetration to focus on licking Chloe. She gasped and moaned, squirming against Chloe’s face as with both attacked her. Chloe had her lips around the clit, forming a seal and gently sucking it like a tiny penis. I mercilessly hammered her with the dildo.

Shade had her first orgasm. I continued hammering her, and that first orgasm turned into a second.

“Feel the holy power of my magical cock!” I cackled, grinning like a lunatic while Shade moaned and thrashed in continuous orgasm.

After who-knows how many orgasms, Shade finally managed to squirm away from my vicious dildo fucking. She rolled off Chloe’s face, and onto her back, mirroring Ginny’s position, out of range of my dildo.

I wasn’t done with her though. I followed her, hopping over the prone Chloe, and pinning Shade down on her back in sixty-nine. I shoved my wet pussy in her face, elbowed her thighs open, and stuffed the dildo inside her again. She moaned helplessly into my pussy, trying to lick me a few times, but getting interrupted by the constant mind shattering orgasms.

It was only about fifteen minutes later that I finally ran out of mana, and the dildo vanished in a puff of magical not-smoke. By that point Shade was a little broken. She was flat on her back, staring blankly at the ceiling, chain-orgasmed into stupidity.

I gave Chloe a proud grin, only to notice that she’d stolen Ginny for herself while I was occupied with breaking Shade.

Chloe was upright, riding Ginny’s face, focusing only on her own pleasure. The ginger catgirl’s pussy was being ignored, but Chloe was at least massaging her breasts while the catgirl eagerly ate her out. Chloe was behaving surprisingly dominantly, she must have been really pent up. I felt a little bad about stealing Shade from her.

I made eye contact with Chloe. “Don’t you dare break this one…” she demanded. “I was so close to coming before you went and fucked Shade into senselessness. Ginny is going to satisfy me, damn it!”

Chloe gave me a severe glare, letting me know that she meant business.

“I’m out of dildo-mana for the next hour or two anyway. I wonder if she can stay focused on you if I stuff some fingers in her while I lick her clit,” I said.

Ginny whimpered at my words.

I debated being a good friend and leaving the pair unmolested, but… that open and available pussy was calling out to me. I made my way over to Ginny’s pussy, and started licking her clit. I worked a pair of fingers inside her, and rubbed against her g-spot. Her moans were muffled by Chloe’s pussy.

“No!” Chloe scolded, pinching the catgirl’s nipples, “Don’t you dare get distracted.”

Ginny squeaked and whimpered, trying to focus on Chloe.

I moved my fingers faster, and sucked her clit harder. She whined helplessly.

Chloe pinched her nipples harder. “Focus! I don’t care what Tyler’s doing to you.”

Ginny whimpered. I grinned. This was a fun new game. Chloe was grinning too, apparently, she agreed.

“Get her butt with your other hand.” Shade suggested in a tired voice, watching from where she lay on her side of the bed. “Ginny told me not to tell you gals, but she’s apparently super weak to anal.”

“Good idea, thanks,” I agreed.

Ginny whined in despair at Shade’s betrayal.

Taking a glob of pussy drool for lube, I shoved a pair of fingers in her other hole too. Ginny made a sound halfway between a scream and a moan, muffled by Chloe’s pussy. I’d already loosened her up a little before, so they were sounds of pure pleasure, rather than pain.

Apparently, Ginny was too distracted again. Chloe reached down and pinched the unfortunate catgirl’s nipples harder, keeping a firm grip, and twisting whenever Ginny let up on her efforts even slightly. I, in turn, did my best to distract Ginny. Ginny came over and over again from the intense stimulation of having both her holes invaded, and a tongue lapping at her clit.

Yet team Chloe persevered, despite my best efforts. Chloe got her orgasm, and then another one. I moved up to three fingers per hole, but Chloe countered me by twisting the poor girl’s nipples even harder.

“This is pretty fun,” I said.

“We should play this game with Paintoy. Then we can really go nuts.” Chloe suggested.

“For sure, next time maybe,” I said.

We continued until Chloe had another orgasm, and then she and I swapped places and I came on Ginny’s face a couple more times too. By the time we all settled down, Chloe and me were fully satisfied, and both catgirls were completely cummed out.

Ginny, it turned out, was a squirter, and her juices had soaked into the mattress. When dealing with the very wet spot our affections left behind, I discovered that Purify apparently worked on beds, so long as I was inside the covers. I knew it worked on the ‘clothes’ a person was wearing, so I managed to clean the bedsheets by mentally categorizing them a type of ‘clothing item,’ that I was ‘wearing.’

With the bed clean and dry, and all four of us Purified of our messy girl juices. We all snuggled up in one big sexy pile, and drifted off to sleep.

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