Rapeworld Isekai

Chapter 28 – Collars and Magic Skills and Far Too Many Orgasms

The sun was out when I woke up on a heavenly feather bed, in a nice warm slut pile consisting of a lewd fantasy elf, and two svelte catgirls. All three of these living wet dreams were my sex slaves that would do any filthy perverted thing I asked of them. When did this happen? When did my life suddenly get so awesome?

I squeezed my hand, and felt a butt. Whose butt? No idea. But it was a nice butt. I took a few seconds to grope her more, exploring the mystery, until I heard a muffled groan of complaint. Ginny… it was Ginny’s butt. Mystery solved.

Okay… itinerary for today… Tyler the level eight wimp needs to be less pathetic, so it’ll be training skills up to rank ten, and leveling up to the next tier with monster jizz for me. I was feeling too lazy to eat real food, so I supposed I’d just go mix up some slave gruel for myself before getting started.

Trying not to disturb the sexy people sharing my bed, I crept out from under the covers, and snuck away. Shade woke up, grumbled at me, and rolled over, falling asleep again. I slipped into my socks, shoes, and dress. Panties? Who needs panties? I didn’t have any, but if I did, they’d probably just get ripped off next time something tried to rape me anyway.

I gave myself a quick Purification, intending to creep out of my room, but I noticed Chloe groan and get out of bed too. The kittens made cute mews of complaint, and cuddled together to fill the gap the elf left behind. I decided to let the catgirls sleep in because their cuddling was fucking adorable and disturbing that would be a crime of the highest order. I waited for Chloe to get dressed, and gave her a quick Purify too. We both left together.

The upstairs hallway was empty, but nice and clean. The unused sex slaves had worked hard to make everything nice last night. Most were probably still upstairs, sleeping in the hammocks. I went downstairs, and found Paintoy the dark elf painslut, and Ruby the Kobold cleaning the main hall like the eager good girls they were. Most of the other slaves were still asleep, or perhaps just occupied with cleaning something else. The living room was already spotless. I saw Maddie on the couch, but decided to mix up a bowl of honey-laced slave gruel for myself and Chloe first, before I joined her.

“I’m too lazy to eat three times a day… I’ll get some slave gruel for both of us,” I told Chloe.

“Mistress, may I test a spell?” Chloe asked, right as I entered the kitchen.

“Oh? What spell?”

“It’s a Life Magic spell called Nourish. I unlocked it while healing everyone but was collared before I could give it a try. It’s… supposed to replace one’s need for food and hydration. It also apparently fertilizes plants too and helps them grow better crops,” Chloe explained.

“Oh sure, give it a try,” I said.

Chloe did. It looked very similar to her healing spell, her hand glowed green, and she touched my tummy. Like her healing, this was a sustained and channelled spell. As she held her hand there, I felt a warmth flood my body. Over the next minute, my hunger and thirst slowly faded until they vanished completely. I stopped her once I felt full. It was interesting, I felt satiated, like I’d just eaten a huge meal, yet there was no bloated feeling. There wasn’t anything in my stomach.

“Wow, that worked great,” I said happily.

“Yeah but… whew… that took a bit more mana than I expected. I’ll have to Meditate for a bit to recharge before feeding myself.” Chloe said.

“Let’s head over the couches then,” I said.

Chloe and I returned to the living room, and sat on the couch opposite from Maddie. The other broken girls were nowhere to be found, likely upstairs snoozing. I saw the barrel in the corner, the hole was facing me, and a single deep violet eye poked out of the hole, staring at me with curiosity.

“Morning Barrel Girl,” I said, waving.

There was a panicked squeak, and the eye moved away. A purple dark elf hand slapped over the hole and covered it so I couldn’t look in. Well… at least she was looking out of the hole when she thought nobody was watching. That was a start.

“Mmmfff….” came a soft whimper from across me.

“Having fun Maddie?” I asked.

“Yes I am,” she replied.

June the cataonic mousegirl was fast asleep on the couch next to Maddie, and Clyde, the submissive mouseboy was sitting on Maddie’s lap. She’d spent the night with the pair of mousies. Clyde’s arms were tightly bound behind his back with rope, and there was a rag stuffed in his mouth, bound in place with a thinner twine, to muffle his moans. Maddie cradled his slender figure with one arm, and the other was gently stroking his erection. His cute little cock was twitching, dripping with precum. It looked like he was on the edge of orgasm, and had been for some time.

“So, if you didn’t realize it already, these collars are fucking amazing!” Maddie said, conversationally.


“They’re like little computers, with a system integrated GUI and everything. There are a lot of options to play with.” Maddie explained.

“Like what?” I asked.

“Well, there’s a list of commands and adjustable parameters for each of them. There are also sensitivity parameters to tweak, and various collar features that can be toggled on or off. It seems to be pre-set to something pretty permissive, but we could totally lock down any of these slaves if we needed to.”

I felt Chloe tense next to me.

“What sort of locking down?” I asked.

“Anything from hidden triggers, adding or removing kinks, up to and including turning them into a blank, subservient robot,” Maddie replied, looking down at the suddenly-worried slave in her arms, “Don’t worry mousey-boy, I like you as you are. I’m just fascinated by all the options.”

“Yeah, I’d rather not use too much mind control stuff if we can help it,” I said.

Chloe relaxed a little. Yeah, she was worried.

“Oh, and they’re programmable. I can write scripts!” Maddie cackled gleefully. “There’s a whole slave collar API, using Python of all things!”

“What’s an API again?”

“Application Programming Interface… basically, I can write a little Python script to activate the collar’s built in commands and adjust parameters when certain conditions are met. For instance, I could call the ‘Stop’ command if the distance between me and the slave gets bigger than a certain threshold value. Though that’s a bit redundant because there’s already an escape preventing compulsion built in.”

“Don’t program our slaves too much. I don’t want a bunch of robots, and the consequences of a software bug in your script could be nasty,” I said.

“Yeah yeah… I won’t break anybody,” she mumbled, clearly focusing on something only she could see.

I snuggled up to Chloe, and wrapped my arm over her shoulder. She leaned in against me, still slightly worried.

A few minutes later, Maddie cackled excitedly. “Okay, I got one. Command: Activate Script: Maddie_Is_A_Mean_Bitch.”

Mousy winced in terror, expecting pain and getting… nothing. He blinked a couple times, and looked around, smiling nervously at Maddie as his mistress grinned evilly.

“What did it do?” I asked.

“Every time Mousy here reaches the edge of orgasm, prevent the orgasm. Then, increase the penis’ sensitivity to touch by ten percent, compounding. It cannot trigger more than once per minute, and I set the maximum sensitivity boost to 1000%. There’s also a decay factor for the sensitivity boost, so it’ll slowly return to normal sensitivity if he can stop himself from being stimulated to the edge for at least an hour.” Maddie explained devilishly.

“So let me get this straight,” I said. “Every time he almost cums, his orgasm will be denied and he’ll get more sensitive? And that sensitivity boost just keeps ramping up, making it harder and harder to stop himself from getting to the edge and triggering the effect? That’s… nasty.

“Maddie is a mean bitch,” Chloe agreed.

Maddie continued to gently stroke the mouse boy’s cock, he whined in despair, already close to his first blocked orgasm.

Maddie chuckled, “Pssh, don’t worry Mousey, this is just a fun little test. I’ll give you a nice blowie once I know my script works as I expected. Trust me, I could do much worse with the tools I’ve been given. There are a lot of commands built into this collar.”

“Hmm… how do you access the menu?” I asked.

“Just touch the collar, and will yourself to bring up the menu. It’s like opening your Status page.” Maddie explained.

I reached over and touched Chloe’s collar. Sure enough, after giving the mental command, a computer-like configuration menu opened.


Eldritch OS, Version 1.0


Slave Status

Slave Parameter Configuration

Command Settings

Access Permissions


Script Editor

Unlock Collar


The Status page just opened Chloe’s Status, I caught a glimpse of all her stats and skills, just like I saw on my own status sheet. So far so good.

Next, I opened the Parameter Configuration menu and found a bunch of things to tweak and adjust. There were individual sensitivity settings for every single body part, from nipples to toes, as well as a general sensitivity parameter I could mess with. I could also increase or decrease libido and sex drive. I could adjust how pain was perceived, effectively making anyone I wanted into a masochist. I could control the effect of pheromones on the brain, making a person attracted to male or female sweat. I could adjust how good semen and girl cum tasted to them. And there were many more options besides that. It seemed to mostly be things that affected the mind, or perceptions. The only major limitation was that I couldn’t make any physical structural changes, like changing Chloe’s cup size for example, but if it was something less tangible than that, then it could be tweaked.

There were also other features I could toggle on and off. There was stuff like pregnancy prevention, semen virility, minor damage resistance, and immunity to external mental compulsion. I could turn off menstruation as well. I found the ‘can’t consider killing your mistresses’ effect Rylia mentioned, as well as a ‘can’t consider escaping’ one that Rylia might not have noticed yet. I could also toggle the production of body waste, pee and poop specifically. There was no auto clean ability though, so even if the slave never had to use the toilet again, they would still need to bathe or get purified on occasion if they didn’t want to stink.

Interestingly, more than half of these editable parameters were greyed out for me. I could increase or decrease Chloe’s sense of touch and change how much stimulation it took for her to achieve orgasm, stuff connected to her physical senses, but anything that could possibly be interpreted as messing with her mind or personality was blocked. I remembered the one and only request she made when we first enslaved her… No mind control. I seemed Nyar’Shiggurath had her desires in mind when he made her personal slave collar.

The Command Settings was basically a big list of every single verbal command I could say along with descriptions of their effects and adjustable parameters for how strong that effect was. It had an option to toggle the command off, so as to not be accidentally triggered. For example, ‘Command: Kill’ was disabled by default, so I couldn’t accidentally kill Chloe by saying the wrong thing. Hypothetically, if I wanted to kill her, I’d have to enter the config menu, turn on the command, before then saying the command out loud.

For commands that came with parameters, such as intensity or duration, I could also configure the default parameters here, or specify them when saying the command. For example: ‘Command: Pain 1’ was less painful than ‘Command: Pain 10.’ If I just said ‘Command: Pain,’ it would default to pain level 1, though I could change that in this menu.

To trigger a command, I could either say it out loud manually, or trigger it within a script when certain conditions were met, like Maddie had done with her mousy boy.

Once again, Chloe’s ‘no mind control’ request influenced which commands were enabled, and which were permanently disabled. Most were actually disabled. Commands like Stop, Sleep, Go, Follow, and so on, were not available.

The only ones I could use were ones that would cause effects that didn’t override her will. So, for example, Command: Orgasm, could make her cum. That was allowed. There was also Command: Pain, which could, obviously, inflict pain.

There were lots of other interesting options, some that made me incredibly curious. I simply had to try out Command: Tentacle Rape, and Command: Tentacle Hell at some point.

“Wow, this is fascinating,” I said.

“M-mistress…?” Chloe mumbled nervously.

“Fun fact Chloe. I can see all sorts of mind control options… and every single one of them is greyed out and blocked for you.”


“Yep. I’m your primary Mistress, and even though I should have root access to everything, there are options blocked from even me. I literally cannot influence your mind at all. And since external mental compulsions are blocked by another one of the collar’s features, it seems our noodly friend has ensured that nobody can ever influence your mind with magic while you’re wearing this collar.”

Chloe smiled and sighed in relief, “That’s good to hear.”

“I’m guessing nothing is greyed out for you, Maddie?” I asked the blonde bombshell across from me.

“Nope, with Mousey-boy here, everything is allowed,” she replied.

“Can you command yourself, Chloe?” I asked. “Try a ‘Command: Orgasm.’”

“Command: Orgasm,” Chloe shook her head no, in disappointment.

“Hmm… what about…” I called out towards the main call. “Hey Ruby! C’mere a minute.”

The little kobold scampered into the room obediently. “Yes! It comes when called Mistress!”

I looked at Chloe, and gestured at the kobold. “Command: Orgasm,” she called out.

Ruby dropped her rag and gasped, her knees quivering for a few seconds, while she stared at Chloe wide eyed with surprise.

“O-okay Mistresses… A strange thing just happened for no reason. Was it Mistresses that did it? If so it thanks for the treat?” she said, a little uncertainly.

“Command: Orgasm,” I tried it out for myself, focusing on Ruby.

Ruby shivered in orgasm again. This time she couldn’t stay standing. Her legs buckled and she collapsed to her knees, panting.

I got up and walked over to her, gently petting her on the head. “Good girl, Ruby. You’re a very hard worker and you deserve lots of cums.”

“I-It thanks you, Mistress,” she gasped, smiling at the praise.

I kept petting her. Her spiny scales were rearward facing. They felt surprisingly soft and smooth if you pet her front to back. Though if I pet her back to front, I’d probably stab myself in the hand.

“This is kinda fun…” I said, turning to Chloe. “Command: Orgasm.”

“Nnnmmm!” Chloe tensed and relaxed, as my command forced her to cum.

“Fuck that’s weird… it’s like there’s nothing, but then suddenly… Boom! Orgasm. I go from zero percent to a hundred percent in an instant,” she explained.

I let the kobold resume her work, and returned to the couch.

“I’m seriously fighting the urge to just run around the house making everybody cum themselves all day long.” I muttered.

“Don’t do it too much…” Chloe warned. “Horny slaves will work harder to please you.”

I supposed she was right. Maddie and Clyde provided the perfect example. She was still gently jerking off her mouse boy as he sat on her lap. He was moaning and panting now, and looked like he was almost in pain. I could see tears in the corner of his eyes. He whimpered pathetically, and shivered as he was brought to the edge of yet another orgasm but denied release. That was definitely a submissive position for sure.

“Your script is working Maddie?” I asked.

“Oh yes. My dear little mousey is getting quite sensitive, isn’t he?”

“Mmm!” the mouse boy whined.

“Don’t be too cruel…” I said, feeling bad for the boy.

“Mousey likes cruel, shaddup and let me have my fun.” Maddie grumbled back.

“Fine, fine, so long as everything is… more or less consensual.” I said.

Maddie shrugged, “He’s into it.”




Okay, back on task. Chloe claimed Pinky for some alone time in the bedroom to get her level up to ten and ready for class evolution, and that was fine with me. I still had some skills to raise.

I stood outside, glaring hatefully at the tangled mess of wild bushes and weeds covering our property’s yard. They clearly hadn’t been tended to for a while. These wild plants would be my victims.

Cursing someone was weird. I couldn’t just cast the spell. I had to hate, and wish doom upon my chosen victim. Since I was cursing weeds to death, I had to think about how awful and nasty and deserving of death these weeds were, before my magic would activate.

“Stupid flower,” I grumbled.

I glared at the ugly yellow wildflower that surely deserved a miserable death, and activated my magic. The spell worked on line of sight, and the origin point was my eyes. There was a flash of black and purple energy, and then nothing.

Slowly, over the next two minutes, the flower withered and turned into a dry husk. Yeah, that’s right! Take that you stupid flower!

“Hey… shrub!” I grumbled. “Fuck you!”

I activated my curse, and there was another flash of unholy energy. The shrub was doomed.


[Unholy Magic I] Skill has reached rank 2


The curse took little mana to activate. Maybe only 5 MP, out of my total of 202. Thanks to my Willpower score of 27, I regained one curse’s worth of mana, every two minutes, but it was much faster than that if I meditated.

Once I got into the habit of hating the weeds sufficiently, it was quite easy to spam my spell and rapidly Doom a whole bunch of them at once. I soon got into a pattern of casting forty Dooms in quick succession, depleting my mana pool, followed by 24 minutes of meditating, to fill my mana pool back up.


[Unholy Magic I] Skill has reached rank 3
[Unholy Magic I] Skill has reached rank 4


I reached level four on my first doom spam. And I followed Lysander’s advice, selecting Energy Drain, as my spell of choice.


New Unholy Spell learned: [Energy Drain]


As Lysander claimed, it allowed me to suck the vitality out of an enemy I touched. It drained both stamina and MP from an enemy, transferring it to me, though much of that MP was used to cast the spell and keep it running. If the enemy ran out of either stamina and MP, they’d fall unconscious. If I kept pushing further, it would start draining health instead, though the enemy’s health didn’t heal me. It only turned into more stamina or MP.

It seemed like a powerful ability, but I got the feeling that it was really weak at this level. It would take several minutes to fully drain even the weakest enemy and knock them out. Stronger enemies would likely take hours. It was kinda useless for a typical adventurer, but for me, a Taint immune rape victim, it would be an incredible boon that could allow me to survive a sexual encounter with even the nastiest monster without running out of steam.

I tested Energy Drain on a big ugly bramble bush. No hateful thoughts were needed to activate this one. I just needed to touch the plant with any part of my body. The plant had no MP or stamina, so I started draining its health immediately. It died in only a few seconds. Faster than Doom, at least. I noticed that the spell cost me more mana than it got back. I’d probably only get back more mana than I spent, if I drained a monster with a decent supply of MP.

I switched back to my Doom and meditate pattern again. It took four Doom and recharge cycles before I reached level seven.


[Unholy Magic I] Skill has reached rank 5
[Unholy Magic I] Skill has reached rank 6
[Unholy Magic I] Skill has reached rank 7


I didn’t have a spell picked out for this level, but my level ten spell was going to be something that boosted my curses. I remembered Emi mentioning getting another, faster acting curse to deal direct damage. I decided to see if I could get something more subtle, like a debuff that would stun an enemy without killing them.


New Unholy Spell learned: [Lesser Curse: Numbing]


This one was harmless, and cost barely any mana. It numbed the victim, taking away their sense of touch, before finally paralyzing their body entirely. How long this took depended on my Magic score, and the enemy’s Endurance. Some tougher enemies might be able to resist it completely, or just get slowed down a little rather than completely paralized. The curse lasted four hours, allowing a paralyzed victim to breathe, blink their eyes, and nothing else. After the curse ran its course, the victim would regain their sense of touch and ability to move. With this, I could shut down a person or monster without harming them. Or, if I combined it with my Doom curse, I could paralyze them for long enough for the doom curse to finish them off.

Sadly, unlike my line of sight Doom curse, it required physical contact to affect the target, reducing its utility.

I was making great progress on my Skills. I didn’t think most people levelled their magic this quickly. I suspected that my high Willpower score, which helped both mana total, and mana regeneration, let me level my magic skills at a much faster than average rate. Maybe I also had some sort of undocumented Isekai protagonist cheat ability too, that sped along my skill growth. I didn’t exactly know everything my greater blessing of Vyreth did, and for whatever reason, unlike all my other perks, I couldn’t display its expanded description on my status.

I continued spamming Doom. Ten more cycles passed. It was around mid-to-late afternoon when I finally reached rank ten in my unholy skill.


[Unholy Magic I] Skill has reached rank 8
[Unholy Magic I] Skill has reached rank 9
[Unholy Magic I] Skill has reached rank 10 (MAX)

[Advanced Mana Manipulation] Skill has reached rank 6

New Unholy Spell learned: [Vile Curse]


“Hehe… take that… big reed thing!” I called out.

This time, I wove Vile Curse first. The incredibly complex spell was far more difficult to weave than the simple little doom curse. With my [Advanced Mana Manipulation] at rank 6, I had no problems. When it activated, it sucked away half my mana pool in an instant, but there was no visible indication I’d cast anything. I dismissed the spell shape, and wove the shape for the Doom curse. As expected, when I cast it this time, there was no visible indication that the spell had been cast. There was no flash in my eyes, no pulse of mana. The only evidence my curse worked was the reed thing shrivelling down to a dry stem after a minute or two.

Vile Curse’s cost made it not so useful for spamming, but I could quietly snipe any enemy I could see, dooming them from a distance.

Unfortunately, I got a bit of intuition about how my spell worked, and it wasn’t quite as overpowered as I’d hoped. For the first hour, the doom curse would behave as normal. The damage would ramp up from nearly nothing, to very deadly. However, for the second hour, prolonged by Vile Curse, it stopped ramping up. Instead, it just stayed pinned to the final damage per second it had before. That meant that it would still do a crazy ridiculous amount of damage for a first tier spell, staying at its max damage per second for an entire hour, but it wouldn’t ramp up to truly stupid levels. I wouldn’t be Dooming any level one thousand dragons or whatever to death. I was pretty sure the overpowered combo would still mark the demise of any monster lower than level 50, at least.

It was time for a break. I decided to go back inside the house, to see what the others were up to.



When I entered the house, all the slaves were up and about. The cleaning work seemed to be pretty much done by this point. Many of the slaves were milling about, without much to do other than stand around looking pretty. The skittish ones seemed to shy away from my gaze, while the ones that were eager to please made themselves visible, and stood submissively off to the side when they saw me, ready to respond to any lewd request I had.

I made my way to the living room, and found both couches occupied. Chloe was sitting on one couch, next to Nialie, the red haired high elven Healer. The experienced Healer was talking about Skills and training exercises. Both girls seemed to be practicing something, their hands glowing a viridian green.

Lysander had the other couch. A dark elf in a maid dress was lying flat on her back, and Lysander was seated, straddling her face. Lysander’s robe skirts covered the elf’s face, and hid what was happening, but… I could recognize Ass Licker’s figure at a glance. It was pretty obvious what the robe was covering.

Lysander wasn’t paying the analingus any mind, however. She was focused on conjuring a ball of fire, and holding it in the air in front of her face.

“That’s an interesting way of training,” I commented, sitting on the single armchar.

“When you reach max rank for any elemental magic skill, you may unlock the general [Elemental Manipulation I] skill. It allows for freeform manipulation of any element from any first tier elemental magic Skill I have access to. Not only does practicing freeform magic raise my [Elemental Manipulation I] skill, but it also improves my [Fire Magic I] Skill as well, since that one is not quite maximum level.”

“I see… and the slave with her tongue in your butt?” I asked.

“Oh? That’s just incidental. It results in a minor decrease in skill training efficiency, but I find the sensation pleasant so it’s worth the tradeoff, in my opinion.” Lysander said casually.

“Right…” I said. “So I’ve capped off Unholy. Next up is fire and wind, then I’ll be ready to level and see what classes I get.”

“Oh, that was quick,” Chloe said. “I got to the level ten evolution threshold, but I’m still only rank 9 for Life magic so I can’t rank up into a class I want yet. The options I got are pretty crummy.”

“I’ve got really good Willpower, thanks to my blessing. It lets my spam my spells and get skill ups really quick,” I replied.

“Consider getting the manipulation skills for easy levelling. Sitting on the couch levitating a small flame costs next to no mana and is much easier than risking a fire by casting combat spells outside. Also, I’m pretty sure casting combat fire magic outside of a designated safe space is illegal.” Lysander said.

“Well, tough. Maxing out Holy and Unholy didn’t unlock a manipulation skill, so I’ve got to either max out wind or fire.” I said.

“Do you know what spells you want?” Lysander asked.

“Eh, not really?” I said. “Any suggestions? You’ve probably mapped out all the options by now.”

“For fire, Flamethrower is a rank ten capstone spell. It gives you a close range wide area spell capable of inflicting damage to an area. The other attack spells at first tier are lackluster, none are more effective than just Firebolt. I’d suggest taking two utility skills. Smother Flame could save your life. It’s a wide area spell that suffocates flame in a certain radius around you. I took that one. Also, should you find yourself bound again, perhaps Flame Jet could help. It creates a small, but hot jet of flame, like a metal cutting torch. You could use it to cut through shackles and locks. Alternatively, you could get Lesser Heat Shield, which reduces fire damage taken by a moderate amount.”

“Yeah, those all sound useful. Though I’m not sure about Heat Shield. My race already has ‘moderate’ fire resistance, apparently. Not sure if those would stack.” I said.

Lysander thought about it for a few seconds, “Likely not. Though you could still cast it on other people, should the need arise. Still, perhaps that one is not so valuable for you.”

“So Smother Flame, Flame Jet, and then Flamethrower.” I said. “What about wind?”

Silence is incredibly helpful. With [Advanced Mana Manipulation] you can also shape the region of sound cancellation. For instance, you could restrict it to a certain person’s throat and voice box, silencing them while allowing them to still hear you. It helped me discipline Brunhilda the dwarf yesterday.”

“Okay, that’s one then.”

Air Blade is a good attack spell, also not a capstone. There’s Air Filter, not a captstone, that removes toxins from the air. Wind Dash is an excellent buff spell, lightens your steps and doubles your overland movement speed for a few seconds. Slow Fall could also save a life, though it’s made redundant by higher tier flight spells.”

“Any of those rank ten spells?” I asked.

“No. For captstone spells, there’s nothing terribly powerful. There are some good movement enhancement spells… Oh! Perhaps Breathless, could help. You can only cast it on yourself. It’s a thirty minute buff that allows you to hold your breath indefinitely, so long as you don’t forget to refresh it every half hour,” Lysander said.

“That one… might be more useful that you realize, given the sorts of things that tend to happen to us,” I said.

“You can deepthroat a large monster gentleman for a long time without suffocating,” Chloe said, nodding approvingly.

Nialie the healer elf gave Chloe and me a sympathetic glace. Perhaps she didn’t approve of our casual reaction to the possibility of being monster raped again.

“Yeah, I’m taking that one for sure.” I said. “So, Silence, Breathless, and one more… Maybe Wind Dash?” I said.

“Those sound like good selections,” Lysander said.

“I guess you’re done with Pinky, Chloe… Maybe I should get up to the level ten threshold. Having a larger mana pool might speed up my skill levelling.” I said.

“Um… Sorry Tyler, Maddie’s using Pinky now,” Chloe said.

I pouted. “Fine, I guess. So, if fire spells are gonna get me in shit, I suppose I’ll go blow some air around for a bit.”

“You could use Gust in combination with your manipulation skill to clear the air of dust. Simply direct the stale air outside, and direct the fresh air inside. That might be somewhat useful and give your manipulation Skill some practice, should you still require it,” Lysander suggested.

“Good plan,” I agreed, standing up from my chair with a groan.

I walked out into the main hall, and opened the front door, figuring out how I wanted to direct the air currents and how much power to put behind my magic.

I caught sight of Ruby the Kobold, standing patiently to the side, trying to passively show that she was a good girl, ready to assist me with whatever I wanted. I gave her a devious grin.

“Command: Orgasm,” I said.

Ruby quivered, knees shaking, but managed to stay upright. “W-why, Mistress?” she gasped. “Why it cums again?”

“Mostly because watching you squirm satisfies my sadistic urges and makes me feel powerful,” I admitted nonchalantly.

“Oh, okay Mistress,” Ruby said, nodding happily, as if that was a good enough reason on its own.

“Want another?” I asked with a grin.

Ruby hesitated for a moment, and glanced away. If she were able to blush through her crimson scales, she’d probably be even redder. “Maybe one more, if it pleases Mistress…” she mumbled.

“Command: Orgasm,” I said.

Ruby grinned with a sharp toothy smile and sank down to her knees, riding the wave of pleasure.

“Command: Orgasm,” I repeated a third time. I couldn’t resist, it was almost addictive.

Ruby moaned, and toppled forwards. She whimpered, chin and chest on the floor, ass in the air, tail up submissively. She quivered there on the ground as I watched girl juice dribble down her thigh.

“One more,” I said. “Command: Orgasm.”

Ruby stayed in slut position, but started licking the floor submissively not knowing what else to do with her mouth. She shivered and moaned. A dribble of squirt splashed on the floor between her legs.

“It… it cums too much… it breaks! It messes floor!” the kobold whined.

“The collar should prevent you from needing to pee… was that all just pussy juice?” I asked.

“It doesn’t know… never did making of such juice before…” Ruby gasped.

“Command: Orgasm,” I said.

“Noooo! Too much cums! It breaks!” Ruby whined, as more juice dribbled onto the floor.

“Command: Orgasm.” I continued.



A half hour later I realized that I’d gotten distracted. Most of the house slaves had come to check out the cause of Ruby’s whining and caught me red handed, in the middle of cruelly abusing my slave. A few of the skittish girls made themselves scarce, trying to avoid my attention. Most of those who curiously watched the show weren’t at all surprised to find me torturing my kobold with repeated orgasms. They smiled and looked happy that I was enjoying myself. Apparently, my somewhat sadistic behaviour was completely normal and expected in their eyes.

The poor kobold was… just a little bit broken for now, but she’d get better soon. She lay on her back, eyes glazed, mouth open and tongue hanging out. He legs were spread wide, and her exposed pussy pulsed and twitched ceaselessly. She was lying in a large puddle of girl cum.

Lothelea was standing nearby, probably curious to know why I was punishing Ruby. Paintoy was staring at Ruby with obvious envy. Rylia was grinning sadistically, enjoying the show.

“Ahem!” I coughed nervously, struggling to put on the persona of a dignified mistress, “Ruby did nothing wrong, I just think I’m in a bit of a sadistic mood today…” I said, as casually as possible, hiding my embarrassment. “Uhm… Paintoy, would you care to help me scratch that itch later tonight?”

“With pleasure, Mistress.” she said, grinning.

“Good, I’ll just practice a bit of wind magic first. Perhaps we can play later this evening?” I said.

“As you wish, Mistress. Would you like me to set aside some implements of torture for you to use on me?” Paintoy asked, she gave me a hopeful smile.

“I’m not sure what toys we have, but sure, collect whatever you can find,” I replied. She gave me a warm happy smile, and bowed before walking away to prepare.

Alright then, time to practice a little more.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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