RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 11 – Konoha Politics

Minato just came back after knowing about Uzufuyuki history as well as Danzo schemes in the dark.

Minato now realize what Sakumo was mentioning about during the Kyuubi incident. After knowing the reasons, Minato went to see Sakumo again.

“You wanted to see me Hokage-sama?” – Sakumo

“Yes, Sakumo-san. I think I know your reasons. But I wanted to know when and why.” – Minato

“Oh, so you have meet them. What do you think about it?” – Sakumo

“… Sigh… I suppose I need to start first before you completely believe me. What they said is completely beyond me. If what they say is true then Danzo will need to pay for his crimes even if he thinks that it is for the good of Konoha. There are lines that we cannot pass! Must not Pass! But Danzo have dived too deep, he has already pass the line long ago and there is no returning from that.” – Minato

“… I agree with you on that… Minato-san. Danzo need to pay for all the crimes he did. Since you know about Danzo, I guess I can share more about what I know to you.” – Sakumo

“Thanks.” – Minato

“There is no need for that Minato-san. I have been monitoring Danzo for thirteen years already.” – Sakumo

“What! Thirteen years!” – Minato

“Yes, I meet Nagi before that during the time I was depressed. I was going to end it but he woke me up from my foolishness. After talking with him further, I went and do my own digging and found out that what we discussed then were true.” – Sakumo (with anger on his face)

“What was true?” – Minato

“As you know I failed to accomplish a mission because I did not want to risk my team lives to accomplish the mission.” – Sakumo

“Yes I remembered that.” – Minato

“In my report I gave my official reasons. Now I will give my personal reason although its personal most of it is also in the official report…
Even if I complete the mission, I fear everyone in my team will be dead. That is if I was lucky but the chance of me dying is extremely high as well. I got a feeling that the mission was completely different from before; I could not explain but my guts said so. After arriving to the vicinity of the mission my gut feeling grew, I decided to abandon the mission after I did my scouting at the surrounding area.

The results is what you also know. I also accepted it and was depressed due to it. Luckily, Nagi helped me out.

If you only read the report, you will not notice it. However, if you dig deeper, it will be completely different. I did just that and found out that Danzo was the one that provided the intelligence; he was the one that suggested me to take on the mission; he was also the first one that reprimanded me after I abandoned the mission.

What is worse is that Danzo planned all that, he knew that the mission is a death trap. He knew that A (3rd), A (4th) and the jinchuriki Killer B was there making deals with the local merchants. With my team and me, how are we going to go against them? The third was too trusting towards Danzo believing him. Even the news spread of my unsuccessful mission was done by him.” – Sakumo

“… Danzo…” – Minato (in shock and anger)

“I was monitoring Danzo after that. During my thirteen years, I got a lot of dirt of him but not enough to actually nail him. Danzo manage to always hold by the thread of being a Konoha traitor and a Konoha hero. For the general public he was good but for the clans he actually thread carefully, providing a carrot and a stick always.” – Sakumo

“Sigh…” – Minato

“Minato-san I hope you know that you can’t discuss about it with the third. If you told him, he will go ballistic and confront Danzo right then. It will not be beneficial for everyone. Most of his dirt although illegal can be portrayed as something beneficial for the land of fire and Konoha in general. That is the main reason that he will be able to walk out of it. We need something that can completely nail him.” – Sakumo

“… I will look on it as well. Danzo… thank you Sakumo-san” – Minato

“There is no need for that. I will take my leave then.” – Sakumo


This is a short chapter. Politics... sigh... Danzo appearance will not be around for sometime as I will go back to my MC story. I think I have posted enough back story for now. Plus I hope I filled my plot holes well. About Rin she will be around in the story later on, I will not throw a mini Jinchuriki to the backburner...

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