RE – Naruto Universe

Nagi’s Chronicles IV – Nohara Rin

The third great shinobi war was on full swing, deployments, redeployments, news and reports were going on every day. Every day the casualties grow until even for Konoha they were forced to deploy enrolled students still in the ninja Academy to battle. Nagi sigh looking at the situation but he did not participate in the war this time.

At the end of the fifth year of the third Great War, Nagi received news that Maito Dai, one of Ren’s close acquaintance perished sacrificing himself to save his son in a battle with Kirigakure elites. It sadden Ren and due to that Ren decided to act against Kirigakure, noticing Ren’s action Nagi and Yuna accompanied Ren.

At the course of the sixth year to the war, various Kirigakure ninja deployments went to disarray due to the subterfuge created by Ren, Nagi and Yuna.

Unknowing to them, subterfuge was also happening within Kirigakure top echelon by Uchiha Madara.

Ren and Nagi noticed the changes that was happening within the Kirigakure command as the Kiri ninja deployments were extremely erratic. Because of it, they decided to find out the reason of the changes.

Meanwhile Sakumo received news that his son Kakashi, teammate Nohara Rin met into serious trouble being caught by Kirigakure ninjas. In response to this, his son was rushing to save her after reporting the situation to command. Receiving this news Sakumo decided to ask Nagi for help, as he knew Nagi was around Kirigakure.

“!!!...” – Nagi

“Hmm? Whats the matter Nagi?” – Ren

“… I just received news from Sakumo that his son is around Kirigakure borders, apparently his teammate Rin was captured by Kiri ninjas and being brought back to Kirigakure. He is rushing here to help recover Rin from Kiri.” – Nagi

“Why are they taking the trouble to capture a young Konoha ninja, she is not a strategic importance to Konoha… does this has something to do with the current changes within the Kirigakure command?” – Yuna

“Indeed, we need to find out more but let’s help Sakumo for now.” – Nagi

“Agreed.” – Yuna & Ren

Nagi, Ren and Yuna decided to help Sakumo in saving Kakashi and Rin. When they were trying to track Kakashi and Rin wear about, the Kirigakure plan was already ongoing. Kirigakure echelons decided to use Rin as a Trojan horse. They forcibly sealed a tail beast, the three tails into Rin while giving a seal command for the seal to be released when Rin reached Konoha. They then gave a simple mind control command to Rin to get back to Konoha and released her. To avoid their plans being known they sent two teams to give chase. It will show an impression that Rin escaped their capture and they wanted her back.    

After a while, Nagi got track of Rin and they started their chase. Unfortunately, when they caught up what they saw was bodies scattered around…

“What has happen here?” – Yuna

“Never mind it for now. We need to check on Kakashi and Rin.” – Nagi

“Kakashi is alright he just fainted, as for the girl…” – Ren

“Let me.” – Yuna

“… she is… somehow she is still alive but it won’t be long before the life force within will dissipate and she will die.” – Yuna

“… Why I am sensing a seal within her, let me see…” – Nagi

“!!! What, they sealed a tail beast within her, the tail beast is the one preventing her to die currently, but it is dissipating as we speak. When the tail beast completely dissipate she will die.” – Nagi

“What can we do? Although I am still healing, her, her wound is just too severe for me to heal.” – Yuna

“The tail beast is trying to stay alive within her… I think we can use that as a catalyst… I got it, I do not know if it would work but we could try. Nagi how long left till the tail beast dissipate completely?” – Ren

“Looking at the seal, I think three to five minutes.” – Nagi

“Hmm… It should be enough, Yuna you start inscribing your best healing seal for Rin, while Nagi you try to inscribe a modified Eight Trigrams Sealing integrating both Yuna seal and Rin current seal. Both of you remember to also include inscriptions that allow connection to the chakra of the tail beast to the healing seal. We will be using the tail beast chakra to increase the healing effiency. I do not know if it will work but using the strong tail beast chakra and will, I hope it will be enough for healing her.” – Ren

“… We will try.” – Nagi &Yuna

“I am done, I do not know if it will work as this is my first time inscribing a seal in this manner.” – Nagi

“Me too, I do not know if it will work.” – Yuna

“It is up to fate now, Nagi start the sealing procedure immediately.” – Ren

“Seal!” – Nagi

Nagi, Yuna and Ren observed the sealing, hoping a miracle would happen. After a while, they observed that the wound in Rin were closing. From that, they knew that their plan was successful.

Ren then asked Yuna to bring Rin back to Hina continue her recovery there. He also told Yuna and Nagi that Rin is now a missing nin, as her identity is too sensitive currently being a Jinchuriki. Kirigakure and Danzo must not know about her being alive and her identity as a Jinchuriki. As for Kakashi, Nagi will inform Sakumo to retrieve him.

“Sakumo said that Minato got news about them and he is going to come, I think we need to move now to avoid complications.” – Nagi

“Yes we should, let’s go. With Minato speed I think he will be here in no time at all.” – Ren


When they left, Minato arrived…

“Kakashi!… sigh… you guys scout ahead.” – Minato

“Yes, sir.”

“I am sorry I didn’t manage to come sooner…” – Minato

“Minato-san there is no one else around, there is no sign of Rin and everyone from Kiri is dead.” – Jounin ninja A

“… There is nothing more to do here, looking at the blood pool here, there is a possibility Rin body was taken away already. Kakashi is uninjured but he is unconscious… sigh, let’s go back…” – Minato


“… How am I going to tell to Kushina… sigh… lets go” – Minato


“How is her injury getting on?” – Ren

“She is fine. She is fallen in coma now. It is up to her will now…” – Yuna

“Hmm… how is the seal and the tail beast within her.” – Ren

“The seal is stable but the original tail beast seal is troubling, it seem that the planter have originally planted two type of seal in her. One is a devious curse seal connected directly to her heart and the another is the tail beast seal.

Rin getting stabbed through her heart already dispel the curse seal but the tail beast seal is still intact. When I checked the seal on the scene, I already found out about a seal signature being planted along with the tail beast seal as well.

I have disconnected it during our sealing process preventing it to transmit its current situation to the person that planted the seal. The planter would presume that the seal is already being undone due to her assumed death as she dispelled the curse seal.

I cannot remove it as it has integrated itself with the other seals. The only way is for her to wake up and in time be strong enough to undergo another new reseal later. As it is the only way to remove that tracking seal now is by the removal of all seals.

As for the tail beast, we all were in luck. The chakra body of the tail beast has already dissipated, I think the main body will undergo rebirth. All that has left within the seal is the last lingering piece of chakra from the tail beast. I do not know about the amount retained but it is still large enough to be considered monstrous. She is no doubt still considered a Jinchuriki.” – Nagi

“Sigh… then we just need to wait. Nevertheless, she have a devils luck now. We can take relief now is that her identity as a Jinchuriki will be unknown to others, as the tail beast main body has undergone rebirth… Yuna take care of her for now.” – Ren

“Yes father” – Yuna



Several weeks has passed…


“…” – Rin

‘Urgh… what happened... where am I…’ – Rin mind

“…Ka-ka-shi…” – Rin

“Oh you are up. Let me check…” – Yuna


“Who are you… where am I…” – Rin

“I am Yuna, I am Sakumo-san friend. You are safe here, don’t worry… you seem to be alright. Do you remember who are you and anything else before?” – Yuna

“… I am Rin… I am from Konoha… was on a mission… AH! The tail beast! Kakashi!” – Rin

“Kakashi is fine, Minato found him and took him back to Konoha. As for the tail beast within you, the main body has already dissipated but you still hold its remnants of its chakra sealed within you. You should thank it as when we found you the tail beast was the one that kept you alive as long as it could. Without it keeping you alive, we would not have been able save you.” – Yuna

‘She is able to remember what has happened but I still need to find out more, how is her long-term memories…’ – Yuna mind

“Rin, do you remember anything else?” – Yuna

“… urgh… I don’t know…” – Rin

‘So she have a memory block… I need to check on that more later…’ – Yuna mind

“It’s ok, you rest for now. I’ll contact Sakumo to inform him that you have awaken.” – Yuna


“Rin, are you all right?” – Sakumo

“Do I know you?” – Rin

“Sakumo-san, she is fine. However, she has lost her memories except for the ones during her capture.” – Yuna

“!, sigh…” – Sakumo

“You’re Sakumo? Kakashi’s father?” – Rin

“Yes.” – Sakumo

“Sorry, I remember your name but I can’t recognize you… but you do look like Kakashi…” – Rin

“… Yuna-san will she be able to recover her memories.” – Sakamoto

“About this… I do not know. She may be able to remember later on but we need to accept it if she do not.” – Yuna

“… she… sigh… officially she has been declared KIA… Kakashi can’t forgive himself…” – Sakumo

“Kakashi… I want to see him…” – Rin

“I am afraid you will not be able to at the moment Rin, we do not need to mind about your official status. But you have to remember that if you reveal that you are alive, Kirigakure will definitely want answers. Not only that even others want answers. Reports regarding you being a jinchuruiki Trojan horse has already spread. You showing yourself now will place Konoha in more pressure.” – Yuna

“Ah…” – Rin

“Do not worry about Kakashi for now Rin. You need to get well. It is never late to see him later.” – Sakumo

“Ok…” – Rin

“I need to go now, I will come back later when I am free. Take care.” – Sakumo

“Thank you uncle Sakumo…” – Rin


This is my last history chapter. Yes Rin is alive, Kakashi need someone and I decided it has to be her!

Fun part aside, the next chapter will be back during the time Minato and Kushina found out about Uzufuyuki origins and Danzo actions.

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