RE – Naruto Universe

Nagi’s Chronicles III – Relighting the fire within

A year has passed since Nagi arrived at Konoha he also turned seventeen now and the one-year peace was over as the war has just restarted.

He had meet Yuna and her parents a year ago and told them his part of his story during Uzushigakure downfall along with what he was doing after the incident until he meet Yuna.

His story regarding Uzushigakure destruction made Ren and Hina gritted their teeth in anger, Yuna was also angry about what has transpired. Later when Nagi continued his story, they felt sad towards Nagi, tears flowed out of Yuna eyes as she wished she were there to care for him. Just to be with him so he knows that he was not alone at the time was enough for her.
Nagi continued his story and talked about his expedition and involvements in the war that happened later. Ren, Hina and Yuna was shocked and amaze towards the achievements Nagi had during the war, they figured that if Nagi identity was known at the time he would also get a title similar to those Legendary Sannin.

After telling his story, Nagi produced the seal scroll containing Uzushigakure vault of knowledge to Ren and Hina as he think the elder would have wanted as well. Ren accepted the scroll, and he invited Nagi to stay and help them. When Yuna heard her father invitation, she immediately agreed with her father suggestion and pestered Nagi to stay as well. Nagi was deliberating by himself about what he will do now when Yuna started pestering Nagi to stay. Looking at her, remembering the joy and happiness he got when he was with her Nagi agreed.

One day during Nagi usual walk, he walked pass the popular teashop that was mentioned by Yuna the first time they made the promise to meet up. As he was walking by, he saw a depress man sitting there along thinking deeply about something. Nagi did not know what was on with him that day but looking at the depressed man, he decided to go to start a conversation with him. The depressed man introduced himself as Hatake Sakumo. They talked for a while when Sakumo asked Nagi a few philosophical questions about being a ninja, what it meant and their duties. After hearing about it, Nagi replied to him based from his heart.

“Sakumo-san, I do not know what you truly experienced but for me I know mine. Let me tell you there is nothing great to be a ninja when you have nothing in your life. You will just be a mindless puppet doing the bidding of others. What is life then? For me life is more important, what is in your life is important, without that there is no life at all.

I am a ninja and I had lost all I have known. My acquaintances, friends, family and my home all was lost in a war. All that is left is my memories of them, and I as a ninja was not able to do a thing to safe anyone.

If being a ninja means losing them I will gladly let go the title and job of being a ninja. A ninja has strength not like the civilians, yes with the strength we have a duty. However just being a ninja and your duty makes you kill your loved ones, the ones you care about, and the ones that make you alive; knowing that you have the power to avoid that then no I do not want to be a ninja. In my point of view as long as you manage to save the ones you care about who cares about anything else.

It may be selfish but think about it. I was living but dead inside me for a few years after what has happened loosing everyone, depressed just like you or even worse than you have. During that period there is only killings, death, vengeance and hatred within me. What life is that? There is no light only darkness.

However, know you what, now I want to live. I now have someone I want to protect, someone I want to see always. I found back my light. I want that person to be happy and not sad, and if I need to be a ninja to protect that then I am a ninja. It is my ninja way.” – Nagi

What Nagi said to Sakumo was like a rising sun that shone towards Sakumo in the dark, it woke Sakumo up. He realize that he was going down a wrong path, a path that is different from his own. His ninja way! When Sakumo knew his mistake, woke up from his depression he went, and thank Nagi. When he was thanking him, Yuna came by to get Nagi as it was going to be dinner time already. When Sakumo saw her he know that she is the new person that Nagi had in his life, she is the person that he wanted to give his all to protect, she was his shinobi way. That made him remember his son and he regretted towards where he was going to, but he found back his path and he was thankful towards Nagi.

Before Nagi left with Yuna, he asked Sakumo that if they can meet again. Nagi told him that he wanted to talk about to him about another topic. However, the topic could be related to what is happening to him now. Nevertheless, what that will be discussed can be done later as he do think he got something that he need to do first. Sakumo agreed to meet him a week later around the same time here and he swiftly went back to see his son Kakashi to apologies regarding what a fool he has been.

The following week, Sakumo meet up with Nagi. He thank Nagi again when they meet. After a while of small talk, Nagi told the reason he want to talk to Sakumo. He told him that only when Sakumo introduced himself last week, did he realize whom he was talking with. He then continued that there are many points that Sakumo missed that Nagi noted during their conversation last week.

He told Sakumo from what he knew the spread of news of him abandoning his mission which although is not a great secret it is still a secret operation as not to let the enemy know. The report and news should not be able to spread to the general public the following day like wild fire. He enquired a few people around regarding the spread of the news.
What Nagi found was that the whole Konoha knew about it within a day or two, and not only that when he was in the capital he also found out that the people there also heard about his failed mission within a few days. For the spread of news regarding what he did even if his team talked about it when off duty the spread of the news is just too rapid. It is too unnatural for it to spread as it was.

After hearing what Nagi said, Sakumo also realize it was unnatural for that to happen as it was. It was as someone was spreading the news to discredit him. However, he cannot find a reason on why. Nagi then continued and asked Sakumo if he felt that the mission that was issued to him was a usual sortie or was it an unusual one. Nagi reasoning was that it was always possible for the issued mission to be a setup from the very beginning.
Even if he continued the mission and succeeded the casualties would be too great for Konoha at a period like this, and because of that he will also be blamed. The blame is that he did not care about his team at all willing to sacrifice anyone including the people he worked with for a very long time to succeed. It will be even worse if he committed to the mission and failed while only you survived.
From both the scenario there he will still end up with the situation is being in where his credibility is tarnished greater in the latter. After hearing what Nagi said Sakumo realize what situation he is in, he felt angry about the whole situation, angry towards the person that perpetrated this towards him.

Nagi further ask Sakumo regarding who would actually benefit the most in discrediting him. Prior to this mission Sakumo achievement was stellar. His contribution for Konoha during the war was just second to the Legendary Sannin achievement. Some may even say outshine them. Sakumo was not a politician; however even for him right now he realize that someone in Konoha is acting against him. Then he remembered the what Nagi asked earlier regarding the issued mission.

When the Third Hokage issued him the mission, out of instinct Sakumo asked a few questions regarding the mission. The first question was regarding the person that provided the intelligence for the mission. The Third Hokage told him that his old trusted friend Danzo provided the intelligence for the mission. When he heard that it was Danzo, it was as if he knew something was wrong but he did not know what at that time.

Realization came to him that the person that the perpetrator is Danzo without the doubt as only he beside the Hokage would have the resources to do it. Sakumo highly doubt that the Hokage was the one that did it so the only one left was Danzo. Upon realizing it, Sakumo was truly angry and he wanted to confront Danzo regarding what he did. Nagi calmed Sakumo down as he told him that what he had now is only a conjecture on their part. Without enough proof Danzo would walk out freely without harm while he Sakumo will be further vilified by everyone.

Nagi told Sakumo that he need to take his time and gather evidence on Danzo wrong doing as if he actually acted on him like that, he probably acted on others as well. Getting enough evidence of his actions will increase his odds in nailing Danzo down for all his crimes he had done.

Sakumo agreed to Nagi suggestion, he thank him again for helping him come to realization regarding what has transpired. Before Nagi and Sakumo left, Nagi told Sakumo that if he needed help he would be there to help him out and he will help him in keeping an eye on Danzo as well.

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