RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 18 – Uzumaki Fuinjutsu

Ren and Nagi got the news regarding Azuma’s first nature transformation training. They were surprised when they heard about it from Hina and Yuna respectively. What really amaze them is that Azuma attempt to try out other nature transformations as well. Initially from their perspective, it is Azuma is just trying get ahead of himself just because of the success being able to mold ice, wind and water elements.

However, they were wrong. After Hina and Yuna continued their narrative about what Azuma did and told them. They caught on to something. For Azuma to actually think he should be able to do the molding to form the other elements. The way he is trying is a proof that he may be on to something that they do not know about but it should be within the enlightenment state.


<Little did they know that Azuma was not actually in an enlightenment state, but just attempting the molding process based on his past life understanding of physical nature. However based on their judgement he was in an enlighten state.>


They do not know what form of enlightenment that Azuma managed to gain during the training but they felt very happy about it. They know that gaining enlightenment itself is something that just happened during the training and understanding process. They all experienced it in some form or another, especially for Ren and Nagi.

Both of them know very well about being in an enlighten state. For Ren it was when he got enlightenment about opening his gates. The gate understanding he got is completely different to Might Duy. Hence creating a different outcome to his. While for Nagi, it was when he got his enlightenment during his fuinjutsu inscriptions. He manage to be so proficient towards it that he could mold fuinjutsu instantly.


Since they knew that Azuma gained enlightenment about nature transformation they decided to accelerate the training. They are going to strike when the iron is still hot. Hoping that Azuma can extend his enlightenment phase further.




Half a year has gone by since Azuma started his chakra molding training and today Azuma will start his Fuinjutsu training with Nagi.


“Azuma, you have completed almost all your training. This will be your last one, before you complete all the basics. Today we will start your Fuinjutsu training.”

‘Fuinjutsu… love it but I do not truly understand it. It is something that I cannot actually fathom. When I saw it in my past life, I thought it is just another skill. Now after actually seeing it in action there is something off from what I currently understand. I cannot point out the problem… I hope I can get the insights I need now so I can try and understand it better…’


Looking at Azuma, Nagi felt remorse towards his action when Azuma was just born. The sealing of the Uzumaki characteristics was something that was needed to be done. However, he also felt that it is also wrong to peform the sealing directly after Azuma birth. That decision pains him greatly as he know that it was a correct move in the mind but it was not at heart.
After awhile Nagi decided to tell Azuma everything…


“Azuma, before we start we would like to apologize to you.”

“Huh?” ‘What for?’

“It’s about us sealing your identity right after you were born.”


‘Damn I totally forgot about that, but I remembered now. So they were sealing off my identity. I should have guess as much…’

“Let me release my seal. Azuma observe how I am doing it, and then copy my hand seals to release the seal… Kai!”



‘So… based on the changes and that Crimson red hair… the Uzumaki clan main characteristics… let me see my original self as well…’


‘The feeling… damn how much chakra is that seal suppressing? Hmm, the seal is ingenious. It really suppressed the all Uzumaki characteristics. Not only that it change the physical characteristics of Uzumaki, it completely changed everything. That include the Uzumaki primal physical potential which indirectly change its chakra characteristics.’


After Azuma released his seal, Nagi continued by narrating about what Uzufuyuki is as well as their origins…


‘Ok that’s was a refresher, I cannot say that I know about it do I? For a nine-month-old baby to be able to understand what they are talking… but this time hearing it again I think there is something off… Danzo behaviors… hmm… I will keep that in mind for now…’


“Azuma I hope you continue to keep the seal activated for now. We do not want to let Danzo and everyone know about our origin and status for now.”

“Yes, dad. I know what to do.”

‘Danzo… I do not know him well… based on my understanding of him he is just a person that is too rigid to his core. It is just not good to be like that, it’s good in a way but if it’s known by a mastermind psychologist… hehe…’


After telling Azuma about Uzufuyuki history and the reasons he had to peform the sealing on Azuma, Nagi felt relief. He felt a burdern within him faded away, especially when Azuma did not blame him.


“Then let’s get started, I will explain the core differences Uzumaki Fuinjutsu is compared to the known public or other clan’s fuinjutsu.

To begin we will need to start with our Uzumaki origins. You know by now that we are distance cousins to the Senju clan. Based on our historical notes both of our clans origins are the same.

However, we diverged when our ancestor decided to leave the land of Ancestors to explore the world like what his great grandfather did during his early days.

Our ancestor then decided to stay on one of the ruins he discovered during his time exploring the world. From the historical notes the ruins, that our ancestor found was an ancient monastery ruin.

During his time there, he discovered that ancient monastery ruins was unique, and the walls inscribed runes that he did not completely understand. He decided to stay there to study those runes.
In time he figured out the meanings of the runes, in doing so he studied them gaining enlightenment from it.


That enlightenment that he attained is our Uzumaki core principals. Using that principal, we expanded our understanding towards fuinjutsu. Our ancestor tried to spread his what he know to others but when he got back to the land of Ancestors at the time, civil strife was happening. Not willing to participate, he then decided to bring along people from his clan that had the same feelings as him to an island to begin anew.

Our Uzumaki origins started then. Our ancestor started to lead by example, practicing what he learnt from the ruins.

When we continued our practice based on our ancestor teachings, in time we changed. That change is what brought about our Uzumaki characteristics now.


What we practiced was principle of Naido, the Inner path principle (Buddhist orthodox teachings). Through the practice we evolved, we changed. First was the noticeable ones our hair, then later our body constitution also evolved. We gained stronger primal physical body, which in turn also change our chakra characteristics and capability.

Furthermore, adapting to our newfound characteristics our fuinjutsu base form also changed, we started to develop a different way in creating our fuinjutsu.


The Naido is a path where we are trying to learn and understand our realms of desires within us. Learning and understanding our realms of desire will lead us understand ourselves better, in hope we can reach true self-enlightenment, a higher realm by itself.

It is different from Gedo principals, outer path. Based on my understanding Gedo practitioners also attempt to learn and understand the realms of desires but the core difference is that they project it differently. Some call it demonic path since it is almost impossible to reach a higher realm, not being able to gain complete self-enlightenment after practicing it.


The Desire realms consist of six realms which is Deva (Tendo), Human (Nindo), Asura, Animal, Hungry Ghost (Petra) and Beings in Hell (Naraka).


I hope that you also practice Naido rather than Gedo. Practicing Gedo will indeed increase your strength and power greatly but you will only know the differences when you practice Naido. It cannot be explained through words. Only by the ones that practicing it could understand.

The benefits that we got practicing the Naido principals was great. Beside our physical changes, for instance we manage to develop our three greatest fuinjutsu accomplishments feared by many through understanding Naido. We manage to develop the eight trigrams sealing is based on our Naido understanding of Nindo path, Dead Demon consuming seal is based on Naraka path while our Adamantine sealing chains is based on Petra path.

Out of the three, two of those techniques could be replicated through hand seals and with a good fuinjutsu mastery. However, the last one is completely different. Throughout the ages of us practicing Naido, we Uzumaki gain the capability and potential to use our self as the point of action. Because of it we are able to produce the Adamantine sealing chains, because of it we were classified by some as Kekkei users.


However, it is not actually it. If someone practices the Naido principle path and evolve up to a certain state, it is theoretically possible that the person is able to execute the Adamantine sealing chains as well. It didn’t come to us just directly but it’s a long process by our clan that now every Uzumaki has the potential for it.” – Nagi


The history of Uzumaki Fuinjutsu, especially the teachings by the Uzumaki ancestor was unknown by Azuma. However after knowing about it, Azuma perception on this world changed.

‘This teachings… It is the same like what I researched in my past life. Personal enlightenment towards a higher level of oneself… the gedo path is probably it is just probably like the six paths of pain… so the Uzumaki actually practices it but differently.

No wonder the Uzumaki has a unique characteristics compared to others, we are going to a different path. Because of it, we evolved as well.


Now that is something that I do not know about…


Anyway, I always had the perception that to be all-powerful in this world I need to be either a Jinchuriki or getting one of those pair of eyes… thinking of those damn eyes, it just irritates me even in my past life. I did not want to try to grab those eyes just to be superior. Now there is a different path to take, the Uzumaki already evolved to this state based on its practice, I will go further then.’


Since the original have multiple references of Buddhism for their ninjutsu techniques, I will continue in that path.

I also do not like the idea of my main character getting the eyes or to be a jinchuriki to be OP.
I do not want to argue with anyone, plus its my fanfiction so one thing I can say, if anything my main character will be unique in a different manner. 
Have a nice weekend everyone.

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