RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 19 – Azuma’s Personal Training

It took Azuma slightly less than two and a half years to complete his basic training. Even Sakumo agreed with Azuma’s family that Azuma already have gained a solid foundation to be a capable ninja.
In fact, after guiding him regarding the lighting element, Azuma successfully mold it within a day, he was completely in shock and awe.

He completely acknowledge that Azuma already surpass the standard of a genin. He currently placed Azuma within the standard of an elite Chunin level ninja or even a Jounin, just because of his elemental attainment. Based on his judgment, Azuma achievements already surpassed the genius Uchiha Itachi, his son Kakashi and even Minato.


One day during dawn in the Uzufuyuki Training Lodge…


‘Hmm… to think that my foundation training has ended. In about half a year time, I will be going to the ninja Academy… I still do not know which ninja Academy I will be going. Sigh…

I have been practicing by myself since a few weeks ago after learning all I needed about Uzumaki Fuinjutu from father. Fuinjutsu… hehehe…


Anyway for now let’s see my current accomplishments… after the initial attempt during my molding chakra to elements I got some success. However some of my attempt also ended up with failures. Luckily, I still manage to learn all the base five elements through the help of my family and uncle Sakumo.


Generally I found out that chakra created element is different compared to the original element.


Based on my experiments after that, I found that the original element characteristics is still around and it is completely base on the physics principles that I know.

However, the ones I created based on chakra has the properties of the original but it still shows differences in properties. The differences originated from the chakra. The chakra is the ones holding the particular element together and without it, it will disappear or will not even form.


Because of this understanding, it was easier for me to practice element molding. I also found that hand seals also help in accelerating my understanding of the element molding.

After using the hand seals of the techniques while meditating on them, it is quite easy for me to identify the way the chakra are being mold to the specific elements. Learning the different way the chakra is interacting towards physics ah the euphoria of it…
Maybe it is because of my past life experiences the scientist in me that is at work now. It still it is good to learn them in such a unique way.


Because I learnt all the basics, now I get my own free time to do what I want. I could now try a few stuff I wanted to.

Anyway the only thing for me to do now is start my exercise routine of today.’


Azuma started his daily workout routine…


‘Ok first, let’s revolve some chakra around my body for warm up before doing my muscle workout… it is so easy in this world, if it was my past life my warmup will take about five to ten minutes depend on what I want to work on…’


After his simple warming up Azuma walked to the center of the lake. From there he started his workout.


‘Now its push up time two sets of five hundred reps… now sit-ups also two sets of five hundred reps… done, now squats two sets of five hundred reps… phew now some rock climbing and swimming, I’ll switch to hand walking and combat training tomorrow with my shadow clones.’


Azuma walked to the waterfall and climbed from the side of the waterfall.

After he reached the top, he dived down from there diving to the lake and he started to swim to the end of the lake where it start to flow to the river.

He swam back from there making a lap and started to climb again.

He did that for one hundred times, after that he ended his physical training.


From there he went to the front yard of the lodge and started his stretches.

‘Phew… that’s was a good workout’

‘Anyway Lunch time!’


Azuma took out a seal scroll from the kitchen.


“Release!... itadakimasu~”




‘Now its chakra and ninjutsu training… hmm… let’s start by better attuning myself to other element chakras.

My mastery towards molding earth and fire element is not on par compared to my other base elements. Every step I advance the insights regarding utilizing the element expanded.

I need to get the Earth element up to advance level as soon as possible; I remembered there is one earth jutsu that is very useful for physical training.

It is practically the best skill for physical training, the added weight jutsu… not only that, I theorized that I could derive gravity from it if I manage to get to the level of mimicking that jutsu.


After learning that I could just use that jutsu on to myself, it will help in my physical workout. For that to happen I probably need to reach advance level, I think I will be able to create something similar then…

Sigh, if only I know the hand seals for that. Should I make the effort to get that hand seal? … never mind this is also good it increase my motivation to learn all the base elements.’


“Kage bunshin no Jutsu”


Three shadow clones appeared.


“Ok today we will continue on with earth element. Let’s start.” – Azuma (Original)





Azuma and his three of his clones went on to meditate.

He found that using the way of chakra meditation could help in understanding the element chakra.

He modified the chakra control meditation to chakra element molding mediation, with that he could observe the way the chakra interact with the element molding. Hence increasing his understanding and mastery of the elements.


With the new understanding he had, he manage to learn the entire five base chakra elements. He discovered the yin and yang molding through this method.
He manage to study about Yin element and Yang element molding when he meditated on the supplementary ninjutsus he learnt during his taijutsu and bukijutsu (weapons) training. Then he discovered Yin-Yang molding when he tried to understand the genjutsu training his father thought him and medical ninjutsu training when his mother taught him.




‘Hmm… I think it’s enough for today…’




The shadow clones disappeared, in the meantime Azuma is continuing with his meditation to digest all his clones’ experiences.


‘Hmm… tomorrow I think I will switch to that instead. I think it will give better results …’


“Ok bath then dinner time…”




‘Sigh… every time when it comes to seals it will really make me relive my past life work life… Although the ninjutsu training also reflects that, but this fuinjutsu is practically the same but it is different in the same time… sigh… I had better stop thinking about it. It will make my head spin… let’s get started. Now where did I stop? …’


The first time Azuma saw fuinjustu he view it as just another ninja skill, then when he arrived in this world he felt that the use of it is too narrow. Although there is great application on it but he still felt that, the application is too rigid to a fault. He judge that the current application of fuinjutsu is just at the tip of an iceberg, but he do not know how to improve it at all.


Then Azuma learnt about Uzumaki Fuinjutsu. During that time his father thought him everything he knows about Fuinjutsu.

He learnt about the history of Uzumaki, their origins, their practices as well as their way of sealing. What he learnt also include the eight trigrams sealing and Dead demon consuming seal. The Dead demon consuming seal was awe inspiring for Azuma, as that was his first time actually seeing a demon spirit in real life.
By learning about the eight trigrams sealing and dead demon consuming seal it made him realize that there is a good potential of the fuinjutsu to advance further.

However, when his father taught him the Uzumaki greatest achievement the chakra-based fuinjutsu the adamantine sealing chains, Azuma realizes his new path. It was his eureka moment when he saw the adamantine sealing chains technique.


From then on, he recognized that the Naido is the path that he had to take. He recognized that the Uzumaki fuinjutsu is different compared to the others.

Only with it, that he can adapt his past life work experiences. It will make it a reality in this world.

He will further his inner path practice, to increase his personal capability. In doing so he will be able to continue making better and greater fuinjutsu adaptations based on his own understanding and practices.


Because of that eureka moment, he started back on his own experiments. He saw the greatness and the wonders of fuinjutsu.


If he place fuinjutsu techniques as a technological advancement, then within his past life technological level category, the common fuinjutsu techniques is probably at the Bronze Age period.

While the Uzumaki fuinjutsu technique advancements is a stage or two higher than the common ones, he estimated it to be around the end of the Iron Age and in the Renaissance period. However, their three greatest skills out of all Uzumaki fuinjutsu collection the eight trigrams sealing and the dead demon consuming seal probably started the early modern period but the Adamantine sealing chains started their golden age for fuinjutsu.


He theorized that it was the main reason why the Uzumaki fuinjutsu was extremely dreaded by others. To be at a stage completely beyond the rest made them a target. He however wonder if there is more to it than this as their reason for their downfall.

He based that on what his father told him about the Uzumaki. Because of their inner path practice the Uzumaki are mostly pacifist in nature. However, through learning about the Asura realm it does prove that even the Uzumaki are just sleeping Dragons.

The fall of the Uzumaki when he include the origins of Uzumaki into the mix shows a different story. He found some questionable events happening that time when his father was telling him about the events Uzushiogakure fell. Azuma decided to explore into it on later time.

Going back to his research experiments; his actions now will now make a quantum leap forward skipping multiple ages, hoping to reach his past life age, the quantum age.


In his view, the way fuinjutsu is used is right but it is also wrong as well. They limit its usage to sealing, beast summoning, supportive sealings with some outliers added with it.

However, Azuma judged that the core discipline that gave rise to fuinjutsu is not fuinjutsu! It is Hibunjutsu! The inscription technique! That is the core. Using it only to create and design sealing techniques is too narrow.


He plan to do multiple different research on it. However, currently based on his current capability (chakra and mental strength) from all his plans he can only do only few.

In this experiment, he is going to device a new way to use ninjutsu. With his new method, he will make all hand seal based ninjutsu obsolete.
Granted that the user need to be at a master level on chakra control and nature transformation not to mention fuinjutsu inscriptions mastery as well to make it work. In his view, using this method will also prevent certain particular eye kekkai users or other form of method to just steal and use this method easily for themselves.

When the user gained the necessary skills to accomplish it, it will be a game changer for the user. The user will at least be on the level of kekkei users using this technique if they reach minor success. While they will surpass them when they reach major success. If they mastered it then they are walking superweapons.


In his research, he hypothesized that there is a way for anyone to use kekkei techniques.


He recognize that it is normal for a ninjutsu user to experience more difficulties in regards to creating a stronger jutsu of their specialize element. Moreover, for them to combat kekkei users they always need an extremely strong jutsu to combat against the kekkei user’s normal jutsus. To accomplish that is almost impossible for most people.
Therefore, for the normal user generally they will need to combine forces with other users to use combination jutsus to combat kekkei users. The stronger the kekkei user, the more people that will be needed to contribute towards the combination jutsu to try to counter one kekkei user. This will lead to impossibility in the end.


What Azuma is researching now is a way to overcome the difficulty of forming a ninjutsu technique. For example, it is impossible for a normal ninjutsu user to create an ice element ninjutsu. But with his method he will be using seals to compensate the impossibility of creating it.

He found that it was actually possible for a normal user to actually create an ice element ninjutsu during his chakra element meditation.

However, he also theorized two reasons for the impossibility of executing it in practical terms. The first is probably because of their understanding towards the complex nature of the element interaction. For example the interaction of water and wind to form ice. If they have their understanding of elements based on the principle of physics, it will be easier for them to understand it.
The second is the calculations needed to maintain the created element, without proper arithmetic understanding it will be impossible to maintain the element at any given time.


For Azuma the reason he is doing the research is the second reason that he theorized. During his element nature training he tried to do a storm release which is based on water and lighting element.
He knew how to do it from his understanding from physics but he still failed. During his meditation, he found that the main reason he failed is because he cannot maintain the element balance. He then tested several more variations but it does not work.

When he analyze his findings he found out that he need to constantly manage the calculation variation of interaction, which was impossible even for him unless he has AI support. He theorized that the reason he is able to do ice release is due to biological intuition towards maintaining a balance.


That is when his research comes in. He will be using the seal inscribed as an arithmetic processing node. It will be responsible for maintaining the balance of the elements involved. He got this idea from another anime he watched, where an AI device as well as magical circles is being used to maintain a flow of mana to execute a powerful attack. Based on what he saw, he will be utilizing the seals to mimic the AI device and the magical circles purpose.

If the experiment prove successful, Azuma planned to expand on it. His final goals is not this, but this is already an extremely powerful byproduct from his experiments towards his goals.




Now his daily training consist of physical training with combat training on alternate days in the morning. After lunch, it is followed by chakra control training integrated nature transformation training. At nighttime, he does his experiments on seals.


Azuma plan was to continue with this training until he go to the ninja academy later on.

After that time, he will use nine of his shadow clones each doing an element meditation while his main body will continue his Naido practice as well as going to the Academy. As for his research, he will do it in his free time.


Although he discovered that the shadow clones helps him in gaining experience when the shadow clone disappear.

However, the assimilation process require great mental stamina and strength.

If the information and experience is too much for the person mental capability then the person will lose conscious.

When that happen the assimilation process will end. However, all extra experience and information that is not assimilated by then will disappear.

Azuma also found that the element meditation require to maintain a considerable amount of chakra in the shadow clone to work.

Because of both of the issues using shadow clone for his element training he decided on having nine clones. Based on his calculation that is the limit of what his mental strength and chakra pool is able to maintain.


[Water/Fire/Wind/Lighting/Earth/Ice/Yin/Yang/Yin-Yang = 9 element, 1 for each shadow clone]


My longest chapter yet... anyway this will be Azuma base stats now. I have written it in a way that Azuma will be able to overcome Boruto era enemies [cannon] and Azuma enemies [non-cannon that only exist in my story].
Beside that I have also include my own fanfiction explanation regarding the reasons of kekkei users being able to use their techniques, and how chakra is used to form elemental techniques. Please NOTE this explanation is for my story, its a fanfiction.
If it so happen that it can be used to explain others then I hit the jackpot, if not please keep it within my fanfiction story.

Still planning ahead, there is more chapters of peace to go. Based on the original timeline its just peaceful until they graduated.
I have also decided that Azuma will be entering Konoha, its already in draft. The only thing I am thinking now is Azuma love life...

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