RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 22 – Taking the throne

‘Sigh… that was quite eventful. It is just the first day and I got to spar with the best of Konoha within the age of seven bracket.
Sasuke... meh… should not have my hopes up, guess I need to wait a few more years and find Rock Lee to have a good taijutsu match.
I almost did a mistake and won that fight, luckily I manage to side step ahead back to make it look as I misread the counter. It would be really bad if I win against him, nevertheless I will never lose out right just because I needed to keep it low.
I still need to at least be good in something but will not catch the attention of many… hmm… let’s make them think I am out of balance! I will be like Rock Lee good in taijutsu, and I will also throw in bukijutsu mastery as well. I just need to make them see that I pass my ninjutsu and genjutsu. That could possibly do it…’

“Azuma are you alright?” – Choji

“Yea I am no worries it’s just a graze on my cheek.”

“You don’t need to care much about this. Sasuke is pretty much unrivaled in the class based on combat potential.” – Shikamaru


‘Unrival… heh~ just you all wait, I need to show my improvements bit by bit in time so it will not be an instant flag for Danzo. However, I still need to go through the other tests of potential before I can show improvements in this.’
“… I guess so but it’s still early to say that he is unrivaled.”

“Yes, Azuma is right on that! I will beat Sasuke!” – Naruto

“What a drag…” – Shikamaru



“I am home.”

“Welcome back dear, how’s your first day?”

“It’s good; we did sparing training today for self-introduction.”

“Oh, self-introduction through sparing… so who did you spar against?” ‘… Guess it’s the easiest way to know each other, I guess the instructor is experienced’

“I spared with a student from the capital from the capital, I think he is from the Izuku clan and Sasuke.”

“Izuku clan… anyway how’s your spar with them?” ‘Eh for that Izuku clan to actually send their child here as well.’

“… I guess it’s not bad.” ‘What can I say? I wanted a good spar but didn’t get one. Then I remembered grandpa reminder during the spar and ended up losing against something that I viewed as crap… That is a direct face slap to myself!
I will change that though, I just need to avoid prying eyes of those necessary people if I can do that it will be free for all for me.’

‘Why is he answering as if he didn’t like the outcome? It is better to change the subject for now.’ “… I guess that you also observed others spar as well, what do you think about them?”


“I can’t actually judge properly… In general, I guess most of the students in the class do not even learn the basics of martial arts properly there is nothing more than that. Even for Sasuke I do not actually see one either, sigh...
Nevertheless, based on strictly clan evaluation he is quite capable. That include other clans as well, some of them have interesting techniques. As for Sasuke, he manage to observe my basics martial movements during the sparing secession when I was sparring with the Izuku clan person. Then he took around thirty seconds during our match and adopt my basic movements to his own, after which I decided to loose after that.”

‘Ah I got it that’s the reason he is unhappy’ “… Indeed the Uchiha observation skills is one of the best in the ninja world, I hope you experience more about other clans dear. Anyway go and take a bath, dinner will be ready by then.”

“Yes mum.”


‘Remembering the sparing session as well as all my training till now really make see the uniqueness of the world I am living now…
The Uchiha clan, based on what I know they were wiped out even worse than the Uzumaki clan by only living Sasuke alive.


However looking at things it there is a probability it would not happen. With the changes of events as well as having Minato and Sakumo being alive I think it will change things a lot. If it happens it happens, I will not interfere at all, and taking what Shikamaru like to say, it is troublesome.

I will let everything goes by their course, unless it happens right in front of me I will not interfere. I will not go around finding trouble. I do not know everything, my knowledge on this world is based on those fragmented episodes I got, and I do not know the ending as well…


I have only subpar knowledge of this world from my previous life, however it still influence my decisions and thoughts in this life greatly... I cannot rely on it too much…


Anyway from today observation, I am sure now that the Naruto I know is different. He retains some identical characteristics like before such as his stubborn will to win, his friendliness, kindness and care to others is still there.
However, his motivation is not as before. He wants to be strong similar than before but his motivation for that is different. Guess that for him to be compared to Minato makes a lot of difference. To be strong just to stop being compared with a shadow of someone, a change in motivation really change people. I wonder if there is other changes as well that I didn’t notice yet…’


“Dear it’s time for dinner.”

“I’ll be out in a moment.”


‘Nevertheless there is other things I need to do now rather than just thinking of other stuff. For one I am still trying to introduce my past life humanity legacy to this world. Beside that, I am still finding for a place to do my experiments in secret. I can’t do certain practical experiments due to the risk of it backfire terribly…’




‘A month! A month! It took one month for all the Academy initial evaluation on the students to complete. Heh, for something that needed a few days they took a month. As if I did not notice that prying eyes around, as if I do not know the slow pace is to elude others regarding data collection of student potential particularly on the non konoha students!
Hmph! For them to make me endure the humiliation of constant complete lost… it will change now. Sasuke will not be the best in all fields soon, now that I can execute my plan… I guess I need about three months to make it look I have catch up in taijutsu and bukijutsu. I just need to make one of my shadow clone run around doing the necessary training for all to see. I will also gradually increase my skill level, then and only then, I will take the throne for taijutsu and bukijutsu. I will let you have the others, but for those two fields it will be me sitting on the throne!’


“Yosha! At last, class is over. Azuma want to go grab some ramen?” – Naruto

“Sure… Choji want to join?” ‘This kind of pace will change tomorrow onwards I need to act like it.’

“Anything food related is sure yes! Let’s go Shikamaru!”

“What a drag…”




“Ok that’s all for today, I will see you all tomorrow.” – Iruka

“At last, so guys what are we going to do today?” – Naruto

“Why not we meet up later and discuss about that, I need to go back for a while. My mother asked me to buy some groceries, what a drag…” – Shikamaru

“I will go with Shikamaru then, lets meet up later.” – Choji

“Where are we going to meet up?” – Kiba


“How about meeting at the tree sp…” – Naruto

(Interrupting Naruto) “Sorry guys, not today I have other plans today. Got to go, see you all tomorrow~” – Azuma

“Ah!” – Naruto



‘Ok lets start my plan… first I need to find a place to secretly do a Kagebunshin’

“Kagebunshin no Jutsu”


“Lets start the plan, I will go out to find a place to do my experiments in secret while you proceed as planned.”





“… Winner Azuma.” – Iruka

“Woah Sasuke lost!” “For him to win” “What a turn of event” “How did he do that?” … (murmur)

“Thank you for the match” – Azuma

“… Thank you for the match” – Sasuke


‘Finally, after two months… every day before now was just an insufferable event that needed to be act out. The act was done perfectly though. To slowly and steadily catch up then win…
Although I won this time, I had to make it a close call. Next one will be almost similar but it has to be better than before, after that we will see. Let’s see if Sasuke has improve by then, I will up it if he does. I will still win either by close call or easier win, either way Sasuke will never get this throne back again. He can just keep the genjutsu and ninjutsu title I will not care about that…’


““Congrats”” – Shikamaru/Choji

“Azuma! What was that move you did? Teach me!” – Naruto

“Thanks, what move you are talking about?”

“That one the one that you did, you grab and then threw Sasuke out of the ring.”

“Ah that… it’s a popular samurai move that I trained the past month.” ‘I do not know if the samurai in this world knows about unarmed grappling and throwing martial arts (Judo/Jujitsu) like I learnt in the Military. But I will use them as a cover learning form them…’

“Ooh that’s so cool. Teach me that!”

“… we will see then.” ‘Hmm… teaching Naruto, I guess I could… however I should limit it to only taijutsu and bukijutsu.’

“Yosh, I will make sure you do. I guess you will be at the training area again later, I will see you there.”

“““…””” – Azuma/Shikamaru/Choji

‘Sigh… guess I need to go there personally today.’

‘Even Naruto want to train like Azuma… guess I need to do some training as well, what a drag…’

‘Hmm… training… it will make me hungry, better go back to pack more snacks before I do some as well’

“Arf~ Arf”

“I know Akamaru…”

“…” ‘It seem that everyone is also going on the training mood, I won’t be left out then…’

‘Azuma… I will ask nii-san to help me in training…’

‘Azuma-kun won… I won’t give up as well’ …


Regarding the last part, should I have the names, or you could guess who is saying what. I wanted to expand it more but I got other stuff to do. I also want to release one chapter today so here's it.

Hope you like it, and have a nice weekend.


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