RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 23 – Training Naruto and Hinata

“Let’s get started!” – Naruto

“… before that, Hinata! You do not need to keep being timid like that, come I will teach you as well if you want to.”

“Huh, Hinata?” – Naruto

“Ah! … Azu-ma-kun… ho-w did you kn-ow… err he-llo Naru-to-kun…”


Naruto was wondering where Hinata was while she walked out from the bushes…


“Sigh, I notice that you have been training around here as well when I started training here. Like you I just kept quiet about it.” ‘It appears that she is still experiencing the similar things like before. I thought that with Mizumi being still being alive things would change to the better I guess I was wrong. I will probe into it more to see if there is actually some positive side on this.’

“Ah!” ‘He noticed me…’

“Come join us, I will help you in your training as well if you want.”

“… then tha-nk yo-u for the offer.”


“Since both of you want to improve I guess I will start the training now.”

“Yosh! Come Azuma!”

“… not like that Naruto. Sparing will be later. Now we need to do other things before we start any sparing.”


“Hinata, I know that you from time to time observed me in my training do you know the reason why I do that kind of training?”

“Huh, erm… sorry I don’t…” ‘He knows I was looking around when he was training… but why is he asking me that, I really do not know…’


“…” ‘I guessed as much…’

“Naruto, Hinata I will introduce both of you my form of taijutsu training… I think it will help you greatly as long as you continue practicing it.”

“Ooh what training? Punch? Kicks? Or is that move you did against Sasuke today!”

“… none of those. My first form of taijutsu training is stamina, mobility and flexibility training!”

“What are those?”

“Sigh… let me explain… in my opinion there is a requirement for someone to be a good taijutsu practitioner. One need to have a good core physique condition followed by having good techniques to complement it.”

“Ehh I do not know what you are talking about, I just want to learn powerful techniques to win against Sasuke as well. Like what you did!”

“Sigh… if you want power you can just use chakra to replace your current lack of strength power during taijutsu. You do not need any more than that. However if you think that with only all power and all powerful techniques you can win then you’re wrong.”

“That’s not true, if I hit the opponent with it I will win already! What’s more to it.”  
“Naruto, you already said it, ‘IF’ you hit the opponent. That ‘if’ is the one that I want to make it clear. Have you ever wondered why in all your fight with Sasuke, Kiba or anyone you lost? Even if you win, you will always be badly bruised or injured as well. Do you know why you keep missing your attacks while your opponent is able to evade while strike back at you?”

“… they were faster than me and they know more powerful techniques!”

‘… seriously Naruto… how do I need to explain…’ “… Okay Naruto, what powerful techniques did they use against you? Can you describe it?”

“Eh… there is… err…”


“You can’t right? They didn’t use any powerful techniques, all they used is what you got as well. What everyone used was this…” Azuma proceed in demonstrating examples of strikes used by the students to Naruto.

“It was only kicks and punches sometimes elbow and knee was used but it is extremely rare. Are there any powerful techniques there? You also used them, but why can’t you win?” 

“… They…”

“Naruto, have seen my spar with others beside Sasuke right? Did I use any techniques to win against them?”

“Hmm… ah you did not…”

“Then how did I look like that when I won Sasuke today? How about when I lost against him as well? What about all the other spars with the others how was my state then? Did get damage like you did.”

““Ah!”” – Naruto/Hinata

‘After he said that I just realize… there may be dirt on his cloths but he was completely fine. His outer look was deceiving, after the match when he came back to the group he didn’t look like he was badly hit… Looking closely even when he lost, he was not actually injured or bruised… that is so cool! / that’s is amazing… why I didn’t notice it then?’


“So you got it now do you?”

“Yes! So I am going to learn how to not getting damage during a fight.”

‘He almost got it, it is better than nothing I guess…’ “Sort off… however it is not exactly it. What you will be doing now is to get into a capable physical condition. A condition that will allow you get into a point to learn techniques that will help you to try to avoid damage.


Besides only with a good physique foundation, will you be able to execute your moves well with speed and accuracy without straining the body.

That is why I will start by building up your core first, that will be the stamina, mobility and flexibility training. Especially you Naruto!”

“I sort of get it, sort of don’t, but I guess it will not hurt to follow your plans for now.”

“Good, Hinata how about you.”



“Ok then let’s get on with our training. I will perform the beginner version of it and increase the difficulty when you are able to do it.”

“Come I am ready!”

“… we will be starting with simple dynamic stretches first before we start the proper mobility and flexibility training. Just look at me and follow my actions.”



A few moments later…


“Arrgh… its painful, what’s this, Azuma! Noo~”


“Do not worry about him Hinata, he is all right. His training is going well. We just need to help him in relaxing his stiff joints and muscles first, after he is able to do that well the pain will subside…”

‘As expected Naruto is stiff, but wow is Hinata gifted or what, she is even more flexible than me when I started doing it seriously… I guess I need to have a different training for Hinata.’

“Hinata why don’t you start your training first, I still need to help Naruto out for now.”

“Ah… ok, Naruto-kun take care…”

“No worries~ Arrgh Azuma do you hate me! Ahhh… no, no not that again… ahhh…”



‘I didn’t expect that helping Naruto and Hinata training is actually something that I feel worthwhile.
Anyway hmm… I always wondered why the gentle fist… granted it is a good technique. It will utilize their eyes well but still to learn only one style that is just not worth it.

From the way I see it, this original style is not actually suitable for her. There is nothing for someone that as timid as her to learn from…

Which route should I guide her towards… the best will be leading her towards a Hybrid Martial artist route, so she can adapt those technique integrating them forming her own gentle fist techniques. However will she be able to learn to adapt it as her own. From what I see, she is really trying to make the original gentle fist as her style, I need to change her mind set on that.


For Naruto it will be different, the best outcome I truly hope for would be a Mix Martial Artist for him but I bet that he won’t be able to reach that outcome. I will teach him the necessary skills plus some techniques. I just hope that he will be able to absorb what I am going to teach. Then use them as his own style.

Let’s see… I guess we could start with striking techniques since it is almost similar to gentle fist techniques. I will use that to help me in guiding Hinata towards a hybrid style.

Then I will include blocks and receiving techniques, by then Naruto should be able to join us. Only after learning blocking and receiving techniques that I will teach throwing techniques which Naruto originally wanted.’



“Oh you’re here early.”

“Ah, Azuma-kun good morning.”

“Good morning Hinata. By the way, you could just call out my name there is no need for honorifics.”

“Eh… okay… Azuma.”

“That’s good! Hinata.”


“So should we start while waiting for Naruto?”

“Ah, but…”

“No worries I have another training guide for you and it is different compared to Naruto, so Naruto actually won’t be left out.”

“Oh, okay then.”


While Azuma was guiding Hinata…


“By the way Hinata, if it does not trouble you, can I ask you something personal?”

 “Eh… (nods)”

“Why are you training here by yourself?”


After hearing Azuma question, her face turn gloomy. Azuma was about to change his question after seeing her face, but Hinata decided to tell Azuma about her situation within her clan.

She explained to Azuma about her not being able to hit her sister in a spar, which resulted in her losing. Because of that lost, her father excommunicated her. Luckily, her mother was around and prevented it, but she can’t prevent her father and the elders decision to remove her from being the heiress of her clan.

It then came to Azuma that indeed Hinata’s mother Mizumi being alive did help the situation but it was not enough. When Azuma thought it was over Hinata continued.


After that incident, she was demotivated and did not know what to do. Then shyly said that she got the motivation to something about it after she saw how Azuma reacted after his lost to Sasuke.
She saw that Azuma also hesitated and because of that hesitation he lost the match, it was similar situation to her spar with her sister. However Azuma didn’t look discourage about that, she thought about herself, while she was continuing looking towards an answer. It then piled on when she saw Azuma having difficulties towards ninjutus and genjutsu training. She was wondering how she will take it if it was her in his place.
Nevertheless, soon Azuma showed her the answer she was looking for. She and many others also notice Azuma change. She saw that Azuma was hard towards his training, a month pass, two month passed, every time she saw Azuma gradual improvement in taijutsu as well as bukijutsu. She felt motivated seeing that hence she started her own training as well.


Azuma stood there dumbfounded. He was dumbfounded because his plans, his act to get the throne from Sasuke motivated Hinata. Indeed, he did not act during his initial lost to Sasuke, as he was really unhappy about that unreasonable loss but other than that it was all an act. However, for Hinata it was what she felt like when she lost to her sister, her hesitation made everyone in the clan unhappy including herself.

Azuma did not know what to do, but he guessed it was all right since it helped Hinata getting out of her depressed state.


Little did Azuma know that an important relationship plot was changed because of his plans.


Notes: Hybrid Martial Arts is not Mix Martial Arts although they are connected they are not the same. Hybrid Martial Arts is more directed to adopting other disciplines and styles to their own style, in doing so it increase their base style strength. In Hinata case she will still be using Gentle Fist as her base style but evolving it to her own Hybrid Martial Arts.
MMA is different, MMA is the use of multiple different form of Martial Arts as their base. It can be also adopting multiple different Hybrid Martial Arts to form their MMA base style. There is no specific style of MMA since they uses many different ones.

If you want to learn more about HMA or MMA you can actually watch or read History Strongest Disciple Kenichi. If you have watched it, Furinji Miu uses HMA while Shirahama Kenichi use MMA.

For the chapter... there is still flags around, Azuma only disrupted one flag, I am still thinking on how Azuma love life will be... it could be one, two or three....
I seriously do not want it to be a major harem, I am still thinking which one will end up with Azuma. If that happen I also need to find replacement if possible for the ones that Azuma stole from =P
Have a nice weekend.


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