RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 40 – New Housemate

A few days had passed by as Azuma was still trying to maintain the cold fusion reaction. It was an extremely taxing and difficult task. He and his clones had to do what a power plant had to do. They had to do the calculation like a computer and maintain the barrier and the fusion reaction within the barrier like a machine.


As times went on Azuma at last saw a light. He had manage to achieve the necessary power output from the reaction. Looking at things now Azuma knew that it was a chance that he had to take and he quickly sprang into action.


His first task was to tryout one of his prototype nature seal. That seal was his reimagining of the Union based industrial replicator. It was something he came out with when he was researching about nature energy and the general information from the anime regarding the Banbutsu Sozo no Jutsu (Creation of all things technique). Its idea was the same as what the Union had regarding replication and permanent holographic technology. The concept was identical and because of the similarities, Azuma thought about the possibilities that what he was doing might work. What he lack was a power source to make it happen and that is why he waited until now to test it out.


If successful Azuma could truly restart on what he stopped after his previous death.


The first replication he did was components for a quantum computer. After replicating all the necessary components Azuma quickly assembled the quantum computer. The computer will do the job of what his shadow clones is doing right now. He needed a computing device help in controlling and maintaining the barrier and the fusion reaction. The current method was extremely taxing and difficult for Azuma to handle alone even if he had many clones.


All those days of testing and trying was up to this moment as Azuma now was getting the necessary results. Getting the quantum computer up and running with the necessary operating system and AI to manage the reactor will be a godsend for Azuma.


When all is done Azuma sighed in happiness and relief.


“Luckily nothing disastrous happened… phew… hehehe…”


During the development and testing period, Azuma was mentally taxed like never before. He had to maintain his composure the whole time. The calculation and control was already extremely taxing for Azuma and his clones, and while doing that they had to face the pressure of the situation at hand. If they did a mistake and the barrier collapse the fusion reaction will go unstable. Just thinking of a fusion meltdown and explosion happening right in front of Azuma was something he need to bear in mind during that test. He also had to think of the moment that he need to react and it must be within a split second to teleport away from the location before he got caught within the blast. There were just too much him and his clones to handle right at that very moment.


It was truly great that everything went well and Azuma completely felt relief. That’s one more important task completed for Azuma.





After the success of the activation of the cold fusion reactor, Azuma had spent his time to study the ruins and artifacts. It was something he thought was needed. It was after all right after completing a complex and taxing endeavor and now he hope to relief his mind slightly in doing something completely different. Hence, the study of the ruins and artifacts came in.


What he discovered and theorized was that the cave was once a site of pilgrimage or worship. The ruins had carvings all over and what Azuma could decipher was that it was suppose to be teachings or guidance for the young and new. Some of the carvings had similarities that the Uzumaki seal inscriptions had which made Azuma remember the history of the Uzumaki that his father told him.


Nevertheless, Azuma wanted time to digest what he had found. He did not want to make any conjuncture at the moment as there is still many unanswered questions that he need to answer.


As Azuma spent more time on the cave ruins, he came across a wall that piqued his interest. It diverted his attention from those other ruins and artifacts.


The wall provide a picture description regarding something that Azuma felt surreal. He was having goosebumps just looking at it. The pictures within the wall seem to draw out descriptions of the ten realms. Azuma recognized it as in his previous life he did some research regarding the six path and he manage to find information regarding it in the Buddhism texts in his world. What bothered Azuma was the accuracy of the descriptions from the text he read and what was drowned on the wall within the ruins.


‘… This… how could it be… the teachings are the same. I had a feeling that there were extreme similarities when father was talking about the Uzumaki history. But this…’


Azuma could not describe what he saw and felt now. The relation between the text he read in his original world and this picture description was troubling. What was even more problematic was the chronological order of the picture descriptions.


From the picture descriptions Azuma manage to immediately identify the pictures that was regarding the narration of the ten realms. Beyond that there were also other pictures that seem to narrate a story.


The first drawing based on the chronological order was something like a meteor shower happening in the sky. Then it followed by another picture that showed two of the meteorite seen had entered the atmosphere of this world. The next one showed each of them came crashing on the planet at a separate location. It followed by showing a drawing of a separate movements of people where they were separated into two groups and each of them moved to each of the crashed location. The following few pictures described the journey of one of the group which ended up reaching the impact site of one of the meteorite. That picture about it was one that Azuma felt extremely troubled.


‘No matter how you look at it, that picture describe a crashed ship!’ Azuma was thinking about the possibilities. He knew that the Otsutsuki is extraterrestrial in origins, then a possibility of another extraterrestrials is always possible as well. Hell if he stretch it even him and Yuki is an extraterrestrial. However that was not the question at hand but the problem was what the following picture that was describing what they found.


The natives manage to get on the ship. From the looks of it, they had access to it. Which Azuma had to question the security measures of the ship. There is various pictures describing their they exploration within the ship. Then there is also pictures about them getting access into what Azuma could describe was probably a holographic representation of something, which could be the owner of the ship, or something else.


The few of the pictures following that was description of interactions between that holographic projection and the natives. What was described later on was the natives later restarted their travels and left the ship behind. After another long journey they describe an explosion from behind them. From there Azuma can assume that the ship self-destructed after it completed its interaction with the natives and when the ship sensors found out that they were at save distance. The next two pictures were describing about the natives rushing to the location of the explosion and seeing a crater.


The pictures continues on until they drew the ten realms description on the wall. Following that there were some other drawings about the changes happening to the world. One of it particularly describe about a huge tree however, it was cut short as the wall carvings of the rest were destroyed and turn into rubbles.


After looking through the picture descriptions several more times Azuma was quite. He decided to meditate, he had to clear his mind and try and review what he deciphered on the wall.



After meditation Azuma realize that this world is getting more and more puzzling. He was wondering about the second meteorite that crashed on this world which was described on the ruins. What did happened to that meteorite? He was also wondering about the last picture about the huge tree. Is there a relation between them? As for the teachings engraved in the picture Azuma had to assume that, his Uzumaki ancestors came across the same ruins and it was his revelation about the ten realms that he was enlightened.


When Azuma was going to wrap up what he discovered from the ruins, Azuma received a mind call from Yuki.



Azuma had always kept contact with Yuki after his first encounter with his shadow clones. After a while, their relationship became close and they manage to view each other as friends. That was when Azuma decided to establish a closer relation with Yuki. He discussed with her about a communication and summoning seals. He suggested that each of them had a special communication seal mark on each other so that they could communicate more easily and freely. It was similar to a communication device that the Union had and Yuki felt that it was similar to a spiritual communication link in her world. As for the summoning seal it was something that Yuki felt bizarre. It had a similarities like a teleportation technique however it was done slightly differently. However looking at Azuma terms of summoning Yuki agreed with it.



When Azuma powered up his cold fusion reactor, Yuki felt some fluctuation of nature energies for an extremely short period. She had initially ignored it as nothing special as sometimes those fluctuations do happen naturally. She then went on with her daily life which usually comprises of sleeping. When she woke up, she remembered back the fluctuation of nature energies and the location she sensed was actually directed at Azuma’s location. Since the fluctuation was at his location, it caught her interest.

Because of that she decided to contact Azuma. She wanted to know whether he caused the fluctuation she sensed.


When Azuma received her call, he told her about his project. Following that Yuki got interested and wanted to know more about it. She decided to allow him to summon her to his location. Since Azuma felt that it was fine and since Yuki agreed with the summoning Azuma decided to summon her. However since Azuma didn’t had time to tune his base defense system Azuma had to walk out of his base to proceed with his summoning.


“Kuchiyose no Jutsu” (Summoning technique)


After Azuma used the summon technique, an adorable white tiger arrived into Azuma sight.


There were a slight twitch on Azuma facial expression when he saw Yuki. ‘… is it me or she change her body appearance again? Seriously every time she interacted with mother her appearance changed more…’ Azuma kept it within him as he greeted Yuki and welcomed her to his research base.


“So what do you think about this place?” – Azuma  

“The similarities is staggering. You even manage to erect the identical defensive barrier along with the movement suppression effect. I am at loss of words…” – Yuki


Azuma design and built the research base utilizing every knowledge and resource he had at his disposal. In doing so his research base turn out to be one of its kind in this world. The base design was extremely similar to his previous world base design ideas. Although Azuma had to use the cave network as its foundation to work on, the base purpose is the same. It took Azuma a total of two years to complete the research base with all the basic necessary function to be a research base. He had many other additional functions that he wanted to implement, however it was put on hold at that time due to the limited source of power.



Azuma had made use of the chakra ore to mold it into a metal as a transformer as well as a chakra storage device. He had also used the inscriptions to redesign the chakra metal usage. The redesigned metal can make the electricity run through the metal he inscribe creating a constantly activated electricity–chakra converting inscription. From there he could store part of the energy as chakra while he can use the electricity for a power source as well.


Using this system Azuma had linked up the whole base and now he also had it linked to his new cold fusion power source as well.


Azuma had envision his research base to be able to do what a complete off grid military research base in his past life could do. Although it is still an ongoing process due to technical constraints, it currently still manage to offer the similar defensive capabilities as he remembered.


Furthermore, with the new power source Azuma was able to finally able to completely power up his dream research base.


With the base completely powered up Azuma’s temporal inscription within his base structure was also activated. It was something that Azuma was happy about. The temporal inscription he designed is based on his past life technology.


It was a technology that was used to generate a bubble with a very slight temporal difference within the bubble itself. Along with the spatial technology knowhow, a space-time interference environment could be projected within. This discovery became a much-needed technological breakthrough for the Union. Equipping them on specialized ship, it will generate a space-time bubble that will prevent the invaders to use teleportation and spatial abilities at will.


“Of course! As you know this world also had several space-time users as well. I do not want them to intrude here…” – Azuma       

“Sigh… this just don’t fit well with me. It just reminds me about what had happen in the past.” – Yuki

“… sorry, but on the good side you are free now right?” – Azuma  

“Indeed so. By the way why do I feel different here. It seem that the atmosphere is different as well.” – Yuki


“Oh! You noticed it. It’s a secondary feature of the temporal bubble.


As you know individuals within the bubble are restricted to do any space-time techniques. ‘Though if you know the spatial shield frequency it’s another matter’


However, what you do not know is that there is actually another feature that can be done from the temporal bubble. It require a lot of energy to do but I do feel that the current tradeoff is great.


What you’re feeling now is the time differences, since you just arrive, your physical self is still attuned to the outside world. When you entered you are actually within a temporal bubble which had temporal dial differences of 2:1.” – Azuma


“Huh? Temporal dial differences of 2:1?” – Yuki

“Oh yea I forgot that’s a Union description, in simple explanation staying here within this place your time is extended. When you experience a full day here it’s actually half a day out side.” – Azuma








A week had passed since Yuki first visit. Azuma was fiddling with some of his new replicated equipment while his mind was not on the job. He was thinking about something else.


“Hey, Azuma where should I place this. It’s an array that I had made. I think it will complement what you had now nicely.”








When Yuki found out about the base temporal dial she immediately made a decision to stay. She practically forced the issue to Azuma to have her stay. Azuma was baffled towards what was happening as it happened too fast for him to actually make a decision. Because of his slow response Yuki made the decision for him.


In Yuki mind, the place Azuma had was a something she only experienced several times in her previous life. It was something that only nobles from her clans could enjoy. While for the others like her had to work for the clan to accumulate contribution points to get the luxury of using it.


It was a place for training and cultivation. Many use it for that purpose while some extremely gifted cultivators use it to learn the space-time laws. The problem was the scarcity of it. The location of these phenomena sites was extremely limited. Cultivators would go to death doors to try and get a spot within it, it was same for her.

But now Azuma just completely destroyed her perception of it. It was as if it was nothing for him and apparently the humans in his world actually had the ability to implement it on a planet scale. It was completely absurd for anyone to hear that even for her if she had not meet Azuma.


Since Azuma told her about it, it was something that Yuki could not resist. She had to be here, it is something that she could dreamt off in her pass life. It will be a reality here and now. 

There is easter eggs around in the last two chapters to point where Azuma will be looking to. 

I wont be posting a chapter next week so I am posting a double chapter this week.

Have a nice week ahead.


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