RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 43 – Karasuki

‘An artificial intelligence device!’


Azuma was looking at it. He did not know anything about it however based on his general observation and assumption the turtle seems to be an artificial turtle like drone. It fit well within a device specification after all.


The Union after all do develop this type of devices for their need. They had designed devices for the purpose of training, scouting, observation, or even for various combat purpose. Azuma is currently assuming that the turtle he is looking at right now had a similar purpose.


‘It is really an artificial intelligence device! For an artificial intelligence device to exist in this world…’ Azuma view about Naruto world had yet again been changed by this one event.


Azuma stood there wondering about the device design purpose, the model and specifications. He was also wondering about everything else such as who designed it. Is it from a new civilization that he did not know about to why the intrinsic design of it had to be a turtle?


The more he stood there and look at the device made him wants it more. It was something he want to get his hands on, to dissemble it for study.

When his mind was starting to think of that, the turtle device felt a disturbing eerie feeling upon itself.  It was the first time it experiences a cold sweat just by someone observing him. It was something it never experienced before. Some thing bad was going to happen!


“Huh? What is a turtle doing here in my room? Hey you who are you?”


Just when the device thought all hope was lost when Azuma staring at it still thinking about what he will do to the turtle device, Yuki arrived. The turtle device finally found a ray of hope, Azuma was extremely scary when he looks at him. Grabbing to the olive branch of Yuki question, it immediately took it.


The turtle device quickly replied in a very matter-of-fact nature. “… I am Karasuki.”


Karasuki recognized that it could not stay quiet forever. From the actions of Azuma, it knew that Azuma is completely different compared to anyone it came in contact with. Even when Karasuki was with the Otsutsuki, it did not make it feel that kind of experience. Azuma that was looking at it was extremely scary so it decided to establish contact and communicate with Yuki right away.


“Oh! ... Karasuki, Hi. I am Yuki. May I know why are you in my room?”

“I just reactivated myself. When I came online, I was already here.”


“Huh already here? Reactivate? What are you talking about? …Azuma?”


Yuki did not understand Karasuki reply it was all a jargon for her so she turns to Azuma for help. When Yuki called his name, it awakens Azuma disrupting his thoughts, thinking of his desire on what he wanted to do to the device.


“…ah! Sorry about my absent-mindedness just now… Yuki, that’s the item you pick up at the rubble during your training remember? As for reactivation that Karasuki was mentioning it refers to it waking up, it’s a term used for intelligence devices who are not really living beings like us.”


“Ooh I get it now! It’s like a spirit tool! I was right then it is a spirit weapon!”


“Spirit tool… I guess you can say that. Anyway, Karasuki can I assume that you are an artificial intelligence device?”

“Spirit tool? I cannot process that but for your question, yes, your assumption is not wrong but not right either. I am a temporal device which belong to the Otsutsuki clan. I also do not know the term artificial intelligence. And no, I am not a weapon.”


“!” With that reply Azuma was shocked.


‘The Otsutsuki is capable of this? I thought it was by another unknown civilization. I do not know that the Otsutsuki was that capable… wait he only said that it ‘belongs’ to the Otsutsuki clan.’


“Otsutsuki? Azuma is that related to that Otsutsuki Hagoromo person you told me about?”

When Azuma was thinking about what Karasuki said, Yuki interrupted his thoughts again.


“… Ah, yes, they are related. In general, the Otsutsuki is same like us, they are not native to this world.”

“Oh! Interesting. Azuma tell me more about them.”


“… sigh… I do not know a lot about them as well. I only know the history about Otsutsuki Kaguya actions in this world. I do not know about the Otsutsuki clan as a whole…


If I am not mistaken, when she arrived here, she introduced herself as the guardian of the God tree to one of the native’s nation ruler. She later grew attached with the ruler because of his peaceful ideals, where along the way she eventually got pregnant.


When all this was happening between Kaguya and that ruler, tensions between a neighboring nation were rising. To avoid any further tension and aggression the peaceful ruler made an imperial order and declared not to harm the representatives of the neighboring nation visiting at that time.


The representatives on the other hand had other plans in their mind. Knowing that Kaguya was the guardian of the God tree they coveted her. They went and try to abduct her and it forced her to act, killing them in the process. That act made the ruler order for her execution to protect the fragile peace.


Recognizing the threat at hand, one of Kaguya loyal attendant help her into hiding. While they were escaping, they were intercepted by the executioner forces. It was then that Kaguya was forced to act again to protect her attendant. However, Kaguya that was weaken due to her pregnancy was overwhelmed by them. Her attendant noticed that situation was dire and she shieled Kaguya from harm sacrificing herself. That act was an extreme shock for Kaguya.


The whole incident made her lose faith of humanity of this planet; however, she was still longing for peace. To that end Kaguya believed that she just needs the necessary strength in order to achieve that peace she desired. Recognizing that she went to the god tree and consumed the chakra fruit. After consuming it she gained the strength to achieve what she wanted.


She ended all the wars and took control of the nations of the world with the power she gained. For her deed where she manages to stop all conflict and achieve peace, the people of the world started to worship her as the Rabbit Goddess…”


When Azuma was telling Yuki about the history of Kaguya Otsutsuki clan that he knew, Yuki mind was already wondering around. Most of it was not interesting for her. It was until she caught on to the words that Azuma mentioned later that got her interest.

“Guardian of the God tree? Chakra fruit? Goddess? Could it be…” Yuki interrupted Azuma immediately. “Azuma tell me about the God tree.”


“… huh? God tree? … I do not know much about the God tree, but apparently the tree could absorb the rich natural nature energies of this world to fruit a chakra fruit that they could consume later on.”

“… A Spirit Tree !!!”


This time Azuma was baffled by Yuki reaction and he was wondering why she was so excited about. “What? What Spirit Tree?”


“Yes! What you are describing is a Spirit tree. It absorbs the natural qi from the world and bear spirit fruits. It is something that all cultivators covet. That Otsutsuki Kaguya is really lucky, Spirit trees are the only known universal natural tree of the cosmos, some say the seed comes from the universe itself.

In my world when news of a new Spirit tree is sprouting somewhere, it usually led to a great war. Various cultivator and beast powerhouses will try to gain ownership of the planet where the tree is sprouting leading to confrontation.

A planet with a spirit tree… wait? What happen to the spirit tree? Azuma!!”


When Yuki found out about the existence of a spirit tree in this world she was beyond ecstatic. The sprit tree was something that every powerhouse covets and they will go all out to fight for it. The tree will bear spirit fruits once every ten thousand years, each fruit is a cultivation treasure as well. Owning a spirit tree means that she can consume a spirit fruit every ten thousand years, what luxury was that. Furthermore, cultivators will always hope to stay near the spirit tree to meditate. It is one of the prime locations to uncover the laws of the universe.


Since she was a void beast before and cultivating back to reach the pinnacle again, she will have a life span of at least a few million years. She will have all the time in the world to enjoy the spirit tree and its fruits.

Then it finally came to her, she remembered something important, where is the spirit tree now? She did not sense it at all.


Looking at Yuki agitated look Azuma thought about it and told her everything he knew about Kaguya from the Anime.


“… if I remembered correctly after consuming the chakra fruit Otsutsuki Kaguya had a change of personality. She became power hungry. When she realizes that her sons were born with chakra her hunger of power grew. In the end she fought with her sons. Out of thirst of more power she merged with the God tree and turn into a ten-tail beast to try to absorb her sons chakra. The fight lasted for months but she was ultimately defeated by them. Her son Otsutsuki Hagoromo absorbed all the energy of the ten-tail beast and later split the ten-tail beast energies to nine different beasts. While he sealed the husk of the ten-tail on the moon.”


“What! Merge with it! Why! Nooo my spirit tree… its all gone now… that Otsutsuki Kaguya you were damn lucky to find an unclaimed spirit tree. How envious! But to actually dare to absorb a spirit tree! What was she thinking? How ignorant of you! It’s a Spirit Tree! For you to merge with it! How dare you! My spirit tree….. Azuma, I leave this to you, I need to meditate to calm my mind … arrgh…”  


Azuma stood there looking at Yuki cursing like mad.



‘… Kaguya Otsutsuki… ignorant… Spirit tree, Spirit fruit… there is still so much more to know from her… let’s put that a side first and get back to the issue at hand.’


“So Karasuki you mentioned that you belong to the Otsutsuki clan. What do you mean by that? They created you or they just own you? Also since you mention that you belong to the Otsutsuki I suppose that there is a Otsutsuki member travelling with you, right?”


Azuma knew that the Otsutsuki clan was alien to this world. They were considered quite capable in Azuma point of view. Particularly Kaguya as she is after all considered the progenitor of chakra of this world which is already something of real interest for him.


However, what Karasuki told Azuma interest him. He wanted to know if the Otsutsuki is really capable and knowledgeable in technological advancement to this level.


“I do not know if they created me but when I first activated, I was already being used by them…”


‘So he does not know…’ – Azuma mind

“…There is no one travelling with me this time. They were some in other occasions but not this time. After my last task, I started to move around the temporal dimension thinking about my own journey.”


“Huh? Your own journey?” It caught on to Azuma that Karasuki is currently alone and there is no one around to reclaim it.

Initially Azuma was interested about who created Karasuki. However now Azuma interest is towards Karasuki personal actions, he is now wondering. Is Karasuki is really capable to be independent? Is the artificial intelligence core logic designed for it? Is it really capable of doing that without problems happening?


“Yes, it was suggested by Uzumaki Boruto after I sent him back to his timeline along with Uchiha Sasuke.”




‘WHO The Hell is Uzumaki Boruto?’

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