RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 44 – Karasuki Journey

‘WHO The Hell is Uzumaki Boruto?’


Azuma stood there trying to figure out what he just heard. He has never heard about someone called Uzumaki Boruto. That name itself gave him a bad feeling, that something is wrong. The naming itself gave him the chills, ‘Uzumaki’ and ‘Boruto’. The person that is named Boruto is eerily similar to Naruto.


‘Is he an alternate reality Naruto or is he someone else?’


Uzumaki Boruto… From what Karasuki mentioned ‘that’ Boruto person time traveled with Sasuke. That itself was a flag which Azuma was wondering about.

Azuma did not see any time traveling happening in the anime series. Looking at the level of enlightenment particularly in their temporal understanding it is even more so. However, Azuma could not deny the fact that it could happen in the future. The Union could do it so there is no reason why they could not.


The key issue now is when did it happen and where did it occur.


Currently what Azuma could conclude was that there is a high chance that ‘Boruto’ person is related somehow to Naruto because of the existence of Sasuke as the second individual. That made Azuma think about a probable alternate reality Naruto or is him someone else altogether?


“Karasuki, who is Uzumaki Boruto?”


“Uzumaki Boruto is the son of Uzumaki Naruto and Hyuga Hinata.”


‘What!!! Son of Naruto and Hinata! … This is a future event! But something is wrong somewhere… Naruto and Hinata… I need to know more…’


“Karasuki, could you describe the chronological order of the events that made you reach to this place for me to discover you here?” In order for Azuma to figure out about who really is Uzumaki Boruto along with the current situation Karasuki is in, Azuma had to know more about Karasuki circumstances.


“Of course…”


Karasuki chronologically provided its report about its reactivation by Otsutsuki Urashiki in Konoha. After Karasuki was activated, he ordered Karasuki to send him back in time to Konoha during the early reign of Tsunade.


When Karasuki was plotting the destination, Karasuki was able to calculate the time travel distance of around 19 years back in time. (A/N: 19 years calculation is from my personal understanding based on the references I got from Narutopedia.)


During the process of activating the temporal rift, Uzumaki Boruto and Uchiha Sasuke came in contact with Otsutsuki Urashiki. They saw Otsutsuki Urashiki activated Karasuki and tried to prevent it. However, they failed as Otsutsuki Urashiki had already activated the temporal device. Due to that, Uzumaki Boruto and Uchiha Sasuke decided to chase after Otsutsuki Urashiki. They were caught within the temporal rift as well and a battle between them ensued within the temporal dimension.

During the battle Urashiki was sent out of the temporal rift earlier as it was supposed to while Boruto and Sasuke was sent back to the exact time that was commanded by Urashiki.


After the temporal transfer Karasuki went to sleep mode as it had almost depleted its energy reserves travelling to that time period. From there it was kept by Boruto as he and Sasuke had finally realize what Urashiki purpose was. Realizing that they decided to change their mission to protecting and observing Naruto and the nine tails while waiting for Urashiki to appear.


When Urashiki finally came for Naruto, Karasuki manage to absorb the nine tails chakra leaking out of Naruto during the confrontation for its energy source. It then silently reactivated itself while it observes the events happening.


Karasuki during the whole event, it managed to observe Urashiki in combat with Jiraya, Naruto, Boruto and Sasuke. After several battles that occurred, Urashiki was ultimately defeated by Naruto and Boruto combined efforts.


When everything was settled down, Karasuki then proceed to send Boruto and Sasuke back to their original time in the future.


During the transfer process Boruto asked Karasuki regarding its future plans. For Karasuki it was its first time being asked that and so it did not have an answer for that. It was not within its design purpose, however with the suggestion by Boruto, Karasuki decided to think about it after sending them back.


After sending Boruto and Sasuke back to their time period, Karasuki started to think about its future. It was its first time having to think for itself and it did not know what to do. Since it can travel through time, Karasuki thought that it was now his own free will to go to back in time to different periods. While doing so Karasuki further decided to observe people like it did with the Urashiki incident.


It was then decided that Karasuki will observe the life of Boruto for now. It travelled to the period when Boruto was still a toddler and even to the period he was born.


It was a short observation but Karasuki got interested about it. With the interest Karasuki followed through and went on to follow Naruto life. Naruto time during the fourth great ninja war, Naruto training with the frog sage, his travels with Jiraya and his life in Konoha. It also observes his birth where it was his first time seeing the nine tails fully being confronted and sealed back by Minato and Kushina.


Looking as Karasuki had ended his journey of Naruto, Karasuki then decided to follow Kushina, looking at her past. Karasuki followed her and her days with Minato, the third great ninja war, her interaction with Uzumaki Mito, and her life in Uzushiogakure. After witnessing her birth, Karasuki decided to continue on.

While Karasuki thought further, it finally decided to follow another person of interest who is Uzumaki Mito.


For all the time Karasuki was traveling in time, it took steps observing the development from a safe distance.


It was going well until Karasuki decided to start his observation of Uzumaki Mito. Karasuki followed Mito around hopping through different time period observing her. As Karasuki went back more in time it came out watching Uchiha Madara with the nine tails battling with Senju Hashirama. Mito was around observing the battle at a safe distance.


When Karasuki was observing Mito and the battle, it came to him that this time was also a good time to absorb the nine-tail chakra to recharge its already depleted energy. Since it decided to do that Karasuki waited for the best opportunity to do it. When the battle was over Mito decided to seal the nine tails within her and Karasuki thought that this was the best time to do what he planned.


After Karasuki decided to do it, he went to a secluded location near the nine tails being chained by Mito adamantine chain seal and started to absorb the bountiful nine tails chakra that was around.

What Karasuki did not realize however was Uzumaki Mito sensitivity towards chakra during the sealing and she notice the change in the environment due to the dissipating nine tails lingering chakra that was happening at a pace that was considered abnormal. When she completed the seal she start to tracked down the abnormality to the area that Karasuki was at. When Mito arrived to the location it was already too late for Karasuki to make any moves to avoid an encounter.


Due to its lack of time it decided to retract itself and enter shut down mode to avoid contact with Mito. Karasuki decided on this move as it knew that it had to limit contact with someone within this period. It learnt it from how Uchiha Sasuke acted during Otsutsuki Urashiki incident. It figured that contact with them will lead to problems later in the timeline and since it does not have Uchiha Sasuke capability, it decided the shutdown method as the next best option.


When Mito arrived to the area what she found was a turtle shell, there was nothing else around the area beside it. It was quite bizarre to find a turtle shell at the area within the woods of the land of fire. Nevertheless, she took some interest of the turtle shell as it reminds her about her time in Uzushiogakure. The time she was at the seaside peacefully watching turtles from the land of water and waves laying their eggs at Uzushiogakure shores. Due to that memory, she decided to take the turtle shell back with her.


Karasuki did not know what to do as it bid its time until it was safe for it to reactivate and go back to the temporal rift to safety. As it hoped, after a few weeks Mito had Karasuki place at a shelf for decoration and left. Karasuki took that time to make its move and jump back to the temporal rift.


It was at that time after he escaped that he fell into trouble.


After that incident with Mito, Karasuki decided that he had enough of travelling through time at the moment and decided to go back to Boruto timeline for a while. He plotted his destination and set his course to the timeline.


That’s when it encountered a problem. The temporal lane that it was going through started to distort, the further he went the more turbulence it faced. It was his first time facing this problem and it did not know what was going on but it decided to continue.


After a while, he found out that he was not really moving, the distance from his current position and the destination he had plotted was still the same. It was extremely bizarre for him and soon he also realizes that traveling through the distorted lane was suddenly very energy consuming. He was puzzled about it as he was not actually moving however, the energy drain he is experiencing indicated otherwise.


Soon he found out that he could not travel to the destination he plotted. He realizes that there was an unseen barrier within the distorted temporal lane. That barrier had blocked its path. He also found out that trying to force through it was draining his energy reserve extensively.


Karasuki did not know what to do, the only thing that it know was to press forward and it did. It tried to punch through the barrier multiple times but it failed. After several attempts its energy reserve reach to a critical low level, that’s when it could not control its movement path within the distorted temporal lane. Karasuki was forced to shut down itself to conserve its remaining energy while it was stuck within the temporal distortion.


The deactivated Karasuki did not know how long it has been, it was just moving through the temporal lane being pushed by the temporal wave. All Karasuki know is that it was deactivated and it was pushed back further in time within the temporal lane.

It was unknown for Karasuki but when it got near a pure chakra energy source it started absorbing it passively. When it activated Karasuki realize that he ended up here in Azuma base.


The chronological narration of what Karasuki experience was not something that Azuma had in in mind. It completely expels all Azuma thought process at that very moment.


Azuma stood there trying to get his thought process back into order, what he heard was a chronological truth about something that he did not know. But now that he knows the truth it completely changes Azuma view on the existence of this world. Now he could derive several sequences of events and the confirmation of several theories that he thought was just theories.

I have been wondering about the time slip arc in Boruto. It was a good arc since I can see Jiraya in action again. Plus I found it great as a point of divergence.

Next few chapters will be sci-fi heavy with various sci-fi explanations...

Have a nice week ahead.

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