RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 45 – Doubling Paradox I

In Azuma universe the study of the concept of spacetime had been one of the forefronts of humanity research field since civilization came to being.

Year by year, decades by decades, centuries by centuries, from ancient scholars to physicists everyone had been studying spacetime establishing or reinforcing various hypothesis and theories.


Even when humanity had reached to the stars it was still a topic which is still being unravel.


When the colony fleet was lost in space it was an extremely difficult time. The governing party needed to prioritize their scarce resources during that time.


It was a period where it resulted to a stagnation in many research fields including the study of spacetime.  


It was not until the Union ships went back to the stars where things started to change for the better. It was only then where the stagnation ended. It gave the opportunity for all researchers to restart their passion. A period where new ideas were sprouting everywhere. It sparks a new golden age for humanity.

During that time their new passion towards the various fields gave the Union scientists various new insights to the development towards multiple fields. Space-time research was also one of those fields and various spatial and temporal technologies were developed.


During that new golden age period, one of the technologies that the Union developed was time travel technology.


When the technology was invented, many was excited about it. It was particularly true for the historians as they were keen to use the technology to completely catalogue the exact truth of the past. It was something that the Union allowed and the historians indulge into their pursuit to historical truth.


In time proposals were suggested for other uses of the technology. One of them were the use of time travel technology be used as a way to collect and record absolute facts and truth during convictions of criminals. It led to a new way of conviction of criminals as there is no unjust convictions that could happen using this new method.

Unfortunately, when the use of time travel technology grew it also led to the start of the technology to be misused by others.


The time between the introduction and the use of the time travel technology were just at its infancy. It was a period where there is no set of universal enforcement and regulations regarding time travel establish. With the lack of proper regulations and enforcement it led to certain individuals to abuse the technology. It was only then that the Union realize that the problem was brewing and had potential to go out of hand.


Some individuals traveling in time being ignorant and arrogant in their ways thought more about trying to intervene the event that had happen. Trying to fix the errors of the past, trying to save their love ones, trying to fix their past, there were many actions that were done by individuals for their own personal gratification.


At this time although there is no universal set of enforcement regarding time travel the Union was still able to register and monitor every time travel that was happening. Every individual that traveled through time were recorded. Because of it the Union was able to realize something was wrong.


Out of the ones that travel through time the ones that attempt to satisfy their own gratification through intervention of the past ended up missing after that moment of action.

The Union had discovered that no individual that went that route was traceable after that action.


Through various investigation the Union scientists agreed unanimously that the incident did happen. The incident where the individual actions did occur and they did change the event they wanted to change. However, their action had change the spacetime continuum.


Since that action happened it was theorized that it created a ripple effect which change the world path. Although the change did occur it did not disrupt the original spacetime continuum. It however created an alternate reality in its place.


Nevertheless, it was something which interest the researchers greatly. Through this investigation it grew the base idea of many worlds theory further than the scientists could imagine. The information that temporal disturbance and interference could possibly create another world was a new evidence to be expended upon.


A reality where the event diverges out due to external interference and created a new alternate reality. A new alternate world.


The Union scientists termed it the doubling paradox theory.


It was termed a doubling paradox because of the action of an individual which was not originally supposed to be there in the first place. That one action expanded and created a butterfly effect that will only grow bigger as time passes. The more time passes the more different the reality is from the original reality the individual came from hence a new future reality.


It was because of it that the Union could not track them after that action and it was also because of that, they could not return from there. After all the divergence of the reality had already started making it impossible for the Union to monitor at that time. Furthermore, the time machine designated path was the original reality which had cease to exist in that new reality making it almost impossible to travel.



When the scientist agreed in that assessment, they began various different studies. In time they started to worry.


Of the various studies new studies that was conducted the one that got the headlines were regarding the impact of time travel and the creation of the unnatural alternate realities.


The questions were hotly debated within the community. When the news got into the general public, more and more people started to debate the particular question as well.


In the end there was no consensus about it. There was lack of evidence to show that the impact was damaging. However, it was unanimously agreed that it was the best to limit the creation of artificially created alternate reality world.



Since the new introduction of the doubling paradox theory things started to change within the Union. The probable repercussions of time travel and the creation of those new realities and universes was something the Union had to curb. Although there is a lack of evidence regarding the possible repercussions the Union still could not allow those blatant actions. Towards that end various laws had been passed to manage the issue.


It was only then that the Union enact laws that strictly enforce the use of time travel. Most of them are very restrictive in nature, it was an outright ban for anyone else to use time travel.


They also used the Military Academy to introduce the cadets the necessary knowledge about temporal mechanics. In additional to that it also was designed for the cadets to be informed in the necessary topics in order to prevent or minimize the damage to the timeline and the natural universe including the multiverse.


During Azuma years in the Military Academy the subject of general Temporal Mechanics studies was compulsory for all officer cadets. The general Temporal Mechanics studies teaches the cadets about various principles of time. It includes the general understandings of temporal mechanics and time travel. It also introduces the studies of multiverse with the emphasis of the possible alternate realities related to time travel.



Before Karasuki narration of his journey, Azuma got to know that Naruto and Hinata got married and had a son named Boruto through him. It was something that Azuma was happy about although Azuma thought Sakura was going to be with him in the end when he was watching the anime. However, since he did not have the complete series there could be scenes that he had missed to reach the Hinata conclusion.


Nevertheless, Azuma is still happy that Naruto will be married and will have a family to be with in the future.


It was all well until Azuma also conclude that this event will not happen in this reality. It was especially true after he heard Karasuki narration of his journey.


‘It as it was thought in the Military Academy, the liner path was completely diverged!’


That idiotic son of his just created his paradox! He ended his own life even before it even begun in this new universe. His son actions had indirectly changed his father relationship with his mother. What kind of joke was that?


Even if Naruto and Hinata ever get together in this reality now, the chances of Boruto being born will be absolutely impossible. They could name their son Boruto but he will not be the Uzumaki Boruto of that reality.

For that reality Uzumaki Boruto to exist in this new universe, every action and experience of Naruto and Hinata would need to be the exactly 100% the same as the original. Any change in that will lead to a different outcome.



Let’s think about it for a while.


Naruto and Hinata is now different in this world. Everything from their physical and mental health to their life experiences is different from the original reality. Looking at this fact, it will change everything. Therefore, it is impossible for Boruto from that reality to exist in this world now.


Naruto idiotic son Boruto will never exist in this universe. Just thinking about it made Azuma feel the irony of the whole situation.


He wanted to chuckle and laugh about it. It was the consequences of making a completely idiotic decision.


‘Oh, what do you plan to do now? Why not think about it? You can’t! You do not exist!’


It is just stupid! Did anyone ever stand there and think for a second on what could happen by letting an artificial intelligence time travelling device to travel through time alone?


What is worse is that Karasuki was not originally programmed to self-monitor its behavior and actions. Even if the AI is capable of self-thought, it will take time to learn and before it learns about it and take it into practice, every action it takes prior will affect the timeline.


From Karasuki narration Azuma knew that Karasuki did good by itself, however it’s not enough as it neglected many other variables. Mito senses and its decision to gather energy then, for example.


Although this world itself could be blamed as no one beside Azuma actually learn about Temporal mechanics and the consequences of time travel. It was still something that is extremely troubling.


This was a world that had no understanding about temporal laws. Sasuke had properly time travelled back, he did well not to corrupt that timeline then. However why he thought it was fine to let a kid that did not truly think about his consequences of his action give stupid suggestion to an AI device? Even Sasuke is to blame for this situation happening.


It was completely ironic and disturbing in the same time. Azuma wanted to laugh but he also wanted to sigh looking at the whole situation.


Because of that idiotic kid action, Azuma had to re-plan certain things. He had to recall what he had learnt about during his Academy years about this kind of event happening. He had other things in his plate but now this takes priority.

Split chapters to avoid complexity in narration of Sci-fi info dump. Have a nice week.

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