RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 47 – Doubling Paradox III

Knowing the future of the original reality was something that Azuma referenced to understand the future of an alternate reality due to the doubling effect sprung off from Uzumaki Mito.

However now knowing that he is living in a doubling paradox reality which was something that is hotly discussed well in his circle during his Military Academy years made him weary.


The possibility that Azuma was within an unstable universe was something that Azuma wanted to avoid as much as possible. Since he had been reborn in this universe, his twelve years of his thought and planning had been hoping for this universe reality to normalize to reach a similar result in the original reality. Even when he had to make some changes of his plan after meeting Yuki had a future where this reality would normalize in due time having similar outcome to the original reality.


All his hopes are now for naught. After a few weeks of research and analysis Azuma had to accept that the universe he was in will not reach a normalcy. The divergence has reached a point where there is no hope for the reality to synchronize back.


Azuma had been referring back to all the Union studies that he had knowledge about over the weeks. He had figured that his arrival to this reality is tied to the fact that this reality is a doubling paradox reality that had diverged well beyond the original reality. The impossibility for the realities to synchronize and normalize is the reason he was able to be here in this universe.

As he acknowledges this, he sighs in exasperation due to his past view of this reality.


Azuma did not know why it happened at the moment but he know how it probably happened.


The first thing he had to accept was that he reincarnated to this universe.


If he believed in reincarnation then its his soul/spirit/memories or something similar to that manage to enter this universe and inhibit a vessel. Regarding his case it was an unborn fetus.


Although he does not know why he was reincarnated to that specific fetus he could only currently accept that it was just about the probability for now.


Based on his current theory after his weeks of research and analysis, Azuma in the end manage to find a possible explanation.


He had used the fact that Karasuki destabilized the spacetime continuum of at least one of the Naruto universe realities as the base of this study. He was also taking a position that he is within the unstable reality Karasuki created right now.

Using that Azuma referred back to what he knew.


According to the Union studies regarding unstable universes, the realities are unstable because of the high possibility of instability within the spacetime continuum of that particular universe. The studies pointed to the instability is due to a spacetime disruption at the bubble barrier which is maintaining the particular universe within.


After the war between the otherwolders had erupted, the Union accepted that the multi worlds theory to be factual. Through this understanding the Union researchers were able to expand their war with the otherwolders to different universes as well. The Union incursion to the otherwolders universe were limited as the dimensional rift that the Union use only allowed non-living matter to pass the rift. Nevertheless, they made the otherwolders to be weary about the possible counterattack as the Union made use of the dimensional rift to deploy WMDs towards their universe.

It was through this action that allowed the Union to have breathing space and the current stalemate. The SSS class beings finally recognize that the Union was as capable as them and could make them bleed as much as they did towards them.
It was not that the Union could not kill them but in doing so it will just devastate the location or sector. The Union could not accept that hence they had to limit the devastation and destruction. It made the otherwolders think that the Union was weak, however after the invention of the dimension rift everything changed.
The Union forced almost all of the SSS class on offensive to pullback to protect their universe after the Union demonstrated that they are able to execute a proper ‘Mutual Assured Destruction plan’.   


It was through the discovery of the otherwolders universe and the invention of the dimensional rift technology the Union realize that they actually shared the same universe reality.


The idea that Union and the otherwolders shared the same reality was something new at that time. An idea that a reality of a universe that contain its own multiverse. Everything was all within the same reality bubble.


It was hence theorized that a universe reality is comprised of everything that was within its spacetime continuum and it was enveloped within its own bubble.



Nevertheless, due to the new knowledge about temporal effects to the universe reality, new findings and hypothesis was being tabled out by the researchers.


A possibility of an unstable universe reality.


Some researchers of the Union theorizes when temporal paradox happens there is a possibility that the bubble that enveloped that particular universe is compromised and turned unstable.


Various research was done towards that possibility and there was one hypothesis that caught Azuma attention.


A hypothesis regarding the compromised barrier allowing other realities to have a possibility cross path with it.


That hypothesis pointed out that the wall that prevented other interaction with other realities was compromised enough to allow a cross over to happen. Each time the cross path happened there is a possibility that the unstable reality will open a one-way door way to enter the other reality that it crossed path with.


Upon using that research hypothesis, Azuma went on to find a possible reason that a cross path happening. Based on his understanding, the way a cross path could happen was through the oscillation theory where the frequency of the universe crossed path between the another.


Towards that end he wanted to start his analysis to get the frequency of this universe.


It was however unfortunate that Azuma do not have the astrophysics scientific data studies of this universe. He also does not have the resources of the Union at hand.


Luckily for him, Azuma had Karasuki with him.


Using Karasuki, Azuma studied the temporal lane of this universe and manage to acquire the necessary data to calculate the base temporal frequency of this universe.


When he started to look at the results, he found out that the temporal frequency at this universe was extremely similar to the barrier frequency he had been using in Alcyone.


It made him remember ‘the last present’ that he triggered for the assaulting beast and cultivators. The device that he triggered had a similar temporal frequency.


Using the result, Azuma theorized that it was possible that this was the frequency that interacted with the universe that Karasuki destabilize.


When Azuma came to this theory result, he continued on researching trying to find the possibility of others beside him that entered this universe along him as Yuki did.


From his findings, the interaction did open a gateway for a short period of time. It was during that short period of time that Azuma was pulled to this new universe. He concluded that it was practically impossible that others crossed over as he and Yuki did.


The reason he came into that conclusion was because of a high probability of the interaction only created a temporary partial gateway to enter the other universe. It was temporary because it was the device that Azuma rigged created the effect. The partial opening was probably due to the interaction with the temporal frequency while not including the spatial frequency interaction.


Because it was a partial opening it was almost impossible to actually crossover to the other universe, however since Azuma did manage to cross over, he went on to find the reason why he did.


While he was finding the cause of it happening, Azuma remembered that he also had his personal barrier activated when he triggered the last present.

Azuma personal suit was a modified suit. It was equipped with his own personalize barrier which uses the same technology as his research.


Based on his knowledge there is no one that was equipped with his new research technology beside him at that time. Along with Yuki description about her actions when he triggered the device, it was safe to assume that only he and Yuki was somewhat the only one that barely manage to crossed over to this universe and it was through reincarnation.


Knowing that he and Yuki was possibly the only one that crossover to this universe was somewhat sad and a relief in the same time.


After Azuma spent weeks in this, he only manages to find out only this much about it. Although Azuma was getting results, he also felt that it was a not as productive as it should be.


So, what if he did find a probable answer that he manages to crossover to this universe reality. It does not help him a lot except to satisfy his own curiosity.

There is more research and analysis he to cover personally to achieve his dream. Not to mention his backlog of projects and personal training plans.


Sometimes along the way Azuma also wondered about a scenario where someone other than him being here. What Azuma could think of is that the change towards this universe will possibly be even more different.


What Azuma could think off the bat was that they would probably be extremely fascinated towards the existence of chakra. Through the fascination they probably will be able to learn about chakra and improve them differently than the natives. Beside that adding their scientific knowledge the change will probably lead to destruction of the world. This was due to Azuma knowledge that the native civilization was not developed socially and morally enough to really manage the Union scientific legacy which will not lead to destruction.


While Azuma was wondering about the possibility of another Union personal in this universe, he also went and think about Yuki as well. If it was another cultivator or beast that was at this universe instead of her, based on Yuki narration of her culture and her differences of personality with the majority of them, this universe would have been their playground or a feeding ground already.


Azuma sigh in relief when he thinks about this what if situations.

Sorry for the delay and the unannounced hiatus. The hiatus will continue on slightly longer but I thought I had to complete this last part of the Temporal Paradox chapter.

The reason for the hiatus is beside work it is also due to my way of writing. I like to write at my own pace and I also like to go back and correct what I had wrote a few times before I even think of uploading/publishing it here. I like to write a lot and go back and make corrections and changes along the way. I tend to do multiple changes in one particular chapter while neglecting another as well. Because of this I always felt that my quality of this story is sometimes good in some chapters while the others not. Anyway I will be writing at my own pace while compiling my chapters for now. 

Thanks for your continued support, just the amount of increased views and the readers for this story is motivating me to make sure I have a proper ending for it.

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