RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 48 – To the seas (I)

Back form my hiatus its Christmas holidays after all. Thank you for your patience. Since it was quite a long hiatus I have written a two parter refresher like chapter for you all and it include story building as well. Have a nice week ahead.

It has been not long when Azuma had started staying at his research base. During that time, he had got to use his past life knowledge and his understanding of this world including its resources to his full potential.

His first result was impressive to say the least by getting this worlds’ first cold fusion generator operational. Following that he got an industrial replicator, quantum computer, and his base basic defense operational as well.


When he was going to start his next project, Yuki contacted him and after her visit she decided to stay and thus she became his housemate. Right after helping moving Yuki’s belongings to her new place Karasuki came into the picture.


It was then that he got into a loop. After Karasuki came about, he had spent his time doing many new research topics instead of following his original plans. It was a continuous loop where new findings and discoveries lead to further research digging himself even deeper into the issue with no signs of ending.


One of the new researches lead him to discovering a probable reason on how he and Yuki ended up in this universe. It was an interesting new discovery for him personally as a scientist. Although it’s not really one of his field of studies, the discovery nevertheless actually helps him in deepen his understanding of temporal paradoxes and the impact to the multiverse. If he was still in contact with the Union his discovery would garner a lot of attention after he published his findings.


During the time he was studying it he went into another cycle when he noticed that he did not have the needed tools to complete the research. To remedy the situation, he came up with a decision to build a temporal research ship. As he needed a proper place to stay during his research within the temporal rift.


The ship was something that he built using the redesigned industrial replicator he had recently built. It was his first time to completely lean towards using a complete Union design, a completely alien design not from this universe.


And so, in theory this was the first time that the Union was able to truly cross over an alternate universe, and against its directive allowing Union technology to be exposed in a completely different multiverse. However, since he was the only one that is around there is not much deliberation about it and so he just went on and built it.    


During the construction he decided upon adopting and building a Union designed ship commonly used by the Deep Space fleet when on deep space mission. The ship was commonly used due to the ease of building the ship solely from the industrial replicators that was available in the capital ships.


It was a small modular designed ship with emphasized towards the ease of customization. With the design it allowed the ship to be quickly built and being equipped with the specialize module that was needed for the mission.


In Azuma case he had a temporal specialization module was built in the ship. It was primarily used by him because he needed a capable anchor and a reliable scanning device within the temporal lane. From his knowledge this ship was the best for him as the ship was easy to build from ground up due to the size, it’s modular design plus it fit all his needs.


After the construction was completed, he went on to continue his temporal research which that he wanted.

Upon getting what he wanted, he had left the ship at the hangar bay and went on to continue with his other projects. It was not until some time had passed that he decided to use the ship again.


Due to the temporal dial in the research base, it gave him more time than what he originally could have. During the time he spent in the research base he manages to pull the break. It got some time to think and reflect on his past actions preventing him to continue the loop.


Upon the reflection he thought about the time when it was very much simpler than now. Thinking about that time he came to point that he thought about his original curiosity when he came across the Naruto anime.


So instead of getting hold up in his research base, he decided to make use the ship as a means of travel to try and satisfy his curiosity. It will also help him with taking a break from everything else. He spent some time building an observation module for the ship replacing the temporal module that was currently within the ship module before he disembarks with the ship.



Azuma was walking along a corridor while reading compiled reports from a tablet he was holding. After a while the tablet that he was reading provided him a notification that he had reached his destination.


As he was inputting instructions after getting the notification, the door at the end of the corridor automatically opened allowing him to enter the room.  


It was a completely dark empty room, completely void before he walked in. However, after sensing his presence when he took his step inside the supposedly dark empty room it started to have an observable change.

As he walked in the room, the room started to light up and the view within the room started to change. He was now looking at a visual display of the surrounding which was provided by the 360 degrees camera from the observation module.


The empty room he was at was an observation deck, located at the bow of the ship. It was a dome like room and it was the only place that he can have completely unobstructed view to the outside in the ship. However, not being content by the digital display provided he looked back at the tablet and tap several times inputting another set of instructions. After doing that the dome started to collapse upon itself.


Upon the collapse Azuma felt a gentle wind breeze. As he stood there looking towards the horizon, he felt the sea breeze and the smell of sea water while the ship hovered through at a slow speed.


What he saw beyond the horizon was a view of a vast sea. As his eyes looked closer towards the sea, he affirmed his knowledge he had about this place. The place was as he expected to be.

Nevertheless, just being here and looking at it still felt surreal for him.


As his gaze went down more towards where he stood, the uniqueness of the sea in his view became even more clearer. It showed him a remarkable sight of countless whirlpools. For him it had been known during the anime series while for the ones that live in this ninja world it was a common knowledge.


It was one of Naruto world mysteries. Even during the time, he was watching the anime he was already wondering about the uniqueness of the geography of the ninja world. Then when he was reborn here in this world, to learn more about this world, he studied the maps that was available in the Uzufuyuki library. However, during his studies, it just brought him some other questions as well about this world.


It made him realize that his understanding of geographical science works here in this world, however in times it actually does not. It appears that its contradicting itself which baffles him.


After looking past, the multiple whirlpools, he looked back towards the horizon.


It was truly a sight to behold. As he stood the view beyond the horizon came closer and clearer. Behind him was a view of the edge of the cliff, while under him was the sea with numerous whirlpools, and in front of him is the view of the sea horizon.  


As he stood there his mind came to think more about the geography lay out of the Land of Fire. At the east of the Land of Fire, there positioned one of the most formidable natural barriers known to all that lived in the ninja world.


The eastern point of land of fire which spans forth towards the land of Hot Springs could be recognized as a natural wonder and it completely act as the best natural barrier as well. With the formation of a rock cliff that spans that long due to the effects of the whirlpools it truly a natural marvel. The distance as well as its height span was staggering.


Looking from where he is at right now it was as if that the Land of Fire is actually located on the high ground. It looks as if the lay of the land was a mountain Alps which was large enough to be establish itself to be called a continent by its own right. As a matter of fact, it appears to be so, the rock cliffs were very distinct as it separated the land and the sea filled with countless whirlpools.


The whirlpools seem to be generated naturally as it comes and go however it was constant and never ending.


As Azuma look at the scenery in front of him, his mind started to think back about everything. He stood there thinking upon on what he could actually summarized based on his new understanding of this reality.


He looked back in his past. He realizes very soon after looking at the place he was born and his interaction with his family that he was in a different reality. After a few months later he began to understand more and finally concluded that he is in a different universe with an alternate reality. However, his conclusion was it was not just that. He had found out that this universe reminds him about something he watched in the past. It was a martial, ninja, sci-fi and fantasy world.


It was something that he felt impossible but he was here and so he thought of making something out of it.


The current universe he is in spark his sense of exploration which later lite back the spark of his past life, his reason to pursue his scientific studies. It brought back his dream.

It was a dream which he wanted to achieve since he knows about the true existence and power of the otherwolders that invaded the Union.


The life here means a lot for him. It was a place where he once thought as ridiculous and nonsensical happen as well. As he tested and researched about it personally, overtime he found out that it was not as ridiculous and nonsensical as he thought.

In time he started to learn about it, step by step he started to develop new techniques and skills based on what he learnt. Adapting everything towards his dream.


Then when he started interacting with Yuki, it just added more fuel in his ever-blazing fiery dream. Yuki was an otherworlder like him, furthermore she was someone related with him in his past life. She was his enemy in his past life, the enemy that awoken his dream.

This time she was a friend and someone that he could talk to openly with everything. The discussions opened a completely new understanding about the multiverse for him. It also helped him a lot in further achieving his dream. 


As time went by, he personally felt that he was on the roll. Everything was going well as planned. He knew about the original reality of this world, the timeline and events that would happen.

Furthermore, he knows that the changes were happening in this reality due to the butterfly effects, acknowledging it he made plans and preparations for a possible ‘correctional force’ that could happen.


It was just something that he had done to make sure that even if a ‘correctional force’ did happen the original reality characters that he knew would be able to safely deal with it by themselves.


And so, he helped Naruto and others in their growth, he knew that it was needed because of the changes that was happening around this reality. Although he felt that just because Minato was alive, it already changed the growth of Naruto and others, he personally thought it was not enough. Compared to the original reality, the current reality would be more problematic based on his judgement and understanding on how the alternate realties worked.


It was all because of what he learnt about the history of this new reality as well as his existence in this world that make it so troubling for him.


Based on his understanding of the multiverse, the history of the original and new reality he felt that he has to intervene. He had judged that the major events that happed in the original will also happen in this reality with differences due to the butterfly effects.

Since he did not want to get bogged down in the story of Naruto, he concentrated his is intervention towards the growth of the core characters that was involved in the anime. It was properly planned and he thought that after this intervention he could get himself off the series plot train.


Everything went well according to plan. Finally at the end of his Academy years he thought that it was enough so he left Konoha for his supposed journey believing that nothing will go wrong beyond his reasonable doubt.



It was however ironic that every time he thought he could get himself detached from the plot series something comes and just disrupt his line of thinking. Things keep coming up, it kept distracting him pulling him away from his plans.


There was the wild beast incident during the konoha northern forest performance examination, then his meeting with Yuki and finally the changes in the geopolitical situation of this world when he knew about the chunin exams being held in Sunagakure. All of this just made him rework his plan as he patches them up.

He just wanted to concentrate on pursuing his dream and not to be held back by the flow of things like the anime series.


Then Karasuki came about. This was the one incident truly pulled him away and completely made him rethink about everything he had known. All his plans were being questioned and being evaluated after meeting it. It was an extremely noticeable flag for Azuma that he cannot look pass it. It was the event that made him realize that things will not really go his way.


This was the first time he was forced to throw every plan he had and go back to the drawing board to start a new.  


The necessary information he got from Karasuki was limited. What he knows is that it came from the future of the original reality and some events that happened during his reactivation. However what information he got from him troubled him already. 


Upon trying to find out more from Karasuki he felt shackled. He knew that could not exactly get any information from Karasuki through his preferred method. The method where he will try and disassemble Karasuki or at least try to access its memory core so that he could extract every information available to study. It was the most simple and easiest way to get everything he needed to know.


Unfortunately, it was not something that he could do. If he had attempted that method, it could damage Karasuki beyond repair. It was something that he felt that he could not afford to do at the moment hence he changed his plan.

Furthermore, he actually does not know if Karasuki can actually be dissemble in the first place, it was an artificial intelligence device that is unknown to him. He does not have much knowledge and information about the Otsutsuki particularly their technological field.


In the end he ended up relying on the most basic way for any scientist to start on which is just studying by observing Karasuki. It was a time-consuming way and because of this situation he hoped that the another Karasuki or any other Otsutsuki relics to exist in this reality.

Next chapter next few days latest in a week from now. FFVII here I come... yes I am late to the game but as a PC gamer this is something that I have waited since last year.

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