RE – Naruto Universe

Chapter 49 – To the Seas (II)

As Azuma stood there his mind continues to wonder.


He thought back to the time when he was about nine months old when he overheard about the nine tails incident happening. It was at that time when it gave him the view that he was reborn in the Naruto anime universe within the same time period with Naruto generation.


However, the event that follows with the news and subsequent meetings that happened after the nine tails incident led him to believe slightly differently. It made him realize that he was reborn in an alternate Naruto universe instead of the Naruto original universe.


Even so, it was not only the nine tails incident that spark his interest about his understanding of the multiverse and this universe. The subsequent stories he heard from his family and Kushina when she was visiting his mother regarding Uzushiogakure was also another point in this reality that made him think about this multiverse.
Furthermore, it was during that time that he felt something was wrong but he could not point towards what was actually wrong in the way he felt. Although he does not really know what’s wrong, he had plans ready in his mind about this reality and had stuck to that.


It was not until Karasuki came to the picture that he now realizes he knew what the feeling was.


With that feeling he now realize that he had made a mistake regarding his understanding of this reality. That mistake was feeding him a false sense of security which actually led him to create errors of judgements during his planning since the start.


Azuma had always valued his knowledge of the original Naruto reality. It was one of his many others advantages he had when he born here. However now he realizes that he had over relied on several advantages he got which create a false sense of security.

Since he had the knowledge of the original reality, he had relying on it to provide him the necessary information about this universe. It was sort of a mind map for him where he have an organized picture about this universe.
The fall of Uzushiogakure was one of the historical event markers in his mind map that he had noted when he was listing and preparing for his plans in this reality.
Alongside many other events that had happened he thought that the world was still following the path of the original reality.


From his understanding at that time the historical general events were happening similar to the original reality. Although the range of differences in historical context needed to be taken by a pinch of salt due to the lack of information, the outcomes however were identical.
Since at that time he only knows about Mito change due to the doubling theory principle he particularly relied on the fall of Uzushiogakure as a base.


However now his thinking started to change. The information he had completely ignored during his early days when he was listening to his family members is now brought up. The stories about Uzushiogakure.



Compared to the original reality where Uzushiogakure is just a small Uzumaki clan village, this reality it was a bustling ninja village.


Based on the stories and information he got in this universe. The village was established by the Uzumaki clan after leaving the land of the Ancestors where they could be left alone not being involved with the world outside. The only contact they had been some Senju clan members and it was mainly due to their ancestral connection that they had.

Later in time a part of Yuki clan decided to follow a similar footstep of the Uzumaki clan ancestors. They were fed up of constant bloodshed and propagated peace, however they were persecuted by the warring faction of the clan with the support of others particularly the soon to be Kirigakure. The peaceful faction of the Yuki clan fled and reached to the shores of Uzushiogakure where they ended up staying there along with some civilians that came along with them.

This was one event that was different compared to the original reality that Azuma had ignored placing this event as a probable difference due to this being an alternate reality. Nevertheless, there was another event in Uzushiogakure that was irregular and that irregularities could be sourced by Uzumaki Mito.  


He did not know why Uzumaki Mito did what she did but now he knows the answer to that.


Because of Karasuki, her sentimental attachment to Uzushiogakure increased and it led to increased contact between Konoha and Uzushiogakure. The relation led to some more Senju clan members travelling to Uzushiogakure where some decided to migrate there. With the increase contact it also attracted civilians that wanted a new life to migrate there as well.


With all the changes happening it led to others feeling threatened and this was something that Azuma had originally noted, the feeling of the threat it gave to others. This lead to the predicted fall of Uzushiogakure which he had known. He was led to believe that it was all the same even with the added irregularities he had noted. He originally ignored all those contextual changes that was happening due to his original assumption regarding this universe, it’s an alternate universe after all.



Azuma reflection and understanding on the events of the fall of Uzushiogakure had changed recently. Due to Karasuki he had now realize that he had to also understand the contextual changes as well. And so, he started with the fall of Uzushiogakure event which he has the most information and knowledge about right now.


Based on his parents and Kushina narration during their time in Uzushiogakure, he had judged that the way the Uzushiogakure ninja training was completely beyond the original reality Konoha ninja academy training. Although it did not match this reality Konoha training judging on the elite class he was in, it was not far off. Every one of them that graduated from Uzushiogakure at that time could be considered very capable ninjas.


Furthermore, he knew about the advantages of the Uzumaki bloodline limit. He also knows about the various ninja skills, techniques with addition to the sealing techniques that Uzumaki have. In addition to that he also knows about the Yuki clan and the Senju clans’ capabilities as he also trained in their ninja skills and techniques as well.


With the foundation of Uzushiogakure of this reality, the skill set and capability of Uzushiogakure ninjas was actually a force to be reckon with. Along with their overall tactical and strategic capabilities they should have not fallen, at worse it should not have fallen that easily as he was told by his father.


With the ship planetary observation module, he had scanned the whole ruin of Uzushiogakure including the geographical layout of the whole area which include the sea area. What information he got from it further reinforced his analysis regarding the outcome. Looking at the area he was certain tactically and strategically Uzushiogakure shouldn’t have fallen like they did.


The findings he got now troubled him. He had thought that with enough change within the original event the result will be different. This assumption was proven with the change of outcome during the Konoha nine tails incident. With his family interference they completely changed the outcome of that event. Yet it was not the case for Uzushiogakure.


It made him wonder and so he had also searched for other past events that was recorded in this ninja world history. It was his first time looking through the historical records of this world and what he found was the known events that he knows did happen in this reality as well.


Nevertheless, the problem was still there. The context within some of them was actually different but it resulted in an identical final outcome for the event. It was most particularly true in the Great Ninja Wars history. Most of them are superficial but some of the changes will actually impact the ninja world direction in the future. It was just that he did not notice yet.


As he looked at the records, he knew that he made a mistake and this mistake will come and bite him real soon.




When Azuma looked at the points of divergence within this reality. He found that his existence impacted the change of the reality of this universe more greatly compared to the butterfly effect changes that was happening.


It was observed by the Konoha nine tails incident where Minato and Kushina survived, which lead to a completely stronger and more stable Konoha. This was because of his family assistance. He strongly believes that if he was not alive during birth, the nine tails event will have a high probability to reach the same result as the original reality.

The next huge change was the Wild Beast incident at the Konoha Northern Forest, it was an incident that never happened nor heard off in the original reality.

Because of that he had to assume that Yuki arrival in this world also added to this great change as well.


With these new findings he is now deciding on his next course of action. Looking at things now, he still believes that major events will happen but the context within will end up different. The only complete evidence he has to support this theory was the history of Uzushiogakure. Its historical context from the establishment and development already changed a lot that it could not be considered Uzushiogakure of the original reality. However, the result was still the same where Uzushiogakure was still destroyed by a collation of ninja forces.


Looking down at the numerous whirlpools, as he took a deep breath followed by exhaling the air out to clear his mind. He had decided. He came to this place to refresh himself and it did help in figuring what he wanted to do onwards. For one he still wants to accomplish his dream, however things will be different now.


He realizes that he must to do things differently from now on. He cannot just rely only on his knowledge of the original reality and his analysis of cause and effect of certain events due to butterfly effect happening. He recognized the differences of scale which will be happening further down the road. The ripple created from his involvement compiled with the butterfly effect that is still ongoing had led to unforeseen changes.


He now knows that if he truly wanted the peace of mind that he wants he need to do some drastic changes. All that he knows now is that the next major event in this universe will be different. He had put himself in the shoes of several antagonist which he knows and planned out what actions they would do. When he did that he realize that this event will probably be the nexus. It will be the event that will let him see where the direction of this universe goes to. Either way he do not want to take the chance, if what he think could happen will happen the story will diverge greatly it from the original reality. Therefore, to be ahead of this he is going to take the first step to make sure that he is in the advantage no matter what.


“Kage bunshin no Jutsu”


As Azuma used the jutsu, two shadow clone was created. Both looked at him for a while and suddenly one of the clones released himself. The information and decisions he wanted to do now was shared with his other shadow clones which was scattered around accomplishing their task. 


While the other shadow clone created will be the one that he will use for his new plan. Instead of small reported journeys that his shadow clones were doing, this time he will be looking deeper and interacting more with this world. He needs to participate in certain important events that was going to happen and this clone will be the one that will help him with it.


As Azuma looked at his Shadow clone, the clone as well looked back at him. Moments later the shadow clone turned away and went to the bow of the ship which was completely opened and jumped down from the ship.


While Azuma looked at the shadow clone that was going to go to Konoha, he saw Yuki walking towards him. She summoned a clone of herself and the clone immediately hopped down and followed the clone as well.


Azuma looked at Yuki while wondering what she was doing.


“What? I promised Yuna to protect you, if you go to Konoha without me she will be thinking about unnecessary things again.”


“… what did my mum do to make you actually do that…”


“… none of your business.”

It's Christmas on my side of the world and it will still be Christmas eve for some of you.
Here's my Christmas present to you, a chapter. Have a jolly Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year~.
Merry Christmas to you all.

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