RE – Naruto Universe

Naruto Chronicles – Days before the Chunin Exams

While Azuma was busy building his observation module in the base days continued by, in the meantime at Konoha…


“Yes! All done. We can go for another C class mission now!”

“Naruto, stop being overly excited… ‘sha-naroo at long last we could take another C class mission!’”

“Instead of getting all excited, let’s go and report to Kakashi-sensei.”

“Sasuke-kun is right, let’s go!” 

“Ah! Wait for me…”


Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura was going to report their completed mission to Kakashi while being excited about their next mission. As for the person they are going to meet, Kakashi on the other hand was on his way to the meeting room.


“Yo! Kakashi.”

Right before Kakashi opened the door to enter the meeting room, Might Guy who was walking with Sarutobi Asuma and Yuhi Kurenai at the opposite direction called out to him.

Upon seeing them Kakashi greeted them as they entered the meeting room.


“So, I have heard that your team is going to complete the C class mission requirements again. Lee was pestering me to accept another mission because of it. Hahaha, such a youthful thing to do. Their rivalry is just like us!”



Kakashi could only sigh to that. Looking at Guy, he sighed, he was truly troubled about team 7 members as a whole.


Right before their first mission assignment he had always known that Naruto will not be happy about it. He was already anticipating slew of complaint about the missions the new genin will be undertaking from him. However, he did not expect that Sasuke and Sakura would do the same.


Kakashi knows that the genin during the period of constant ninja wars was different compared to the current ones particularly for Konoha. Which was why mission’s assignment were different it was not an emergency period after all. It was all common for new genin even for his time to take on menial missions at the start during non-emergency period.

Luckily for Kakashi, Minato had made some changes to the mission assignments earlier on when Naruto was going to graduate.


“At least yours are actually doing missions. As for mine, sigh…”

“… everyone has their own problems I guess eh.”


Kakashi looked at Asuma and thought of his team, the new Ino-Shika-Cho generation.

‘As expected the ones that graduated from that class are a handful bunch.’


“Ahaha, Kakashi you should embrace their youthfulness. It was unexpected for them to actually make a record with regards to the speed they accomplish their D class missions. There will not be a record like that anymore after that stunt Naruto did. It truly opened everyone’s eyes.”


The record was made by team 7 at the start of their genin career upon knowing the necessary prerequisite for a C class mission. Although with more D class missions available due to the growth and development Konoha was having, D class missions were still time-consuming missions. It was difficult the Konoha genin teams to complete them at a short period of time.

Nevertheless, it took team 7 three months for them to complete the required amount of D class mission for them to be allowed to get to do a C class one. It was a complete speed run on their part.


Most of the time Naruto mass shadow clones made the missions look like a breeze allowing the missions to be accomplish in no time at all. It allowed them to take advantage a few times where they could attempt another D class mission consecutively after they accomplish their mission in a day.


It was tiring for Kakashi guiding the extremely active team 7.

Luckily for him Minato reworked the mission timing so his team could not do another ‘speed run’ completing the next D class missions.

With only one D class mission per week allowed to be attempted by a genin team with exception of urgent tasks, it lessens the load of Kakashi. The excuse made by the mission office is that they need to make sure that Genin get enough rest before the next mission. They do not want to over work the genin and allow the genin time to recuperate and train.


In theory the genin need at least 10 weeks to complete the requirement for them to be allowed a C class mission again. However, in practice it was not. The uncertainty of particular missions being available was high and it made the duration of their next attempt longer. Sometimes the genin team would only able to get their next missions a month later.


Although Kakashi received constant Naruto complaints and grunts he was happy that he actually has more personal time. However, because of their eagerness, Naruto made use of his shadow clone, always stalking the mission office. All of that lead to now, they just need to accomplish their current mission and they will be allowed to get their next C class mission.

While Kakashi, Guy, Asuma and Kurenai was talking about their genin students, Minato suddenly teleported in the room indicating that their meeting was about to begin.



The next day.


Minato was within the mission room with Iruka arranging the mission allocation when Naruto arrived.



Naruto rushed in and opened the door without even bothering about curtesy. 


“Sigh…” ‘I really do not know what to do about you Naruto… although Kakashi is there I really wanted Azuma to be around as well… there is just too much at hand right now…’

“Dad! where is the C class mission you promised?”

‘… Naruto… sigh…’

“Naruto! How many times must I tell you that during official business you need to be courteous. Knock the door before coming in! Also, you need to greet your father as Hokage-sama, it’s not proper for you to casually greet him. If there is someone from other nations or organization around now it will reflect on us badly.”

“Eeh, but Iruka-sensei there is no one else but us here…”

“… sigh…”


“Naruto!” ‘Shaa-naroo Naruto!’


After calling out his name, Sakura went and knock his head with her loving fist bump.


“Aah Sakura-chan, I am sorry Iruka-sensei.”



‘Sakura Haruno… she does resemble Kushina in a way…’ – Minato mind


“Ahem… so regarding your C class mission... I will not be allocating a C class mission for you right now instead…”

“… What! No mission? Why is that? We have completed the necessary requirements already!”


Minato let off another sigh as Naruto interrupted him cutting him of from completing what he wanted to say.

Upon hearing and looking at Minato reaction towards Naruto, Sakura realize that Naruto had interrupted Minato preventing him from completing what he wanted to convey. Looking at Naruto behavior she was ticked off yet again.


“Naruto! Shanaroo! Could you zip it for a moment and let Hokage-sama complete what he wanted to convey!”



This time while Sakura raised her voice towards Naruto, she also smacked him with more love than before so he could be quiet for just a moment and allow Minato to convey what he wanted.




‘She truly is similar to Kushina…’


As everyone quiet down and have their own thoughts about the whole situation, Minato took the opportunity to convey what he wanted, he wanted them to prepare for the Chunin exams.



The announcement of the coming Chunin exams excited them. They did not know that they were able to participate in it until now. With Kakashi and Minato approval they now are participants for the Chunin exams.

From the short announcement they found out that their classmate teams were also participating, it excited them.


They were not informed about the way and how the exams will be conducted and so its up to them to be on their best condition. Since they had a month before the exam started, they decided to find out about the exams and train by themselves for that period.


Two weeks had gone by since then…


Naruto was walking back home after his daily training. He was in his own world, thinking about his training progress as he relates them to the chunin exams which is in the horizon. As he was nearing his home, he saw aunt Yuna walking out of his home. Noticing her he remembered about Azuma. He hasn’t seen him after he went on his journey and its already almost a year since then.


Remembering about Azuma he ran to aunt Yuna and greeted her before he asked about any news about Azuma from her.


Although Naruto greeted her before he bombarded her with slew of questions about Azuma, he didn’t allow time for Yuna to reply at all. As she smiles towards him, Naruto felt cold sweat as he suddenly shudder. Only then that he remembered something else, Kushina was glaring at him with her stare that make him shudder even more as seconds went bye.


He cursed himself as he realizes his mistake. If aunt Yuna just walked out of his home then his mother will definitely be at the door as well. His actions in the eye of his mother are impolite, and more so towards her close family friend. He laminated his eagerness wanting to know about Azuma after getting the opportunity to get some news about him.


As Yuna looked at Naruto she chuckled, she already sensed Kushina glaring him like a hawk making him shudder and stopping his slew of questions. She was happy as Naruto wanted to know about Azuma where abouts and his slew questions made her truly happy. Her son has a good friend.

Being in good mood she greeted Naruto as she tried to calm Kushina down regarding his impoliteness. He did greet her before he bombarded her with slew of questions but he did that because of his concern of Azuma. As she calmed Kushina down she thought about Azuma.


She did not want to inform Naruto that she has a way to communicate with her son.


It was one of her lists of what he had to do before she allowed him to go for his journey. Apart for the promise to comeback during that time, she requested for him to have a shadow clone at the training lodge.

It worries her as she could not know about his wellbeing during his journey but with a shadow clone, she could relay messages and even know if he is well or not through the clone. There was a time that she thought he got into trouble when the clone was recalled after a few days he left for the journey, however she believed that there could be a reason for that recall of the shadow clone. And as expected after a few days when Azuma sent another clone back to the training lodge, she knew everything was fine.


From then on, she visited the shadow clone monthly to get news about her son.


She told Naruto about Azuma’s journey. Although it was a journey that Azuma actually did not do but experiences from his shadow clones. As Azuma was busy in his base, he had a shadow clone do his journey for him. Azuma’s clone narrated the clone journeys to his mother as now his mother is narrating the clone journey to Naruto.


After Naruto listened to what Yuna had to say he said his goodbyes and went to his room. Yuna smiled at that as she walked away as she thought about her son. She knows that her son is different compared to the others. For his age he is matured, he was like that ever since he started walking and talking. She does not even need to worry about his safety as well, she personally knows how capable he is. She does not know if her son will arrive in time to participate the chunin exams, she has arranged a spot for him if he wanted. However most importantly she just hopes that her son will comeback safely from his journey. She just wants her son to be save and be true to himself.



The chunin exam preliminaries was coming closer day by day and Konoha started to allow entry of participants form the other ninja villages. Today was the same like no other, however if Azuma was around, he would have stood there recognizing that the historical context changes will have impact in the long run and this will be the evidence to it.


He had known about the changes of Sunagakure and he knew that the lives of the ones there had already changed. He however after realizing his mistake he did more in-depth study and realize the scale and magnitude of the change that is yet to come.


Today the Sunagakure delegation arrived at Konoha led by an individual which made her name during the third great ninja war. The hero of hidden sand, Pakura of the scorch release arrived with Sunagakure chunin exam participants. As she halted her group for going forward, her disciple Maki a Jonin of Sunagakure continued forward towards the gate guards.


As the guards looked at the group, Maki approached them as she identified herself and her group to them.


While Maki was interacting with the guards trying to get their entrance approval the delegation stood and looked around at the area.


“So Gaara what do you think about Konoha now that you arrived.”


As they were waiting Pakura questioned Sunagakure Ace genin, Gaara. As he looked around and towards the entry gate of Konoha he kept his silence.


“… nothing much to say about it. If our village was established here instead of them, we would be similar, no, we will be better than what they are now.”


When she heard his response, she smiled at his reply as they continue to wait for the guard’s approval.

His competitiveness was the same and it was good to have that even for their ally.


“… Anyway, I need to inquire the guards about something.”

“Oh, inquire about what.”

“Where aunt Yuna is staying. I want to go and greet her since we are here.”


When Pakura heard it, she agreed. Uzufuyuki Yuna was one of Sunagakure benefactors, without the business ties and support from them, Sunagakure would be forced to many things which would jeopardize their image as well as their alliance with Konoha to survive. She had interacted with her several times during her escort missions and she also clicked with her.


“Yes… I wonder if we would be able to meet her son this time. If I remembered correctly, he is a year older than you.”


When Gaara heard Pakura reply he also wondered about it. He heard about Azuma from aunt Yuna but he hasn’t meet him yet, since he is here, he hopes that he could meet him this time round.


The processing of Sunagakure delegates was smooth as the guards registered the identity and issued entrance papers to Maki. Noticing that Maki had completed the registration process and her coming back to her group holding their entrance papers Gaara went to the guards to enquire about the location of the Uzufuyuki residence.


Upon hearing his request, they provided him the directions as Gaara thanked them and rejoined his group who is already waiting for him before they enter Konoha.


As they went in Pakura asked Maki to lead the delegation to the appointed residence they will be staying during the duration of the chunin exam. Accepting her request Maki lead the group while Pakura accompanied Gaara to the Uzufuyuki residence.

While walking past the area reaching the Uzufuyuki residence they observed the Konoha citizens.


It was their first time in Konoha, both was observing the life of the people that stayed at Konoha. Kids running about playing, stalls and shops around bustling selling their services, goods and produce, while people interacting without care about the world around them.

It was a place that Sunagakure hoped to achieve in due time, they had a vision and hope that their ninja village will be as developed and lifeful as they are looking now. Although they had made huge progress compared to a decade ago looking at Konoha now they knew that they have much more to do.


As they walked pass many places in Konoha they were thinking about how long for Suna to reach and even surpass Konoha. They were ambitious, for Pakura she was always loyal to Sunagakure and their people while for Gaara he wanted to be the next Kazekage succeeding his father. Both hopes for the best for Suna, while thinking about it they reached their destination.


When Gaara enquired about Uzufuyuki residence he had already assume that it will be the similar to the residency they had in Suna. Looking at the entrance it did not disappoint him, it was even grander in scale due to the availability of the land that was allocated for the Uzufuyuki residence.


Besides the place to stay, the Uzufuyuki residence also provide a place of their business shops, services and their well-known blank seal scrolls all in the same area. As they proceed to enter the residence, they were welcomed by the steward which noticed them upon arrival.


“Welcome Sir and Madam, what can I do for you.” Noticing them as well as their insignia band they have he knew that they were Suna ninjas that probably were attending the coming chunin exams held in Konoha. He also knew about the business ties the Uzufuyuki had with Sunagakure and so he approached and greeted them respectfully.


Before they even enquired the steward about the owners of the building a voice came from the back of them which caught their attention immediately.


“Ara, Pakura-san and Gaara-chan you probably just arrived at Konoha and you are here, aren’t you tired from the journey.” Yuna who came back from visiting Kushina saw Pakura and Gaara with one of her stewards as she entered.

Yes the differences in this new Naruto reality is growing. Pakura being alive here could be figured out as I have written certain background stories that could lead to butterfly effects which could have impacted this.

When Azuma comes back I will start narrating more about Pakura and Gaara.

Have a nice week ahead.


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