RE – Naruto Universe

Naruto Chronicles: Life of a Genin I

A group of Jonin ninjas was looking at an orb, observing the visual projection within. While they were observing the projection within, passing their time, they suddenly sense another presence in the room. Noticing the new presence, they got in line immediately as they all know well what the presence represent.




All of them called out with respect, Namikaze Minato, Konoha Fourth Hokage had arrived. Minato nodded towards them and asked them to be seated while he walked pass them to greet the third Hokage, his predecessor Sarutobi Hiruzen now the headmaster of the Konoha Ninja Academy. After they greet each other, they started their meeting.

The meeting was about the rearrangements of the Jonins that will be the instructor and team leader of the newly formed graduate teams. 


“So what do you think, Minato? With the new batch of newcomers from the capital, I think this arrangement is balanced. It is really unfortunate that only a few from the capital registered, sigh, I did not expect the registration rate from the capital to be so low…”


Hiruzen was in a bind. He had already arrange the teams well before the graduation test. The arrangement integrated a good number of capital students who showed interest to join them. It indeed happen like that however, everything went down the drain when Azuma sudden news about him not becoming a Konoha ninja became public.


“…sigh… I didn’t expect that just because of him the domino effect would be that great…”


“Sandaime-sama, there is nothing you can do about it. Most from the capital had their own interest in mind as well. Although we did have heads up from Yuna about Azuma decision, we did not expect that it would lead to this result.

The capital clans and family are on another level when it comes to personal interest.”


Minato was also shocked about the immediate drop of capital student enrollment when news about Azuma decision reached them. He did not expect the high level of politics in play among the families and clans from the capital. Even the children are just tools and pawns for them.


Although Konoha have problems about that as well, the level is just completely different within the capital. Their actions are immediate and swift.


It does however show everyone in Konoha who was skeptical about it the amount of influence that the Uzufuyuki had in the capital. Niko Seiji from Niko Escort Group, Kauri Rumia from Kauri Association and even Izuku Kiyoshi from the Izuku clan all pulled out in the last minute.


Those three were also strong and prominent in the capital and land of fire as a whole. However just from Azuma decision, the heads of their respective clans and organizations decided that it is not worth it for their descendants to join. It followed a downward spiral when Azuma and the others taking the lead. Many others followed suit that ended with the abysmal registration rate from the capital.


Hiruzen sat there and thought about it.


Uzufuyuki Azuma, the future heir of the Uzufuyuki business conglomerate. Just form that background itself he thought he was just a noble like those from the daimyo clans. His view about him was a stereotypic blue blood individual. The arrogance and ignorance all combined into one. He had always experience that when he face the daimyos and their branch clans.


It was however not as he assumed. He was wrong. After observing Azuma for five years he completely wrong about Azuma and the Uzufuyuki as a whole.


When Hiruzen first saw Azuma, he did not think much about him beside for him being the Uzufuyuki heir. He is as average as it gets for a person to be a ninja. His ninjutsu and genjutsu is average. His chakra pool is average. The only thing not average about him is his taijutsu and bukijutsu skill and techniques.

On the personality front, he already acknowledge that he was wrong about him. His family brought him up well. He do not show any arrogant and ignorant air like all those form the capital. When he compared him to the major clans from Konoha particularly the Hyuga and Uchiha, he truly wanted them to follow his footsteps, being humble.


Hiruzen interest on Azuma started to increase after a while when they implemented the change of the curriculum for that particular class.


It was a start a pilot project by Minato and it was because of it that Hiruzen notice Azuma. With the change of curriculum, the emphasis on cooperation and teamwork ability became more prominent. Hiruzen could never imagine that a kid at that age to have that level of observation and decision making skills which surpass even the elite Jonins.


When he continued his observation, he found Azuma even more bizarre than ever. Uzufuyuki Azuma is completely different compared to anyone he knows. It was his first time he encounter someone like that. After all his years being alive seeing Azuma truly opened his eyes. 


He is a portrayment of a genius type individual. He is like the second Hokage, Senju Tobirama in that regards but he is even more extreme in his innovative approach.

Nevertheless, his past student Orochimaru and Tsunade, even Minato also had a similar trait. Although they do not reach to the same level of extreme, he still did not actually feel that it is unique.


What he truly felt unique and took his interest is that the way Azuma act on certain things. When he saw that, what he can think of is that Azuma is not from this world. It was his gut feeling, he felt that Azuma is looking at this world in a completely different lens than everyone else.


He thought that his teacher, Senju Hashirama was unique but Azuma is beyond his teacher on that front. His personality and actions is really different compared to anyone he knows.


His actions is extremely discreet but Hiruzen had a gut feeling that it is on purpose. Most of his actions seem to be for something that was unravel to him.

He could not see his angle, he could not see his purpose. All he know is that he felt that Azuma could bring a change in the ninja world, but currently he do not know whether it’s good or bad.


However, he kept it to himself as looking at Azuma actions it still benefited Konoha at the moment.


After knowing what he knows he suppress many information regarding Azuma in the Academy and made sure the grading only provide the necessary report and no extras was included. It was his first time in his life that he truly wanted to make sure Danzo never get his hands on someone. He do not know the repercussions that would happen if Danzo got involved.


It would be bad for the Uzufuyuki to turn against Konoha. However after looking at Azuma for a few years, he know that making him an enemy will not be Konoha undoing but the whole ninja world could be affected as well.


Although he do not see it happening because of Azuma relations with his peers he still felt that it is truly not wise to touch Azuma reverse scale. Maintaining the status quo is the best option for him.


Little did he know that Azuma had notice Hiruzen from time to time spying on him. He himself is already acting, suppressing himself to lower his chance to get Danzo attention. However, with Hiruzen observing him Azuma made plans to make use of Hiruzen. Therefore, Azuma decided to act showing another side of him towards Hiruzen.


It was unexpected for Azuma that his act helped him a lot. His act made Hiruzen to make decisions and action that is drastic enough that helped him in covering all his actions up.




In the new Genin orientation meeting…


“Azuma just left for his journey and we are still sitting here waiting, when is this meeting going to start?” Naruto felt left out as Azuma already started his new path while he is still waiting, he wanted to make a move so he will not be left behind Azuma. ‘For Azuma to visit other countries… humph since you can do it I will also be able to! Just you wait Azuma.’


“Sigh, Naruto keep it down. Just be a little more patient for a while longer, your ranting is just getting annoying now.”

“Sakura-chan it is not that, I just…”

“I said keep it down!”

“… ouch!”


Before Naruto rebuttal, Sakura decided to silence him hitting him on his forehead with her fist.


After a while later Iruka came in and started the orientation meeting.


“As of today you all are full-fledged ninjas. However, you are still new Genins. It will get tougher now… From here on out you will be allocated into a team of three where you will accomplish the missions under your Jonin instructors…”


‘… Three? … whatever, let’s get going!’ – Naruto


“The teams is already been allocated based on the general understanding of each of your capabilities. It will be quite balance. I will announce them now…”


“… next team 7…”




After Iruka announced the team allocation, he informed the new Genin that their Jonin instructor would arrive soon to pick them up. They just need to wait for them at the lecture hall here until they come.


“He is late! ... Everyone already left and he is still not here! Why is he the only one late? It just reminds me of someone… ugh… hope it’s not him.”


“Huh? Naruto you know something about the Jonin instructor?” Sakura listening to Naruto rant caught on to Naruto comments. She is now interested on the person that Naruto was reminded of.


“… I do not know if it’s going to be him but judging on his tardiness it’s just eerily familiar to him… arrgh I hope it’s not him!”

The tardiness remind Naruto about Hatake Kakashi, one of his father’s student.


He had known him for a long time, beside his peers like Azuma and Sasuke, Kakashi was the one that he had known the longest. Naruto had always view Azuma, Sasuke and Kakashi as family.


He view Sasuke as a rival but also a close friend, a brother that he can compete against. While Azuma and Kakashi is different.

If Azuma is a smart can do it all brother that will help and side with him almost all the time then Kakashi is the smart one that will always be the one that is against him.  A direct opposite of Azuma, and what’s worse it that his mother wholly support Kakashi. The strict and discipline elder brother! This is the reason why he hoped that Kakashi is not the one that will be his team Jonin instructor.


“You are getting me more interested, who is he? …”


Right when Sakura was enquiring about it, he came…


 “Aaaa~ it’s really you!”


Kakashi slide opened the door and came in…


He looked at his new team and looked back at Naruto, when he did that Naruto felt cold sweat.



He then brought them to the Academy roof to have their meeting.



“First off lets introduce yourself.” – Kakashi


“Introduce ourselves? What should we say?” – Sakura


“Hmm… what you like, dislike, your dreams, hobbies. Things like that.” – Kakashi


“Hey-hey. Before that why don’t you introduce yourself first then… erk…” – Naruto


Naruto out right question towards Kakashi made Kakashi look at him. When Kakashi did that it completely made Naruto jolt which stopped his question halfway.


“Sigh, indeed manners… My name is Hatake Kakashi. I don’t feel like telling you my likes or dislikes… I’ve never really thought about my dreams… as for hobbies, I have many…”


“… in the end all I know is his name…” (whisper) – Sakura

“I will tell you more later…” (whisper) – Naruto


“… next is you guys... let’s start with you.”


“Ugh… ‘why me…’


My name is Uzumaki Naruto, I like cup ramen, but I like ramen from Ichiraku even more, even Azuma loves it!


What I dislike is the three minutes waiting time after I pour hot water into the cup ramen.


My hobby is eating and comparing cup Ramen, oh I also like to collect and I store my cup Ramen collection into my special Ramen seal!


And my dream… oh Yes this is my new dream I just thought off! It is to travel around the world to eat, collect and store all the various type of Ramen into my Ramen Seal!”


‘… huh! … if I tell Kushina-neesan that dream of his what will happen to Naruto…’ “Ok, next”


‘… What the hell is that dream of yours Naruto! ... Ah it’s my turn…’


“…I’m Haruno Sakura. What I like is anmitsu, what I dislike is anything spicy. My hobby is playing trivia games and … my dreams is… sigh…”


Sakura hesitated halfway she wanted to say more but kept quiet about it. She wanted to say more about her hobbies but she remembered that most of what she is doing is a secret so she kept quiet. As for her dream for the past few years after that incident, Sakura grew up. She still like Sasuke but she see things better now she is not as obsessed as before, she wants more, she do not want Sasuke to be everything in her life now but part of it.


‘Oh… girls of her age are probably usually more interested in love than ninjutsu, but she is slightly different… interesting.’ “And, lastly.”


“My name is Uchiha Sasuke. I like omusubi (onigiri) with okaka (bonito seasoning) and tomatoes, least favorite is natto and sweets. My hobby is training and taking walks. My dream is … to win against Azuma in a true combat...”


Sasuke kept silent slightly during his narration about his dream. He actually have two dreams. One is to make his father recognize him, but he is also emotionally conflicted against it as well. His another dream was to defeat Azuma. He had been training with his brother and Shisui for that purpose but his win still haven’t been realize just yet.


‘Heh want to defeat Azuma… After my father talked about him to me out of curiosity, I went to see him. He is different, really different. What I can say is good luck with that kid...’ “All right! The three of you have unique and interesting personalities… We will have a mission tomorrow.”


“Yes! At last, What kind of mission?.”


‘… Naruto…’ “This is the first mission and it is a mission that is just for us four here.”


“What-what-what-what is it?”

“… Survival test.” – Kakashi


“Survival test?” – Naruto


“Kakashi-sensei why are we having a test when it is supposed to be a mission? We had plenty of test in the Academy and we had also done the performance exam test yearly.” – Sakura


“Yup, Sakura-chan is right on that!” – Naruto


‘… Survival test… is there any reason for that?’ – Sasuke


“… this is no ordinary test.” – Kakashi


“Then what kind of test are you referring to?” – Naruto


Kakashi started to giggle towards Naruto question making them feel something was wrong. He then started explaining. “You will be surprised, from the ones that graduated, about 70% of them will either be sent back to the Academy for further training or quit being a ninja after this test. It’s a test where only about 30% of students or less pass.”


‘… cold sweat…’


“What crazy stuff are you saying? Then what about Azuma? What about the others? The ones that decided to go their separate path. They also passed the graduation test! What was the graduation test for then?” – Naruto


“Oh that, it was just to pass those that have a potential to be a Genin. This new test is to see if you have a right to be a Genin.” – Kakashi


‘…’ “Wha-at!” – Naruto


“Well that’s the way it is. I will determine whether you pass or fail tomorrow at the training ground. Bring your complete set of ninja tools! We meet at five in the morning! ... now then, you’re dismissed… Oh yea, you best skip breakfast. You’ll throw up.”



“Heh five in the morning? You joking? You say five then it’s at least about nine! Humph!” After Kakashi left Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke stayed. When Naruto felt that Kakashi was really not around anymore he started his smear.


He know Kakashi well enough to know that he is not punctual at all. However, he still recognize his threat about throwing up, he is strict and capable enough to make it so. Even so Naruto started tell Sakura and Sasuke about the Kakashi he knew.


He made sure that they know that he is very capable ninja of his generation. However, as far as he know his tardiness is also second to none there. In all seriousness, Naruto recommended that they would go meet up at five in the morning completely prepared. Nevertheless, they should also bring packed breakfast so they can have a meal there just in case as there is a high probability that he won’t turn up that early in the morning. After their meeting they went back home to prepare for tomorrow.


‘… Guess that teamwork and cooperation curriculum really works. However … Naruto… you will get it tomorrow…’ Kakashi was hiding observing Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke sitting and discussing about him and planning about their tomorrow mission. He heard everything that Naruto said about him and it hit his nerves.


I will be writing this story following the Naruto plot as much as I can. As it goes on it will be different yet similar. Azuma will not be involved personally for now as he is on his own journey.

I am also reworking some past chapters, the core will be the same but I made it easier and better to understand. I will not change every chapter but only important chapters.
Right now I had rework the prologue chapters which is chapter 1 and 2, I had also slightly streamline chapter 3 and 4 but I do not feel any differences like the first two. 

Have a nice weekend.

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