RE – Naruto Universe

Naruto Chronicles: Life of a Genin II

The following day Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura dragged themselves out of bed to the training field at five in the morning as planned. As Naruto expected when they arrived Kakashi was not there. They waited for half an hour before Naruto smugly took out his packed breakfast to eat. When Sakura and Sasuke saw that, they hesitated.


“What’s wrong? Let’s have breakfast. As I said, Kakashi-niisan will not arrive anytime soon. Having breakfast now will not be detrimental but actually benefit us. Do you really want to wait for hours being hungry the whole time? How are we going to perform well in the test with an empty stomach?” With that said Sakura and Sasuke also started opening their pack breakfast to eat.


After their hearty meal of bento breakfast Kakashi arrived.


“I thought I advised you to skip breakfast.”


“Huh! … you… you…” Naruto was shock about Kakashi arrival, he did not expect him to arrive this soon. It was not his norm.


“Why? What do you expect Naruto? Hmm…”


The day had just started and it is going to be the day that Kakashi made his name as an all-knowing demon by Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke.


“… So you guys did not take my advice, why is that?” Looking at them packing up what’s left after their breakfast Kakashi enquired about it.

Sakura and Sasuke was quite, they did not know how to reply. What they know about Kakashi was only through Naruto description. Now with Naruto also being caught off guard they do not know if what they know is real or not.


“… I thought that you would not arrive on time. So why do we need to stay hungry because of it… Yes! That’s it! I just improvised! You did advise us on not having breakfast and we did. We did not have breakfast when we arrived. However, you was not around when we arrived here.”


Naruto is trying to narrate his way out of it. He know about Kakashi tardiness and because of it, he acted based on what he know.


“We waited for slightly more than half an hour with our empty stomach. You told us the meeting is five in the morning we arrived but ended up waiting.


Since I had experience of you being late, I have assume that this situation will be the same. So instead of mindlessly accepting an advice, I decided on a better course of action.


We all woke up early not having breakfast to arrive here as being told. However, with you not arriving on time, I decided that we had better have our meal while we wait. Its better this way, we will be able to cope with any situation that arises under a better condition after our breakfast. I am looking at my team condition as a whole. We should not suffer for something when we can actually take an effort to change for the better.”


Naruto explanation blew the mind of Kakashi, Sasuke and Sakura. They did not know that Naruto was capable to take their current situation and make decision to fix it. It was as if he had really planned it out and from the way he explain it seem that he have thought it through.


‘… Naruto… Azuma… sigh…’ Kakashi looked at Naruto listening to his explanation. It was a good answer. However, he knew that Naruto just wing it through but since his argument is justifiable, he accepted it.

‘… To see this much growth from his years in the Academy…’ Kakashi was happy about it. Nevertheless, he also knew that Azuma had a hand in how Naruto thought process developed.


In addition, in actuality beside Naruto, he even know about Sasuke and Sakura even before he meet them at the orientation room. The reason of it, it was because of Azuma.



Azuma actually came to see him a few days ago to talk about Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. It was as if he knew that the three of them will be grouped as a team and he will be their jonin instructor as well as their team leader. When he was in the jonin meeting discussing about the new genin team allocation, he really had goosebumps when he was tasked to lead team 7, a team that grouped Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura together.


He knew Azuma was different compared to others, he had known him for a few years. It started after his father mentioned about him and he took interest about it. Due to the interest, he went to see it for himself.


Since Rin assumed death, Kakashi had known about Uzufuyuki. He was extremely grateful for what they did at that time. Not only did they helped him in controlling the sharingan they saved Rin. It was something that he felt indebted to, the regrets and remorse, all those depressed emotions, they helped in alleviating that. As long as he know that Rin was still alive somewhere he was already happy.


His relationship with the Uzufuyuki continued from then on and he was helping them on a similar scale like his father. Due to their close relationship, he went to see Nagi and Yuna in hope that they could introduce him to Azuma. They agreed and brought him to the training lodge where Azuma was at during that time.


Even before Kakashi could introduce himself, his perception about him was already shattered just by looking at Azuma.


He was doing his training at the time he arrived at the location. What he saw then completely blew his mind. Azuma at that time did not have the sensory skills he had now so at that time he did not notice anyone observing him.


It was also because of this situation like this that Azuma had made a firm decision to build his personal research and training base. He made a huge blunder at that time, and he had to make sure that he would never do again. The he personally felt that blunder he did already influence the natural development of chakra techniques in this world through the eyes of Kakashi and his family observing his research.


The thing that he wanted to maintain as much as possible is a non-interference policy so that the diversity of chakra development is intact. From then on Azuma planned for the future of his research.


What Kakashi saw at that time was Azuma was doing his research towards inscription seals and ninjutsu. What he saw made his jaw dropped. Azuma research training was completely different his scope was completely beyond his understanding. However, the outcome of what he did changed his view on many things related to ninjutsu.


Just by looking at his training, he knew that he had to view Azuma differently. He is not just a heir of the Uzufuyuki, not just the grandson or a son of his benefactor, but he is Uzufuyuki Azuma. A person that he acknowledge as someone that is a genius.



“… Naruto… indeed you are right. A ninja need to understand the circumstances they are in and act well upon knowing about it… A ninja just cannot follow by the book. I suppose the test you all had during your academy years really helped… anyway you guys passed the first part, now let’s start the next test.” ‘Cling~ cling~’


Before they could say anything else, Kakashi took out two bells and hooked them at his belt.


“Your next test is… Try and take the bells from me by noon.”


They looked at each other and looked at the two bells tied at Kakashi belt. All of them was thinking about something while Kakashi interrupted their thought. He brought a clock, place on a tree stump, and made another announcement.


“Those who failed to take the bells from me will fail the test.”


With that statement, it brought them back and remembered that they saw only two bells at Kakashi belt. Noticing the differences Sakura decided to enquire about it which Kakashi happily replied to her.


“There are only two, so at least one will not be able to get it. That person will then be disqualified for failing this mission. The one that failed will be sent back for retraining…”


With that said the three of them turn serious. With Naruto description about Kakashi they had to assume that he will be dead serious about the disqualification of that individual that fail to get the bell.


“… It might be one of you or all of you. You can use Shuriken or any other ninja tools. You won’t be able to take this unless you do it with the intent of killing me.”


Hearing what Kakashi was saying it made Naruto chuckle. Even Sakura and Sasuke had a grin on their faces. They had confidence of their ability. With all their training they had gone through, they had the confidence that they can do just that and so they thought…


“You have six hours, the test starts now!”


With Kakashi announcement, they sprang into action.



“The basis of a Shinobi is to conceal their presence and hide…” Kakashi looked around him and he was satisfied with the outcome.


‘Everyone is concealing themselves really well. It is as if they are not a genin… I may really have to take Azuma description about them seriously then…’ Kakashi thought back about the time Azuma went to see him.


He was already gobsmacked by Azuma prediction about his genin team allocation but he still thought that Azuma description about them were overrated. Looking at things now he still thinks that Azuma is overrating them.


“You have to be serious about dealing with them. Do not assume that they are newbie in combat, at their current level you have to assume their level as a minimum a chunin level. They have the techniques and ability to be on that level. You have to also note that some of their destructive skills is reaching jonin level, particularly for ….”


Kakashi remembered that Azuma wanted him to peg them down. He wanted them to learn that being confident is one thing but being overconfident is another thing all together. He wanted Kakashi to instill them a sense of fear when competing against an opponent who far exceed their capability. However, he wanted it in a way that they can learn to cope with it. He wanted them to understand that sometimes fear is good and not a barrier for them to move forward.


In their discussion about Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke, Azuma provided Kakashi all the necessary information about them. Their skills and techniques, their standard actions, as well as their unique traits. When Kakashi went through them, he was wondering either Azuma was a monster or Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke are monsters or Azuma is actually training monsters. Nevertheless, he will take note about Azuma descriptions about them while he evaluate them.


‘Sigh… Azuma you are really troublesome… oh well as their Jonin instructor it is something that I need to do…’


‘Now who do I start with? …!!’


Just when Kakashi was deciding who should he test first several Naruto rushed towards him.


“Oh, Shadow clones… then lets start with you then, Naruto! Shinobi first battle technique, taijutsu.”


The shadow clones moved at a quick pace trying to overwhelm Kakashi. On the other hand Kakashi stood there rooted in his sparing stance waiting for Naruto and his clones to reach him. When they did, Kakashi in an instant extended several jabs towards each of individual Naruto that went into his jab range. The jab was solid and had the power in it, it lead to each of the individual Naruto receiving that jab falling backwards. All of the individual Naruto that fell backwards burst in smoke.


‘What! Impossible it’s just like Azuma…’ Naruto who was hiding close observing the battle between his clones and Kakashi was shocked. He thought that his clones would be able to battle with Kakashi without much problem. He was confident in that due to his five years training with Azuma. He know that his taijutsu skill was already beyond a level of a genin could have because of his performance in the yearly academy performance examination. He could deal with those examiners shadow clones and wild animals just with his taijutsu skills.


But now his clones did not even manage to make Kakashi move a step, just by standing there in battle form that jabs dealt with his clones.


‘Is my clone reaction speed weaker than the original? … No that’s not it!...’  


“… oh they were scouts… good… but not good enough!” After all of the clones were dealt with Kakashi spread his senses and caught on to Naruto as he suddenly burst in smoke.


“!!! … what?!” Naruto saw what happened and was shocked. All his thought process analyzing the previous encounter was halted immediately when he saw that the Kakashi he was engaging was a shadow clone!


Now he had lost track on Kakashi completely.


In the meantime, Sasuke and Sakura that was still hiding saw the whole encounter and they as well was shocked at the turn of event. They whole situation that transpired beyond what that they thought would happen. Kakashi actions were not as they expected. He is good!


Furthermore, now they had lost track of Kakashi as well.


While they were rushing to track Kakashi, Kakashi was crouching at a tree branch well-hidden looking at them. He was looking for the moment for him to act.


‘… Divide and conquer… sigh… this bell test always work for newcomers... oh!’


Kakashi made his next move.


“Dammit where is he, I had always wanted to beat him to a pulp but never did. This is the time! This is the opportunity to do that! Where is he hiding? … !!”


Naruto was frustrated he was confident that he can beat Kakashi. However, he cannot find him to do that. While he was ranting about it, he saw a silhouette near a bush ahead and decided to pursue it.


Naruto opened his ninja tool bag and took out a few kunais. With it he threw them towards the silhouette he was chasing.

When the kunai was reaching the silhouette, it flickered and disappeared. The kunais that he threw missed it mark and hit on the tree bark.


“Again!?... as a Jonin why is he acting like that! Where is his pride!... ouff…”


“For a kid of your age to talk about pride? It’s too early for that Naruto!”


Kakashi appeared in front of Naruto directly laying a punch at him when Naruto was commenting with his frustrated mood. Naruto flew back from that punch as Kakashi watched. As he was going to pursue him, Naruto puffed into smoke and what was left was a wooden log.


“Oh substitution jutsu… for him to be able to do that while taking damage it’s commendable.”


‘Ouch! That frigging hurts!...’ In the meantime, Naruto was lamenting about the punch that Kakashi did. ‘… nii-san just you wait… !!’

Just when Naruto was going to curse, Kakashi appeared in front of him again.


“How did you find me?!”


“Hehe… a se-cr-et…”


“Grr… Tajuu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!”


“What the…..”


Out of being provoked by Kakashi, Naruto executed his trademarked ninjutsu move, his mass shadow clone technique. Kakashi on the other hand saw it and was amazed by the amount of Shadow clones that Naruto molded.


‘The first time I saw Azuma, he had ten shadow clones around at once and I thought that was crazy… but this… this is just ridiculous! I have to thank Azuma for the heads up, seeing is believing …’


““Now lets see if you can take all of us!...”” – Naruto shadow clones


The mass shadow clones rushed towards Kakashi. Although the amount of shadow clone amazed him, Kakashi stayed calm as he stood at his location while waiting for the clones to reach his range.


Sasuke and Sakura noticing the commotion rushed to the location while trying to be as stealthily as possible. When they reached the location, they were amaze by the flawless movements of Kakashi avoiding the crazy amount of shadow clones.

What they saw was unbelievable. As far as they know, only Azuma was capable of the feat that they are looking at. He was avoiding Naruto taijutsu attacks as well as avoiding some clones that are attempting to steal the bell all at the same movement. While he was doing that he was also attacking.


Sasuke and Sakura could not believe their eyes, that technique was eerily familiar to them, it was like Azuma. For Sakura who is looking at it as an observer she also know that beside Azuma there is another. Rock Lee who Azuma introduced to her during their training is also training with Azuma to reach that technique level. However, Sakura knows that Rock Lee is still a step behind what Kakashi was performing now.


She wanted to learn it as well but at that time Azuma told her that she was not ready to learn. He told her that she needed more time to build her taijutsu foundation as well as getting more sparring experience first.

She also remembered when Naruto enquired him about the same thing and Azuma told him that this technique is not suitable for him currently. It was something that she did not understand, but now looking at the current battle she realize what Azuma was saying. Naruto moves are more through emotions than being calm and analyzing. This technique rely on calmness and analyzing the opponent moves.


The battle ended as quickly as it started as they saw Kakashi stood alone while all the shadow clones were released and Naruto laid down beaten.


Kakashi then laid his eyes towards them. Both Sasuke and Sakura was spooked when he did that.


‘‘He found me!’’


Just when they wanted to react Kakashi flickered away disappearing from their sight.


Kakashi action made them realize their current situation.


They know about Naruto taijutsu level, he is actually good in it. For Sasuke, if Azuma was someone that he want to surpass then for Naruto he is someone that he must not allow to overtake him.


He recognized Naruto taijutsu skill as an equal to his, Naruto even surpass him in certain stats if its only taijutsu particularly on his wildness of movements and stamina. He recognize that and that’s why he made sure he surpass Naruto in other field especially with regards to speed and technique.


Now when he thought about it, if he actually was in Naruto shoes would he fair better? The answer is no.


“… We must work together…”

“… yea we should…”


Sakura replied as she was looking at the beaten Naruto. With regards to taijutsu she was good, although she is not as good as Naruto and Sasuke, she was still able to contend with them.


With the chakra reinforcing technique Azuma thought her she actually had an advantage against them in term of damage and defense. But she also know that now looking at Naruto getting beaten to a pulp and Kakashi taijutsu skills and technique, she still had a long way to go. There is no more overconfidence mindset after looking at Naruto beaten form, she also know that they need to work together against Kakashi.


Sasuke and Sakura was still feeling cold sweat as they looked at the beaten down Naruto and looked at each other, they now accepted that Kakashi is not someone that they can look down upon.

Kakashi was not like those examiners during the performance exams. He was a real deal. A true Jonin ninja.

Have a nice week ahead!

On the side note I had only renamed the title of Chapter 39 and 40.
It was suppose to be the next arc but I posted it too early...  Just for the heads up, after I am done with Team 7 and Kakashi bell test I will rearrange this two chapters to the front.

In general my first arc was until Azuma attended the Academy with Nagi side story, the second was his time in the Academy until the graduation with Naruto Team 7 Genin side story, the chapter 39 and 40 was suppose to be Azuma following arc but posted too early without any thought about it. Sorry about that.

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