Realms of Eas

0004 – Connecting… (2)

Sarah quickly understood why her sister was groaning. It seemed like lawyers or something similar also existed in the Realms. Or at least she hoped this was the case rather than everyone communicating like they were setting up contracts between each other. While she wasn't an expert, she understood enough thanks to her occupation in her old world. It was clear that this was a scam or whoever wrote the contract had coincidentally added a few major loopholes for them to exploit those summoned. "So, if we sign this we gain access to some hero extra class, and will receive backing from some 'Hannibal' person, but we can't harm him or go against his agendas? Yeah, no thanks," was Sarah’s answer before she ripped the paper apart and tossed the halves away. She wasn't angry that someone tried to scam her, she was merely disposing of some worthless piece of paper and made a note to do the same with whoever offered it, as per usual. Not the ripping apart part, as she neither had the strength nor would like to suffer potential consequences of breaking laws for it, but there were other ways to accomplish her goals. Having enough experience with that kind of contract, Sarah knew that people who offered them to her would become problems, if one gave them enough time.

"Wouldn't a hero class be pretty good? It sounds at least powerful... And some backing also wouldn't be bad." Sera interrupted any potential follow up from Eas to her sister destroying the contract. Well, interrupted was probably the wrong word for Eas, it simply seemed to wait for them to finish their discussion. "Maybe, though power is only interesting, if you can use it unrestricted. The backing part is way to vague, and while not going against the summoner sounds only logical, wouldn't it end up being something similar to a master-slave relationship, if their agenda is set up in such a way, that only specific actions of whoever signs this are allowed?", concluded Sarah.
"Well, i kind of expected it. Why else would most summoned people be teenagers and very young adults? Yes, they may be the most physically fit and knowledgeable, but are also lacking in life experience and can be easily swayed by such contracts. So my assumption that most summoned people are exploited in one way or another, when they aren't directly scammed and or enslaved, holds true so far!" Continued Sarah her answer, before adding in a mutter "With a sample size of one..."
It was hard to get any reliable data...

[So it seems you came to a conclusion and i interpret your actions as you two declining the contract? Normally i would now inform you that without signing the contract you are making yourself the enemy of your summoner without any real benefits, but i guess it does not matter in this case...

The only thing left would then be to familiarize yourself with your status and choose a class as well as an affinity.
The affinity is basically an element you wish to use, but you do not have to think deeply about your choice here as it can change and evolve based on your goals and how you use it. A better understanding about your affinity allows a higher degree of control over it.

Contrary to that, your class is more similar to a job. While you can choose more than one, if they are too similar they will take experience from the same actions and both will gain less. Therefore most people chose an offensive one and a utility class. Classes can also adapt, but that requires more work, so choosing a good starting class is more important than the right affinity. Reaching a higher level in a class can offer you new skills, class-related knowledge as well as other benefits.

Extra classes, while still classes, are a bit different. They are limited to one extra class per person, can still offer skills, but are much harder to get in the first place and mostly once gained unchanging for a lifetime. Furthermore they do not advance with experience so one can gain additional skills even in areas already covered by another class without any penalties. Normally one could just choose the extra class gained through the contract or none if they decline the contract, but... well, you will see when you look at your status.
If possible, extra classes should be set before anything else, as they can sometimes offer new classes and affinities.

The attribute values are mostly what you know from games, but you can also check different entries and skills through your help menu.]

Reading through the next window, Sarah quickly checked her own status. Hopefully she was fast enough to find potential pitfalls before her sister did anything dumb. A quick glance at Sera confirmed that she was still looking at a window, though Sara could only hope it was still the message from Eas and not her status window.

[Sarah Goldschmidt
Age: 3

(The time passed since your spawnday in cycles. One cycle is approximately 4 years. As humans are spawned further developed than in your old world the age was adjusted. The age of 3 would represent an age in your old world of 15 to 18.)

Species: Human Lv 0

(The species one belongs to. It can be changed under certain circumstances. The level will increase slowly with class and affinity advancements, but can also be increased through dungeon clears, various items and quests. Different species offer different growth per level.)

Classes: <please select>
Affinity: <please select>

Condition: Mindmelted

(Current condition of the specific entity.)

(Mindmelted: The brain and soul were overloaded. Reduces mental defenses and further extreme stimuli may result in additional sanity damage.)


(A list of granted titles based on actions or other circumstances with positive or negative effects.)
Genius of Mind

(A born genius of mental activities. Doubles mental attribute gains.)

Progenitor of a new Age

(The founder and propagator of knowledge which could change the way a world works. Increases experience gain slightly.)

The first Mage

(The first person without inherited magic abilities to use spells on a world. Improves magic related skills.)

Nemesis of Gods

(One who is seen as an enemy of the gods by them. Increases the effect of actions taken by you against gods and by gods against you.)

Breaker of Reality

(Someone who has toyed with reality and managed to archive something which was thought to be impossible. Increases affinity for dimension related magic and improves skills interacting with dimensions.)

World Invader

(One who reached other worlds through unintended ways. Improves skills interacting with dimensions.)

Witness of the Unthinkable

(A witness, and much more a survivor, to that which lies beyond. That which can not be fathomed by those bound to worlds. Increases will and soul attribute gains.)


(Your ability expressed in numbers. Growth can be achieved through training, but mostly through level ups in your species. Which attributes grow by how much is mostly determined by species, class and affinity but not limited to those. The average attribute value for a human is 10.)

Hlth  44/ 60

(Health, increases with vitality, decreases (temporarily) through wounds and similar effects. A value of 0 or less will result in physical death and a reduction over time of sanity. Recovers slowly on its own.)

Stmn  52/ 60

(Stamina, increases with endurance, decreases (temporarily) through mostly physical activities and some skills. Further exertion with 0 or less stamina will reduce health temporarily. Recovers fast when resting.)

Snty  33/340

(Sanity, increases with will, decreases (temporarily) through mental wounds and similar effects. A value of 0 or less means permanent death and revival will become impossible. Recovers very slowly.)

Mana   1/410

(Mana, increases with soul, decreases (temporarily) through use of some skills. Further use of mana using skills with 0 or less will reduce sanity temporarily.)

Vit  6

(Vitality, determines mainly the amount of damage a body can take.)

End  6

(Endurance, determines mainly how long one can exert oneself.)

Str  7

(Strength, determines mainly the physical power behind actions.)

Agi  8

(Agility, determines mainly the speed and reaction speed of the body.)

Dex 10

(Dexterity, determines mainly how well the mind can control the body.)

Wil 34

(Will, increases sanity.)

Sol 41

(Soul, increases mana.)

Int 25

(Intelligence, determines mainly the complexity of thought processes.)

Prc 22

(Perception, determines mainly how well and how much of the environment can be perceived.)

Mnd 24

(Mind, determines mainly the ability to remember memories as well as the quantity of thought processes.)


(A list of abilities, granted through actions, class and species levels. While skills as well as magic involve mana, skills mainly use it internally while magic uses it externally. However skills exist with effects similar to magic and magic can have effects similar to skills. Use and understanding of those abilities will increase their level over time and may allow their evolution or the derivation of additional ones. Skills do not grant proficiency in their usage. Skills granted start at level 0, skills learned at level 1. A skills maximum level is 10.
Do not worry if you are missing skills you think you should have, as skills require mana to manifest.)

Mana Efficiency 2

(After living years in mana depleted regions while trying to cast spells, your mind adjusted accordingly and reduced excess mana use. Reduces mana used.)

Mana Harvesting 9

(After living years in mana depleted regions while trying to use mana, your body adjusted accordingly and started to actively attract mana to it. Strongly increases mana regeneration. Reduces mana regeneration of people without increased mana regeneration nearby.)

Mana Sense 4

(After living years in mana depleted regions while trying to use mana your body adjusted accordingly and created something like a sixth sense for it. Helps you sense mana in the environment.)

Micro Magic 10

(You learned that bigger is not always better and that this also applies to magic. Improves mana efficiency and control over micro-scale magic, magic which is due to its size invisible to the normal human eye.)

Overmind 1

(A meeting with the inconceivable; a meeting which should have resulted in your death in 101 out of 100 cases, somehow instead opened and expanded your mind after surviving it. Allows your mind to work in any condition, however that does not mean damage is reduced.)

Perfect Memory -

(A rare gift others trained hard for, but you had since you spawned. It is impossible... nearly impossible for you to forget things, regardless of your mind attribute, though that does not mean you can not have issues finding what you are searching for in your memories.)

Spell Carving 10

(After years of intense work, you managed to artificially recreate spells with a technique normally granted to enchanters and ritualists through their class. Helps with the artificial recreation of spells.)

Spell Casting 10

(A lot of training and different applications of the theory may have led to little results in your old world, yet the experience was not for nothing. Eases and assists in the creation of magical phenomena.)

Spell Creation 5

(As a progenitor of magic and without an affinity, with little choice you became a creator of spells. Allows creation of new spells regardless of affinity and improves understanding of spells in general.)

Spell Hacking 3

(Long years of work allowed you to archive that which was thought to be impossible. Allows interruption and adjustment of spells of anyone during casts after understanding them.)

Soulbond 1

(The mental closeness to your twin sister created a bond many can only dream of. Gives an instinctive understanding of each other and when concentrating allows you to feel the rough direction your partner is in.)


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