Realms of Eas

0005 – Character Creation

Just by looking at her status, Sarah had questions. Well, a question. Most points made sense after looking them up or she expected them in the first place, like her Perfect Memory skill. But her reduced sanity, together with the mindmelted condition, Overmind skill and Witness of the Unthinkable titles gave her a headache... literally. Though based on the provided information, she was also thankful, that it was only a headache. She didn't know what she would have had to experience otherwise. Or not experience when one trusted Overmind's description.
Whatever she witnessed probably also was the reason for the changed description of Perfect Memory, as she couldn't remember any other instances where she might have lost memories.
She really would have liked to think more about it, but as neither her memories nor Eas had answers they wanted to share and the former only gave her pain, she decided to continue with her class selection.

Or at least she wanted to but got interrupted by her sister.
"Hey Sarah, did you already look through your class options?"
"No, why do you ask?" The scientist had already a feeling that she wouldn't like where this was going and opened simultaneously her class menu.



(A seeker of the unknown. One who wants to solve the mysteries of the world. Without being limited to a specific scientific field, they strife to understand everything. Mental class, focused on the gathering and analysis of information with little combat applications.)

Magic Creator

(Disregarding predefined constraints, those who chose this class wish to create alone what others do in teams. Maybe just to make their life easier, but maybe also to gain an unpredictable tool in their arsenal to defeat their enemies or just because they do not like to cooperate with other people. Mental class, focused on researching and creating spells regardless of affinity.)


(Nowadays rarely seen specialization for mages, focused on affinity independent stationary long term applications of magic. While it was common a few thousand cycles ago, affinity focused and non-stationary mage classes became more popular, especially as those also can create rituals, just less specialized. Mental class, focused on rituals regardless of affinity. Although ritualists themselves can not be seen as a fighting force, they are usually those who start and end wars.)

Spell Mage

(Others use magic to influence elements, but those with this rare class manipulate spells themselves. Changing that which others see as immutable, they strife to bend magic itself to their will. One could call them the natural enemy of mages. Mental class, focused on spells and magic regardless of affinity.)

Extra Classes:

Bringer of that which lies beyond

(Your recent journey brought you closer to that, which should be forever hidden from most. While unconventional, it qualifies you as the one to spread the word about it. A position, which could offer a high risk, but also high rewards. Extra class focused on spreading knowledge about that which lies beyond.)

Scion of Origin

(Extra class focused on amassing knowledge of any kind.)

Scion of the Witch

(Extra class focused on magic.)

Scion of Greed

(Extra class focused on knowledge and power.)


(Must be taken simultaneously with #####.)


The normal classes were hard to choose from. The Ritualist and Researcher class while interesting didn't seem to be as versatile as the other two, but could she just disregard them because of that? If she was lucky, maybe she could gain access to a fifth class through an extra class which was far above those, otherwise she would probably need to compare the four in-depth.
Fortunately the extra classes made it a bit easier. The Bringer class was basically useless for someone like her. Why would she choose a class which seemed to imply interaction with other people? Next she dismissed the cryptic one at the end. She didn't like to gamble with her future. This left her with the remaining three. Greed seemed to combine the first two, yet only mentioned power so that could be a trap... Witch could have the best short term return while Origin is more long term focused, but at the end those are just assumptions... She would have liked to get some more infos about those classes, but not even further inquiries through the help function resulted in anything so she-

"Sarah!!" A surprising loud shout reminded the now wincing scientist that her sister was still present and that her head still hurt. After finally getting a reaction from her sister, who ignored the first six tries, Sera angrily continued, "Stop spacing out all the time! Though i guess i don't even have to tell you that as you will forget it anyway, like always. How is that even possible with your memory?" Calming down with a sigh, at least on the surface, and now with a slightly creepy grin on her face the swordfighter spoke again. "You also have an extra class without a real name, right? An extra class which must be taken together with another hidden class, right? You are going to take that, right? I mean you are the reason we are here so you don't have anything against that, right?"
As predicted Sarah didn't like what her sister asked from her. Her first impulse was to question why she wanted such a weird class, though that was also the answer. Trying out new things was one of Sera's favorite pastimes, like that one time she was an idol for a few months and quit, not because of declining interest in her, but just because she was bored and decided to go professional with her swordsmanship. Anyway, she had to finish this discussion before her sister became set on getting the class. "No. And what has the last point even to do with me, i didn't summon us." While it was a logical answer, she might have had slightly better chances to talk her sister out of it, if she had pretended to not know what class she meant. Not that the scientist thought of that.
"Well, fine, we don't have to take those classes... You also don't really need me, for getting you food and interacting with people, right?" ... It was too late. The only positive thing about it was that it wasn't the Bringer class and neither of the other classes had much of a description so it could still be a good class... But she still didn't want to choose it.

Thinking as fast as she could, even after a few minutes with her still mindmelted head supported by her Overmind skill, she found no way out. Resigning, Sarah sighed. "Okay, fine, you win. Let's take that class."
The piercing glare from Sera, which she previously ignored, quickly vanished and got replaced with genuine happiness. "Thanks sis!"
"By the way, what are you taking for a normal class and affinity?" Just to be sure that there weren't any other surprises, Sarah asked her sister, while begrudgingly setting her extra class and checking the affinities.
[You gained the ##### extra class.]
[You gained ##### as an additional affinity.]

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