Reaver’s Song

A Sister’s Love

“Annd here she comes,” Sascha giggled as she sat at her vanity brushing her long blonde hair. “She’s moving faster than usual today. Hmm…I wonder if she’ll knock? I’ll find out in three, two, one…”

“Sascha!” Alarice pushed the door open. The heavy wooden portal slammed against the stone wall, deepening the spot in the stone where the iron handle was slowly digging into the wall. Sascha’s handmaiden jumped in surprise at the sudden intrusion, her hand coming to her mouth to suppress a gasp.

“I guess that’s a ‘no’ on the knock.” Sascha shrugged. “I did warn you, Rhiannan, dear.”

“You!” Alarice pointed her gauntleted hand at the trembling girl. “Out! Now!” The woman’s frightened eyes flicked to Sascha.

“It’s fine,” Sascha shrugged. “It’s best to do as she says. She is the one with the bow, after all.” Rhiannan nodded meekly, curtsied, and hurried past Alarice out the door. Alarice glowered at the girl’s retreating back before slamming the door closed.

“Now that you’ve sent away my attendant, I suppose I have to dress myself,” Sascha muttered with a sigh.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Alarice growled, spinning on her heel to confront her sister.

“I, literally, just told you, sister dear,” Sascha slipped her nightgown over her head, shaking her long blonde hair out. She stood naked near the window, fixing Alarice with a bemused grin. She glanced down, running her hands over the swell of her large breasts curiously. “I’m dressing myself. Do you think my boobs have gotten bigger?”

“I-I…” Alarice’s voice trailed off as she stared at Sascha’s nakedness, following the soft curves of her form in the dying light of the sun with her eyes.

“Still,” Sascha grinned lasciviously, well aware of the effect her nudity was having on Alarice, “provided my nipples don’t suddenly get shy I suppose it’s fine.” She ran her fingers lightly over the pale pink buds of her nipples and they hardened almost immediately.  “Nope, still looking upward and onward, I see. Delightful.”

“Why?” Alarice finally found her voice. “I asked you not to. I told you it caused me problems and you still did it. Just tell me why.”

“You’re going to have to be more specific, dearest,” Sascha shook her head, well aware Alarice was still staring at her hungrily and delighting in it. “There are many things I’m told not to do over the course of the day. I can’t possibly be expected to keep them all in mind. Is this about the countess?”

“Wait! What about the countess?” Alarice glared at her in exasperation.

“Oh, ignore me. I said nothing,” Sascha turned to the side, running her hand lightly over the swell of her butt. “Still firm there, too. Don’t you think?” She turned toward the window, pushing the cheeks up with her fingers and letting them fall.

“Y-Yes,” Alarice stumbled over her words. “It’s…uh…v-very firm.”

“Thank you, dear Alarice, for your kind words about my posterior,” Sascha grinned, fighting down a playful giggle. She sighed as she stared down at her breasts. “Still, something will have to be done with these, I suppose. I’m simply overflowing my dresses at this point. I’m like a boob waterfall. A titfall? Disgusting.” She scowled irritably. “I imagine new clothes will have to be ordered. Again.”

“Why her?” Alarice finally managed through her dry throat.

“Her?” Sascha turned toward her sister, cocking her head slightly to the side.

“Lady Saris. Why must you do these things?” Alarice found her voice, though her eyes couldn’t help but continue to wander toward her sister’s erect pink nipples now plainly visible as Sascha turned back to her.

“Lady Saris…” Sascha murmured, fruitlessly searching her memory.

“The diplomat from Aldnerrow!” Alarice scowled. Sascha stared at her blankly. “Dark skin, long hair…” She finally prompted.

“You are simply going to have to give me more to work with, my dear,” Sascha shook her head, golden hair swishing playfully.

“Small breasts, big ass,” Alarice sighed.

“Oh! Cerise!” Sascha smiled broadly. “Absolutely delightful woman! She looks very demure but is a hellcat in bed! What’s the problem?”

“That! That precisely there is the problem!” Alarice yelled irritably. “You need to not sleep with every woman you see!”

“I assure you, my dear, there was very little sleeping done that evening,” Sascha’s smile brightened noticeably and she winked rakishly at Alarice.

“People call you a whore, Sascha,” Alarice snarled. “You’re the princess of Rhade. They shouldn’t be calling you that, and you shouldn’t be giving them any cause to do so. You need to think of your station!”

“Why should I care what people titter about?” Sascha sighed. “Whores get paid for what they do. I am simply having a little relaxation time. And even if I were a whore, there’s nothing wrong with selling what you have to make ends meet. Merchants do it, farmers do it, craftsmen do it. Why should the body be any less valuable or honorable than selling a peach or ring or chair? You are far too old-fashioned, Alarice. It’s a new world! Embrace it!”

“Because you’re my sister!” Alarice snapped back. “It’s always someone! It’s always some fling with a pretty face! Why? Why do you do these things? Why always them? Why can’t it ever be me? Am I not pretty enough? Do I not have a big enough ass? Are my breasts not to your liking? Am I too tomboyish? Are my hands too rough from the bow? What is it they have that I do not?”

“I see,” Sascha nodded, coming close to Alarice, and holding her arms open.

“What?” Alarice stepped back a pace and eyed her sister suspiciously, wiping away an unbidden tear which had sprung up in the corner of her eyes.

“Hug?” Sascha spread her arms a bit wider for emphasis, pushing her bare chest out further by consequence.

“I don’t need your pity affection,” Alarice sniped. “Especially since you’re just making fun of me anyway at this point.”

“Give your big sister a hug, you brat,” Sascha scowled.

“No!” Alarice pouted.

“Do it!” Sascha glared at her, waggling her fingers for emphasis.

“No!” Alarice repeated. “You’re naked. Put some clothes on.”

“Give me a damn hug,” Sascha retorted, closing the distance between them and folding her sister firmly in her arms.

“Don’t touch me!” Alarice protested, struggling weakly.

“Shh,” Sascha soothed, petting her sister’s short, dark hair gently. “Just let it happen.”

“You’re gross. Is that how you talk to all your conquests?” Alarice growled, not fighting back with any conviction.

“I’m not conquering anyone, dear,” Sascha snuggled closer, pressing her breasts against her sister’s armor tighter. “I’m simply waging temporary carnal battles. Strictly catch and release, I assure you. Your armor is cold, my dear.”

“Then let me go and you won’t have to feel it!” Alarice scowled.

“Aren’t your breasts chilly under that metal?” Sascha purred in Alarice’s ear.

“Nnn,” Alarice groaned softly. “I-I have an undershirt.” Sascha ran her fingers lightly over Alarice’s shoulders and down to the gentle swell of her breasts beneath the dark tunic and fine chainmail, brushing her fingertips lightly over the fabric.

“Tell me why you’re so upset,” Sascha ran her hands over Alarice’s armored chest and down to her slender hips.

“I already did,” Alarice retorted weakly as Sascha’s fingers traced the curve of her hips beneath the tight dark leather breeches.

“Tell me why you’re really upset,” Sascha captured Alarice’s blue eyes with her own and held them. “Is it because of the things we used to do?”

“Y-You know it is!” Alarice sighed.

“Do you miss my touch, Alarice?” Sascha asked softly.

“Not just that,” Alarice shook her head. “I miss when we were all the other had. I miss that connection. I miss…us.”

“I know,” Sascha nodded sadly, her fingers moving from Alarice’s hips to her firm taut buttocks. It couldn’t go back to how it was, though. Sascha knew it as well as Alarice did. “Our worlds expanded very quickly, didn’t they?” Alarice nodded glumly.

“I know things can’t go back to how they were,” Alarice finally murmured. “I know. I just…I don’t want to lose everything we had. Everything we were all at once, and that’s how it feels. I’m on duty most of the day and you’re…” She trailed off.

“I understand,” Sascha nodded.

“Do you?” Alarice peered at her intently.

“Better than you know,” Sascha replied with a sigh.

“Then don’t sleep with every piece of ass that sashays past you!” Alarice scowled.

“Like I said before, there is very little sleeping,” Sascha grinned.

“Ugh! You are vile,” Alarice rolled her eyes in exasperation.

“I can only promise you one thing,” Sascha said, the grin on her face turning serious as she captured Alarice’s cheeks in her hands and held her sister’s face still. “No matter what happens, no matter where we go or what we do, I will always love you.”

“And you promise?” Alarice cocked an eyebrow suspiciously.

“I said I did, brat,” Sascha smiled gently. She stepped a pace closer and leaned forward slightly, her lips brushing against Alarice’s gently. Sascha’s fingers splayed across Alarice’s firm buttocks and pulled her closer. Their kiss deepened and lengthened, their tongues dancing with a practiced familiarity with each other.

Finally, reluctantly, Alarice broke the kiss and folded her sister in her arms with a sigh. She’d never felt safer than in Sascha’s arms. Never felt more loved than when her sister held her. But things had changed and would change more. The past was gone and couldn’t be retrieved or relived, only observed fondly from an ever widening distance that grew greater by the day. Still, at least for now, she could look out for her sister. Protect her the way Sascha had always done for her.

“Your boobs are too big,” Alarice finally mumbled, breaking their hug and wiping the tears from her eyes.

“And your butt’s too bony,” Sascha smiled, wiping away her own tears.

“Stop fucking everything that moves,” Alarice growled, straightening the bow over her shoulder. “It causes problems for me.”

“No promises,” Sascha shrugged.

“You are such a pain in the ass, Sascha, I swear,” Alarice grumbled, turning to leave.

“At least I have one,” Sascha retorted.

“See you later, slut,” Alarice waved briskly as she reached the door to Sascha’s chambers.

“Not unless I see you first, brat,” Sascha waved back. Alarice smiled and slipped into the hall beyond, closing the door behind her. “I love you, Ricey.” Sascha whispered, standing still for a long moment, and staring at the closed door before turning back to her closet. “Whelp! Time to go see this half elf Carrisyn’s so concerned with. I hope she’s got nice nipples.”

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