Reaver’s Song

Happy October!

Greetings and salutations!

It’s been a minute! I hope you are well and staying safe wherever you are! It’s been quite some time since I last had anything worth updating anyone on and now that I have, I figured I would pop in and do so. Lots of things are coming from me (I hope) so I wanted to keep anyone interested abreast of the developments. (Minji would have a field day with that term, but she is busy partying in Tokyo, so we don’t have to deal with her foolishness. At least right now.

As some of you may be aware of, I entered a collaboration with another author and have been diligently working on that novel. While, initially the vague concept was to share writing duties it quickly became obvious that I don’t work well with others, not to mention our writing styles are very different so the decision was made to have me write the novel and have him do the stuff I am not good at such as proof-reading, continuity, artwork, promoting the novel, and finding places to publish.

Left to my own devices I would have simply finished the novel and put it up here on Scribblehub but, evidently, that is not what will happen. At least not right away.  I’m not really at liberty to discuss what the future holds for the novel as, honestly, I don’t really know myself at this point. I don’t know where it will be published, when that will happen, what artwork will be on and in it and details like that, but I can say the novel is done. At least the first one. Coming in at a hair (200) under 90,000 words, it is the second longest novel I’ve written behind Reaver’s Song.

It is very involved with a bunch of characters, lots of sex, some drugs, plenty of violence and other things like that. The lore behind it has been published here as Liber Imperii. Once I know more I will, of course, share it on my profile. I have done my part and written the novel and, while I have a say in the rest of it, it is not completely in my hands.

Now that the novel I’d been working on is complete, (marking my 5th novel, now. How time flies!) I can do what I’ve been itching to do, which is focus all of my energy into completing the final book of the Tottori trilogy, My World With You (Cleverly codenamed “3” because MWWY already exists as “My Winter With You” I didn’t think that one out very well) as well as the first book of the universe expansion “Emi Sama and the well of Lilies”.

My hope is to get enough done on both novels to start posting chapters beginning in December sometime. I want to make certain I’m not pushing too tight against deadlines and have quite a few chapters done before I begin publication.

I have taken an extremely long break from Reaver’s Song but do plan on at least one more NSFW chapter and possibly some more chapters of Miss Song’s Home For Wayward Kemonomimis. Some people may have noticed a new cover has emerged for 3. Unfortunately, that is not the cover I initially created, but evidently silhouette nudity is frowned upon so that was the best alternative.

A new cover will be coming soon for Emi Sama soon. One which will have no nudity, silhouetted or no, and hopefully will pass by the censors. Also, please look forward to a poll coming in the following months where I will post a chapter from one of two books I’m playing around with as something to write in the future where I am hoping you can help a poor author decide which to focus on.

I don’t anticipate starting work on the second book of my collaboration until next year as I am, quite frankly, a bit burned out. It can be quite intense, and I require breaks from that sort of thing lest I become testy and unapproachable.

So…that’s it for me! I’m sorry I haven’t been more communicative, but hopefully I will be able to provide some solid updates on everything I’m currently working on as we get closer. Feel free to shoot me a message if you have anything you’d like to say, or even if you don’t. I’m always happy to get messages! (Provided they aren’t cruel. If they are, at least veil them in constructive criticism, please!)

Stay safe and be happy and I’ll talk to you soon!



Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.