Reaver’s Song

Updates/Going Forward

Wow! It's been awhile since I posted anything! I am an irresponsible person!

I wanted to give an update but first, to wish you all an incredibly Happy Holiday season, regardless of which holidays you celebrate and, if you celebrate no holidays then I wish for a lovely December. So, by the looks of things I've not done much, but I promise I have! I finished a book with roughly 100,000 words. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your point of view, I am working with a collaborator and, honestly, the process is a bit frustrating for someone such as myself.

When I first decided to write stories and books money was the furthest thing from my mind. I wanted to create stories people might enjoy. I wanted to create characters people might empathize with, or get frustrated with, or hate, or love. I wanted to create characters people felt at least some way about.

In my opinion you can have the best plot and most devious twists ever but if your characters are bland and soulless it’s just not much fun to read.

Here I am, now, 4 books and 3-ish years later and not much has changed, really. Money is still the furthest thing from my mind, but I do think my writing has gotten better, even if my processes are still garbage. I want to challenge myself. I want people to feel something about what I write. Like it, love it, hate it, if someone feels something then I’ve done my job as a writer.

Please note that writing is not my profession. This is a hobby for me. I work a full time (well, more than full time if I’m honest) job in the real world, but I love writing. Now, for the updates on what I’m doing if anyone’s interested.

I am, and full disclosure here, not a good collaborator. I am headstrong, a firm believer in what I want to say and how I want to say it and my writing style is not a good fit for most other writers to sync up with. That is not to say it is better or worse. It is simply different.

I finished the first book of the new series about 6 weeks ago, and it is now in the hands of my collaborator for editing and artwork. Having never collaborated before I am unsure of the process or timeline. I feel I have little control over things so, unfortunately, I have no updates to give on that front.

I am very proud of it. It is a departure from my usual writing, and I do think it’s a good novel. The ideas are fun and interesting. The characters are deep and multifaceted, and the world is kind of gross and grimy beneath a rather gilded exterior, but interesting with a fully realized history. Unfortunately, the future of when it will be published, where it will be published and what it will look like is something I can’t definitively say as I don’t know.

Fortunately, as I am the sole author of the other two books I’m writing concurrently, I can give updates on Emi Sama and the Well of Lilies and My World With You!

Emi Sama is on pace to publish during the middle-ish of December. I plan to begin serialization on December 20th. Originally, I was going to publish 2 chapters a week, but I feel with My World With You being published at the same time that is a bit too ambitious of me so there will be one chapter of Emi published on Wednesdays every week.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have the money to buy everyone something for the Holidays, so I will give what I can, which will be the second chapter of My World With You published on December 23rd with full serialization beginning on January 20th and continuing every Saturday. That should give more than enough time to give me a cushion. I found with My Winter With You I did not have enough space for error since I was also writing Reaver’s Song to give the story as much attention as it deserved. Given the way I write, I need all the space I can get sometimes because errors are frequent and devastating! Hopefully this will let me do that. I’m a little over 30,000 words in on both novels so the release schedule should be easily met. I may have to take a week off here and there should issues arise, but that’s my plan for Emi and MWWY!

I am still planning on finishing the story of the ghost I started in Katsu Bites on Scribblehub as well as one more NSFW chapter of sisterly love from Reaver’s Song also on Scribblehub.

In closing, let me start by once again withing you all the best and to say thank you for your patience and immense support. I consider myself so very fortunate to have been able to speak with some of you, read your comments, and engage with you for the past three years. You’ve all been an inspiration to me and a light in the creative darkness when I needed it most. Words cannot begin to express how grateful I am to you all. Thank you. And here’s to a great new year and, hopefully, more stories in the future!


Thank you so much for everything you are and everything you do.



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