Reaver’s Song

Chapter Thirty – A Top Is Born

She had to be messing with me. That much was obvious. Yes, she was naked and, yes, my hand was between her thighs, but this seemed like neither the time nor the place for this sort of thing. Not that I was complaining, of course, but it struck me as odd. Why now? Why here in the middle of some wine cellar or whatever it was in an abandoned Elven fortress? Especially when I was covered in blood which she’d been responsible for literally minutes earlier.

I mean, she was everything I could have imagined. Firm breasts despite their size, nearly gravity-defying in fact, tapering to a narrow, taut waist before swelling to luscious hips and spectacular thighs which my hand continued to rest between. She was, in short, every adjective I’d ever read in the fan fictions I haunted online. I wondered briefly if maybe there was this world’s equivalent of silicon somewhere in her breasts, but on closer examination it seemed unlikely.

She was naked and she wanted me. Which, of course, made me even more suspicious. Maybe she was possessed by some ancient Elven sex goddess or something and was merely a sex puppet. I paused, not entirely seeing the problem with that scenario, actually.

The situation wasn’t a problem in and of itself. I had no ideal in my head about how I wanted my first time to play out. I didn’t require a beach or moonlight or a lovely dinner or any of that. In fact, another living woman was really my only criteria and that was definitely more than satisfied. Still, it seemed peculiar after treating me the way she had, she was now giving herself to me.

This was a red flag, I thought. She was playing with my head. This was most probably some test I’d undoubtedly already failed or was in the process of failing. She already thought of me as some kind of animal, this was just the confirmation she needed to cast me aside when the time was right. She’d sneer at me in that inimitable way she had and call me a “thing” or “beast” or something and discard me.

Oh, well, I decided with a mental shrug, shit happened. At least I’d go out having had sex.

I’d thought long and hard about the strange changes which I had been going through the past few weeks. What I had done at the camp and against Jaxxin and once more against possessed Carrisyn in the tower was magic. I mean, it had to be, right? The power had not come easily at first, as if my body was fighting against it. Initially, it had required strong emotional outbursts to overcome the resistance. While I could have managed strong emotional outbursts at will when I was 16, they seemed harder to come by the older I got. I deduced, finally, it was most likely my human blood working against my elven to constrain and suppress the magic rather than an actual emotional response.

As we traveled further north, however, I had begun experimenting. There wasn’t much more to do locked up in boats or wandering the wilds and I found the closer I got to the former Elven lands the easier it had come to me and the more control I had. Here, though, in what I assumed to be the heart of the Elven homeland, I felt almost no resistance. If she wanted a woman that could take charge, I was sure I could provide that much, at least. Or, at least, I hoped I could.

I reached up and wrapped my fingers in Carrisyn’s hair and kissed her, my tongue darting into her warm wet mouth. The kiss was thrilling, causing my heart to flutter and my lungs to constrict with excitement. The kiss lengthened and deepened, and her nipples grew harder, her tongue dancing with mine in an elaborate ballet. Finally, my breath ragged, I broke the kiss. Visualizing what would happen in my head, I grinned and pushed her backward roughly.

The move took her by surprise and her arms pinwheeled as she fell, the look on her face a delicious mix of surprise and fear. A moment later softly glowing emerald tendrils of magic arrested her fall and she settled back into their solid yet yielding embrace. The magic needed came easily, effortlessly. All I had to do was visualize what I needed, and it sprung into being. Quite honestly, it was exhilarating and a bit addicting. She stared up at me in surprise as I stripped my tattered armor off and dropped my weapons to the floor and stood naked in the soft glow thrown off from the runes around the room and my magic.

“How are you doing this?” She gaped at me.

“You’re not the only one who can break out a spell or two,” I teased her.

“Color me impressed,” She grinned at me wantonly.

“I haven’t even gotten started,” I replied with a lascivious wink.

A part of me reasoned I should not be using ancient magic used for a thousand millennia to protect and nourish the Elven people and their homeland as a sex tool. But that part quickly shut up as I grew even wetter still at the sight of the countess staring up at me. Every bizarre hentai I’d ever watched played through my mind and I smirked.

The tendrils wrapped like vines around Carrisyn’s ankles and pulled her legs apart gently but insistently, exposing her to my voracious gaze. Her grin turned to a look of surprise as her legs were spread wide. I climbed between her thighs, the magic supporting me like the very best bed you could ever buy, firm yet yielding. I gazed down at her exposed vagina in the soft light and marveled for a moment. This was an actual naked woman. A real, live person. Not only that, but it was also the haughty countess who had done terrible things to me. I thanked whatever god or goddess happened to be near that I was alive.

I spread the soft folds of her entrance and pressed my tongue inartfully, but enthusiastically inside her and she gasped in response. I unconsciously adjusted her position and her hips rotated upward slightly, manipulated by the magic she lay on, giving me better access to her most intimate parts.

At first there was no rhyme or reason for my actions, I simply thrilled at her taste and the knowledge I was actually doing this, and she hadn’t hit me. As I went, however, I began to find the spots Carrisyn favored as evidenced by the volume of her whimpers. I pressed my tongue deeper inside her, my fingers finding her clit and running over it teasingly.

“You can cum when I tell you,” I pulled back slightly and looked into her eyes.

“L-Look at you being all aggressive,” Carrisyn gasped as my fingers replaced my tongue. The palm of my hand pressed against her swollen clit as my fingers slid into her rhythmically.

“This is me being nice,” I promised.

“Oh, my,” Carrisyn grinned. I felt her muscles contract around my fingers reflexively, tightening around me and quickly realized I was nearly as wet as she was. The magic lifted her higher, and I went back to work.

I dipped my head, my fingers continuing to press in and out of her. I took her clit in my mouth, running my tongue over her before sucking gently, eliciting a series of gasps and whimpers deep in Carrisyn’s throat. With my other hand I reached between my own thighs, rubbing myself in soft slow circles.

I had been masturbating for years. I knew every inch of my body intimately. I knew that if I brushed my fingers over the soft skin on either side of my vagina it would drive my body into overload quickly. The problem, however, was this was not my body and did not react to the same stimuli. It was a bizarre and unnatural sensation but one I found imminently thrilling.

I quickly found that Ashvallen’s spot seemed to be hollow of her hip. Merely brushing over it caused a flood of wetness to cascade down my thighs. I traced one fingernail along the area and shuddered, nearly orgasming immediately. Whoa! I thought. That was dangerous! Ashvallen’s body was a Ferrari in more ways than I originally thought!

It was while trying to avoid orgasming to the touch of my own fingernail when I happened upon Carrisyn’s spot. While still sucking and teasing her swollen clit I moved my fingers slightly and my pinky brushed across the sensitive skin of her perineum, and it was like I had applied a current to the countess’ body. Her soft moans turned to a gasp and her body surged beneath me.

“Oh no!” Carrisyn whimpered in sudden alarm, her fingers clenching reflexively in my hair. “I’m going to cum!”

I pulled my fingers away from her and released her clit, lifting my head and staring at her. I was close, too, but just in case this whole situation turned out to be an illusion, I wanted to keep the dream from collapsing for at least a bit longer. I moved my fingers over the swell of Carrisyn’s outer hips languidly as she stared down at me with wild eyes.

“What are you doing?” Carrisyn gasped desperately.

“I said you can cum when I give you permission,” I replied with a grin.

“What?” Carrisyn blinked at me, not fully grasping what I was saying. “Are you a sadist or something?” Well, that’s a pot calling the kettle black moment If I ever saw one, I thought ruefully.

Rather than answer her, I ran my fingers over the swell of her ass cheeks, my fingernails tracing faint lines on her supple skin. Carrisyn flailed her legs for a moment desperately, but the tendrils of magic held her tight. I felt a flush of power and control rush through me and thrilled at the sensation. So, I thought, this is what it feels like to be in charge. I liked it. Maybe there was a top inside me after all. Though I never pictured myself in the role, I found it rather exhilarating. If teaching failed me maybe I could find a job in a high-class lesbian brothel. Or even a low-rent trashy one, I decided. This was far too much fun to limit myself to petty things like opulence.

“Ok, ok,” Carrisyn whimpered, struggling futilely once more before laying back. I brushed my finger once more against the soft skin of her perineum and she jerked spasmodically once again in an almost Pavlovian response. “Y-You can’t do that!”

“Are you going to be good?” I leered at her, lowering my head until my breath was on her clit, my finger hovering between her legs teasingly. I thrilled at being in charge for once. I could definitely get used to this very easily.

“Y-Yes!” Carrisyn groaned, struggling anew.

“Say it,” I whispered, licking her daintily.

“I-I’ll be good,” Carrisyn nodded emphatically.

“I think I like this new version of you,” I giggled before sucking her back into my mouth. Two fingers slipped inside her and began to piston in and out of her slowly, making sure with each thrust into her my free fingers brushed against her most sensitive spot. It took less than half a minute before I felt her on the edge once more. The muscles in her belly strained as her orgasm built inside her. I waited a moment more to see if she’d be a good girl, but she had plainly decided to be tricky about things. My fingers slid out of her before I pulled completely back once more.

“Oh goddammit,” Carrisyn groaned in near agony. “A-Are you fucking kidding?”

“You are most definitely not being good,” I scowled at her. I’d spent the better part of my time in this shithole world with wet panties, usually because of her. So, while I understood her frustration, my sympathy for her plight was staggeringly low.

“You’re, seriously, going to make me do this?” Carrisyn demanded in exasperation.

“Well, we could always continue this some other time,” I shrugged, parroting what she’d told me on the plateau seemingly so long ago.

“Ok! Ok! I really will be good this time! I promise!” Carrisyn pleaded. I regarded her coolly for a long moment before sighing in resignation.

“You’d better,” I warned, resuming my position. My free hand quickly lowered to the small of my hip, and I immediately shuddered as a shock passed through me. Carrisyn’s hips moved desperately as my fingers and tongue continued to manipulate her, brushing against her most sensitive spot with every thrust of my fingers into her clenching entrance.

“I need to orgasm!” Carrisyn moaned a few moments later. “M-May I please cum?”

“You’re a good girl,” I moaned as my own orgasm rose like an onrushing tsunami. “You can cum.”

The orgasm which shot through me as I dipped my fingers inside my body made me feel like the world had suddenly imploded. I barely noticed Carrisyn’s own orgasm as wave after wave rushed through my body, bringing me to my knees. I gasped, my fingers buried deep inside me, and my eyes closed tightly. Months of pent-up frustration washed over me, and my world exploded into a brilliant white light. Orgasm followed orgasm and I quickly lost count amidst the shuddering, savage crush of pleasure coursing through me.

By the time I finally came to my senses and opened my eyes I found myself lying on my side, aftershocks of pleasure coursing through me. Carrisyn lay back on the magical threads, still somehow holding her off the ground, body quivering and shaking, head lolling back in exhaustion. I had no idea how, but I’d managed to maintain the magic through the most earth-shattering orgasm I had ever experienced. My mouth moved, but no sound came out. Either I’d lost the ability to speak, or I’d become suddenly deaf. I had no idea if an orgasm could make someone deaf but if it were possible, I was positive that last one would have done so.

“That was so insanely hot!” Sascha’s voice floated to me. Well, I thought numbly, I guess I wasn’t deaf. “I came just from watching! But we’ve got a problem.” Of course we do, I scowled darkly. “Hey, Carrisyn, can I borrow her later?”

“No!” Carrisyn snapped, her voice sounding tired, yet firm.

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