Reaver’s Song

Chapter Twenty Nine – The Dam Overfloweth

“Back to your charming self, I see,” I replied, my body unable to move. I was exhausted and hurt in places I was relatively certain didn’t even have nerve endings. I wasn’t sure how that worked, but I was sure it sucked. “I seriously doubt I can move at the moment so you’re just going to have to deal with my nipple for a minute. Which is only fitting as you’re the one who tore my armor apart anyway.”

“I didn’t say it was a bad thing,” Carrisyn’s muffled voice said. “It’s a very nice nipple.”

“Feel free to indulge,” I breathed hopefully. The familiar stretching and healing sensation coursed through me, though far slower than usual. I wonder if it was like a magical item in my MMO where it had a limited amount of charges or something. If that was the case, I almost guaranteed I’d used them all up. “It’s the least you can do after going all slasher movie killer on me, chasing me all over a creepy haunted tower and trying to rip out my heart.”

“You’re not wrong,” Carrisyn replied. I gasped as she sucked my nipple into her mouth. What the hell was happening? Was she actually sucking my nipple? No. that couldn’t be the case. Oh, my god, it sure as hell felt like it was. What did I do? A girl, a real live girl was sucking on my nipple.

It wasn’t like that time in high school I’d tried to simulate the act with a suction cup and a glass of warm water at all. That had been, in retrospect, poorly thought out and executed, and I’d given myself a rather severe hickey when the suction cup got stuck and I panicked and pulled it off. It looked like my nipple was a pancake for a good three days. But this. This was real!

I moaned deep in my throat as Carrisyn’s tongue brushed over my straining peak and gasped when her teeth clamped down teasingly. This felt better than anything I’d ever experienced in all of my fruitless attempts to simulate a sexual partner. My eyelashes fluttered and I glanced down warily to make sure she hadn’t produced some sort of magical monstrosity to tease me and was thrilled when I moved ever so gingerly to find her actual mouth clamped over my actual breast!

Carrisyn’s tongue slipped over my aching nipple, followed a moment later by another pass with her teeth. This was the most amazing thing I’d ever experienced with another person. While, admittedly, the sample size was tragically small, her mouth on my skin was pure, unadulterated bliss.

I could forgive her for torturing me, killing me, insulting me, and just generally being a pretty awful person if she continued doing what she was doing. Did that make me a shallow doormat with no sense of self-worth? Maybe. But if it caught me an orgasm I wasn’t alone while having, I was ok with that. I found I was slowly, rhythmically clenching the muscles in my thighs and the Sahara seemed on the verge of bursting into full bloom. I was pretty sure I would be making a mess of myself and her in a few short moments and was absolutely certain I really didn’t care at all.

I closed my eyes tighter and wrapped my arms around Carrisyn’s head to keep myself grounded or else I was sure I’d simply ascend to heaven then and there. If I did die, I’d be pretty much ok with it, I decided. There’d be no other way I’d want to go. I moaned deep in my throat and was even more excited when I heard her moan back. Though hers began to sound like words after a second.

“What was that?” I asked dreamily, lifting myself gingerly onto my elbows.

“I said you’re suffocating me,” Carrisyn gasped.

“Oh! Oh, yeah, sorry,” I apologized. “I got a bit carried away.”

“I don’t mind,” Carrisyn giggled.

“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” I groaned in agony as the portal behind me burst to life, it’s light showering the room we were in with a shimmering blue radiance. I could see the outline of the walls, dark and cold with more of the strange symbols carved throughout. A moment later I was pushed roughly to the side by a pair of small hands. I lay in pain on my back as Sascha lifted Carrisyn to her feet with a growl and slapped her across the face.

“What the hell were you thinking?” Sascha growled angrily.

“Is friend Ashvallen ok?” Sayuri’s face appeared over mine, concern etched in her features. A cold, bitter, and barren wind blew across the Sahara as I forced a pained smile to my lips.

“Sure,” I groaned. “I would have been better in a few hours, but sure. I’m good.”

“Oh! Is friend Ashvallen going to be naked, too?” Sayuri asked, pulling me to my feet easily. My body screamed in protest, the muscles and mending bones extremely displeased by the sudden change in position.

“Not now, apparently,” I muttered disappointedly.

“Good to see you, too, your highness,” Carrisyn grinned.

“You are a terrible, insufferable, awful example of a human!” Sascha raged. “You could have killed us all! You especially could have killed Ashvallen! Honestly! What the hell were you doing? You struck a bargain with the mages and let them possess you! Who does that?”

“Human garbage,” Alarice snapped. “Human garbage that wants to be ended.”

“It’s good your still alive,” Zelaeryn rumbled, patting my head.

“Believe me, the pleasure’s all mine,” I replied, not even caring if they saw how wet my thighs were. “Or at least it should have been.” I amended darkly.

“I assume you got my message,” Carrisyn smirked.

“Yeah, we got your damn message,” Sascha snapped, slapping Carrisyn again.

“Ow! What the hell was that for?” Carrisyn demanded, putting her hand to her stinging face.

“That’s for torturing Ashvallen. Give me more time to think about all the heinous things you’ve done, and I’ll slap you some more, I’m sure.”

“What message?” I blinked at them.

“What?” Sascha and Carrisyn stared at me.

“Oh!” Sayuri raised her hand in embarrassment. “I didn’t have a chance to tell friend Ashvallen since I found Choo!” Sayuri’s eyes flicked between Carrisyn and Sascha nervously as they glared at her. “Was Sayuri bad?”

“We could have all died!” Carrisyn gaped at her. “What the hell were you thinking?”

“Ah,” Sayuri’s ears drooped in shame, and she played with her fingers miserably. “Sayuri is sorry.”

“Hey!” I snapped, putting my arm protectively around Sayuri’s shoulders and glaring back at them. “Leave her alone.” I turned to Sayuri and smiled reassuringly. “It’s ok. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“I didn’t?” Sayuri sniffled, staring at me gratefully.

“No,” I grimaced in pain as my shoulder popped out of socket for a moment before rectifying itself. “You’re a good girl.”

“Sayuri is best girl?” Sayuri stared at me, her wide heterochromatic eyes blinking hopefully.


“Oki!” Sayuri’s tail wagged excitedly behind her. “Did you hear that, Choo? Sayuri is best girl!” She crowed, hugging the ratty doll tightly.

“Now what’s this about a message?” I demanded, eyes narrowing.

“Are you kidding me?” Carrisyn was aghast, glaring at Sayuri. “The…cat!” She jabbed her finger accusingly at Sayuri who shrunk back meekly, ears sagging anew sadly. “Was supposed to tell you to lead me to the base of the tower after I was possessed and use your connection and the mages’ power to open the portal.”

“Mistress lady sir told Sayuri she would know when the time was right!” Sayuri protested. “You never told her what time!”

“You are just…so…staggeringly useless,” Carrisyn muttered angrily.

“Why didn’t you just tell me yourself?” I scowled at her.

“I wasn’t sure it would work, and I didn’t know when or even if they would possess me,” Carrisyn continued to scowl in disapproval at Sayuri. “How did you know to get to the base of the tower?”

                “I didn’t know anything!” I snapped. “I was just trying to get the hell away from you!” I crossed my arms across my chest, aware my breasts were exposed following Carrisyn’s brutal mauling of my poor armor and not caring. Zelaeryn and Sayuri were both nude. I might as well join the party at this point, I figured.

                “Well, I guess fortune favors the foolish,” Carrisyn shook her head with a bemused smile.

“So where is this ‘knowledge of ten millennia’ you were going on about?” I asked suspiciously.

“There isn’t any,” Carrisyn shrugged. “I found that out not long before we left. The only knowledge was the portal here. I thought at first the spirits of the mages would impart their knowledge once I was possessed but they were just crazed and desperate for an absolution they could never receive. The real prize is to be found here.”

“Where is ‘here’?” I asked, glancing about curiously. The room was lined with a silvery metal which seemed to weave and flow through the rough-hewn walls. A flight of stairs led toward a closed door on the north wall but other than the runes carved throughout the room was barren and empty.

“This is Silverbough,” Carrisyn gestured to the room. “Well, this is the portal room of Silverbough, anyway. This is the war capital of the Elven Empire. No enemy ever breached the walls or tore down the gates because there are no gates. The only way in or out is through the use of the portals spread throughout the Empire. They kept their greatest secrets here. Including the secret to how to get us back to our own world.”

“This is also where Dawnblade rests,” Sascha breathed. Carrisyn grinned and nodded.

“I only had a theory to go on and a vague idea of how I could make it work,” Carrisyn glanced over at me apologetically. “I should have told you, but I wasn’t sure myself.”

“Yeah!” I growled. “You should have. Every time I trust you with anything I end up nearly dead and being used and more sexually frustrated than when I started.” Tears seeped from my eyes as my frustration grew to uncontrollable heights. “You don’t even have the right to suck my nipples! Give it back!” I yelled incomprehensibly.

“Wait…what?” Sascha glanced at me before smirking at Carrisyn and I. “Oh, how naughty! Do you two need some time?”

“Yes,” Carrisyn nodded, shocking me into silence as I was getting ready to say no.

“I get it! We’ll be just in the other room, there if you need anything,” Sascha grinned. “I mean, unless I can watch.” Carrisyn scowled at her and Sascha shrugged. “Doesn’t hurt to ask.” A few knowing looks and grins later the door closed and Carrisyn and I were left alone, staring at each other quietly, awash in the gentle glow of the runes.

My brain was flooded with all of the things she’d said and done to me as well as no small amount of sexual frustration. The water had built up and the dam could no longer hold. I took a deep breath and let loose.

“You are a manipulative, scheming, conniving, sociopath,” I seethed. “You’ve kept me dangling on the line for…I don’t even know how long anymore. It feels like years. You tortured me, killed me…seriously! You fucking killed me! Who does that? Then put things inside me to control me, made me kill someone, dressed me in a doll dress. A fucking doll dress! So disrespectful!

“You’ve used me, put me into terrible situations and treated me like shit! All the while you act like you’re playing some sort of three-dimensional chess while the plebs below you are eating paint chips and rubbing paste in their eyes. I’m done with your holier than thou attitude and bullshit!

“Not to mention I’m doubly sick of the crumbs of information you keep doling out like they’re the most precious diamonds ever. You keep stringing people along and very nearly not only got us all killed but almost killed us yourself! Then you blame Sayuri because you’re too paranoid and busy playing your fucking games to just level with the people who are putting their life on the line based on nothing more than your own self-righteous say-so? I don’t think so! Not anymore!” She looked like she was about to say something, but I’d gotten on a roll and was going to have my say, come hell or high water.

“Not to mention I am so fucking sexually frustrated right now I could scream. I get it! I’m a gross mutant half-elf beast thing with purple eyes in this world! But I have fucking needs and getting played with and then put away wet time after time has gotten on my last goddamn nerve and I blame you!” I was so mad I was crying and shaking as I yelled at her at the top of my voice.

“You’re right, you know,” Carrisyn sighed, looking at me with apologetic eyes. I stared at her bewildered for a long moment.

“O-Of course I’m right!” I stammered in confusion. “What part am I right about?”

“All of it,” Carrisyn shrugged regretfully.

“Uh…damn right!” I snapped.

“Let me try to make it up to you,” she said quietly. A moment later she had shrugged out of her clothes and stood before me in the gentle light of the glowing runes completely naked. My eyes narrowed suspiciously. She was breathtaking, of course. Large, heavy breasts topped with erect almond tinted nipples over her taut belly and gently curving hips drew my eyes and held them captive.

“Y-You’re tricking me again!” I protested. “You’re just going to wind me up and some dragon or something you called is going to tear through the wall or you’ll just tell me we’ll have to continue this at some other time because you’re just fucking with me!” Carrisyn stepped closer to me and took my hand in hers, moving it between her thighs.

She was positively soaked, I noted dully through the realization that I was actually touching another woman finally. I tried not to blink too hard for fear of waking up but after a moment I was still standing there, looking at Carrisyn’s naked breasts with the heat of her body nearly burning me, her wetness dripping over my fingers in rivulets.

“I love when a woman takes charge,” Carrisyn purred. She held my eyes with a smoldering gaze that made it seem like she could step straight off of a romance novel cover at any moment. “I do want to fuck you, but does this feel like I’m fucking with you?” I shook my head dumbly. No, it most certainly did not feel that way.

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