Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 69: [Monthly Shot Sunday Only] FALL OF THE COPPER PRINCE

Inside the cold cemented dark glassed inconvenience store sits Baralho. He Is sitting at the empty cash terminal wasting his time. Mr Khan has been kind enough to give Baralho this useless job. Baralho is watching the clock tick away. The dreary store bell clinks as the doors slide open.

Megan Valari, seductive long dark legs grabbing Baralhos' complete attention. His eye stroll from her black high hills up. Her stockings are sheer and darkened by her skin. His eyes quiver as they stop at the absolute territory. She is wearing a near crotch revealing white leather miniskirt. His head is twisted as she goes down one of the camera-less isles.

Bang! Sipho slams his monstrous hand on the cashier counter. Even the wood cries out from the slam. Sipho says, "Hey I'm talking to you are you deaf?" Baralho turns back seeing this adonis made flesh. A much cooler man than him.

Sipho is wearing form-fitting black pants. The pants leave nothing to the imagination a grand salute from Siphos' lower member. His shirt can barely hold back the firm tight muscles. Baralho is stunned at how shockingly beautiful the man is. Baralho thinks to himself 'Andromeda would wet herself just at this man's touch.'

In Baralhos' mind, Megan has beauty like surpassing the greek Andromeda said to be the most beautiful woman to ever live. Both have Ethiopian features on the darker side. Baralho after a shockingly long gaze at the imprint of Siphos' third leg. He manages to cobble together a stutter of words, "sorry how can I help you." Baralho curses his plain looks.

Sometimes he has difficulty picking himself out of his own family photos.

Even Siphos' voice is a gift smooth and deep a real man's voice rugged like his black beard and tied back dreadlocks.

Sipho says, "Yeah we getting some drinks and something to eat here the cash." Sipho swipes his banking ring on his right hand. Transfering to Baralhos' shock one thousand Titan credits.

Stuttering again, "I think you made a mistake you the money to my account plus its way too much." His voice cracks and crumbles words garbled almost not escaping his crooked teeth.

The sexy Megan put her arm through Siphos' interlocking. If he could he would take a picture of this godly couple.

Sipho says, "Treat yourself, it's the dawn of new a day enjoy it." Baralho can't imagine what he means it's almost half-past five pm. Nuropa city, on the moon Titan has a simulated day-night cycle set to mimic the homeworld Earth.

Before he can even say anything the couple have left taking Megans' hovercar. Speeding away! An hour later as the always grumpy, sweaty Mr Khan walks in. Baralho uses an outdated secure bracelet called an Armbank. Mr Khan can see his band has an unusually high amount on it.

Mr Khan explodes, "You bloody shit you! You stealing my money!" Almost like a trained soldier he whips out a whip from only gods know where. Several lashes catch Baralho on the face and back.

Being unathletic and pathetic he can't even raise a hand to defend himself. His weak voice is not even loud enough to match the slicing searing pain of the whip. Squirming about he crawls towards the door. Hoping someone on the street will stop Mr Khan.

Baralho crawls tears streaming down his face. He bumps into a black boot. Sipho is attached to the boot. He is alone this time. Grabbing Baralho by the collar. Helping Baralho onto his back. Baralho stupefied crashes into the cashier counter his back cracking. Being from a dirt poor family of water collectors. Baralho is underdeveloped and thin.

Mr Khan says, "SIr! Thank you very much. This thief nearly got away with my money." Sipho turns facing the oblong-shaped Mr Khan.

Sipho says," You will find thats' my money. Give it back or else." Baralho is confused and angry. He didn't ask Spiho to give him the money. Why didn't he have to assault him? A fire at the back of Baralhos eyes lights up. It's so dim it is hardly worth mentioning. This tiny bit of frustration was a mountain in his chest.

He doesn't know why this is happening to him. This is the worst thing to ever happen to him. He has been robbed before hell he was stabbed by the local gangsters last year. His weak fist balled holding onto the Armbank. Like most modern technology banking technology needs only his mental consent to send the money.

Mr Khan says, "No way no refund bloody bastard!FUck off!" Sipho pushes him aside like he is not even there. Baralho leaps back onto the advertisement side counter. Sipho catching his thin leg. His wrist strength is stronger than Baralhos' leg strength. Sipho squeezes his hand over the ankle of Baralho.

Baralho yells, crying out a terrible screech. Mr khan can even feel his knees tingle in disgust as the cracking of bone fills the room. Baralho wiggles and worms trying everything his small body can muster. He slams his head back the pain unbearable and scratching at the hand breaking him. Sipho's skin is unaffected. Sipho is unaffected. His godlike beauty is frigid cold just like the winds of Titan. Better known as the Widowing Winds which have killed more than all wats combined on Titan.

His blood spills onto the advertising streaming across the cashier counter. A small Baralho through doesn't know what to do. Sipho pulls him closing his eyes cold unflinching. Sipho says, "My money or your life."

Baralho knows he is going to die. Baralho says, "..." He would lose his life over a thousand credits. Baralho is truly unhappy. The advertisement for the recently released VRMMORPG: Odyessy scrolls onto the cashier counter. It lists the price for a bio-bed and the actual game. For the low low price of fifty thousand Titan credits. In the top right corner is a staggered payment over thirty-six months. He smiles continuing..."FUCK YOU! And your money."

The instalment plan needs only one thousand Titan Credits the exact amount Baralho. All he can do is to spend the cash all of it. Spend all his cash so that he can at least screw Sipho out of the cash. They all watch as the Armbank empties. Sipho is furious, Mr Khan is disappointed and angry Baralho is sad. Titan is a harsh place everyone knows that. Baralho feels this though is a step too far he neither provoked nor solicited Sipho.

This is all his own doing, Sipho is the one who spent money. Mr Khan is the one who wrongly assaulted him. Sipho added even more pain and misery. Baralho couldn't understand why he has to die because of these unreasonable people. He is just a poor Water collector trying o make his way through an already difficult life.

[Cantos Industries would like to thank you for your purchase of our new game Odyessy. You have won a special code that can be used when you enter the game. Good Luck on Surviving your Odyessy.]

Baralho is pissed even if he wasn't in this shit situation he has no idea how to play the game. The pain rushing back up his leg he yells and cries again. Sipho has grabbed throwing him clean across the store.

Mister khan says, " Hey! Bloody pig my stock, You no fight here!" Baralho has been sent crashing through an entire aile. 

Baralho smiles at the Armbank showing the funds dwindle away. A tin of some processed rat piss of a product lands on his balls. 

Sipho who is about to unleash another wave of attacks hears a whistle from behind him. Megan in all her splendour turns away. 

Sipho says, "See what you did!!" Rushing behind the mesmerizing beauty shout about this and that misunderstanding his voice a plea. 

Beaten bruised and utterly in pain  Baralho slips away from the accursed Mr Khan and his whip. He is rushing towards the clinic. Its services are free he just has to make it the five kilometres there on foot. 

The people take him for a low class thus nobody stops to help him. The walk takes forever each step of his a painful reminder as to his body. Stings with every step. He can't even stop as somehow it gets worse if he is not moving.

Finally, after an age, he arrives at the clinic, a line as long as death slithering up and put the door and around the block. 

A stinky grubby hand reaches for and says with a breath as foul as siphos attitude. "No cutting back of the line!" 

Baralho has to go around the block at that end his arm is leaking all his life force to the ground. 

Baralho slumps onto the damp clinic wall, hanging as the line crawls forward an hour at a time. Seven long unending pain-filled hours pass.

At the precipice of the clinic finally after struggling for his life Baralho collapses given in to the loss of blood...

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