Reborn as Batman’s Little Brother

Chapter 29: First Mission

Chapter 29: First Mission

“Alright everyone, gather up! We have a mission!”


Kid Flash pumped his fist in the air and shouted.

The others were also similarly excited.

This will be their first Young Justice mission!

“You all know that the League has defeated a robot earlier called AMAZO. This AMAZO had the ability to replicate the powers of anything it sees and use it as well. However, it can only use the abilities one at a time, which led to the League being able to defeat it.”

Lucas explained while bringing up images on the screen. There were pictures of AMAZO and the League fighting it and also some schematics.

“This technology can be very dangerous and if it lands on the hands of the enemies once more, they might be able to study it and mass produce it. From what I know, AMAZO was only created as a sort of coincidence. An accident so to say. Which is why the League has broken its parts to three pieces and will be distributed to trusted labs for study.”

The 3D image of AMAZO on the screen separated into three parts as well.

“Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to deliver these three parts to the respective labs safely and without accidents.”

“Dude, are you quoting Mission Impossible right now?”

Robin was speechless and asked.

“That’s right. I’ve always wanted to say it.”


“Any other questions?”

This time, Speedy frowned and asked as well.

“So basically...we’re just delivery guys?”

“That’s right. The League believes that there will be people after the parts as well so they wanted to draw out this group.”

Lucas didn’t bother lying and told them the hard truth.

He showed another image on the screen. This time, it was the pictures of Joker, Penguin, Riddler, Deathstroke, Dr. Light, Reverse Flash, and Kiteman.

“While the whole League was away dealing with AMAZO, I found these guys attempting to recruit more villains to their group. They called themselves the Injustice League. Other than them, there seem to be more people in their group but we don’t know who or how many yet.”

Aqua Lad looked at the pictures and also frowned.

“So you’re saying, that these...Injustice League may attempt to steal AMAZO and recreate him again?”

“That’s right. If the Justice League were to deliver it themselves, the Injustice League will probably not dare attempt to steal it back.”

Speedy scoffed.

“Hmph. So if it was a bunch of sidekicks instead, they would bite at the bait?”


Lucas grinned.

“Granted, if they did come, I will call the Justice League or make a move myself...but do you guys want that?”

“...What do you mean?”

Supergirl asked.

“I’m saying, if those villains indeed come, there really isn’t a need to call the Justice League. You can settle them yourselves.”

Speedy grinned and clenched his fist. Beside him, Kid Flash was also quite excited.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about.”

“Hehe, that’s right. If we can deal with them, why call the League?”

Lucas smiled as he looked at the others.

“Well then. I’ll be dividing you guys into three groups. Robin, Kid Flash, Raven. You will be Group 1. Aqualad, Wonder Girl, Miss Martian. You’re Group 2. Speedy, Supergirl. You’re Group 3.”

Supergirl asked.

“Only two of us?”

“Why? Want me to come with you?”

“Idiot! Who wants to be with you!?”

...That’s not what I meant though…

Lucas shook his head and explained.

“Supergirl, you are plenty powerful enough. But you don’t have any experience in battle. This is your opportunity to learn from Speedy.”

Supergirl pouted and glared at Lucas before glaring at Speedy the next second.

Speedy didn’t bother arguing with her and simply went to prepare.

Suddenly, Supergirl noticed something.

“Oh yeah, I don’t think me and Rachel have an outfit yet. What are we going to wear?”

“Follow me then. The rest of you prepare. You’ll be leaving in half an hour.”

After saying so, Lucas led Rachel and Kara to a room in the base.

Then, the walls started to split and revealed a few sets of clothes.

“I didn’t know what you girls prefer so I designed a few.”

Lucas felt it might be weird if he just gave them those revealing costumes immediately so he just went with a couple more designs…

As expected though, when Rachel and Kara saw those sexy clothes, they both gave Lucas the eye.

Lucas coughed and looked away, pretending not to see their gazes.

“I’ll leave you both to it then.”

He couldn’t stand their looks anymore so he fled!

After leaving the room, Rachel and Kara looked at each other and laughed.

“What a spineless guy.”

“Look at this. Is this supposed to cover me? Why does it look like something those gravure models wear?”

After a while, the two left the room and showed themselves to Lucas.

“How is it?”

“Like what you see?”

Rachel wore a tight-fitting black dress that reveals her white thighs. She also had a purple hooded robe around her with a red gem that laid on the center of her chest.

Kara wore a blue long-sleeved shirt with the familiar S logo on her chest. She also wore a red skirt and a golden belt around her waist as well as a red cape behind her back.

The two posed in front of Lucas with a smile.

Lucas smiled as well and gave them both a thumbs up.

“You both look perfect. Alright, the others are waiting already. Let’s go.”

While the two of them were changing, Lucas had shown the others their own respective motorcycles. The motorcycles were naturally special as well and had all kinds of technologies and weapons fitted in it.

Of course, only Robin, Speedy, Aqualad, and Wonder Girl really needed it. The others can fly and Kid Flash is fast so they don’t need it.

The three groups carried a crate each.

Just as they were about to start, Kid Flash grabbed the crate and laughed.

“No need to bother about plans. I’ll speed this to the lab and come back to help the others! Bye!”

“Wait! KF!”

Robin shouted but he was already gone.

The next moment, his voice rang out from their communicators.

“Uhh...guys? A little help here! Godspeed is chasing after me!”

“That idiot! Raven, let’s go!”

Raven nodded and flew while Robin rode his motorcycle and chased after Kid Flash.

Lucas laughed at them.

“Well, that was fast. Alright, you guys should go too. Since someone is already after Group 1’s crate, then expect others to show up as well.”

They all nodded and started to move.

Wonder Girl carried the crate behind her on her motorcycle while Speedy did the same as they moved.

Lucas watched as they all disappeared and flew to the skies as well to keep watch.

He glanced at the direction of Group 1 and saw that Kid Flash is still on the chase with Godspeed. Robin and Raven are also about to arrive near them.

He looked over to Group 2’s direction and could see that they are still fine and maintaining formation. Out of all the groups, this group is probably the most reliable and stable.

As for Group 3…

Lucas can already hear Speedy and Supergirl bickering with his super hearing…

He didn’t mind it much and kept a close watch on the three groups.

After some time, Group 1 has encountered a problem. Godspeed managed to steal the crate from Kid Flash and now it becomes Kid Flash’s turn to chase after Godspeed. Eventually, he was led to an abandoned warehouse where he also met up with Robin and Raven.

In the warehouse, it wasn’t just Godspeed who was there.

Mr. Freeze was there as well.

Robin frowned when he saw Mr. Freeze.

“Didn’t we just send you to prison?”

“Ah, yes...the thing is, we needed you guys to catch us. Still, it’s a bit...underwhelming that only sidekicks are here. Why don’t you call Batman or the Flash so we can have a bit of fun?”

Just as he was finished speaking, Robin had already thrown a dozen R-shaped shurikens at him, only to be caught by Godspeed.

“It’s not wise for kids to disturb when an adult is talking.”

Godspeed threw the shurikens back with even faster speed but was blocked by a black shadow wall.

Raven’s eyes glowed as she started to float in the air.

“Enough talking. Azarath Metrion Zinthos!”

Lucas glanced at their group and saw they were fighting already. He watched them for a while and judged that they were still doing fine.

Looking over to Group 2, they had also met their opponents.

Their group faced Captain Cold, Cheetah, and Heatwave.

Aqualad frowned and turned to Miss Martian.

“Miss Martian. Take the crate and go on ahead. The two of us will stop these three.”

“But I can help!”

“Yes, you can help by safely delivering the parts to the lab. If you are anything like Martian Manhunter, then it means you are weak to fire. I’m sorry if I am being frank, but you wouldn't be able to do much with Heatwave here.”

“Too late fish boy.”

Heatwave raised his heat gun and fired it in the surroundings, creating a ring of fire around them.

Aqualad took the two handles on his back and water started to flow on it.

Just as he was about to wash over the flames, Captain Cold sneered and shot his cold gun on the water.

“Not so fast. None of you are getting out of here with our stuff.”

“Or, we can just kill them all.”

Cheetah grinned and bent her body slightly as she charged towards the three.

Wonder Girl gritted her teeth and blocked Cheetah.

“I’ll stop Cheetah! Aqualad, hurry and find a way to get Miss M. out of here!”

“On it!”

Lucas watched them and nodded.

Aqualad knew the mission well and prioritized on getting the parts to where they are tasked to. Now, will they be able to get out?

Every time Miss Martian tried to fly away, Heatwave would fire a stream of fire on her way. And every time Aqualad tries to use his water, Captain Cold would freeze his water, rendering it useless.

Lucas saw the situation and judged that they aren’t in any danger at the moment so he turned to where Group 3 was.

Seeing the situation on that side, Lucas frowned.

“What bad luck…”

Of all the enemies that could have come...facing Speedy and Supergirl were Sinestro and Metallo.

Like this, Supergirl is completely vulnerable.

Their team was reduced from an archer and a super, into an archer and a dead weight.

Right now, the two of them were behind a huge boulder taking cover while Speedy would sneak in an arrow every once in a while. Naturally, his arrows were useless against their opponents.

As for Supergirl, she lay on the ground. She was still conscious, but it could be seen that she’s having a hard time moving.

The only reason why they are still alive was because Sinestro was having a bit of fun playing with them.

Things were getting dangerous and Lucas was about to step in when someone called on his phone.

Lucas answered the call while on the way but then paused as soon as he heard the voice.


“ mentioned something like a team of other heroes...all right, I’m interested. Where do I uhh...sign up?”

Static spoke awkwardly as he wasn’t used to being in a team and didn’t know what to do.

Lucas laughed and felt that he might just be able to help Group 3 without him having to intervene.

“Perfect timing then. Come to this location and help two of your future teammates.”

“Eh? Oh, I’m starting now?”

“Yes, now get a move on. They’re about to die.”


Lucas could hear Static stumbled and fell upon hearing that. Soon after, he no longer answered and quickly went on his way.

It was a good thing that Group 3’s location was nearby Static’s area so he was able to arrive quickly.

As soon as he arrived, he saw the situation and released electricity from his hands towards Metallo.

The electric seemed to pull Metallo which he tossed high in the air!

Speedy saw this as well and acted quickly without bothering about Static’s sudden appearance.

He shot an explosive arrow towards Metallo who was tossed in the air.

Sinestro reacted late and tried to stop the arrow but it had already reached the center of Metallo’s chest as it exploded.

This wasn’t really enough to kill Metallo but it was enough to blow him even farther away.

Using this chance that Metallo was far enough, Supergirl recovered and sped towards Sinestro.


“Ooh buddy. You are so in trouble now!”

Pissed with being weakened and unable to move earlier, Supergirl took her anger onto Sinestro as she pounded him to the ground.

With every punch, Sinestro would create a transparent yellow wall but it would be repeatedly destroyed by Supergirl.

Speedy glanced at Static who just arrived.

“Thanks for the assist. Supergirl, I’ll leave him to you and go deliver the package! Dreads, if Metallo comes back, throw him away again! Don’t let her get near Supergirl.”

“Eh? Ah. Sure...wait, what’s going on?”

“Be confused later. Right now, we have a mission to do.”

“Y-yes sir!”

Speedy rode his motorcycle again and left quickly.

At a distance, Lucas nodded at Speedy’s decision.

Though cold, this is indeed the best strategy for now. If he had stayed, there was nothing he could do. He also can’t ask Static to deliver the parts instead.

Not only does he not know him, but Static is the best person to deal with Metallo if he comes back.

Naturally, the most useless one at the moment, Speedy, needed to leave and deliver the parts instead.

He realized this and instead of throwing a tantrum out of it, he thought of what’s best he could do in that situation and he did.

The situation there is pretty much resolved already.

Lucas turned to look at Group 2 and saw that Miss Martian managed to get away.

Aqualad had continued trying to wash the fire away and Captain Cold would freeze his water. This had put the situation into a stalemate for a while but eventually, just when Captain Cold was about to freeze his water again, Wonder Girl tossed Cheetah in the area where Captain Cold was about to freeze.

This caused her to be unable to move for a while, but it was enough for Wonder Girl to attack Captain Cold while Aqualad was able to focus on Heatwave.

Miss Martian was also able to leave and deliver the part safely to the lab.

As for Group 1…

Lucas sighed and flew over to their direction.

It wasn’t because Godspeed and Mr. Freeze were about to kill them...but Raven is about to.

Right. She had lost control.

Beneath Raven’s hood, four red glows appeared as if she had four eyes.

The darkness around her shook wildly as if trembling from her presence.

Mr. Freeze looked at her in fear while lying on the ground.


Godspeed had long fled away when he saw the situation was getting out of hand. Of course, he didn’t forget to take the parts with him.

Robin and Kid Flash weren’t able to chase after him because they are also being stopped by Raven who’s still rampaging.

Then, a person appeared in front of Raven.

He held a guy in his hand. Robin and Kid Flash could see that it was actually Godspeed who had left earlier! Then, the man smiled as he spoke three familiar words.

“Azarath Metrion Zinthos!”

Suddenly, everyone was covered in bright light.

New cover photo! Still not satisfied with it so I may change it again. Also, the image in the cover is just something I searched in google of Batman Beyond suit while inverted to make look white XD Still thinking of what Lucas would wear but I'm sure it will be mostly white since his attacks are...well, also white.

Lots of new enemies and the fight scenes are hard as ever. I think I made them too good and defeated their opponents easily...oh well

Static joins the team!

And...uhh...that's all.

See ya next chap!

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