Reborn as Batman’s Little Brother

Chapter 30: Evaluation and Real Superpower

Chapter 30: Evaluation and Real Superpower

“What happened?"

This question rang in everyone’s minds.

They could see they were suddenly back in Mount Justice when they were outside just a second earlier.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion then turned to one man who stood before them.


Lucas looked at everyone and saw they were all present and accounted for. He nodded and spoke.

“Well, good work everyone. I must say, I expected you all to fail miserably in this mission but the results were even better than I expected. Some even managed to defeat their opponents and complete their mission.”

He looked at each group with a smile.

“Alright. I’ll start with Group 3.”

Lucas turned to look at Supergirl, Speedy, and Static who was still surprised with what’s happening.

“First of all, let me introduce a new addition to the team. This is Static. Static, meet the rest of the Young Justice group.”


Static greeted everyone nervously as he didn’t expect to be a part of such a big group.

In his mind, he was pretty excited.

I mean, what the hell!? We just took down Sinestro and Metallo! Those are some big baddies! Bro, this is so cool!

Lucas nodded and continued.

“As for your enemies...well, it was really unlucky on your part to be faced against Sinestro and Metallo.”

“Right. How come I feel so weak when I face that robot thing? Who is that guy? It’s like...that feeling when you showed me that green gem before.”

Supergirl remembered how weak she was and couldn’t help but grit her teeth in annoyance.

She thought that with her abilities, this mission would be a walk in the park. But that guy showed up and she couldn’t even move!

“That is Metallo. Well, you can say that he has a Kryptonite heart which was why you felt weak. He was created to go against the likes of Superman.”

“Tsk, what luck…”

Lucas laughed and shook his head.

“That’s how it is in battle. You should always expect the unexpected. Later on, I’ll be training you in combat in case something like that happens again.”


“Moving on. Despite the crisis situation your group had, it was good that Speedy kept a level head and thought about the scenario clearly. When Static appeared, you didn’t waste time and made use of his abilities to get rid of Metallo, which, in turn, had freed Supergirl and took on Sinestro. At the same time, you knew your own role and delivered the parts to the lab yourself. Good work.”

Speedy nodded but didn’t get complacent. His face was grim and his teeth gritted.

“If only I am stronger...I could’ve helped a lot more.”

“We all have our strengths and weaknesses. What’s more important is how to use it well.”

Finished with Group 3, Lucas turned to look at Group 2.

“Group 2. Unlike the others, you actually face three villains this time. Cheetah, Captain Cold, and Heatwave. Granted, their threat isn’t nearly as big as the others, it was still a problem since Miss Martian is weak to fire.”

Miss Martian looked down in shame.

“I’m sorry...if only I was more useful.”

“It’s alright. Things aren’t always expected to according to plan.”

Aqualad comforted her and Lucas also nodded. He recalled a saying that he heard in the Flash TV series and laughed.

“Haha, as they say. Make a plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails...then throw away the plan!”

Everyone was speechless.

“That...doesn’t sound right?”

Robin squeezed out a smile as he said.

“Hahaha. In any case, Aqualad and Wondergirl performed perfectly and managed to pave a way for Miss Martian to complete the mission. Good work.”

Finally, Lucas turned to Group 1and his smile disappeared.

“Lastly...Group 1”

Lucas looked at Group 1 and they quickly lowered their gazes.

Raven had also woken up and returned back to normal. Though she had lost control, she still remembered what happened.

Kid Flash was the most ashamed of what happened as it was due to his recklessness that made them fail miserably in the first place.

Robin knew this too but he felt responsible for the group and didn’t point blame on anyone. If he did, he would only make things worse.

“Do you know your mistakes?”

“...This is all my fault.”

Kid Flash gritted his teeth and ran away.

Lucas sighed and looked at the trail of lightning Kid Flash left behind but didn’t follow. Wally just blamed himself a lot and he’s probably thinking it wasn’t right for him to remain in the group.

Well, he is still a teen and teens are really moody.

After some time, he will calm down and return.

Lucas thought.

After this, I’ll go ask Barry and see where I can find him later…

Lucas shook his head and continued.

“Don’t worry about him. I’ll go find him later. Anyway, other than Kid Flash’s recklessness, we still have to work on your control Raven.”


Looking at her gloomy look, Lucas smiled and patted her head.

“Alright, stop being so down. I already told you that if you lose control, I can stop you. And I did. No one else got hurt except for Mr. Freeze so it’s all good.”


“Other than that, you still managed to take down the bad guy. As for Godspeed, I already took care of him and also delivered the parts to the lab so you don’t need to worry.”

Robin and Raven nodded.

“Overall, the mission is a success. Rest well for now and continue training tomorrow. I’ll go and find Wally. Oh, and deliver some food to the prisoners below. Just grab some Big Belly Burger.”

Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

After handing out a few more instructions, Lucas left and went back to the Batcave first to see if he can find Wally using the Batcomputer.

The base in Mount Justice also has a computer comparable to the Batcomputer but Lucas still prefers using the Batcomputer as it looked cooler.

He even played Minecraft here once before.

Humming as he walked in the Batcave and played around with his brother’s trinkets that he took from his villains, he accessed the Batcomputer to look for Wally.

As expected, there were no results.

Either Wally is moving too fast for the Batcomputer to pinpoint or he is probably on a different Earth.

“Guess I’ll ask Barry then.”

Lucas was about to leave when he saw his brother’s spare cowls lying around. He thought for a moment and took one with a grin.

The next moment, he was in Central City’s Star Labs where Flash and his team are based.

Lucas wore a white hoodie and sunglasses as he walked in.

Barry and the rest seem to be in the cortex and dealing with something. The cortex is a place in the building where they basically monitor the situation in the city.

Everyone had their back turned to Lucas and didn’t notice him appear.

Lucas smiled and took out the stolen *ahem* borrowed cowl of his brother and wore it.

Hm...this is the first time I wear a feels so uncomfortable…

Note to self, no masks if I were to wear a costume one day.

A helmet would be good...or maybe just a hood.

While thinking of such things, he approached Barry from behind and patted his shoulder while speaking in a deep voice.

“What’s happening?”

“!!! Holy sweet mother of...Batman! You scared me!”

Barry’s body jolted in surprise when he saw Batman’s cowl right beside him.

Everyone else was also surprised.

But after turning to look, they realized that wearing a white hoodie? While wearing the cowl?

Barry asked dubiously.


Lucas laughed and took off the cowl.

“Sup, it’s me.”

“L-Lucas!? Man, you scared the shit out of me! Why do you have your bro-...I mean, Batman’s cowl!?”

“Oh, I saw his spare cowl was lying around and tried it on.”


Then, beside him, Cisco Ramon AKA, Vibe, approached and took a closer look at Batman’s cowl.

“Ohhh! This is the first time I’ve ever been this close to his cowl!... Can I touch it?”

“Uhh sure. Knock yourself out.”

Lucas blinked for a bit in surprise then tossed the cowl to him.

“Hey! You can’t just toss a masterpiece like this! Oh man, this is so cool! Caitlin! Quick! Take a picture of me!”

Cisco gave his phone to Caitlin Snow AKA, Killer Frost, and posed while holding the cowl.

Lucas laughed at his antics.

Barry was also weirded out by his friend.

“Why does it feel like he’s going to kiss it?”

“Ahahaha! Now that will be hilarious!”

After laughing for a bit, Barry's wife, Iris, approached and asked.

“Honey, who is this?”

“Ah, right. This is...umm…”

Barry stuttered and didn’t know if he should reveal his identity.

At a loss, he could only look to Lucas for help.

Lucas smiled and spoke instead.

Anyway, it’s fine to trust these people.

The only ones in the room were Barry, Iris, Cisco, and Caitlin and Lucas knew it’s fine to trust them.

Plus, he won’t be explaining clearly.

“I’m a new member of the League. They call me Prime.”

Hearing the name, Cisco stopped posing and squinted his eyes.

“Prime...did you come up with that name?”

“Batman did.”


Lucas raised a brow in confusion so Caitlin explained.

“He is sort of a...Batman fan.”


“Hey, it’s not my fault we have a lot in common!”

Cisco glared at her and snorted.

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah! We both use tech. We’re both handsome. And our naming sense is the same!”

Lucas nodded seriously and laughed.

“Oh, I can see it now!”

Barry couldn’t stop laughing so he had to elbow Lucas.

“Dude, stop it!”

After a few more laughs, Lucas asked Barry about what they were doing earlier.

“We’re trying to track down the Turtle and stop him from stealing.”

“The turtle?”

“Yeah. A metahuman who can somehow absorb all the kinetic energy around him to himself, leaving everyone and everything around him in a temporary state of potential energy.”

Lucas blinked and remembered the Turtle in the Flash TV Series.

“So...he can make things slow around him except for himself?”


Cisco exclaimed.

Lucas smiled and shrugged.

“Sounds like fun. Do you guys have any leads?”

“...Not yet. We’re not even sure how to catch him even if we do find him.”

“Seems easy enough. Just move faster and catch him. Do you want my help?”

“Oooh! Is this a superhero team-up!?”

Cisco asked excitedly.

On the other hand, Caitlin asked.

“Wait, what even is your power?”

Lucas grinned and spoke in confidence.

“Me? I can make Batman laugh.”


Team Flash arc!

See ya next chap!

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