Reborn as Batman’s Little Brother

Chapter 48: Omega Protocol

Chapter 48: Omega Protocol


Donna was shocked as she watched the video.

Seeing her expression, the others walked behind her to have a look. The next moment, they were all shocked as well!

The video didn’t have any audio. As if the person who had left the video didn’t want anyone to know what Lex and Lucas had talked about.

Maybe if others heard what they were arguing about, they would be more inclined to side with Lucas.

However, without the audio, they could only speculate what looked like a heated argument and a violent side of Lucas.

Is he still the Lucas they knew?

If Lucas turns bad...who on Earth could stop him!?

Though they tried not to think about it, it was inevitable that some of them started to have small thoughts about such things.

Robin watched the video and frowned.

“Could it be...he figured out Lex had something to do with the Injustice League and misunderstood?”

“That or this ‘Lucas’ has been playing us all along.”

Speedy snorted.

Kara glared at him and shouted.

“We don’t know that!”

Donna quickly called Lena.

As soon as the call connected, they could hear Lena’s faint crying on the other end.

Donna asked in a soft tone.

“Lena...have you found Lex yet? Maybe the video is fake…”

“I...we haven’t found brother yet...Donna, what do I do…? I...I don’t want to doubt Lucas...but I don’t want to doubt my brother either…”

“Just relax...okay? Calm down...I’m sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for all of this. No matter what, we still need to find out the truth first before coming to any conclusions, okay? Our team as well as the Justice League are already looking into the matter. The truth will definitely be revealed soon.”

Lena held back her tears and nodded.

Donna was right. There was no use thinking too much about it now...first of all, they needed to know the truth.

What really happened yesterday?

Donna ended the call and looked back towards everyone.

For a while, the team was silent. Either none of them knew what to say at the moment, or they were all desperately trying to figure out the truth in their heads.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted the silence.

“Um...I do not really get what is going on here. But I just needed to know where Lucas is.”

Starfire pouted as she felt left out.

Kid Flash looked at Starfire in confusion then asked.

“Beauty, how exactly did you meet Lucas? How do you know him?”

“Must I explain?”


Everyone answered in unison.

Starfire pouted again and sighed as she explained her origins.

The more the others heard her story, the more shocked they were.

Turns the time that Lucas had disappeared into space, he had come across an alien princess and saved her…

Knowing his power, the princess’ father, the king himself, actually wanted to get Lucas back and stay with them!

Hearing all that, everyone felt complicated.

Raven coughed to clear her throat and asked.

“ came here to Earth to get Lucas back? I won’t allow it!”

Starfire sighed.

“I did come to take Lucas back to our planet. I know this is a foolish mission, however, my father forced it on to me. Initially, I was thinking I can just delay coming back and take a vacation here…”


Everyone nearly tripped.

So she wasn’t even planning on going back herself!

“But now, I must bring him back!”


“While traveling here, me and my guards met with an unstoppable force which was headed straight to our home planet!”

“Unstoppable force?”

Starfire’s expression turned grave as she spoke.

“We met one of Darkseid’s Elite, Steppenwolf...along with a huge fleet of parademons!”



This name alone was enough for most of the people in the room to hold their breaths.

Some of them were too young to remember that day...but most of them could still recall it as if it was yesterday!

The day the world had nearly ended…

And the day the first Hero was born…

Kara was still in the Phantom Zone at that time and didn’t know what happened. However, she had heard stories during her time with the team.

She could feel the fear and hopelessness whenever she heard of it. But she could also feel the excitement and reverence when people talk about how Lucas rose up and defended the world.

She felt that the Lucas the Earthlings knew and the Lucas that she knew were two different people.

One was this great Hero revered by all...and the other is this perverted womanizer who sleeps with different women all the time!

She simply couldn’t believe it!

Karen, though had lost her memories and wasn’t from this Earth, could still feel something in her heart when she hears the if her entire being is afraid of this Darkseid person…

Could it be...that in her previous world, she had also fought against this Darkseid and lost?

While everyone had different thoughts in their minds, Raven’s face had turned pale. A certain thought appeared in her mind.

“Don’t tell me...Lucas...he…”

As she uttered this, the others snapped out of it and also couldn’t help but think of the same thing!

Lucas...went off alone to face Darkseid by himself! Again!

Robin gritted his teeth and quickly called Batman.

“Batman! We have an emergency!”

“...What is it? Robin, calm down.”

“Uncle Luke! H-he...he…”

“...If this is about Lucas killing Lex, I’ve heard about it as well...don’t worry, I believe Lucas wouldn’t do something like that.”

Batman answered calmly as he stared at the man in front of him.

Lex chuckled wryly upon being stared at by Bruce.

Earlier, the first place the Bruce had gone was Lucas’ room...where he surprisingly found Lex instead.

Then, he heard about how Lucas killed Lex and was confused.

Only after Lex explained did he understand.

He sighed and wondered how he was going to explain to Lucas later...but for now, he needed to find him first.

Bruce was also in no hurry to tell the others that Lex was alive. Since Lucas has a plan, then he would go along with it.

It is as they say. To fool the enemy, you must fool your allies first.

Lex did secretly call Lena though so she can calm down a bit. Lena was smart and knew what to do so she continued her heartbroken act.

While Bruce was wondering where Lucas might’ve been, Robin continued his sentence.

“Uncle Luke left! He went off to face Darkseid alone once more!”

For a while, Bruce’s mind went blank.

The next second, he exploded.


Lex also snapped out of it as he was shocked to hear Bruce shout so loudly.


“It’s like this…”

Robin repeated what Starfire had told them earlier.

After he was done explaining, Bruce gritted his teeth. Blood dripped down from his mouth as he bit too hard.

The next moment, he sent a distress signal to every Justice League member.


Every Justice League member froze as they received the signal.

Their faces were pale and their bodies shook. However, none of them cowered.

Priority Omega.

This was a special protocol pertaining to a certain individual.


To send such a signal could only mean one thing…

They were about to face the most fearsome and powerful enemy they have ever faced in their life!

To the people of Earth, Darkseid wasn’t just some villain.

What Darkseid did in the past had left a mark in their hearts. A mark of despair...and powerlessness.

It was only thanks to Lucas that Earth was saved.

When Lucas had returned, everyone believed that the Omega protocol would never be called again...because this protocol could only be made in the absence of the worlds’ first and most powerful Hero.

The Omega protocol wasn’t just to call everyone and unite.

It was also a prepare for the worst.

Central City. Star Labs.

Barry stood in front of his suit in the cortex while his friends and wife looked at him from behind.



When Iris called out to him, Barry looked at her and shook his head.

A tear dropped from the corner of Iris’ eyes as she closed her mouth, no longer saying anything.

Barry looked towards everyone else and spoke in a solemn tone.

“We all know this day was coming...this is what we have been training for…”

He took a deep breath and continued to speak.

“Once I’m gone…”

“Barry, you can’t speak like that!”

“Cisco. You're in charge.”

“I...I can’t be like you, Barry…I’m not like you!”

Barry smiled and shook his head.

“You don’t need to be like me. Just be you. I know...if it’s can lead this team. With or without the Flash.”

Cisco gritted his teeth and silently cried as he nodded.

Barry looked towards Caitlin and smiled.

“Caitlin. I know...that you are afraid to use your power...afraid that you will become this...villain that you are on another Earth. Don’t be afraid. No matter what have us. You’re friends. Even if I’m gone...I am still there for you.”


Finally, Barry turned towards his wife. Iris.

“Iris. I love you...more than anything in this world. I love you so much…”

“I love you too, Barry…”

The two of them hugged for a while.

However...Barry still pushed her away gently and turned around.


Barry tried his best to ignore his wife calling him.

He stared at his suit and lightning flickered in his eyes.

The next instant, he wore the suit and looked back at his friends and family.

The Flash grinned.

“Be back in a Flash.”

Then...he left, leaving only a trace of lightning behind him.

Star City. Queen Mansion.

Oliver had already worn his suit and ready to leave.

He looked back at his mother and little sister who both looked worried.

Oliver smiled and hugged them both.

“Take care...the both of you…”


Thea wanted to say something but held herself back.

Oliver smiled and patted her head.

“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure your Lucas returns to you safe and sound.”

“I don’t need to worry about Lucas, Ollie. He’s much much much stronger than you! I’m worried you will try to use your puny life to do something reckless!”

“Haha! Don’t worry. I’ll be careful.”

Oliver laughed and turned to his mother.

“Mom. I’ll be going now.”

“...You must return safe...understood?”

“...I will.”

Oliver paused for a moment before smiling and nodding.

His mother wanted to say something more but sighed and shook her head.

She knew her own son. Even if she says no, he will still charge forward stubbornly.

Oliver then turned to the man standing behind his family.

“Dig. Take care of my family while I’m gone.”

“...I will, brother.”

Oliver and Dig shook each other’s hands tightly and nodded.

Just as Oliver was about to leave, he saw someone approach him.

It was Laurel Lance wearing her Black Canary outfit.

“Laurel, why are you wearing that?”

“Hmph! What do you think? I’m also a member of the Justice League! Don’t think of getting rid of me so easily!”

Oliver smiled wryly and nodded.


“Good! Now, let’s get go-”

Laurel nodded and turned around. However, she suddenly felt a sharp pain at the back of her neck.

She turned back and saw Oliver behind her. Her vision started to get blurry as her consciousness slowly faded.



Oliver sighed as he looked at the unconscious Laurel.

“I’m sorry...I can’t let you go with me this time.”


Seeing what Oliver did, his mother called out to him in shock.

“Take care of Laurel for me...Goodbye.”

Oliver no longer said anything as he rode his bike and left.


Clark hugged his parents for a long while before finally separating.

“ you. For everything that you’ve done for me...if I don’t come back here alive, I hope-”


Surprised by his father’s sudden shout, Clark turned to look at him.

“Now look here, son. This isn’t your time to die. Understood? You’re my son. Us Kents don’t give up so easily! Remember that!”

Clark smiled and nodded.

“I will, dad.”

“Clark...we will always be here for you...that’s why, make sure to come back, okay?”

“...I will, mom.”

Jonathan placed his hand on Clark’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

“Remember that advice I told you before about holding back?”


“Screw that. Go and kick that Darkseid’s ass.”

Clark chuckled and spoke confidently this time.

“I will!”

Jonathan smiled and patted his back.

Clark then turned towards Lois.

Lois just smiled at him then looked up in the sky.

“Can’t you take me with you? I feel like I can get a scoop of a lifetime!”

“Haha. Aren’t you quite the reporter?”

Clark laughed and shook his head.

“I can’t take you with me...but you will always be in my heart.”

“Don’t get cheesy on me now Smallville.”

Lois laughed for a while before turning around.

“...Just make sure you come back, okay?”


Sorry for the delay. Wasn't able to post yesterday cause there was a sudden family gathering at our house...was surprised to wake up and see all my cousins, aunts, and uncles in the house...there was a lot of food and I was basically forbidden from staying in front of my pc for a long a result, I left my game open and after coming back to it, the game crashed lol

Then there was a lot of drinking...and I got a bit drunk so I wasn't able to write. In my drunken state, I spent all my primogems in Genshin...but didn't get anything good! Dammit!

Ahem. Anyway, this is the chap!

Lucas is still gone. And there is still another chap's worth of reaction from the others.

Would be funny if they arrive late and see Lucas end Darkseid already. Hah.

....Definitely not gonna happen...nope...maybe...but no...

See ya next chap!

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