Reborn as Batman’s Little Brother

Chapter 49: King!

Chapter 49: King!


“Mother. I will be going now.”

Diana kneeled before her mother who sat on her throne.

Hippolyta opened her mouth to say something but paused. After a while, she nodded.

“May the fortune of War be in your favor...come back home safe with your husband.”

“I will!”

“One more thing.”

Just as Diana was about to turn around to leave, Hippolyta called out.

Looking back, Diana saw her mother motioning some Amazons at the side to bring something over.

Soon, her eyes widened when he saw a full set of golden armor with wings.


“Wear it. It should serve well to protect you in combat.”

Diana paused for a while before nodding in excitement.

“Thank you, mother!”

“Stay safe. I’m sure that’s what Lucas would’ve wanted for you as well.”

Hippolyta smiled as she watched her daughter put on the set of golden armor.


Arthur sat on the throne while his mother, brother, and Mera faced him.

“Mother, brother. I shall leave Atlantis in your care in the meantime.”

“Brother, you are the King of Atlantis! Must you go on this suicidal quest!?”

Orm quickly dissuaded Arthur when he heard his plans.

Arthur shook his head.

“It is precisely because I am the King of Atlantis, that I must go. Darkseid is a threat to us all. It is my duty to protect Atlantis. I was not able to help my friend 5 years ago, now, I have this chance. I must take it!”


Orm sighed and shook his head. Towards this stubborn brother of his, he really can’t persuade him to do anything else!

Arthur’s mother sighed as well and looked at her son worriedly. As a mother, she didn’t want her son to go and do something so dangerous. However, as his mother...she also can’t help but become proud of the man that he had become.

That’s why, she simply smiled.

“Son, do not worry about us. Be safe out there.”

Arthur smiled as well.

“I’ll make sure to come home safe.”

His mother nodded and turned towards Mera.

“You too dear...I hope you won’t act recklessly. No matter what, you two must return safe and sound.”

“Thank you, aunt. I will be careful.”

Wayne Manor.

Right after Bruce finished sending a signal to the rest of the Leaguers, Lex walked towards him.

“Bruce, I want to come as well.”

“No. You need to stay here. On Earth.”

“But why!? Lucas is in danger! This is my fault! Even though I told him that I was acting, what I said to him back then must’ve struck a nerve to him. Because of me, Lucas…”


Bruce shouted to make Lex snap out of it.

He glared at Lex and grabbed his shoulders.

“Lex, you’re a smart guy. You know why you need to stay behind.”


Lex gritted his teeth.

Bruce was right. He knew that he must stay...especially at such a crucial time like this.

Lucas had just ‘killed’ him. The Injustice League knew about this. What was next was to figure out what their next move was.

Now that the Justice League is leaving Earth, it is a good opportunity for these villains to make a move.

Someone has to stay and hold the fort.

Bruce looked at Lex solemnly.

“It’s time to wake up the Captain.”

“You can’t mean...are you sure about this?”

“I’m not. But we don’t have a choice.”


Bruce nodded upon seeing Lex agree. He then left the room and looked for Alfred.

“Alfred...I’ll be going now.”

“...I understand, master Bruce. Please return with the young master safe and sound.”

“I will.”


One by one, the heroes had said their goodbyes to their loved ones.

One by one, they returned to the Watchtower and gathered.

As it was a special circumstance, the Young Justice are also allowed to enter the Watchtower along with the rest of the heroes.

Static looked around him in wonder.

“Wow...I can’t believe I’m in the Watchtower! This is insane!”

“Are we in outer space! This is so coooool!”

Beast Boy turned into a monkey and jumped all around, looking over the windows and everywhere else.

Deathstroke looked around him and chuckled.

“I didn’t think I'd be able to enter this place.”

“That’s because you're a bad guy, dad.”


After a while, Batman appeared.

Looking around, he could tell that they were all here. Though some are missing...he can’t blame them for staying as well.

“Alright. You all know the protocol. We have intel on where Darkseid may be located at the moment. As we speak, Prime is flying his way right now to fight him. What we must do to fight alongside him and make sure that Darkseid will no longer be a threat to our world, and to everyone else.”

Batman looked over at everyone one by one.

Seeing them ready, he nodded.

“Robin, where is the alien woman you mentioned.”

Before Robin could answer, Starfire had already spoken.

“My name is not alien woman. I am Princess Koriand’r of the Tamarans.”

“Do you have the coordinates of your homeworld?”

“I do. I will tell you on the way. I am coming with you as well.”

Superman interjected.

“Absolutely not. It is too dangerous, and you are just a kid. Leave this to us, we will certainly protect your world.”

“I am no child!”

Starfire’s eyes glowed as she shot fire from her hands.



Everyone watched in surprise as Superman was blown away by her!

Batman pressed on his forehead and sighed.

“Alright fine. The Princess is coming with. However, you guys need to stay.”

Batman turned towards the others from the Young Justice.

Robin was the first to protest.

“But Batman! We-”

“No buts! Without the rest of the League, Earth is vulnerable. We need you all to be here to protect it, understood?”

Robin wanted to refuse but knew that Batman was right.

In the end, he could only nod as well.

The others were also wanting to come. Especially Rachel, Donna, and Kara. However, Karen held them back.

“Calm down. We will only risk our lives as well as Lucas’ if we were to come.”

“But we-”

“Donna, how strong are you compared to Wonder Woman? Look at her, even she is wearing a full set of armor. You, without any sort of protection, will only get in the way.”


“Kara, you are still learning to use your powers. Can you already shoot lasers from your eyes? Freeze with your breath?”

“I...I can do it if I try!”

“You do not have such a luxury in battle.”


Lastly, Karen turned to Rachel.

“Rachel. How sure are you that you are able to hold back the demon inside you? What if you went on a rampage again and hurt everyone else instead?”


Seeing all three of them had calmed down, Karen sighed in relief and smiled.

“What we must do now is as Batman says. Protect that Lucas and everyone else has a home to return to.”

“...I understand.”

With them settled, Batman nodded and spoke again.

“Now, we shall start the Omega Protocol.”

In the vast universe. In a certain sector, a lone man could be seen flying through without any sort of protection or spaceship.

This man was none other than Lucas who had disappeared on Earth.

“Hmm...if I go at this pace, I should be able to reach Tamaran in about two to three more days…”

Back when Starfire had kissed him, he took the chance to read her mind to get the exact location of Tamaran.

With these coordinates, he didn’t have to worry about getting lost like before.

“I hope I can make it in time…”

Lucas gritted his teeth and sped up even further!

Two days later, he finally saw a familiar planet. However, the once beautiful planet is now being surrounded by a fleet of spaceships.

Lucas’ eyes lit up in anger as he unleashed a powerful Omega Beam.


Two red lines shot forth and turned towards the spaceships, penetrating it then turning to the next spaceship.

Hearing the numerous explosions, Steppenwolf looked up from the ground with his eyes wide.



Suddenly, a figure landed right in front of him and created a cloud of dust. From within that dust cloud, a hand suddenly emerged and grabbed his neck tightly.

Lucas’ eyes continued to glow as he glared at Steppenwolf in his hands.

“Where. Is. DARKSEID!?”


Steppenwolf was shocked at the strength of the grip. Surprisingly, he was unable to budge at all!

Since he couldn’t escape, then might as well fight!

However, just as he was about to raise his sword, a guillotine made of white hard light appeared over his arm and directly...severed it!


“For the last time...where is your MASTER!?”

“K-khhh…I...will not...betray my lord…!”

“So be it.”

Lucas’ eyes gleamed and directly read his mind instead.

It only took moments for him to completely read through his memory. Once he got what he wanted, Lucas didn’t waste any time and severed his neck!

Lucas raised his hand and a white flame appeared around it.

Throwing the flame towards Steppwolf’s body, it took mere seconds for his body to turn into ashes.

With Steppenwolf dead, the rest of the parademons that managed to survive began to lose control. Soon, they all died.

Lucas flew and looked through the planet to find Blackfire.

After a while, he found her in an open space, seemingly having just fought an army of parademons as well.

Seeing her safe, Lucas sighed in relief and smiled. Soon, he flew over to her and landed behind.

“It’s good to see you are safe, Princess...I’m sorry I was late.”

Hearing the familiar voice, Blackfire turned around with her eyes wide in surprise.

When she saw that it was indeed Lucas, she hugged him tightly.

“Lucas!’re back!”

“Un...your sister just arrived on my planet...and said that she met an army of Darkseid. So I rushed here immediately.”

“My sister! So she is safe!?”

Lucas smiled and nodded.

“Yes. She’s safe.”

“That’s good...that’s good…”

Blackfire closed her eyes and silently cried in relief.

Lucas didn’t say anything and simply patted her back.

After some time, Backfired pulled herself from Lucas and wiped her tears.

“Lucas, the parademons are it because of you?”

“Yes. I killed their leader, Steppenwolf. Since he’s controlling these parademons, they also disappeared soon after…”

“I see…”

Blackfire looked around her and saw her people slowly standing up. Some tended to the wounded while some were still confused as to how the war stopped.

She took a deep breath and turned back to Lucas.

“Lucas...can you carry me and fly?”

“No need. Let me give you the power to fly…”

Lucas waved his hand and turned Blackfire into his apostle, giving her the power of Flight.

Blackfire was confused about what he meant, however, she soon felt something within her.

Then...she started to float.

Her eyes widened in shock as she looked at herself hovering and to Lucas.


“Hehe, I figured out how to give special abilities to others I acknowledge. Now, your dream of flying is now true.”

Lucas laughed but was suddenly tackled by Blackfire who was still not used to her new power.

Then, he felt a soft touch on his lips.

Blackfire kissed him for a long while before separating herself.

“Thank you, Lucas...for everything.”

“...It was my pleasure, Princess.”

Blackfire smiled.

“You cannot call me Princess anymore.”

“Hm? Why not?”

Lucas asked. However, seeing Blackfire’s sad smile, he knew what she had meant.

Blackfire flew to the sky and spoke loudly for everyone to hear.

“My fellow Tamaraneans...the war is over.”

Though the Tamaraneans were first confused seeing how Blackfire can fly, they soon recovered and rejoiced as they heard what she said.

But even though they were happy, they were sad as well. Sad because of the people that they had lost.

Blackfire continued to speak.

“I know...that we have lost a lot in this war...I lost my father too. But we must move forward with our lives...while remembering the people that we lost in our hearts. We must live on for their sake as well. For now...we rejoice in the fact that we have won! We...survived Darkseid’s army!”

The last part of what she said had resounded in their hearts.

Surviving Darkseid’s army...this was something that no one could ever think of!

But somehow...they survived...didn’t they?

The Tamaraneans looked at each other in surprise for a few seconds before erupting into cheers!

“We won!”

“Long live Princess...No...Queen Komand’r!”

“Long live Queen Komand’r!”

“Long live Queen Komand’r!”

“Long live Queen Komand’r!”

Hearing the cheering, Lucas smiled and cheered along with them as well.

Lucas could see Blackfire’s face blush in embarrassment for a bit. Suddenly, she spoke again.

“Everyone! I would like to introduce to you all the hero who had saved us all! My husband, Lucas of Earth! He is also going to be our new King!”


Lucas froze.

Wait, what? Husband?


Instantly, Lucas felt the eyes of all Tamaraneans on him.

Sorry for the delay...again... XD

Yesterday, there was a big typhoon and our electricity was cut. When it got back, our internet was gone until just earlier today so I haven't been able to write properly. Hehe.

Anyway, shocking development! Lucas the new King of Tamaran!?

...This wasn't planned but I just felt like doing it in the last minute XD We'll see how it goes lol.

Also, Bruce mentioned a Captain? Hmmmm, who could he be referring to? I'll say this now, some origin stories would be different in this novel to make it fit the story. Not everything is comic/movie accurate.

We also get to see Diana in the gold wing armor like in the upcoming movie XD Idk what kind of gimmick the movie will take on the armor, but I'll do some gimmicks on my version.

We will also get to see the Injustice League making a big move soon now that the JL is out of the planet. XD

Lots of mysteries!

See ya next chap!

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