Reborn as Otsutsuki?!


As soon Hunter open his eyes he sees 8 beings with horns coming into his vision range and stare at him which sends a shiver down it’s like those stares could kill him at any moment 

“So he’s finally born!” An old man says happily 

A man with 1 horn steps up “It seems like he is…” the man says as he stares down at him

“Hey! Watch how you stare at his highness son” the old man says

“Humph it doesn’t matter if he’s his son it only matters if he’s strong to prove it if not we can always sacrifice him for another god tree” the 1 horn man says

“Yes we only care about power it Dosent matter if he is his highness son” a women says as soon as she says that Hunter looks at her, and recognizes her long silver hair with a robe that cover her entire body

‘Huh..? That’s kaguya otsutkui but why is she small and  here I thought she betrayed this clan’ he thinks 

Hunter looks down at a dead dying world with no life and no ocean and the only thing he sees is a tree from the world reaching to outer space and an open chakra fruit.

‘Huh so this is how an otsutkui is born honestly I’m not surprised as otsutkui follows power not love’ he thinks

Then a portal opens 2 people  come out and gets on one knee and the other 8 members follows their lead 

‘Wow there’s no solid surface here and there doing that, it kinda looks cool’ he says in his mind.

A man comes out with no eyes but has multiple horns shape liked a crown he senses Hunter chakra and looks at him 

If the 8 members could him with a look then this man can kill him with a blow of his breath Hunter thinks as he could feel  that power even as the man is hiding it.

“Huh…?” He sounds surprised 

“Those…. Eyes….. why do you have them…?” The man says as he plunks them out of Hunter left eye

Hunter didn’t feel any pain instead his eyes comes back into his sockets 

“Huh….interesting “he”….. must’ve given.…..them to you for a reason….” The man says as soon he says that everyone gets on both knees Hunter notices the change in their attitude towards him the man with The one horn and the women with 2 little horns bow down and looks at him with respect now

The man opens a giant portal as the size of the moon as everyone follows he calls out to another member and says” Throw  another seed that direction I can feel special energy coming from there” as he says that the man with 2 horns throws out a seed with the size of a 10 meter asteroid towards that direction. Then he turns around  and leaves through the portal


In the vast space a small seed is heading towards an earth like planet.


The seed crashes in a forest like place and starts to take root 


If anyone has a better name than comment down Okay guys I think I will change the mc name to Baleshiki Otsutsuki 

Meaning destruction 

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