Reborn as Otsutsuki?!

900 year room

Baleshiki Enters the portal as soon as he enters he sees a vast white world and a palace in the middle of this world 

‘This must be a different dimension’ he thinks to himself

They get closer to the palace and sees 2 huge doors about 14 meters high 

They enter and sees that the interior is the same as the outside light lavender the same color as the byakugan

“Take him to the room” the man with no eyes says

A women with 1 big horn in the middle of her forehead signals bale to come over there with her finger.

“Hmm what’s going on”he says that’s the first time he talks as soon as he says that the other members flinch 

As an echo is heard when he says that the other members start to think about how his voice sounded calm like the ocean  but at the same time his eyes looked horrifying.

“Your going to be in that room for 900 years or less depending on your intelligence level..”he says

“Your body is not fully grown yet so your gonna need knowledge and for experience I’ll  bring someone to you” an old man says

He enters the room and the other members leave until it’s just the old man and the man with no eyes, the hall gets quiet.


Some one signs 

“I didn’t  expect to see those eyes on a newborn..”the man with no eye says

“King although he’s a newborn we need to help him grow as it will help us.”the old man says to the man with the crown horns

“Yes Xeno he will give us an advantage over the other 2 clans” king says

“So far we have plenty of pills in stock but they won’t last forever so we need to grow more god trees”

“Xeno when baleshiki comes out I want him to go to the world with demons apparently they have 2 beings there that can match up to low levels otsutkui” king says 

Xeno “Why should we send him there?”

“Do not question my decision!” He yells 

“Yes king” he says while looking at him

“Also let kaguya tag along with him although she’s a low level she has strength of a middle level  branch member  it’s to bad I want to make her a middle level but she’s showing signs of betrayal”

Xeno “what! that’s impossible I guarantee she’s not thinking of that are your doubting me king?” He says 

“No I understand your loyalty I just want her to see the power of those eyes when bale goes to that world because we both know what those eyes are capable of but not everyone knows” king says with a serious expression 


Inside the room

‘Wow that’s  really interesting that there’s low level otsutkui that have power to rule worlds mid level otsutkui that have the power to cut worlds in half and then the nobles have power to the completely destroy the world and they are separated between the main family and the branch family’ he thinks to himself

‘Mommoshiki and urashiki were a mid level otsutkui and we’re part of the branch family’ he says In his mind

They brought me to this room and told me to know about the history of otsutkui and the threats.

Now let’s see the information about the otsutkui while I did finish the boruto series in my past life they never mention the details about this clan.


Meanwhile 3 figures and a space ship fly through space and come across a world that is dead with a tree sticking out of it

“DAM those otsutkui insects they made an another one and it looks like it’s a troublesome one at that!” a man with white wings on his back says 

“Hmm yes it looks like it’s gonna get more complicated” someone in the ship says to the man with wings

The other 2 figures floating in space have halos on their head and are wearing robes that are shining “What should we do now? “

“Isn’t it obvious? we need to at least decrease their numbers  whoever came out of this is gonning to join the war and be a pain ” the women says 

“Yes while it may take hundreds of years they are immortal so they don’t age” someone in the ship says

“Nothing we can do about it now tch” the man with wings says

“Just use you your secret weapon to destroy this tree”

“No can do, the other times we could do it because we saw their markings and knew they were low level but i don’t about this one…” he says with an embarrassed look

They feel a headache coming

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