Reborn in bleach as a hollow with a system

12 – Home Invasion

Hisashi was taking some time of in the evening and spending it watching his family at home enjoying their time together. It was the closest thing to spending family time together that he could create so he would do this quite regularly.

They had just wrapped up dinner, his father was watching something boring on the TV. Meanwhile his mom was cleaning up the kitchen and washing the dishes. Finally his sister had gone upstairs to study up in her room he noticed she was messing with his old computer while referencing some books. She would look out of the window every so often and he was getting somewhat worried that she might have noticed him not yet aware that her spiritual perception had strengthened quite a bit along with her spirit power. She wasn't quite at Ichigo before before meeting Rukia levels, but was slowly getting closer to it unwittingly. Due to this he was starting to become rather clear having gone from just a barely noticeable blur to more like a ghostly version of himself. Wait he is a Hollow, he is a ghost version of himself.

Suddenly an annoying alarm sounded for the second time and he was not happy considering what happened the first time he heard it.

[Emergency Mission: Protect your family home]

[Reward: Illusory Aura]

'Fuck! I doubt it's wanting me to protect the actual building from a termite infestation.' he thought to himself an immediately stretched his spiritual perception as far as he could currently.

It didn't take long for him to notice two traces of hollows heading his direction. Though they were all weaker than him, he wasn't excited about dealing with two at the same time.

'Why are they heading this way? I'm concealing my spirit power!' he questions.

[Answer: Your sister's spirit power has grown to a level where it is noticeable to hollow.]

'Wait when did that happen? If that's the case why haven't I noticed?'

[Answer: You can, but hollow are instinctually attracted to any higher spirit power souls. This has been suppressed in you to reduce the innate instinct to devour anything capable of providing spirit power. In return you have to consciously focus your spiritual perception to pay attention to such things. This is closer to how it would be experienced by Shinigami or Arrancar rather than regular Hollow which run mostly on instinct.]

Normally he would find a vantage point and wait for the best moment to launch a sneak attack, but he couldn't stray far from the house since both hollow were coming from different directions and if he left to engage one the other would definitely make it to the house before he made it back. His only advantage was that they didn't have a clue he was there yet.

He immediately hid in the blind spot behind the house where neither would be able to see him at first glance upon approach. Meanwhile he made sure to make himself as small as possible. He needed to take out one of them using a sneak attack before they even knew he was there so I could hold off the other immediately after.

Inside Reina noticed Hisashi's unusual sudden movement, usually he would move cautiously and slow to both prevent any damage and avoid being noticed, but he had no time for that now. She ran up to the window and watched him disappear around the house. She ran to follow him through the house watching him through the windows with curiosity when suddenly she heard a loud hollow roar except it wasn't coming from Hisashi's direction, rather it was on the opposite end. She quickly ran back to the other side of the house again watching out of the window and moments later she saw another monstrosity running towards them. It looked like a 10 foot gorilla running towards them on all fours with disproportionately oversized fists and a white mask. Moments later a slightly different roar resounded  off to the right and slightly further away than the first another was running towards them. She fell back from the window, but couldn't take her eyes off what seemed to be impending death.

Hisashi could sense the two hollow getting closer at relatively high speed, though after his growth it seemed a snails pace in comparison. They were quite reckless and were rushing at the house. They hadn't noticed him yet and both seemed to want to get there first, probably worried the other would beat them to the meal. He crouched down while tracking them closely.

'300 feet...'

'250 feet...'


'50 feet...'

He immediately jump straight up causing a local tremor and tilted himself forward in midair while controlling the spirit particles to create a vertical surface at his feet then immediately jumped forward in mid air using the surface with full force launching him straight at the first hollow. It was hard to achieve this as he was purely doing this through his spirit particle control that he had never been trained on. Thankfully his high dexterity helped him a lot since he only needed to sustain the surface for a moment. He ripped through the air at almost half the speed of sound, the fastest he has ever moved. Before the hollow even registered his presence he had already flown passed it, but overshot it due to not holding back in power at all when kicking off the spirit particle platform. To catch himself he immediately stuck his other blade into the ground digging a deep trench as he used it to slow him down and swing back around.

[+900 XP]

[XP: 3083/4960]

Reina noticed a blur pass the window and in turn the monster before it slowed down revealing the familiar monster. She heard a scream from downstairs and quickly ran there not sure what she was wanting to do. When she go there her parents were confused. First there seemed to be a light earthquake that came without any warning on the TV or radio and now there was an extremely loud grinding sound. When they looked outside they could see the road out front seemed to be dug up, but they couldn't find a reason. Meanwhile Reina could see one unfamiliar monster slowly dissipating into black particles while the familiar one was running straight back at them.

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