Reborn in bleach as a hollow with a system

13 – Home Defence

Hisashi made it back to the building and turned around just in time as the other hollow got there slamming into him. Unfortunately, unlike his speed his strength wasn't that high yet and he was pushed back a few feet almost crashing into the house. He dug into the pavement using all claws on his four feet and managed to halt the momentum. The hollow managed to separate itself from him and jump back a few feet. This one looked more humanlike with no fur and a bipedal form though it had some kind of whip like appendages instead of arms. It was a decent bit slimmer than the other had been.

As soon as it freed itself from his grip it started whipping with its arms. He managed to block most of its strikes with his blades though surprisingly he didn't manage to cut them right away and even was receiving some blows that he couldn't dodge because dodging would mean the house would get him instead. The reason its arms weren't being cut seemed to be a combination of it's arms being hardened and it redirecting them just before hitting his blades to change the contact from a direct to a glancing blow. Thankfully though being hit by its tricky whip movements the damage wasn't too great, it seemed to be geared more towards dexterity rather than strength like the first had been allowing him to tank the blows with just just scratches though he did make sure to completely block any of the attacks heading towards his mask.

Reina inside was watching without blinking, it was clear now that the familiar monster was protecting them and the first time wasn't some kind of coincidence. As she saw it get whipped continuously due to the angle and high speed of the movements she didn't know he was actually successfully blocking the vast majority of the hits and that those that did hit were having limited effect on Hisashi, which made her worry for him and firmed her feelings that whatever he may be, he really wasn't something bad at least for them.

Their parents were still extremely confused as now they kept hearing explosive sounds and slowly more of their front yard was turning into a destroyed wasteland as the ground was torn up and trees and bushes were cut to pieces or practically exploded all this for no apparent reason.

Reina started running towards the front door worried that the familiar monster wouldn't be able to survive if it kept protecting them like this.

"Reina what are you doing?" her father yelled after her and grabbed her by the wrist. "It's dangerous." he continued.

"I don't care!" she shouted over the noise as pulled her arm free running out the door. Despite being scared of what was going on both their parents chased her worried for her safety more than they were scared for their own lives.

Them running outside managed to distract the attacking hollow and freed Hisashi from having to defend the house at all costs. Though a massive risk to his family it was also an opportunity for him. While the whip hollow was distracted its attacks slowed down noticeably and lost a decent bit of their accuracy. Before it had a chance to refocus on him he made a quick step into striking range and with a quick and powerful twist transferring from his feet all the way through his body and into his arms he managed to slash the arms off the whip hollow. They fell to the ground with a thud. It realised it was going to die at this rate and self preservation started outweighing its immense hunger causing it to turn to escape. Before it even got a chance to take another step though Hisashi followed up with a high speed thrust piercing the back of its head instantly destroying its mask and ruthlessly ending its last struggle for survival.

[+800 XP]

[XP: 3883/4960]

[+14 Spirit Power]

[Spirit Power: 1391 -> 1405]

Reina saw it taking down the last enemy and this time before it managed to dissipate it bit off the rest of its head swelling it whole in one go. This time she wasn't afraid anymore and just felt relieved. She felt that the danger had only come from the other two and that they were safe again even with the other one still there.

'There is no way this wasn't picked up by Soul Society. Two relatively strong hollows releasing large amounts of their spirit pressure as they put up a huge fight and tons of collateral damage. Even with mine remaining concealed they will get here any moment.' he quickly realised and turned away from his family running off. He didn't even have a chance to notice Reina had run after him.

A minute or two later a Shinigami suddenly appeared on the top of the house out of thin air and started to survey the scene. He had crimson hair pulled back into a high ponytail with a distinct widows peak and eyebrows. A distinctive cloth is wrapped around his forehead.

"Hmm, there were two hollow signals here releasing high amounts of spirit power. There was obviously some kind of fight here. Where are they though?" he wondered to himself out loud, though no one was able to hear him.

"Did they kill each other?" he continued. Although unlikely he couldn't think of any other reason when combining the fact there was obviously and fight and both being missing without him even finding a trace of them nearby. It had only been a few minutes since the signals were noticed and  he made his way here immediately. At the power levels recorded there was no way for them to run away fast enough for him to no longer even sense them in the area. Unless one survived and had some kind of very unusual unique skill involving space, time or high speed travel none of which were common on regular hollow.

A hell butterfly landed on his finger and he makes a report of the situation before releasing it.

Then he turned his gaze to the two parents still standing there in a daze confused and unsure about what had just happened.

"Well time for the cleanup I guess." he finished slightly annoyed that he was unable to fight the hollow. If Hisashi had been here he would definitely have recognised him as Renji Abarai who was currently still a member of the 11th division.

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