Reborn in bleach as a hollow with a system

47 – Massacre

[New Mission: Become Vasto Lorde]

[Reward: Upgrade Skill - Super-Speed Regeneration]

'Oh sweet, I already heal incredibly fast from the majority of wounds. I wonder how an upgrade would change it.' he thought looking at the new reward he was promised.

Hisashi was travelling through the Forest of Menos when he sensed a large group of Gillian. It took some tracking, but eventually he found a large grouping of around 60 Gillian. Before his evolution to Adjuchas he would definitely have avoided such a large group of Gillian due to the risks involved. However the combination of his new speed and other abilities should make him near invincible to these weak and dumb Gillian.

Excited to try out his new power he circled the pack while focused on his spiritual senses and went over the whole range multiple times to make sure there were no higher ranked Hollow around that could interfere with him.

Finally he stopped scanning the area and pumped a ridiculous amount of spirit power into [Hachigyō Sōgai] to create a massive concealment barrier surrounding the entire area containing the pack of Gillian. He wanted to make sure the power released by the Gillian and destruction during the fight wouldn't be noticed before he got a chance to finish it and devour everything. Though it put a significant dent in his spirit power just his physical abilities should be more than enough to deal with them now.

Once he entered the barrier he stopped using [Illusory Aura] and [Spirit Power Concealment] to free up some of the constant drains on spirit power and instead pumped the extra available amount into [Blut] and [Energy Blade] to further boost his base stats and coat all 4 of his blade arms in energy to increase their cutting capacity.

'Alright, time to put it all to the test.' he thought to himself. He was feeling rather fired up to see the results of his hard work.

Some of the closer Gillian started noticing him after he stopped concealing his visibility and they could feel the massive amounts of spirit pressure that was no longer being concealed and instead was reducing their abilities further through sheer pressure.

Hisashi kicked off from the ground with a blast disappearing from the spot as he flew towards one of the Gillian at supersonic speed. On his way he passed a Gillian that he bisected horizontally with a spinning slash while continuing on to his target Gillian that received a stab right through it's mask with another blade.

He kicked of from that Gillian's head with enough force to completely obliterate the already damaged mask and sending him backwards through the air towards the next target having already killed two before any of them even had a chance to register what happened.

In this way he had already bounced around between over 8 Gillian like some kind of pinball before they even reacted. He was about to hit the 9th one when some finally managed to react to him and 7 Cero were fired on track to hit him in mid-air. He immediately switched his [Blut Arterie] to [Blut Vene] redirecting the spirit power he was spending on increasing his offence to defence instead tanking the Cero that were about to hit him.

Despite [Blut Vene] protecting him the Cero still managed to take off a few layers of skin, but they grew back almost instantly with his improved [Super-Speed Regeneration] returning him to his optimal state. Just before he got to the 9th through the rain of Cero he switched back to [Blut Arterie] and slashed through it before kicking off and flipping onto the one next to it for another quick strike with two of his blades slashing it.

Another group of Cero were fired his way and he sent the remaining [Energy Blade] energy on his blades in a cross slash to counter them before re-coating his blades with new energy. He launched himself at another two Gillian managing to behead them as he passed by and landed on one of the tree trunks turning around and jumping towards the next Gillian.

A second after he launched himself from the tree trunk multiple Cero landed where he had been moments ago absolutely obliterating it. They were simply unable to keep up with his speed. He had already landed on another Gillian the force of his landing destroying its mask and sending it hurtling into another with him still on top of it. He ran up the Gillian towards the new one using two of his arms to bisect it and launching himself towards another target before it even landed from its fall.

He landed on the ground with 4 Gillian surrounding him charging their Cero to ambush him. However he suddenly spun generating a small storm of blade energy sending energy blades from each of his arms slashing all four of them at the same time before they had a chance to unleash their attacks on him.

It couldn't even be called a battle anymore as he tore through the pack of Gillian almost effortlessly as he dodged and blocked their attacks while dispatching then one after the other as if slaughtering livestock. He slowly whittled them down until there was only him left standing on top of a mountain of Gillian corpses.

'This is going to be a chore.' he thought to himself as he started devouring the mountain of Gillian he had killed. It took a while to consume them all, thankfully the barrier he put up at the start managed to conceal everything so he didn't need to run and could take his time devouring them all without wasting any of it.

'System, please condense the records from the last battle for me to review.' he asked the system not wanting to go through each individual notification he received in the heat of combat.

[+2,716,570 XP from Hollow]

[+63,800 Spirit Power from Hollow]

[+25 Levels]

[+25 Stat points]

'Damn... ok. Show me my status panel.' he told the system surprised by just how much he got from massacring so many Gillian at once.

=Status Panel=

[Name: Saito Hisashi]

[Soul Age: 58]

[Race: Hollow]

[Rank: Adjuchas]

[Level: 128 -> 153]

[XP: 48,230/128,470]


[Strength: 126]

[Dexterity: 213]

[Constitution: 60]

[Intelligence: 60]

[Spirit Power: 537,682 -> 601,482]

[Available Stat Points: 0 -> 25]

=Passive Skills:=

[Spiritual Energy Absorption]

[Super-Speed Regeneration]

[Acidic Touch]


=Active Skills:=

[Soul-Body Separation]

[Spirit Power Concealment]

[Illusory Aura]


[Energy Blade]


[Hachigyō Sōgai]




'Ok. System, put four status points in strength, seven in dexterity and dump the rest into intelligence.' he thought.

[Answer: Affirmative]

[Strength: 126 -> 130]

[Dexterity: 213 -> 220]

[Intelligence: 60 -> 74]

[Available Stat Points: 25 -> 0]

The changes in his strength and dexterity weren't as noticeable, however with the jump in intelligence he immediately noticed just how much clearer he was able to sense the surroundings with his spiritual senses. Not only was he able to sense further, but he was also able to process the information received with greater detail than before.

the chapter if you enjoyed and if you are looking for more check out my Patreon.

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