Reborn in bleach as a hollow with a system

48 – Pride

- Meanwhile back with Harribel and her subordinates -

Harribel looked at her three subordinates.

"So what happened before I got here?" she asked them.

"Well we were tracking him for the past few weeks, but we were completely unable to catch sight of him only finding the remains of his battles after he was already gone every time." Sung-Sun told her. Apacci and Mila Rose nodded in agreement.

"Then we finally caught a lucky break as we felt a large and chaotic fluctuation of spirit pressure in the area we were tracking him in. We rushed there only to find he was actually in the middle of evolving from Gillian to Adjuchas rather than already being an Adjuchas." Sung-Sun continued.

Harribel looked curious after she mentioned they couldn't sense him until he was evolving.

"How come you weren't able to find him before?" Harribel asked.

"I guess he has some way to conceal his spirit power and lost control of it during the evolution, because before that we weren't able to sense him and after we weren't able to either until he intentionally revealed it." Sung-Sun explained.

"Are you certain it wasn't just subdued?" Harribel asked curiously.

"I couldn't sense it either." Mila Rose admitted while Apacci nodded in agreement.

"So what happened after that?" Harribel wanted them to continue. Hisashi had been unusual increasing her curiosity.

"Well since he seemed powerful enough that we believed we were tracking an Adjuchas when he was only a Gillian we were extra cautious due to his evolution and surrounded him to make sure he couldn't escape. Then I tried engaging in conversation just to be sure despite him just coming out of his evolution." Sung-Sun continued walking through the events.

"That's good." Harribel nodded, happy that her subordinates were erring on the side of maintaining a positive relationship even if that was risky in such situations. Sung-Sun gave a warm smile unlike her usual sarcastic and haughty ones, happy to be praised by her idol.

"He seemed confused at first, but quickly reverted to...well you saw how he was. He seemed pretty open to conversation, but his demeanour irritated Apacci and the idiot provoked him." she said. Apacci glared at her, but didn't dare interrupt.

"Then how did you all end up here?" Harribel asked her very confused now. Hollow were unstable enough without intentionally provoking them.

"It got scary for a bit... That's when he revealed his spirit pressure and killing intent threatening us indirectly." Sung-Sun answered causing Harribel to raise an eyebrow.

"Indirectly?" she asked. He was definitely unusual. Threats were nothing special among Hollow, but usually they were made overtly rather than not due to the direct and emotional nature of Hollow.

"Yeah, he just asked if we felt the same as Apacci while pressuring us. I managed to calm things down after that and convince him to come here." Sung-Sun explained.

"Good job." Harribel praised Sung-Sun. Apacci kept glaring at Sung-Sun, but also looked a bit embarrassed as she didn't like looking bad in front of Harribel.

"So what are your thoughts one him?" Harribel asked the three of them.

"Annoying, I want to beat him up." Apacci answered without even the slightest hesitation. She had not forgiven him for what she considered his unforgivable rudeness towards them and most of all Harribel.

"He seemed nice enough. He was interesting at least fufufu." Sung-Sun said with a chuckle using her tail to cover her mouth. She was quite intrigued by the unusual Hollow and eager to find out more.

"I don't know. It was fine. He was quite easygoing." Mila Rose said with probably the least emotion regarding the strange Hollow.

"I want to find out more about him. I might have been able to if Apacci wasn't such an idiot." Sung-Sun said.

"Who are you calling an idiot?!" Apacci said enraged and losing control. Sung-Sun just rolled her eyes sarcastically before turning away to look back at Harribel.

"He was definitely unusual. We should keep an eye on him if we can. It might be hard though if he is indeed good at concealing himself." Harribel said thoughtfully. The three others simply nodded in agreement.

"He might make a good ally though. He seemed much calmer than most Hollow so it might be a rare chance to find an Hollow that is willing to help us." She said. It was hard to find allies interested in protecting others in Hueco Mundo as almost all Hollow instinctively wanted to oppress and even devour others. The only way to control those was through sheer force and even then they would look for ways to stab you in the back at the first opportunity.

Apacci seemed annoyed at just the notion of being allies with him, but she kept quiet as she would never argue with Harribel.

"What about that warning about the shark Hollow? asked Sung-Sun with curiosity.

"Hmmph, if it's true we now know about it and can just be prepared for it. We will do some training and keep a lookout for him so we can't be ambushed. That way we will be able to take care of it." Harribel responded. Though the warning made her a little cautious she knew she was one of the most powerful Hollow in Heaco Mundo. Unless Barragan himself showed up she really didn't need to be concerned.

"Of course! He won't stand a chance!" Apacci said in excitement ready to have someone to release some of her frustrations on.

"We will stop him for you!" Mila rose said with pride.

Meanwhile Sung-Sun looked a little uncomfortable. She wanted to have absolute faith in Harribel like the other two, unfortunately despite her usual haughtiness by nature she was far more scheming than the two muscle-heads and the lack of information regarding the situation made her uncomfortable as she was unable to plan for it. She wasn't even sure if Hisashi was telling the truth or not an all the uncertainty just made it all worse for her. In the end the only thing she could do is believe in the others and hope for the best.

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