Reborn in Danmachi as a Dragon-Kin (Rewrite)

Chapter 65

‘Hmm, should be around here,’ Draco thought as the Bahamut familia continued their run through the dungeon. 

They had been scouring the second and third floors, hunting every monster they could track down, but so far, their haul consisted primarily of goblins and dungeon lizards.

Goblins, those plump, green humanoid creatures with large eyes and short legs, were the weakest monsters they had encountered. 

While lacking in intelligence, these creatures still posed a threat in numbers, relying on their sheer numbers to overwhelm their prey.

The dungeon lizards, on the other hand, were a more challenging adversary. 

These quadrupedal reptiles had sucker-like discs on their feet, allowing them to cling to walls and ambush their victims from above. 

Their brown, camouflaged skin provided an additional advantage, making them difficult to spot amidst the rocky surfaces. 

However, with proper caution and vigilance, they were not overly challenging to deal with.

Draco's senses had detected the presence of kobolds nearby, a larger and more intelligent breed of monster compared to the goblins. 

This was an intriguing prospect, as the Bahamut familia had yet to face off against these more challenging foes.

So far, the expedition had been relatively smooth sailing for the familia. 

They had been able to hunt goblins and dungeon lizards, gaining valuable experience, excelia and a rudimentary understanding of their skills through practical application. 

However, the first three floors had not proven to be much of a challenge, with a slow monster spawn rate and the presence of other newbie adventurers further reducing their potential hunting grounds.

Fortunately, Draco's ability to scan the area and pinpoint the location of spawned monsters within a certain range had allowed the familia to streamline their hunting process, increasing their efficiency.

"Did someone take the kobolds out?" Dimitra asked, her brow furrowing in concern.

"Give me a sec," Draco replied, scanning the area once more.

This time, his senses detected the presence of multiple adventurer groups, not too far from their current location.

'It's more than one group of adventurers,' Draco mused. 

'We should probably leave this area and head for the fourth floor, or perhaps even return to the surface. I do have a meeting about the house to attend this evening.' he pondered.

"Michalis, how many magic stones do we currently have?" Draco inquired, weighing his options.

"Hmm, we got around 12 from the last group of monsters we killed, adding that to the 246 from earlier. We have around 258," Michalis replied.

Draco nodded, his mind rapidly calculating the potential earnings. 

'Goblin, dungeon lizard, and kobold magic stones typically go for around 400 to 600 Valis per stone,' he thought. 

'The average level 1 adventurer party of five, makes around 25-40k Valis per day, which is equivalent to 60-100 goblin, lizard, or kobold magic stones.' he calculated.

'That means we have earned between 103,200 and 154,800 Valis so far,' Draco concluded. 

'This is a substantial amount for ordinary adventurers, but we are far from ordinary. There are eight of us, blessed with incredible skills. We cannot afford to waste this gift; we must push further, earn more, and grow stronger at a faster pace.' Draco made up his mind. 

"With that much daily income, Rose should allow us to go deeper into the dungeon," he muttered.

"So, what do we do now, Draco nii?" Eleni asked.

"We should head to the 4th floor," Draco declared. 

"Our goal is to have at least 350 magic stones in hand." he announced.

“Oh I forgot to ask, is there anyone exhausted or injured anywhere?” he added.

‘I completely forgot that we haven’t had lunch yet, good thing we ate a lot for breakfast’ Draco thought.

“No we can still go in for a while longer” Vasiliki replied, the others nodded in agreement.

The Bahamut Familia, buoyed by their previous success, set off with their goal outlined. 

As they navigated the winding corridors, Draco kept a watchful eye on their surroundings, scanning for any signs of new threats or opportunities.

The transition to the fourth floor was relatively smooth, and the familia quickly adapted to the new environment. 

The fourth floor was notably different from the previous three levels of the dungeon. 

It was significantly wider and more spacious, providing a greater sense of openness. 

This change in environment was a welcome sight for the Bahamut familia, as it allowed them to maneuver more freely during their encounters.

One of the most noticeable differences was the increased presence of kobolds on this floor. 

These dog-headed monsters were a bit stronger and more intelligent than the goblins and dungeon lizards they had faced earlier. 

Draco was pleased with this development, as the kobolds presented a more substantial challenge, testing the skills and abilities of the group.

The kobolds' larger aggro range and their tendency to operate in groups made them a challenging foe. 

Their ability to track by scent also diminished the effectiveness of ambush tactics, forcing the Bahamut familia to adapt their strategies. 

However, with the help of their overpowered skills, training and teamwork, the fourth floor still proved to be a relatively easy task for them.

The group's efficient rotation between fighters and supporters allowed them to conserve their strength and endure for longer periods. 

This teamwork and coordination paid off as they continued to methodically clear the floor, gathering a substantial number of magic stones along the way.

After just over three hours of diligent hunting, Draco determined that they had accumulated enough rewards for the day. 

He could see the signs of fatigue beginning to show in his companions' actions, and he decided it was prudent not to push them any further on this first dive.

‘No need to exhaust ourselves more than necessary on the first day,’ Draco thought. 

‘We should also remember to bring some food with us next time, to help maintain our stamina levels.’ he decided.

At the end of their hunt on the fourth floor, the Bahamut familia had gathered a total of 463 magic stones. 

Draco was pleased with this outcome, as it put them well past their initial goal of 350 magic stones.

‘By the end of the week, we should try aiming for 800 magic stones. Everyone should aim to collect around 100 each.’ Draco mused. 

With their haul secured, the group made their way back to the surface, heading straight for the guild to sell their magic stones. 

Draco knew that there was no point in holding onto the stones, as their value would diminish over time.

Upon reaching the guild, the Bahamut familia approached Rose's booth, where the guild advisor was currently stationed. 

Rose greeted them with a rather blatant remark. "I see that you have all returned in one piece and unhurt." she said.

Draco couldn't help but note the lack of emotion in her tone. 

‘Wow, it feels like she has zero emotional investment in us,’ he thought.

However, Draco had a feeling, that Rose's detachment was not entirely due to her nature. 

As it turned out, another group of adventurers she was responsible for had not returned for the third day in a row, suggesting they had likely met their demise. 

This tragic event had taken a toll on Rose mind, causing her to close herself off emotionally for the day.

Clair, was not pleased with Rose's indifferent attitude and decided to interject. 

"Yes, we returned safely and have quite the haul of magic stones," she said, her tone a bit sharper than usual.

Draco, sensing the potential for tension, opted to remain silent for now, deciding it was best to wait and see.

Clair then turned to Michalis and requested, "Michalis, bag." Michalis obediently handed the bag filled with the group's collected magic stones to Clair, who then proceeded to slam it down on the counter in front of Rose.

"Here, calculate our earnings," Clair said, her actions seemingly intended to provoke a reaction from the guild advisor.

Rose narrowed her eyes as she examined the bag, clearly surprised by the substantial amount of magic stones it contained. 

"How did you obtain this much?" she asked, her voice laced with suspicion.

"Through hard work," Clair replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

Draco could feel the air growing tense as Rose's emotions began to surface. 

"I am your guild advisor, so I will need a detailed account on how you acquired this," Rose demanded, her voice rising in volume.

Clair, unfazed by Rose's escalating tone, countered, "Then you should act as one and treat us with some respect." she said.

The two women stared each other down, the tension palpable. 

Draco's eyes darted around the scene, observing the growing unease among the other members of the familia. 

He could sense the underlying emotions at play, but he also recognized the importance of maintaining a professional demeanor.

Clearing his throat, Draco stepped forward, his voice calm and measured. 

"Rose-san, we understand your concern, and we are more than happy to provide a detailed account of our expedition. However, I believe it would be best if we discussed this in a more private setting, away from the bustling activity of the guild." he said, gesturing at the curious onlookers.

His suggestion was met with a brief moment of silence as both Rose and Clair considered his words. 

Rose's expression softened slightly, and Clair's posture relaxed, indicating a willingness to engage in a more constructive dialogue.

"Very well," Rose conceded, gesturing towards a secluded corner of the guild. 

"Let us move this conversation to a more appropriate location." she said.

As the Bahamut familia followed Rose to the designated area, Draco couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that the situation didn’t escalate any further.

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