Reborn in Danmachi as a Dragon-Kin (Rewrite)

Chapter 66

Upon entering the private room within the guild, Draco as the captain of his familia, provided a brief account of their recent accomplishments. 

He refrained from delving into the intricate details regarding the individual skills of each familia member, but offered a brief description, along with a concise overview of their roles and functions.

Draco was acutely aware that the guild was not entirely trustworthy, facing substantial corruption despite being run by a powerful god. 

Their guild advisor, Rose, was not inclined to disclose the information he had shared with her, but as a guild employee, she was obligated to document such details. 

Draco harboured a lingering concern that knowledge about his familia’s abilities might eventually be leaked beyond the confines of the guild.

"I see. I apologize for my earlier suspicions and unprofessional behavior," Rose expressed sincerely with a bow.

Seeking to smooth the relationship between his familia members and Rose, Draco glanced at Clair, hoping she would reciprocate the apology and bring the matter to a close.

Clair, picking up on Draco's unspoken intentions, relented. 

"I'm sorry for trying to provoke a reaction from you," she said, addressing Rose.

With this resolved, the meeting progressed smoothly, though there remained a palpable tension between them and Rose. 

Draco reasoned that this could be addressed and mended with time.

The discussion then turned to future plans and how they would proceed. 

Sadly, no words of approval came from Rose, granting them permission to delve deeper into the dungeon. 

‘Well, I somewhat expected this outcome, so we'll just have to continue with the original plan,’ Draco thought.

After the meeting, Rose calculated their earnings from the magic stones they had procured. 

200 goblin magic stones fetched a total of 90,000 Valis, selling at 450 Valis per stone. 

107 dungeon lizard magic stones earned them 55,100 Valis, with each stone selling at 515 Valis. 

Lastly, the 156 Kobold magic stones earned an impressive 96,720 Valis, with each stone selling at 620 Valis.

The value of these magic stones fluctuated based on market demand, and prices could easily change. 

In total, the Bahamut familia had amassed an impressive 241,820 Valis, a substantial sum of money for a newly established familia.

After informing them of the final amount, Rose took the magic stones and departed to bring the money to the familia. 

"Whoa, that's a lot of money right!" Michalis exclaimed upon hearing their total earnings. 

Glancing at Clair, he began contemplating how he might spend his share, while Eleni could already envision herself drowning in a room filled with sweets.

Rose soon returned with the money, and the Bahamut familia swiftly exited the guild, heading towards their goddess Bahamut's house. 


"Clair nee, you were awesome while dealing with that guild advisor," Vasiliki complimented, hugging Clair's waist from behind as they walked.

"Brrr, that's scary. Since when did you ever call me 'nee'?" Clair replied, attempting to pry Vasiliki's arms away.

"Well, someone had to do something about the situation," Clair added, her gaze piercing Draco from behind. 

However, Draco pretended not to notice and quickened his walking pace.

"Tsk, coward," Clair muttered under her breath.

"I believe Rose-san was simply having a bad day. She was not behaving that way in the morning," Vasileios interjected, attempting to provide a more nuanced perspective.

Dimitra countered firmly, "That still does not give her the right to take it out on us. We are the ones taking the risks in the dungeon, so what does she, who merely stands in her booth all day, have to be upset about?" she said.

Nodding in agreement, Nikolaos supported Dimitra's stance. 

"That is a valid point." he said.

Draco, hearing the direction of their conversation, decided to shed some light on an advisor's position. 

"Being an advisor is not as easy as you all may imagine. Think of it this way - you are responsible for providing guidance to new adventurers, who could range from adults to even children of various races like ourselves." he paused, allowing the weight of his words to settle.

"If the adventurers heed your advice, your counsel can significantly influence their actions in the dungeon. Now, imagine if those adventurers who trusted your guidance never returned from the dungeon one day." Draco's gaze swept across the group, ensuring he had their full attention.

Vasileios contemplated the scenario, his brow furrowing. 

"I would wonder if it was my advice, or the lack thereof, that contributed to their demise in some way." he said.

Eleni’s expression grew pensive as she considered the implications. 

"And if this has happened more than once, I would either start questioning my own abilities as an advisor or blame the adventurers for their failures." she said.

Draco nodded, acknowledging their answers. 

"You see, it is a mentally demanding job, fraught with the weight of responsibility and the doubt that can linger after tragic losses." he said.

Vasiliki’s eyes narrowed, a hint of suspicion evident in her voice. 

"True, we can understand her perspective a bit better now. But why are you defending her, Draco-nii? Is there something going on between you two?" she asked.

Michalis elbowed Draco, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. 

"Hehehe, Draco-nii, care to answer?" he asked.


Draco swiftly struck Michalis on the head, his annoyance evident. 

"That is annoying." he muttered.

Michalis rubbed his head, wincing in pain. 

"Ouch! You didn't have to hit me. Why do I feel like you've been so mean to me lately?" he questioned.

"Because you've been doing a lot of stupid things recently," Draco replied bluntly.

Clearing his throat, Draco continued, "Anyway, I'm not particularly defending her. As I've said before, things are not always as they seem. It's best to keep an open mind, avoid jumping to conclusions, and pay attention to the subtle details around you." he answered.

Michalis narrowed his eyes, sensing Draco's evasiveness. 

"Why do I feel like you've turned this into some sort of life lesson to avoid the original question? Say have you met her before by any chance?" he asked.

Draco inwardly cursed, realizing he had been caught. 

'Damn, I can't say that I know about Rose from watching the series in my past life. Why is Michalis oddly perceptive today' he wondered.

Quickly composing himself, he countered, "Well, you just don't think that deeply."

The rest of the group - Clair, Eleni, Nikolaos, Dimitra, Vasileios, and Vasiliki - nodded in agreement with Draco's assessment of Michalis.

"Tsk, ganging up on me," Michalis muttered under his breath, feeling outnumbered.

Eleni's stomach suddenly rumbled, interrupting the tense exchange. 

"By the way, what are we going to eat? I'm incredibly hungry." she asked.

As if on cue, the wind carried the delectable smell of various treats from the nearby food stalls ahead of them, triggering a synchronized chorus of growling stomachs.

Draco quickly interjected before Eleni could make a suggestion. 

"We will have dinner at our inn." he said.

"But we earned a decent amount of money today! Shouldn't we reward ourselves?" Eleni immediately protested.

Draco raised a hand to silence her. 

“Do you all want to manage your finances from today onwards. It’s not easy” Draco began. 

“Thirty percent of our earnings, which amounts to around 72,500 Valis, will go towards the familia's operation funds. The remaining 170,000 Valis will then be split evenly among the eight of us." he said.

"Additionally, you all will then have to be responsible for covering the costs of your personal belongings, meals, equipment maintenance, and accommodations," Draco stated firmly. 

"However, there may be room for negotiation if you are all willing to allocate an extra percentage of your earnings towards these expenses." he added.

The group fell silent, collectively processing the implications of Draco's sudden proposal.

Vasiliki was the first to voice her concerns. 

"Isn't that a bit too much to ask of us?" she murmured, her brow furrowed in contemplation.

Eleni, quickly tried to make her presence less pronounced. She felt as though, the others might lash at her, because she was the one who led to this topic.

‘I probably shouldn't mention anything money-related to Draco nii for a while,’ she thought to herself, recognizing the delicate nature of the situation.

"So, that means each of us will receive approximately 21,250 Valis from today's earnings if we accept this? And are you really going to go through with it?" Dimitra asked.

Draco nodded, his expression serious. "Yes, I will . So it's important that you all begin to establish a good financial plan and adhere to it, so that we can continue to grow and support our familia's ambitions." he replied.

‘That should keep them quiet for a while’ Draco thought.

He didn’t plan to give them all their earnings from the start. The plan was to give them a small portion of their earnings as pocket money. 

The rest was going to be recorded and saved for them till they were financially responsible enough.

As planned the rest of the group remained silent, their expressions a mix of apprehension and resignation, as they trudged towards the Bahamut’s House.


Upon arriving, Draco used his key to unlock the door, and they were greeted by the warm welcome of Bahamut, who had been patiently awaiting their return.

"Welcome back home," Bahamut said, setting aside the book she had been engrossed in, her voice laced with genuine joy and relief.

"We're back," they all replied in unison, their spirits lifted by the familiar surroundings and the goddess's kind reception.

Bahamut's gaze swept over the group, taking in their weary but satisfied expressions. 

"So, how was your day in the dungeon?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Michalis, let out a dramatic groan as he peeled off his armour and dungeon bag, before collapsing onto the couch. 

"Ugh, I feel like I'm dying," he lamented, his voice dripping with exhaustion.

Vasiliki, immediately took action, swiftly delivering a firm kick to Michalis's leg.

Michalis winced in pain, confusion written across his face. 

"Ouch! Why did you hit me?" he protested, rubbing the sore spot on his leg.

Vasiliki's response was swift and unyielding. 

"How can you just lay on the couch with your sweat-covered body!" she chastised, her eyes narrowed in disapproval.

Draco, Nikolaos, and Vasileios, who had been about to follow Michalis's lead, quickly reconsidered their actions, recognizing the gravity of Vasiliki's admonishment.

"Oh, shit," Michalis cursed, immediately springing up from the couch, his face flushed with embarrassment upon seeing the stain.

"My apologies, Bahamut-sama," he said, addressing the goddess with a respectful bow.

Bahamut's expression remained calm and understanding. 

"It's quite alright," she assured him, her voice soothing. 

"We will be living together soon, after all." she added.

Dimitra, sensing the need to move the conversation in a more positive direction, began recounting their experiences in the dungeon, her eyes shining with excitement. 

The others chimed in, adding their own perspectives and insights as they cleaned their armour and weapons, seated on the floor.

As Dimitra's account drew to a close, Bahamut nodded thoughtfully. 

"Sound like you all had a stressful day. I'm just glad to see that you all returned home safely," she said, her gaze sweeping over the group.

The word "home" resonated deeply with Draco and his family, stirring memories of the emotional scars they still endured from the loss of their previous home.

Dimitra's smile widened. "Yes, we're so grateful to be home," she replied, her sentiment echoed by the collective expressions of contentment on everyone’s faces.

After a brief period of casual conversation, Draco decided to broach the topic of the house next door, turning to Bahamut. 

"When will the owner of the house next door be here?" he inquired, recalling Bahamut's earlier promise to arrange a meeting by the evening.

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