RE:Born – Necro

Ch 27 – A busy night (16+)

"Those girls... They are becoming very close aren't they?" Bid asked as soon as they went in.


"Yeah... At first I thought they were just playing around, but they genuinely look like a couple don't they?" Hal voiced his thoughts, it was pretty clear their relationship was evolving at a quick pace.


"Wha- What are you guys even saying! That's a sin! An abomination in God's eyes!"


"Oh, come on Mary! We see how you look at them. Stop being that envious." Hal was very incisive on his reply to Mary's hypocritical position.


"I... I'm not! It's not that I envy them or anything like that it's just that in God's teachings you should only have relations and a relationship with those from the other sex and strictly for the purpose of creating a family else it's also a sin and... and.."


"Oh for fucks sake! I'm patient but this is tiring." Bid snapped. "You wanna say something about it, say it to them, go on, get in that tent and tell them exactly what you told us and see where that leads. For fucks sake!"


"I-I'm not getting in there! They might be doing the same as yesterday and I'm not sure how to behave!"


"Yesterday~!?" Hal asked, surprised.

"What happened yesterday!?": Bid followed up... Despite having a good idea of what had happened from Mary's behavior.


'Oh snap! I spilled the beans... What do I do? What do I do?! This may lead to them finding out what I did. Oh my God! Is this a punishment for my sins yesterday?'

Mary's brain started running in circles as she drowned herself in stupid thoughts until springing onto her foot and darting away.


"I'm gonna sleep! I feel drunk! See you tomorrow!"


"That's a lie..." Hal said, with an annoyed expression...


"Yep... It's clearly a lie. I wonder what exactly she was talking about..." Bid answered.


"Well... You already have an idea don't you?"


"Of course... That's the only thing that could soften that pig-head..."


"It's been a while since we had our share hasn't it?" Hal asked, a little dejected to say the least.


"Yeah... Ever since Ace joined us..."


"Wanna hit that place whenever we arrive in town?"


"Sure thing. We'll have more money than last time... Wanna go for one of the new hires?"


"That's the best there is isn't it?"


"Indeed, my friend. Indeed."


The pair of friends enjoyed the remaining wine, while talking about women like they hadn't in a long long time. Enough for small discussions to spring about preferences and such...

Well... At least the girls were far enough and couldn't hear them.



"What do I do?!"

The once brave paladin now rolled anxiously in her tent.

"Maybe they'll forget about it, right? Yeah, they are drunk! They won't remember a thing tomorrow."


She finally managed to calm herself down after a small soliloquy. 


'Should I do as he said? Should I go there and talk to them? Maybe...' She became flustered.

'No, no, no! What if they are naked?! What if they are doing lascivious things!? What do I do... I'll just stay here! Yeah! I'll just stay here and pretend I heard nothing!'


And amidst her restlessness... She somehow ended up sleeping. Such a person...




"Are you okay?" Ace asked Necro, who was literally spread on the floor like a lizard under the sunlight.


"No... I'm so fucking tired! My legs feel like they're gonna fall right off!"


"Oh, wow... I'm also tired, but not that much." Ace started taking off her clothes. She removed her dress and stood in front of Necro in underwear. "You should also take that off... It's full of dust and dirt."


"Ah! Sorry... I'm so tired I forgot..." Saying so, Necro sat on the sleeping mat, and pulled her dress over her head. In contrast with Ace's plain underwear, hers was black and frilly. Full of beautiful details.


Ace was entranced by the image in front of her. While one could claim she had seen her last night… That'd be a lie. She was fast asleep before Necro finished undressing.
But now, there she was, her gorgeous, unblemished, white skin glowing from the faint moon red light from the fire that passed throught the tent's curtains. Her small yet beautiful body laid almost naked in front of her, and a sensual atmosphere enveloping the otherwise chaste image of the red-eyed beauty, who stared at her with eyes full of passion and anticipation. Her eyes, they were so beautiful. The red color, enhanced by the orange glint from the fire, made it look like a magic circle was being cast inside them.


"What?" Necro promptly reacted to Ace's unthought murmur.


"Ah, nothing... It's just that it's beautiful?"


"What is? Me, or this?" Necro asked sensually, pulling down the side of her underwear.


"Holy fucking God... Both!" Ace jumped onto Necro, making her fall on top of the now laying girl. Both laughing hysterically. 


"You know... At times like this, you make me forget about everything out here, you know?" Necro had a broad smile on her face, one she hadn't had for a handful of days. 


"You too... I completely forget everything else."


While sitting on her thighs, Ace leans down in a passionate kiss. Necro could feel Ace's legs twitching and their tongues squiggle around, making almost like a barrier around them, isolating the two in their own world, unregarded by everything but time.


"I want you so bad... But I'm so tired..."


"Me too... I can barely remain kneeling like this. Kya-!"


Necro pulled her down with a hug, making Ace fall on top of her, her legs slipping on the mat and now pointing upwards.


"If you are that tired, stop kneeling and forcing yourself. Your legs were almost giving up while we kissed weren't they?"


"How...? Oh, well... I can't hide anything from you, can I?"


"I hope you don't want to..."


Ace slowly slid from atop her, laying on her side, her leg and arm over Necro, as she caressed her neck.

"You know... I really don't wanna hide anything from you... Wanna hear my story?"


"Oh... That one from before? Are you sure you're okay telling me?"


"Yeah... I hope you won't hide anything from me later..."


"I won't... I promise."


"Okay... I'll trust you then. See, when I was younger..."

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