RE:Born – Necro

Ch 28 – His sister!?

Ace went on and on about her childhood, her disgust over them using her since she was little and all the balls and events she had to attend... Necro couldn't relate though. Having been ill until the age of four, her parents seldom took her out of the house. She never attended any such event, in turn, one could say she was completely sheltered and hidden from curious eyes. Due to that, she wasn't able to feel any harm on their actions, regardless of their ulterior motives. That is, until Ace started talking about how she was sold. Something inside Necro started burning. She didn't know, but a small cinder was created, one that would lead to a catastrophycal inferno. And her rage continued to boil as Ace spoke about her family members, all they did, and how she was forced onto dozens of men until they settled the deal with the person in question. Ace paused the story to tell how she had gone around meeting every single powerful mage, searching for someone who could show her what Necro had shown. This acted as a brake, slowing down the cinder from glowing, and allowing Necro to cruise through the following discovery. Else, who knows what would've happened. 


"Then they made me move to Ungri! Only because they sold me to that disgusting prince!"


"You hate him quite a bit don't you?"


"Of course I do! He's the type of person who thinks everyone else is beneath them! That Commoners aren't even people, and that every woman around is supposed to serve him just because he's handsome."


"Oh, well... But does he force himself upon them?"


"No! At least not that I know of... But still! He takes advantage of their naivety and adds them to his shameless harem!"


"Oh... well... So long as they are happy with that I see no problem but..."


"Yeah! That's the problem, why the fuck would a man surrounded by women BUY ME FROM MY FAMILY!? He's a disgusting piece of garbage. He even tried to seduce me when I arrived."


"That's a huge oof..."


"You tell me! Those fucking gorgeous black eyes. Those small lips and brown hair... If he hadn't been such a disgusting and stuck up piece of garbage and had at least some magic potential I may have even given him a chance... He was still much better than the others..."


Necro felt a little jealous over the way she described him... She was very emphatic on his beauty...

"Who's more beautiful? Him or me?"


"What?! Are you stupid to even ask me that?" Ace responded with an incredulous face. "Of fucking course it's you! You're in another league, I can barely believe you're even human."


"I'll take that as a compliment..."


"You really should'' Ace slid her hand over Necro's chest and waist, while whispering in her ear. "I'd love to compliment every single part of you."


Necro's face started to flush, as she looked to the side, only to see Ace's eyes staring straight at her. 


"Yet somehow... The two of you look a little similar..."


"Similar?!" Necro was surprised by Ace's unexpected comment.


"Yeah... You do look alike somehow... You have the same eyebrows."


'The same eyebrows? The maids always commented that me and... No way right?' 

"Ace...? What's the name of the prince in question?"


"Huh? I dunno... But it was a girlish name, something with an M... Mihaya, Marea, Mihou..."


"Mihnea?" Necro guessed, incredulous.


"YEAH! THAT ONE! How did you guess?"


Necro looked up towards the ceiling... She had to hold herself from facepalming. How could this be possible.


"Oh, well... Who would've guessed that spoiled brat would grow up this twisted..."


"You know him!?" Ace looked at her with widened eyes. Oh well... Of course she'd be surprised. But Necro still hadn't dropped the bombshell.


"Yeah... He's... My brother. Sorry about him."


"WHAT!? OW!" Ace jumped up. Hitting her head in the wooden shaft that held the top of the tent. "Ow... My head..." She laid right back down onto Necro, whimpering.


"There, There... That was quite a jump." Necro patted Ace's head.


"Of course! How the hell do you want me to not react like that!? You're that monster's sister!"


"Oh, well... He's always thought he deserved everything... Mother always shut him down, including the day he left. I haven't seen him in almost ten years you know?!"


"Ah... That's a long time... I met him like... Two years ago I think. The first year was awful... But the second one was even worse. He kept insisting I was in love with him and we needed to get engaged as soon as possible..."


"Hm, so it's been only a short time after you left Ungri right?"


"Yeah. Six months I think?"


"Wow... When I first saw you, I thought you'd been living this life for quite some time."


"Um... Not that long, but I got quite used to it. Being able to use and improve my magic has been an amazing opportunity."


"Oh, I think I should clarify. While he's my brother, he's from a different mother." 


"So, that's why you don't look alike that much... Makes sense..."


"If we ever find him, I'll teach him a lesson for you, okay?"


"No need." Ace smiled devilishly. "For him to know that I became his little sister's lover is gonna be a way better lesson."


'Oh, wow... When she becomes mean she's so hot...'


Instead of responding, Necro turned her head to the side and kissed her. She moaned as Ace slipped her leg in between her own. 

"Hah... wow... this one was amazing."


"You're welcome."


As Necro laid back down she started thinking about other things.

"It's strange isn't it?"




"I mean... We're both princesses... Yet we meet in such a weird way as adventurers."


"Yeah, right! And both hiding their origins and stuff... Sounds like a weird joke from a twisted God doesn't it?"


"Yeah... I hope I get to meet your parents one day..."


"Yeah... M- HOLD UP! If you're that man's sister, does that mean you're the-!?"


"Yep. I'm the First Princess of Wallachia."

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