Red Princess

Chapter 20: The City Of Art

Soldiers were moving about within the palace, and in general, when Maren looked down towards the main reception hall, he got the feeling that something important was going on. That thought was quickly proven correct the moment he spotted Amaragi, the latter giving him a gentle and reassuring smile as she approached him. 


"Is there something important I should be aware of?" 


"Yes, kind of. I apologize for not being able to tell you sooner, I received the message just recently myself. I hope you are not against a small trip…?" Amaragi crossed her hands slightly behind her back, glancing at him in a mixture of apology and hopefulness. And even though Maren was not mad in the slightest, he did raise his eyebrows slightly, somehow doubting that this was all just about a small trip


Down below he saw another battalion of soldiers heading outside the main entrance, fully armed and prepared for any kind of combat. 


"And where exactly are we going…?" Amaragi's expression brightened just a little bit, internally glad that she could maybe lift the atmosphere by a small amount. 


"Have you ever heard about the city of Byanzinth?" he pondered about it for a moment, the name somehow lingering in his head as though he could connect it with something… 


… but alas, his memories failed him, and thus, he slowly shook his head. 


"No worries… perhaps, to give you an idea of it, it is also called the 'The City Of Art'. It lies just between the border of our nation and Glenrock." the gears suddenly clicked together in his head and he perked up slightly. 


"Now I remember… I have never seen it myself, but Maya had mentioned it once during our stay in Glenrock. I didn't quite understand the political system there at the time." as if on cue, Amaragi's expression turned rather blank, her lips subtly forming into an awkwardly thin line. 


"... right…" an uncomfortable silence reigned in the air for a moment, prompting Maren to tilt his head slightly in concern. At least, until she suddenly continued. 


"Glenrock is, unlike other countries, not ruled by a single monarch or Emperor. It is more of an alliance consisting of different nobles, refusing to accept to be ruled by anyone." doing a sharp shift in topic, it almost seemed like Amaragi simply wanted to forget about whatever it was that had previously been lingering in her head. 


"Byanzinth, on the other hand, is a completely neutral ground. Hence why it draws so much attention from artists and performers of any kind from all over the land, this city exists almost like a sacred haven amongst all the conflicts. At least, in theory…" her voice trailed off slightly near the end. 


As always, every bright side also possessed a darker one. And sometimes, the darker one was even more sinister than at first glance. For a city that was not truly ruled by anyone specific, as well as being neutral ground, it didn't only attract artists. 


"... however, I don't want to bother you too much with all this. To be frank, I don't look forward to this myself. At all. To put it short, my father is attending an official performance at the large opera house in the heart of the city, and as the crown princess, I hardly have a choice other than to come along…" she could see the not-so-small amount of uneasiness in Maren's eyes when she mentioned her father, but once again, her form curled together slightly while she nervously crossed her hands behind her back. 


"... which is why… I was hoping you wouldn't mind coming with me as well… of course you are not forced to if you don't want to." her words might have implied that, but her tone was implying- and desperately hoping- for something entirely else, and her eyes were slightly gazing into his own with a silent wish. 


"Of course I will." Maren closed his eyes with a small smile, causing Amaragi's expression to brighten considerably. Clasping her hands together, she couldn't help but to return his smile. 


"Thank goodness… I think I would have lost my mind alone, I really hate going somewhere if I don't have to…" 


The last group of soldiers left the reception hall to gather in front of the palace, a last pair of guards waiting at the large double doors for the princess to follow along as well. 


"... but with you at my side, I think I might enjoy this after all. Come, our carriage is already waiting outside, we'll have at least a little bit of peace inside." taking him by his hand, Amaragi gave him another sweet smile before leading him down the stairs. 


In his head, Maren was still slightly uncertain and uncomfortable with the fact that he would be travelling alongside with the Emperor, no matter if they- thankfully- did not share the same carriage. 


Albeit, almost as if she could read his thoughts, Maren perked up slightly when Amaragi gave his hand a light squeeze. 


"Oh, and… Maren…" humming once in a questioning manner, he only witnessed how she turned her head slightly to settle an eye upon him, the corner of her lips still tugged upwards in a reassuring smile. 


"Don't worry about anything. Never forget that while I am at your side."


And with that, she briefly closed her eyes in content before facing forward once again.




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