Red Princess

Chapter 21: The Opera House

Meager landscapes, equalling the atmosphere of a desert along with the rather hot climate, became more and more common the closer they got to their destination in the south. Being this close to Glenrock territory, which was overly located in a desert, it was no wonder. However, after being used to the frigid north for so very long, Maren found the sticky heat to be quite bothersome and outright uncomfortable. 


Only once the night approached and the temperature cooled down significantly did he feel an ounce of relief, or of familiarity. And a single glance towards Amaragi had revealed the exact same thought, the latter having been desperately trying to cool herself off slightly by waving a small makeshift fan, each of them taking turns to help the other. 


Even if the effect was minimal and almost entirely unnoticeable, the act in itself and the thought behind it remained. 


The moment the carriage stopped in the middle of the night, they had finally arrived at their destination. Despite the late hour, the city of Byanzinth was no less lively, perhaps even more so at night. Celebratory voices rang throughout the streets while the pair stepped outside of the carriage, numerous lights illuminating the city in whole to brighten the nightlife. 


Everywhere one looked, there were people conversing with each other, some at a few market stands, others at a table playing some card games, and again others who were sharing more than just a few drinks with each other. 


Amaragi took one small sniff at the air before her face immediately contorted in disgust, quickly exhaling again to get rid of the smell of alcohol among… other things. 


Just as they had stepped out of their carriage, so too did all of their soldiers spread around them in a coordinated formation, keeping them separated from all the people upon the streets. And with their arrival, it was obvious that they had effectively gained the attention of each and every person around them. 


Last but not least, Maren watched with a small bit of tension in his chest the moment the Emperor himself exited his carriage, standing at the very front of all the soldiers. His presence alone seemed to drastically change the atmosphere, the heavy and bulky ceremonial armor instilling a sense of dread upon anyone who glanced upon it. 


Sumeragi's expression was stoic and fixated at all times, merely indicating a sense of uncaring coldness and annoyance if one were to guess, simply judging by the fact that his lips were always drawn into a thin line and his eyes always seemed to be narrowed slightly. 


With a mere wave of his hand, he gestured towards everyone to follow along as he began to move forward. With that, both Maren and Amaragi got moving as well, the giant opera house towering in the distance, being impossible to miss. 


Even though some of the crowds on their way were quite large, they all parted whenever they approached, especially at the sight of all the Imperial soldiers. However, as they walked, Maren felt a small and subtle brush against his hand, immediately prompting him to glance at Amaragi with a small smile. 


"I already can't stand this place… it is rotten underneath." he knew what she meant. At first glance, everyone seemed to be happy all around them, the bright lights making you think that everything was cheery and everyone was simply enjoying themselves. 


But upon further inspection, it was enough to regard one of the small side alleys away from all the hustle and bustle to see what was really going on. From drunken people to shady thugs, Maren didn't even want to know what else was happening away from the light. 


In all their way, Sumeragi had not once turned around or looked anywhere else other than straight forward, up until they were standing in front of the large and circular opera house. They were granted immediate entry, already being expected. 


When Maren laid eyes upon the interior inside, he noticed one thing that set it apart from the Imperial palace. While the latter was imposing due to the few decorations it did possess, the opera house was openly showcasing all kinds of luxury, its singular purpose seemingly being to outright shove it into one's face that the people who invested in it had tons of money and fortune. 


Amaragi seemed to not pay attention to any of it and, almost like her father, she had rather grown to simply look ahead and not even glance anywhere else. Albeit most likely for different reasons. 


There was a special place reserved for them at one of the upper balconies, unlike for most people, who had to watch the performance from down below. And since there were only a few who could afford to be on one such balcony, there was plenty of space to choose from. 


However, just as they were about to take their seats, a figure suddenly approached them. 


Or rather, they approached Amaragi. 


"Good evening, milady. I hope the stress of your travels has not been too burdensome." Maren blinked once when he witnessed that the person in question kneeled slightly in front of Amaragi as he spoke. His clothes were neither luxurious nor truly modest, but the mere fact that he, too, had a place upon the balcony spoke for itself. 


"Please enjoy the performance. I would be delighted if it is to your liking." his voice was smooth, and when the noble looked up at her, he smiled at her in a way that caused Maren to grow uncomfortable all of a sudden. 


Just at the mere sight, a piercing feeling began to dwell in his chest. 




Standing slightly behind Amaragi, Maren could not see her eyes or her expression, and they revealed a certain desire that only seemed to grow in intensity with each second that passed. 


"... get the h e l l out of my face…" 


Namely to simply throw him off the balcony. 


Yet, the noble only seemed to be dazed for a mere second before he regained the same smile from before, closing his eyes with a slight lowering of his head. 


"My apologies, then, I did not mean to offend. Still, my wish was earnest. I hope you will enjoy yourself this evening." with a small bow, he respectfully took his leave, but the way his self-confident smile always remained still left a bitter taste in Maren's mouth. 


Tearing him out of his thoughts, he perked up again when Amaragi wordlessly intertwined her hand with his own before leading him to a pair of seats, silently urging him to take a seat until they both settled down. He couldn't read any of her thoughts after what just happened, but he soon realized that she had actually chosen a pair of seats which was the furthest away from the front of the balcony, behind most of the other people. 


Thus, allowing her to act a little bit more freely when she wordlessly hugged him against his side, simply leaning her head into the crook of his neck with her eyes closed to blend out anything around her. Anything but the two of them. Even though his eyes were questioning, she didn't need to see it to feel his gaze upon her. 


"Please let me stay like this…" thus, she merely whispered these words into his ear, before leaning her head further against his neck with a small but relieved sigh, the exhaustion that was truly wearing her down the entire evening only now made visible. 


And so, in the end, when the lights began to dim and the performance was about to begin, he couldn't say that he cared about it a single bit when he gently leaned his head against her own as well, earning himself another content sigh. 


That was all that he needed. 




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