Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 162: IHSR Shopping Trip Pt 2

"Wait, what?" Ashagan exclaimed, grabbing my arm. "You mean I can change the design however I want?"

"As long as Anima can do it, then yes. Either that, or we will just get her to design you one from the ground up. I have about 50 million Hamazon Credits after clearing that last dungeon, and I want to make sure that you come out at least as strong as Scarlet," I explained and then looked at Anima. "What do you think? Is it better to use the current blueprint, or just to design one from the ground up?"

Anima suddenly got a greedy look in her eyes. "Just how much do you plan on dedicating to this little endeavor?"

"15 million," I said, and Anima grabbed Ashagan by the arm.

"Come with me child, we have some serious planning to do!" Anima declared with vigor but then looked back at me with a grin. "I will take the old blueprint back, and give you 5 million more to this project. With that much, I can make something that will even make gods jealous!"

Scarlet and I watched as Anima pulled Ashagan to the back of the store until both of them disappeared. I smiled and then turned to Scarlet. "Is it okay if we go visit Hades? I want to print him off some of the files I downloaded, and you can look at some new clothes there if you want."

Scarlet took my hand and nodded with a smile. "I am just happy to join you."

I smiled back. "Once Ashagan is done, I plan on having Amina take a look at you, and see if there is anything we can do to upgrade you and get maintenance done on you as well. I don't know if you need one, but it would be good just to see if it is something that we have to worry about."

“Thank you, but you don’t have to do all that for me,” Scarlet said, seeming bashful as I transported us to the front of Hade's shop.

“I like to know that I am doing everything that I can for everyone. It’s like my guilty pleasure. Also, while I love you, and consider you a person, I can’t ignore the fact that your body was created. That could mean that your body and parts could wear down over time,” I explained, as we walked over to the front door of Hades Fashion Hotspot.

Scarlet kissed my cheek, and then let go of my arm as we walked into the store, but the place was empty. The clothing was all there, but there was a strange lack of people.

After a few steps into the store and the door closing, I felt a chill from behind me, opposite to the side that Scarlet was on. "So, you have returned?" Before I could answer, Hades formed from a black mist that appeared in front of me.

"How have you been, Leon? I see you have brought quite the crowd with you today!" Hades laughed still in his black suit that he had worn the last time that I had seen him.

"Speaking of said crowd, where did they wander off to?" I asked, and Hades pointed his thumb to the back of the store.

"My daughters had a large number of things that they created on their own, so they are getting the girls to try them on currently," Hades explained, and then snapped his fingers. As he did, the redheaded demon princess appeared. "Astra, can you take Miss Scarlet in the back with the rest of the women? See that she tries on a few things and picks out some things to take home with her."

Astra nodded. "Yes father, but... umm," she said, and then looked at me.

I knew what she was hinting towards and I gave her a bright smile. "After I am done talking to your father, I will come back and see you and Nova. I have surprises for both of you."

I thought the poor girl's eyes were going to pop right out of her head as a smile split her face in two. I don't think I had ever seen another person in either of my lives who looked as excited as Astra did at that moment. In the next moment, she grabbed Scarlet and pulled her to the back of the shop, shouting for her sister.

"Oh? So not only have you returned, but you come bearing gifts as well?" Hades asked in surprise but then gave me a good look from top to bottom. "I think it might be good to let me fit you with a couple things as well, while you are here. If my informants are anything to go by, you will be meeting with some royal officials in the coming days. You can hardly go to any event looking as you are, don't you agree?"

I smiled. "Everyone seems to know my business."

Hades only shrugged. "You are more than interesting, and I have taken a personal interest in your growth. Let me just say that I look forward to the things that you will do in the future."

My growth was unnatural. Just by going by my stats alone with my level, I was almost ten times stronger than anyone with the same level. It made sense why the gods were watching me, but there was a question to be asked.

"What does everyone stand to gain from me getting stronger?" I asked, and Hades smiled.

"Gain? Nothing really, if anything, they relish in the fact that they could lose it all when you ascend to godhood. When you ascend, you will become part of the great divine games. I can't tell you any more than that, but just know that you stand to gain by taking part in them," Hades explained, and I nodded.

I had known almost from the start that killing Garland was not the answer to my problems. That false god was only a stone in the path. I would crush him, but then I would have all the rest of the gods to deal with. That was going to be a slugfest for sure, but I hoped that I could get many of them to see the light and sign contracts.

"There is so much," I groaned out, putting my hand to my head, and Hades nodded.

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