Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 172: Lunar Luxuries and Luminous Lunacies Pt 2

Curiosity piqued, I wandered closer to one of the display cases, my eyes catching on a particularly striking moonstone pendant. It seemed to hold within it a miniature galaxy, swirling clouds of color shifting with every movement. "This is incredible," I murmured, entranced.

"That," Luminara approached, her presence enveloping the space with warmth. It is one of our prized pieces. It contains a fragment of a nebula from a distant corner of the universe. It bestows its wearer a sense of peace and a broader perspective."

"That is a bit vague," I said, pointing to the pendant again. "Do you mind if I use my Identify skill on it?"

Luminara's eyes sparkled with a mixture of amusement and curiosity as she nodded. "By all means, please do. It's not often we have guests with such capabilities."

Taking a deep breath, I focused my gaze on the pendant, invoking the Identify skill with a silent command. The pendant glowed softly under my scrutiny, and information appeared on a holographic screen before us. It wasn't just any nebula contained within; it was a fragment from the Orion Nebula, captured and preserved through an intricate process unknown to most of the realms.

Item: Nebula's Embrace Pendant
Type: Cosmic Enchanted Necklace
Durability: Unbreakable
Rarity: Unique Divine
Description: This pendant contains a fragment of the Orion Nebula, preserved within a flawless moonstone. Crafted by the celestial guardian Luminara, it embodies the essence of the cosmos. Wearing this pendant grants the bearer a profound sense of peace, enhancing their ability to perceive the interconnectedness of all things. It is said to broaden the wearer's perspective, allowing them to see beyond the confines of their immediate reality into the vast, boundless universe. Additionally, it offers protection against cosmic and psychic disturbances, anchoring the wearer's soul in tranquility.


1. (Passive) (Unique Divine) Nebula's Grace: Enhances the wearer's intuition and emotional resilience, making them more attuned to their surroundings and the emotions of those around them. It also acts as a beacon of calm, diffusing tension and promoting harmony within a given radius.

2. (Unique Divine) Cosmic Insight: 30 times per lunar cycle, the wearer can tap into the pendant to receive a vision that offers guidance or insight into a problem or decision they are facing. This vision is influenced by the cosmic energies of the universe and tailored to the wearer's current life path.

3. (Aura) (Unique Divine) Stellar Shield: Offers protection against dark magic and negative energies, creating a shield of starlight around the wearer. This shield is particularly effective against curses, hexes, and psychic attacks.

4. (Special) Celestial Navigation: This ability grants the wearer an innate sense of direction and orientation, not only on their home planet but also when traveling through the cosmos or other realms. This ability ensures they never lose their way, both metaphorically and literally.

Crafting Notes:

It was forged during a rare celestial alignment, incorporating not only the physical fragment of the nebula but also capturing its essence through a secret ritual known only to Luminara.

The moonstone's ability to hold and amplify the nebula's energy without degradation is a testament to Luminara's mastery over celestial crafting techniques.

The pendant is designed to be self-sustaining, requiring no maintenance or recharging of its powers, making it a truly unique artifact.

Value: Priceless. Due to its unique divine nature and the impossibility of replication, the Nebula's Embrace Pendant cannot be valued in conventional terms. It is a one-of-a-kind piece that transcends material wealth.

As I finished reading the description, I looked up at Luminara with newfound respect and a hint of awe, but I was also surprised with just how descriptive my Identify had become. "This is... incredible. I've never seen a unique, divine-rated, fully crafted item before. The best I have is some divine class materials.”

Luminara wasn’t looking at the item but at me with a strange look. It almost felt like she was sizing me up, but not in an intimidating way.

“Why exactly did you come to my store today? I don’t think fate alone has caused such an interesting and powerful hero to wander into my store. Something tells me that you have reasons to be here that are for more than just my cosmic pendants and jewels, yes?” Luminara asked. Her levity faded, replaced by a person who had questions and expected answers.

“You caught me!” I chuckled. “Though, I am not here to cause any problems. Think of me more as an interested party that wants to get to know you better. My name is Leon, and I am a Printer Mage who uses devices to ‘print’ out items rather than forge or craft. I am looking to increase my Hamazon membership and to do so, I need to gain the approval of five people in the IHSR,” I explained and then bowed to Luminara. “Sorry, I should have been more forthright at the beginning.”

The tension around us seemed to lift at my apology. “I see. Thank you very much for explaining yourself. Who is your god?”

This made me smirk. “I don't have a being that I call my god. If you are wondering who is in charge of my world, then that is the loser, Garland. I don't consider him to be a real god, but I don’t seem to be the only one who feels this way.”

Luminara nodded. “So you are the hero of that locked world that has so many people's attention. I heard there was a hero in that world who was connected to fate. Even my divinations said I would meet you one day, yet I never thought it would be so soon or that you would be so strong.”

I scratched the back of my head, feeling slightly bashful for some reason. “I am not really that much. I am just a dude who wants peace but needs to jump through hoops to get it. I don't like this part, but no one seems to care what I think, so here we are.”

“Interesting. Would you like to come with me to my world for tea? According to the spirits, Hades has made special conditions that have stopped time in your world.”

“Spirits?” I asked, and Luminara nodded and extended her hand.

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